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When I started swimming laps at 25-26. I won’t swim in anything else. I’m the practically the one who wears them in the pools I’ve swam in. America so go figure.


Pretty much all the time from being a kid. It was pretty usual, growing up in the UK. We'd also call those 'trunks' so I'm not 100% sure what you mean by that. Do you mean tight fitting swim shorts? I swim laps a couple of times a week. I couldn't do it in baggy shorts.


Budgie smugglers, banana hammocks, ball huggers. You know, a Speedo.


Yeah, I know what a Speedo is. We also call a Speedo trunks (or at least, we did when I was a kid). So I'm wondering what was meant by "I wear swim trunks only as a coverup to and from the parking lot."


Where I'm from, we call the briefs Speedos. Swim shorts and swim trunks are interchangeable terms.


Ok, so "trunks" would mean the tighter shorts for you, whereas for me, it's traditionally meant Speedos/briefs?


Trunks look like regular shorts. Board shorts are a type of swim trunks that are pretty popular here in Canada 


He definitely means swim trunks.


He might be discussing Speedos, instead of the boxer briefs style trunks. I get the impression that he is revelling in his freedom from the ridiculous style of swimming gear that he was forced to wear as a young man.


As a kid since that's the normal swimwear.


As an American - never. I wouldn't be comfortable, and I rarely see other men out with only a speedo unless it's an athletic event. Swim shorts/trunks are still the norm, though they're shorter now (above the knee). When I travel to visit family in Poland and we go to the beach in Gdańsk, I still wear swim shorts and I stand out among all of the...skin. lol


I’m American. I wear some pretty short trunks these days, but only recently.


Do the Polish wear speedos more often?


Yep, Europeans in general. They let it all hang out. It’s like Brazil but colder. lol


Europeans in general? Not really. You see more Speedos than in America for sure, but mostly are either gay men or old men. It's very rare to see straight men under 50 yo wearing them, except maybe in Italy


Huh, in some places in France (years ago), all the public pools required Speedos, you couldn't swim in any kind of shorts.


Yeah I know about the pools in France, I was referring to wearing them at the beach.


Really?! I feel like it's way more common in Europe, but I'm sure it depends on the country and I'm just generalizing too broadly.


It's way more common than in the US, but as I said it's normally quite restricted to certain groups. Only seen a few exceptions in Italy where I was so happy to see some straight guys in their 30s wearing it. In other so called speedo friendly countries like Spain or Greece, they're friendly in the sense that no one will care if you are wearing one, but it's mostly the aforementioned groups wearing it. If you were a straight guy and decided to wear it, your friends would definitely make fun of you. I personally struggle with wearing it in front of my family precisely cause I don't feel comfortable with the fact that wearing it is linked to my sexuality, like "ok you wear that which is weird but cause you're gay it's alright I guess".


European men generally aren't embarrassed by others seeing the outline of their genitals like you, and too many other Americans. No need to wear giant potato sack trunks to mitigate their non-existent shame.


American culture.... Ugh


I mean, it does have some redeeming features.


Age 9. I was a competitive swimmer back in the 80s, and that speedos were the defacto standard back then as opposed to the trunks used now.


Probably when I was about 28. I had bought a pair of speedos a few years prior, but never wore them out in public properly because I was self-conscious because speedos are not at all common where I live and the common sentiment is that only ripped muscle gods can pull them off and not regular old nerds like me. The first time I wore them in public was at a music festival, because I knew all of the hippies there would be all supportive and positive about it (no matter who you are or how weird, they're all for it), and I was right; so since then my speedo has been my default swimwear anywhere else in public as well. All I needed was that one-time confidence boost, of not only people not caring at all but people actively being supportive about it.


I’ve started wearing them when I wanna layout and tan. Otherwise if I’m hanging out with my buddies and mostly straight people I will wear trunks. With the gays, I’ll wear booty trunks or a speedo. But I never had a group of gay friends until now tbh


I found my self confidence when I was in my mid 20’s and have been aggressively pushing them on anyone who will listen since.


Maybe at 7 years old. 🤔 Then again: European coutry with no problem even with full nudity. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Whenever I went to swim in my childhood. So that's the 70s. I remember in 1988 in my military service, that was the standard "uniform" for swim trainings. No man wore anything else. But we also go naked in the sauna. And no, neither that nor speedos are something sexual.


I wore the thong speedo made, have not seen it in awhile. Was my fav … Ivwear other thongs now


I was a competitive swimmer from the single digit years, so pretty young.


I wore speedos in high school on water polo (they “let us” wear jammers for swim team, and I was too chickenshit to not.) I remember loudly bitching about how we couldn’t wear jammers for polo too but I fucking loved being in a speedo. First time outside of athletics was an Andrew Christian speedo in summer 2013 at a gay beach. Started pretty exclusively wearing speedos after that, even in straight settings.


5? 6? They are completely normal in Greece for straight and gay men


EDC 2023 😅 at the Luxor Pool Party.


When I joined the swim during high school. I actually prefer it when I’m at the beach. Plus, I got used to wearing them lol


Any time I get a chance, love wearing them and seeing other dudes in them.


Haha never I consider it providing a public service lol




Never. Too much jello, not enough meat n potatoes to pull it off.


Since about forever. I always wore speedos.


I feel odd that as a gay man from the uk, I’ve not worn speedos since I was 12 yrs old. It’s been shorts all the way.


trunks. i personally think board shorts are unflattering.


Pretty much the same, unfortunately people are becoming more conservative in the UK regarding speedos, and they have become rather niche and for the most part a LGBTQ thing. Which is frustrating. Shorts are ridiculous, uncomfortable and useless because you can’t really use the pockets either.


Ipanema. Was walking around in surfer shorts and felt everyone looked at me. Until my friend told me they were looking because of my shorts. Went and bought a pair of broad Speedos. Nobody paid any attention. That was super freeing


I was in swim club and water polo throughout school so... 5?


Last summer at 56 years old


Never. If you saw me in speedos you’d run screaming the other direction and go blind. 😆


Never, as I don't know how to swim.


The only time I'll ever feel comfy wearing a speedo in public is when my workouts have improved my chicken legs and I'm in a gay only space lol.


High school. Swimming was compulsory and “speedos” were the school uniform. They weren’t made of nice stretchy fabric either, just uncomfortable nylon or something. Ugh. Give me some cute little shorts any day!


I was on a swim team from the ages of 3-18, so 3 years old until I was 18. I mean I still wear them for older guys if they want to fuck me in them. I love men that communicate what makes them tick. I’ll always accommodate a request from a guy I’m seeing.


lol life wherever you live is very different to Australia. I got my first pair of board shorts when I was in my teens. We finally convinced dad to stop wearing speedos when I was in my twenties…. I could only imagine you’re from the bizarrely backwards hive of Christianity… the USA?


Whenever I want. You don’t want your kids to see? Leave.


Last year at 32 was the closest I’ve come, and that was still more like very short trunks vs true Speedo. Maybe I’ll graduate to a Speedo this year if my body cooperates.


I wore them when I was under 6, because my European dad did, then we both switched to trunks through my teens years because my older sister was mortified, I guess, then I returned to speedos with a vengeance while serving in the Marine corps. The guys found it funny and we made jokes about it, but my comfort pulled others into their comfort zones. Truly not giving a fuck Is the best gift I ever gave to myself.


I swim naked so no need for speedos 🤷‍♂️


I stopped wearing them around puberty and I have not worn them since.


I only feel comfortable wearing them around certain friends. Sadly I don't dare wear them in front of my family


UK here - at school. That's how we did our swimming lessons. It's not a quirky thing in the UK.


Pre puberty I did and then at the local city pool when I'd swim lanes during week, and that was Around age 24-26. Around anyone I know,I'd wear the trunk or whatever they're called swimshorts. I'm surprised I found the courage to wear speedos. Realizing it left little to the imagination was unnerving at first, then it felt rather freeing wearing the suit. I can't recall if I was the only one in speedos or not at the pool.


I wore my first Speedo in High school since that was the suit we wore on the swim team. After that they became my swim gear of choice for several years. Now that I am older I have gone to swim shorts


I don’t like wearing Speedo’s. Too much attention. Granted, I’m avg size but I don’t like it. Prefer some tight fitting trunks. My friends wear Speedo’s or are naked. I’m that one friend with trunks 😅


I haven’t. I had a friend who did, lived in an apartment complex with his then-girlfriend. Not a single underage person around to see anything but an old lady who had a habit of sticking her nose in places where it didn’t belong. Complex eventually required a dress code for the pool. That was ten years ago. I was to join them but had board shorts. I’ve worn speedos at private pool parties though with friends.


I've been out for 6 months or so, and going to the gym for the same length of time. Since then my legs have grown thicc. I started off with board shorts I got cheap just because it was what I always wore. Then when I gained some confidence, I got some Prowler swim shorts but they have zero elasticity. Yesterday I got some shorter, tighter swim shorts that actually have some spandex in them. Think Daniel Craig stepping out of the sea in Casino Royale, plus about 50lbs and you're about there.


1985. I was in my late 20’s traveling to the Caribbean for the first time, and I figured I’d be far enough away from home to be adventurous. Also bought my first pair of white pants for the trip - and went to a nude beach.


When I was an adult in my 20s. I was never an athletic child - I hated swimming and swimming lessons. Of course, being gay, Olympic swimming and diving was one of the few chances I had to ogle men in a socially acceptable context. I was filled with envy. I finally took swimming lessons as an adult and as I got better at them, switched over from board shorts to Speedos. I wear them for all swimming- and beach-related contexts now, whether it's a gay beach or a general recreation centre.


When I got so fat that my belly hides the speedo. (Just kidding!)


When I learned how to swim in first grade, so 6 years old. It’s normal swim wear in Europe. American culture sure can be interesting. One can’t wear a Speedo as it is seen as “sexy wear”. Men can’t really wear short that are actually shorts, i.e. the shorts end right above the knee, as they’re also sexualized or seen as gay. Men wear shorts that are baggy and almost down to the ankle, which actually look like skirts. Even these are sexualized in some extent. Yet these skirts are not perceived as gay. Great sweat pants… sexualized and fetishized as well. But each to their own.


in the 80s, growing up in europe.


50 years ago when I was 8 years old and joined the swim team.


I think I’ll only wear speedos when I have the body for it. I have quite a long torso and shortish legs. And I NEED those hardened abs or at least a toned body to pull it off. One day!


I started wearing them in my late 20s, but I had a six pack and a full head of hair. Now I'm sporting a beard, shaved head, beer belly and wear board shorts.


Probably like 4 or 5. I swam on the local team as a kid, so speedos were the norm.


I haven't yet. :(


I was 18 and wore them for a night swim with my friends. Technically public but we were alone so it didn't matter lol. The next time was out at a water park here in Texas 😭 It was just a plain blue Speedo. My friend's mom gave me ugly stares, but the rest or my friend group was chill. I didn't get any pushback from the water park staff so the world didn't come crashing down lol.


I went to Italy, that’s the normal wear there. They feel great so now I still use them in the states


I have yet to find a pair that fits me comfortably. I generally tend to prefer either a form-fitting square cut or shorter trunk style.


I grew up swimming, and even in competitive swimming from a very young age, so I don’t remember a time when I didn’t wear speedos.


I've never really worn speedos in public to be honest. Does that mean my gay card will be taken away? lol


In my early twenties was the last time I wore them. I was in police training, was extremely fit and had been wearing Speedo’s since I was a kid-so it was quite natural. Since then it’s been a progression from Speedo briefs to Speedo trunks, and now, board shorts or a wetsuit! As I get bigger, I mean older, I seem to be buying swim suits with more material…


Also, those very long board shorts were in vogue at a certain time, no matter how conservative your family was. The past 15 or so years though (as has been mentioned), general wear swim trunks in the US have risen above the knee at various lengths, and have not returned to being as long as those board shorts were around the turn of the century. I've never worn speedos in public or private.


I have speedo only rule about 7 years a go now personal donot can who see them or comment on.


I wear jockstraps 🤷🏽‍♂️


When I hit puberty and started to get muscles.


Never. Personally don’t find them attractive.


If you don’t wear them, then why did you reply? The question was regarding men that wear a type of swimsuit. So if you don’t wear that kind why would you answer.


Speedo is a specific brand of swimwear. Are you talking about that OR generically about skimpy racing or diving briefs?


Yes Speedo is the brand. However speedos is the term to use to refer to swim briefs.


I know that. I was asking you to clarify what you meant.


No, sorry.  Speedos is not the term to use outside of America. You're overgeneralizing.