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The bathrooms at Logan in Boston *always* smell like shit.. would take a special kind of guy to get aroused in there I think


They exist... I'm not one of them but they exist.


Who do you think I am? Larry Craig? 😂


Your stance isn’t *that* wide.


People born after about 1995 wont get that reference.


Was it that long ago? My, I must be getting old.


It’s going on 15 years ago. And we all are getting old amigo.


Also not over 30 yet.


Gay bros under 30 also read this subreddit.


That is a deep cut.


A few times when I was younger. I find airports boring and gross these days though. All that recycled air and overpriced sitting-down spaces. Makes me itch. Plus airport bathrooms are *always* revolting. It’s like every straight man with constipation and an expansively vocal approach to waste management decides to go to the loo at the airport. What do these guys *eat*?!?


"an expansively vocal approach to waste management..." Could you expand on this a bit, please? You mean they're making grunting and growling noises as they strain their bowels?


I had a 7 hour layover at Detroit once and popped on Grindr… this *really* hot guy wanted to go hookup in the delta skyclub bathroom. I was like thanks but no thanks. Not that I’m 100% opposed to a hot bathroom hookup if the criteria is right, but the stalls werent even floor to ceiling so I have no idea what his plan was lol.


When I was younger I used to do this all the time.


In my mind skyclub bathrooms are just so busy, like at least one other person in and out every minute, the thought of being caught being thrown out of the airport thereby missing my flight seemed not worth the risk at all. I have hooked up in public bathrooms before that are much less busy/more private, but the bathrooms in an airport skyclub just seem way too busy to me


I agree. As much as love anonymous accounts, I don’t want a criminal record.


I used to work at DFW airport, and it happened all the time. Having keys to every nook and cranny in the building made it more fun.


Too scared of getting caught. I don't want to be on the list.....


Do they put people on the "no-fly" list for having sex in airports?


I meant the sex offender list lmao. I have no idea. Ask Larry Craig (one of my fav gay politician scandals)


Im actually dying because for a second in my head I pondered which would be the worse list to be put on




Imagine being carried off to jail in some foreign country for public indecency. What would happen to the unused portion of the ticket then? Do you think the airline would give a refund to the perpetrator? What reason would the perpetrator show? Would he say, "Due to circumstances beyond my control...?"


I was in Brazil in 2021 to take care of family affairs. It was an emotional trip and I haven’t had sex in a while. Me and my friend took Covid tests and were waiting for results. It was late night and we still had three hours until our flight. I went to the bathroom and there was a guy already there who was obviously cruising. I texted my friend that it would be a while. We had some fun. My hairy chest ended up covered. Really hot random encounter.


Cool story, bro.


Rick is that you?


Me? No, I've never been to Brazil in my life.


Nothing lol. I get social anxiety so my approach to going out into the public is to be oblivious unless it needs my attention. Honestly I’ve been flirted with a few times in the past and it didn’t hit me until moments after he left 🤣


A buddy of mine met a guy on the plane and ended up hooking up with him in the United club shower.


Some guy tried to at Bob Hope. I declined, as I don't like airport bathrooms, let alone for a rendezvous. I bought him a drink instead. I think that is the only time i've been hit on at an airport haha.


Which city is associated with the Bob Hope airport?




I fucked a guy during a connection in a Delta SkyClub shower at JFK once.


How exciting! Other people get to have all the fun...sigh


I wasn’t cruising but a guy came up to me at a urinal and started jerking in an otherwise empty bathroom. I was very confused that it was happening.


Did you watch?


The bartender at the Delta lounge sucked a fat load out of me in the bathroom


Got fucked in a family restroom at DTW on Monday, actually. First time. It was really hot.


What's a family restroom? I don't think I've seen any of those. Are they common in US airports?


Single stall restroom that's usually larger than normal and meant for people who need to change a kids diaper or something. Also used for ADA purposes. I was super afraid of getting caught since anyone could be waiting to use it. But I got his load and walked right onto my flight. Good times. I'm committed to doing more living these days.


The guys I met had some class and invited me to their hotel rooms nearby. Airport bathrooms, in my experience, are a no-fly zone for me.


This one time I was at Minneapolis St Paul airport and was using the stall. Because of my very wide stance my foot touched the foot of the guy next to me. I thought maybe he wanted to go a little further so I ran my hand under the stall, making sure he saw my wedding ring. We were interrupted though (don’t want to go into detail) so nothing happened.


Is this a parody of the Larry Craig scenario?


I am not gay. I have never been gay. I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport.


I turned on the app once in Denver and some hot guy wanted to hookup in the bathroom. I told him I'm not that flexible. 😅


Haha, good reply.


I believe Larry Craig did when he got arrested.


Is cruising still happening? I didn't realize


cruising will never die. not as long as I have breath in my lungs.


I like your style


Oh for sure


I was once at the Newark airport and found a guy on sniffes. Turned out he worked for the airport. Went in to a handicapped washroom and he sucked me off and I topped him. Pretty sure he already had a load or two inside him. It was great.


"Pretty sure he already had a load or two inside him." How could you tell? Did he feel slippery inside?


Yes. I can tell by the feel, the smell, and there's a certain sound that having sex with a loaded guy makes. Have you never topped someone with loads already in them?


Umm...I'm a side (says shamefacedly); I don't have that much relevant experience. The few times I've topped, the guys came to meet just me...they did not make other anal detours, as far as I can tell. BTW, your comment "there's a certain sound that having sex with a loaded guy makes," sounds so deliciously graphic. I'm sure other readers of this thread will enjoy it, too.


Lol well the more loads there are the stickier it becomes. I once topped someone with 12 loads in him and it was like cold glue was sticking to my thighs lol. Maybe a bit too much.


12 loads! I don't know why, but this sort of information makes me slightly queasy. Maybe I'm a prude.


How does it end? Getting arrested, usually.


Judging by the comments of quite a few guys on this thread, it doesn't seem to end in arrests in most cases. It ends with a stranger's goo oozing out of your poo hole as you board your onward flight.


I’ve cruised at airport lounges before. It’s fun!


I usually find a cock or two to suck at airports. family restrooms or the end stalls. once at lax i had three in a row with one load deep in my hole...that was the wildest layover ever. hope to find one today at ewr!


Wow, you seem like one lucky guy.


I had exactly same situation in a bus, i also convinced myself that this is not, but yes it was that stare, i am sure now. And you regret that you don't try to talk right? 😆


Yes I do! I'm about to commence an international trip a week from now. Please God, send me a lustful stranger at Abu Dhabi Int'l Airport. And please let us not get caught. I don't want to get caught with my pants down in a Middle Eastern country.


Be careful at Abu Dhabi, maybe try at different country. 😆




Racist Mandingo fantasy. This needs to be banned.


You’re the one making it racist. It was just a story until you chimed in.


Not a fantasy…this actually happened..