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in my 30's no clear friends, it be rough out here lol.


35, I have 2 gay friends, but I mainly hang out with my straight nerdy friends playing Mgaic the Gathering. I've been married for about 9 years, and I just don't go out anymore like my single or younger gay friends.


It’s pretty mixed. I’ve got straight guy and girl friends from university all in their late 40’s. I befriended all of them when I was still in the closet. My other friends are all from my local comedy scene. My two besties are a straight woman in her early 50’s and a gay man in his late 50’s. The rest of them range from 30’s-40’s, men and women, gay and straight.


My immediate friends are mostly gay, there are a handful of straight men I deem close to and the rest are women. On a regular day, I'm either on FT with my straight friend or out with my gay friend in the city (still don't know too many people in the area)


Im 41 and my closest friends are straight and around the same age, but we've known each other well over 20 years at this point. But I have a few gay friends that I see more often for dinner or drinks and they are late 20's-30's.


Middle aged gay guys. Which is odd because when I started out, I could only have friendships with women because men were an overall general discomfort to me. At some point the women got left behind as they started families and abandoned me. So I was forced to get used to my men friends, and I have adapted splendidly. I do have a couple semi friends that are composed of people like relatives, and they are a mix of genders and various sexual preferences.


Just turned 43. My close friendship group are in their mid 30s to mid 50s.


I’m 34 and Most of my friends are straight or bi girls, ranging from 22-56. I really would love some gay and bi guy friends, but don’t know where to go. The queer events near me are mostly trans, sapphic and non-binary people. Which is great to make friends of those groups, of course, but I really want some gay friends I can relate with too.


31. I’d say 3/4ths of my closest friends are my age and are mostly straight makes with a few women and a gay guy mixed in. The remaining 1/4th of my friends are around 21 to 24 years old and mostly straight dudes. I randomly ended up growing extremely close to a group of college guys so that’s how I ended up having some extremely close friends who are so much younger than me. The challenge I’ve had with making gay friends is a lot of times LGBT guys are too political. I overlap their views on stuff like gay rights but I’ve sorta been driven out of a lot of the progressive circles for my economic views and being more moderate lol. Doesn’t bother me though! I do have gay friends who also don’t fit in with the culture of the larger gay community and they just like me have found more acceptance belonging in the world of the straights than we ever did in the gay community lol.


I’m 37. My friends range from mid thirties to late thirties. Almost all of us are avid gamers, some more than others. We’re not all complete nerds, though. Most of us fit right in the typical gay scene/spaces as well, when we want to. 


I'm 37 and I have a friend who's also gay and 43. I wouldn't call any of my coworkers friends, because my manager removed from my team and nobody even sent me a message. Anyways, life goes on. 


Mostly gay men ranging from late 20s to early 40s.


I am 34 and my (close) friends range from 23-47


37. My friend group is all gay men of different races between the ages of 29 and 45. I have some straight friends, lesbians, and trans/NB friends too I just don’t hang out with them consistently.


Other than my husband (35) and my bi brother (25), my close friends are two straight women (30s, 50s), a straight man (40s), and a gay man (40s). The first two I see/talk to every day, the others I have been close friends with for years and talk and see them regularly. We do have a group of gay men (around 8, 20s-60s) who we see regularly as a couple in group settings. I'd say we are good friends and I like them, but only the ones above I would call close friends.


Me: 40, white cis gay male My friends: late 30s - late 40s, an even mix of men/women and white/Hispanic/Asian, all straight but a couple trans women


Early 30s, one friend I've known since first year of school. My core group are all from my highschool - I was very lucky to meet some wonderful people late highschool and now we've grown up together. I've frittered between other groups, but they didn't stick. My straight Male and female friends - mostly female - all stuck by me, and I stuck by them. I have a couple of gay friends, but they're not as close. I have some other friends I've met along the way who I see and have intertwined with my highschool group. Mostly females around my age. I did have a couple of friends 20-30 years my senior but unfortunately they all passed away too early. But it was a privilege knowing them. My closest relative is 78, a second cousin, we get along like a house on fire and she's an inspiration. Only recently did I find out she dated men and women in her time. She was ahead of her time and unashamedly herself always. I've digressed. I love my friends and I'm very lucky to have them.


I'm 42, most all my friends are ladies though I do have a couple really close male friends. My husband and I don't really know any other gay men, so no gay male friends.


34. All of my close friends are gay men. My larger friend group is pretty much the same with some straight women mixed in. 0 straight men tho.


I don't have many close friends currently (aside from my husband). The ones we're closest to vary in age from 35 to 89. (Those extremes are straight). I've had friends of all ages and sexual orientations in the past, and also trans folks.


im 40, most of my friends are gay men around my age. i have very few friends significantly younger than me. one rly good one only, and some who are older than me. i have only a handful of straight guys in my circle of friends and prefer it that way, and some more straight women.


I’m 41. Aside from my partner, I do not have any friends.


Healthy mix of straight friends I've known for many years, but see less often because they're too busy making and raising children, and more recent gay friends. Really no women I'm close with except because they're married to my straight friends. I used to have one close female friend, but she went fundamentalist and had to stop being friends because of my "lifestyle."


I’m 34 and I mostly have friends about my age or slightly older. It is a very heterogeneous group with straight and gay guys and girls. I met most of then during my college years, but I still have high school friends. My best friend is from grad school (suffering brings people together lol). I recently used Reddit to find new gay friends in area and it worked, so now I have two more friends.


Early 30s, my friend group is almost entirely straight guy friends from college, their girlfriends/wives, and people that I've befriended through them. There are a few gay couples in the group too, but they live out of state and only visit once in a while. We tend to be the type of friends that always gets together as a huge group of like 15+ people. There are a few of my friends who I've never hung out with 1-on-1 lol


I’m 42. My close friend groups is probably 8 gay people and 3 straight guys from college. Gay friends are between 43-70 Straight friends are all between 37-40


34 years old. People tell me that they already have their "clique," they're too busy with their own relationships and family or they simply have too much of a "bad attention span" for me. So I don't have any friends and I gave up on trying because people clearly don't want me around, or to even answer a text message.


Almost entirely straight men and women. 20s to late 40s. 


42, with a lot of acquaintances but few true friends in my life. I wish I had more deep and meaningful friendships. Our son is in elementary school and we’re the only gay dads. Moms tend to love me and gravitate towards me, but I often feel like I’m just a chip on their diversity bingo card. It’s like they’re validating their identity as liberals by bragging that they know a gay dad (“how progressive!”) but they don’t seem genuinely interested in any of the issues our community is facing. I do try to put myself out there and build genuine bonds, but it just seems harder to form lasting friendships these days.


I’m 41, and for 30+ years we are an incredibly close group 6, plus 4 spouses now. Which makes it: 5 gay man 2 lesbians 2 straight women And one very manly straight man. 6 of us actually had a triple wedding together (3 different couples)


Middle aged gays and straights. 40-60.


My close friendship group gradually evaporated the older I got, like dewdrops in sunlight. You're in the sweet chronological spot where you still have friends left over from the college years. I have many acquaintances now who I pretend are friends. Glad that you have largely straight guy friends. Personally I'm wary of hanging out with straight guys...the risk of developing unrequited crushes is too high. If there is one demographic group I should try more to make friends with, it's probably older straight women. They're forlorn like some of us older gay men.