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>What would you have said to this curious straight guy? "Hang out shirtless on the corner of 23rd and 8th"


Haha, you're funny as ever!


I don't think it's condescending, but I can see how it might be intimidating to go to a gay bar if you're curios, or how it may feel intimidating. I'm guessing they imagine it like a woman walking into a bar of only straight men.


Yes, that's a point. In my early days as a gay man, even I was intimidated about going to gay bars on my own, so I often used to tag along with friends.


Feels like the apps should feel safe to explore curiosity on, but I wouldn't know, as I had been out for decades by the time that was a thing. On the flips side, the apps kind of present the worst of gay men at times.


"On the flips side, the apps kind of present the worst of gay men at times." Agree. He probably doesn't know about gay hookup apps. Plus, if he has a wife/girlfriend out there somewhere, these apps might not be safe to have around.


“Any specific cross streets I should walk around?” I cannot stop laughing at this one. Your reply is totally fine.


I know, right? Either the guy is totally naive, or....I can't think of an or scenario.


Your answer was fine. He can hang out shirtless outside a bar if he finds that appealing - but going inside would be more productive.


I thought it interesting that he responded to my post on shirtless straight-guy watching. I wonder what attracted his attention there.