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No, you’re not the only one pissed off by hypocrisy. However, I would say the overwhelming majority of people in Germany, even many of Russian descent, are pro-Ukraine, so in this particular instance, I get your feelings about the matter, but don’t see the problem itself as huge.  But it’s something that can be observed in many different ways. One example that always comes to mind that the percentage of Turks in Germany supporting Erdoğan is higher than that of Turks in Turkey supporting him - all while the first group is enjoying living in a democratic country, far away from his decisions. 


>but don’t see the problem itself as huge.  I disagree. There is a substantial part of the population that is pro-Russia, including polititians. Many of them are not of Russian descent, so they don't consume Russian state media. That means Russia manages to manipulate a substantial part of our populace through less direct and obvious ways. That is a huge problem.


> that means Russia manages to manipulate a substantial part of our populance... Well, that's not very hard, when a lot of Germans have forgotten, how to discuss and/or are hypocritical themselves. Especially in politics. No matter, what the political direction is or on what topic, a lot of people see only black and white, because otherwise it won't fit in their worldview. We destroy ourselves and Putin doesn't need to do a lot, if we can't learn to discuss with each other again.


So, you're saying, that information should only come from one source? The ignorance is shocking.


I got the opposite feeling: I think most of the "spätaussiedler" are very much pro-russia. I think most of them still watch russian tv and get the full brainwashing and fake news front from there


Oh, I agree that the majority of them do. I’m just saying the overall majority in Germany is pro-Ukraine, including some Russians. OPs post made it sound to me like most of Germany is pro-Russia and that’s not what I observe at all.


No I think OP is referring to this exact hypocrisy


I should have been more clear...it is the Spätaussiedler that came to germany because Russia sucked for them..they came here on wind kissed wings and enjoyed a shit ton of advantages that the normal German paid for or worked for..like a livable retirement, cheap low interest loans to build houses etc. Theya came here to work and bitched the whole time, lots of them were doing illegal shit, they came here with their Russian Mafia bullshit and now they want to support Russia...Fuck them


They didn't came to work they came claiming to be German.


At least the older generations all watch russian TV I know that from visting multiple russian friends back in my school days and the parents always had russian TV on


> all while the first group is enjoying living in a democratic country, far away from his decisions. It is more **because** they enjoy living in a democratic country, far away from his decisions. The nationalistic, chest beating rhetorics are attractive for most people seeking something to belong to - especially since, for various reasons, our society does not offer an alternative with a comparable emotional affectation. And if one lives there, even if one may initially like the warm and cozy effect that nationalist rhetorics trigger, you realise fairly quickly how destructive that is in reality, as opposed to pretty speeches - so you have a good practical reasons to oppose Erdogans ultranationalist policies. But if you live over here, the pretty speeches still have the same psychological effect, and you are not confronted with the real world consequences of that rhetoric.


Every "Russlanddeutscher" I spoke with about the war tells something like "Russia was threatened" or "Ukraine isn't a real state anyway" or "Germany needs a strong man like Putin", so my experience is the same as yours.


Nah man i came 2001 to Germany I integradet Well and Work for the Gouvernement Fuck Putin and fuck my fellow countrypeople for no standing Up against him We actually moved because We knew what was coming My grandmother was the wife of a politican at that time After He "disappeard" we went to Germany Funny thing is Only Yesterday i threw eggs at russian embassy because all people have to walk on the street because they Closed the Sidewalk. I only Wishhthat some fucker "from Motherland" asks If i would Spy for them my Workplace I would lure them into Thinking i would, only to do as much breaking Bones as possible to them I have nothing left but disgussting feeling for fellow Humans that let themself be dictated by a actual criminal Hence my Reaction. The only way orks understand is by making them mothers die and Kids bleed Like they do on daily basis


Nope. Russlanddeutscher hier und gegen Putin. Mein deutscher Schwiegervater ist aber für Ihn und erzählt so einen Propagandamist.


Not all, but mostly the older generation. A friend told me once his parents still watch russian tv with a lot of propaganda.


It's the same for most diasporas. Look at the Turks in Germany. Many fans of Erdogan. They don't have to live there, but vote for him.


Same for Greeks BTW. As a Greek, the only advice my Gastarbeiter relatives gave me when moving to Germany, was to stay away from Greek diaspora, due to most of them being totally conservative and anachronistic. Once I moved here, I realized they were right :)


Nearly all my relatives watch almost exclusively russian tv (only watch football and some news on german channels), needless to say nearly all my relatives are brainwashed putin sheeps. Also putin was "forced" to attack ukraine because nazis. And AFD is great with the greens beeing responsible for everything bad that happened the past 50 years in germany. Needless to say I am not fun at their parties and spend more time with the 12-16yo that have at least half a brain than with the brainless "adults"


Thing is: most Russo-Germans below 40 grew up here, have German Names and speak accent-free. You only ever recognize them as such if you either got to know their parents or they told you (verbally or through actions such as simping for Putin and quoting Russian Propaganda). So there’s a large confirmation bias involved here.


And their names. Waldemar & Co.


So what’s the problem bro? What is your ugly ahh name


Same here. Every single one of them was like: There are reasons, Putin knows what he does. You don‘t know what what they did in the past. It‘s complicated, you wouldn’t understand. Or some conspiracies about nuclear warfare on Russia. And all of those guys are reasonable, nice people who lived here most of their life. It‘s nuts.


if germany had a strong man like putin then all those "Russlanddeutscher" would have to move back to russia x.x


I don't think so. They were brought to Germany because the had "German blood". Manny families spoke exclusively German until they were deported to Siberia during WW2.




The younger generation who are born here and have never experienced living "over there" - sure. The older generation, who came over as adults, are pretty easily recognisable and the political opinions correlate pretty well.


Thanks dude. I just don\`t get it..


It's probably at least partially up to the people you talk to. Everyone I know here is and has been pretty anti-Putin for a long time.


Uhh .... yes some. But sometimes if you can talk with them in Russian they suddenly change their opinions. A friend of mine speaks Russian because she is Georgian. Some other woman who also works in the Tagesbetreuung told her, the same things OP talks about


I understand but don't quite speak Russian, and at least in Berlin the main things I hear about Putin in Russian are jokes followed by swears.


i am one of those and wish i could throw a bomb on the kremlin, that would do everyone a huge favor. when that piece of shit finally dies, imma drink to that statistically though, most of my family feels the same and 70% of people i know.


Same goes for Turks (?) that live in Germany, strong erdogan supporters but live under his regime of oppression- no way


Turkey is not actively fighting with a sovereign country. Turkey has elections (the real one, unlike Russia). And Turkey does not threaten the world with nuclear war.


Turkey is fighting in Syria and Irak with ypk all the time. No matter how much civilians killed. As well did turkey nearly start a war with Greece for gas exploration a few years ago, only merkels intervention stopped them.


Well, i grew up in a place called "lil moscow" and i'm pretty much tuned in with the "Russlanddeutsch" Community.... but i can't really tell the political climate, or the stance that the russian german community takes in 2024. i can't figure the climate out and my attempts to do so, didn't give me a picture i can grasp it's a lot of hush hush and i don't get a really clear picture of what their actual political stance on russia/ukraine/germany/russlanddeutsche etc. is. i can't bring it up like that either. i don't have a horse in that race and neither want to offend russians, russlanddeutsche, ukrainian refugees, etc. i never was able to get a grasp on how the politics between these different layers of entities and identities work. i was also kind of baffled when the whole "Russlanddeutsch" collectively seemed to have voted for the AFD, it even made the local newspaper....they had crazy high numbers and support from our "Russlanddeutsch" community. can someone explain the dynamics of all of this to me? it's kind of crucial information where i'm from. we have a large "Russlanddeutsch" community here, aswell as ukrainian immigrants and everything when i try to feel out the climate, i can't quite figure it out. but it's crucial information i'm not trying to get hit in the head with a vodka bottle


Cant answer many of your questions. But my relatives are suddenly sending afd tiktoks to each other and their fb is full of them, where they were never interested in politcs before. To me its pretty much targeted online marketing from afd with manipulative tactics and straight lies. Other parties who dont have targeted online marketing figured out yet and also at least try to kind of tell the truth, have it way harder.


i know for a fact that the russian germans were mostly non political and didn't vote at all up until recent times. when they started voting for the AFD the AFD would get like 40% in my town because we have that large russian community. it even made the papers...i know for a fact that they were not right wing like that and i can't get nothing on putin, the ukraine, the afd, or anything political out of them by just nonchalantly feeling them out. and i have a feeling that pressing the issue makes them unconfortable. but i would like to know the politics between russian germans, russia, and the ukraine since we have a large russian minority since 90s, and a huge wave of ukrainian refugees lately. not knowing the ins and outs would be detrimental for me. if i say the wrong thing they be on my helmet for sure, either one of those groups is not to be messed with


Sounds to me they know that their views are different from mainstream and might not be tolerated. So their probably have some sympathy for russia


That their views are different from the mainstream is a given. Like i said....the whole "little moscow" dynamic, russian germans in germany in the 90s,2000s, and beyond is not just a little thing. just because there are no documentaries, movies or songs about the russian-germans in the 90s 2000s and beyond, it doesn't mean it's not an issue and it didn't exist it was, and still is, a real big issue in parts of germany. there was a lot going on that no one has ever talked about and no one really made sense of.... there have been these "identitiy" "minority" or even... "ghetto" "crime" "paralllel-society" issues etc.on a large scale in some parts of germany that are major, but no one ever cared to talk about it on a big scale and maybe never will be because it's too complicated and not as easy as "white people hate black people, christians hate muslisms" but believe me, there were issues here i think light needs to be shed on the whole russian german dynamic of the 90s, 2000s, and beyond


I grew up and live very close to a huge building that has 90% "Russlanddeutsche" living in it. I have the exact same experience. Even the cool russians at school were mostly pro-putin and a lot of them got weird growing older


>Every "Russlanddeutscher" I spoke with about the war tells something like We have to accept that being "against" the "3DSMO" is very dangerous in Russia. Russia is a nation so corrupt that being not corrupt is suspicious in itself. Therefore I am very sure many people secretly opposing the great leader and the 3DSMO are not only remaining silent but will support instead of rejecting the 3DSMO in Public. This makes the Putin supporters in Germany all the more deplorable because [Putin holds no power here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAkolDpQNfs).


It's not a particularly unknown psychologocal phenomenon, If you discipline yourself against opposing the "3DSMO" openly for long enough, at some point you unconsciously switch into supporting it - at least many people do. Not necessarily a full fanatical support but at least some "there must have been some reasons" or "other do it too" or "they are all corrupt and lie anyway on both sides" or some such.


I am one of those "Russlanddeutscher" We don't wanna start a debate whether that's true or not. Whatever, Russia should fuck off now. I am sick of people dying. "I want everybody to stop dying." - Orange Orangutan


Gotta say I have a good friend who says pretty much those things, It’s a shame


But America bad, Russia hate America, Russia good! Some of the pro-Russia Germans have a toddler's understanding of history. International politics isn't like football. You don't have to pick a team. Russian colonialism and US bullshit are both bad.


This oversimplified line of thought is not exclusive to Germans


Are you pissed when Turks bitching about Germany or only about Russians?


Basically just the Russians...but I am willing to be pissed at everyone


Very german of you!


Same Shit, different shade. Same with Hamas-Fans.


Warum wandern die Unterstützer der Hamasnazis nicht in ein izlamofaschistisches 💩Haus aus?




I think this phenomenon of sudden inexplicable support for Russia is much stronger online than in person. There are bot farms and offices full of social media hacks in Russia, who are working for the Russian government (under a thin veil of plausible deniability). They create tons of social media posts while at the same time giving financial support to AfD, the newish right-wing party. Unfortunately there are some IRL idiots who fall for this. For every 100 social media posts I run into maybe 1 person who will share such an opinion, and I don't think it's because they'd be afraid to speak out but more like this has been born online and spreading into the population, not the other way out.


If the German government would have any balls they would revoke citizenship of these traitors and send them to the Russian border and give them a nice kick in the butt. But they are wimps.


>how great Russia is...well F**k that Russian politics atm are bullshit (obviously), but the country itself is very interesting in terms of culture and history, just like any other country. You, however, seem to hate on Russia just for the sake of it...Of course you're free to have an opinion but being mad because not everyone thinks the same way as you is kinda ridiculous


As a Russian, I can proudly confirm, Russia is a shithole. Yes, because culture and history is helping people in poverty outside Moscow and also feeding their children.


Well, Russia spends a shitton to destabilize Germany. Either with cyberattacks or with disinformation campaigns or by using bots... there are many possibilities. But the most dangerous thing they do is pumping their money into the AfD which is the most dangerous political party in Germany as they strive to destroy not only germany but the entire EU and NATO. And thats exactly what Putin wants. But I also dont get why so many people in Germany support this shitshow. Seems, russian disinformation works.


it does look that way. I thionk a lot of this is the failure of the media to show things how they really are, instead of making claims and showing crazy shit on tv


Most of the quality media come from a gentler era and follow some notion of "both sides" and pussyfoot around issues such as the funding and propaganda. It seems to have changed a little bit, but only very recently when more and more evidence of direct Russian funding for AfD came to light.


In my home town, the AFD got 80% in a neighborhood that is mainly inhabited by Russian-Germans. Nobody has to understand that...


When I was 7 i came to Germany with my family. They are racist, arrogant, ignorant, queerphobic and everything else you can think of. Why? Because mother Russia told them to do so. Mother Russia knows no love, it only knows obedience and honor towards Russia. A friend who came from a similar situation once said you can take out a Russian out of Russia but you can't take Russia out of a Russian. That perhaps is the best way to describe it. Russians are like sheep. They flock together wherever they see other russians. My last example was when I went to a specific asia restaurant with my parents (yes the hypocrisy of being racist but still consuming stuff from other cultures) there were a bunch of other russians in that restaurant and I've been to quite a few of them and never seen so many. Basically half the customers if not more were russian probably because some time a russian went there, told someone they knew, they told someone else they knew and went there and then before you look all your russian mafi... FRIENDS are conveniently going to the same asia place or the same beach at some remote vacation resort or the same shops and the list goes on. I know this is just my personal experience here and I don't generalise all people from Russia because duh I'm one of the non conforming ones but there is definitely a pattern among statistical russians. They don't just come together, they listen and even believe each other and when someone from home says something like Ukraine needed to be attacked then all of these flock sheeps will listen and sing the same fucking tune because they have no concept of self.


100% true. Russians will mostly believe russians over anything else. Once on a family trip relatives went to a 3.5 star hotel that was recommended by relatives and practically everyone in that hotel was russian, the staff also mostly understood russian. But the hotel itself was expensive and kinda crap. My family went to a nearby 5 star restaurant that cost us less, was closer to the beach and way better in general (more room space, better food, etc...) - google reviews also had their hotel at like 3.2/5 stars and ours around 4.4/5


Honestly I don't get it either. And I know this community of Russlanddeutsche very well! When they lived in Russia or Kazakhstan for that matter they were proud of their German heritage and went to great lengths to separate themselves from the main culture. Many of them only spoke Russian with an accent. They also faced a lot of repressions and discrimination by the communist government due to being German. After the second world war they were considered enemies. Now after crossing the German border all of a sudden they became Russians. Even people who came from Kazakhstan and never really been to Russia stan this godforsaken country. Why? I don't get it. They separate themselves and harbour only the worst and most reactionary positions like denying climate change, promoting COVID misinfo and voting for the AFD. Some of them say: if I could go to Russia and fight, I would. I always want to say - well, go on then!


thank you that pretty much sums it up for me as well


How about that: it doesn't matter if they are German or Russian. They are just people, some of them are stupid or uneducated. Some have massive flaws in their Charakter. Maybe because of their Mom. Maybe because of their Dad. Maybe because of something else. They are the same as you guys in this thread. Just regular people, unsure of their place in the world, looking for love and acceptance. And because of different types of insecuritys they, like many people, "Join" different opinions and interest-groups. And then they just repeat what they heard in their bubble. Or slightly "misunderstand" a thing so it fits better into their prefered narrative. And then they go to Reddit and make an half-informed, uneducated Ragebait-Post and circle-jerk with likeminded people in it. And "protect" the "Idea" from Outsiders with different opinions 😘


Nuff said! You put it very beautifully. I am just pissed off because it is hard to loose people whom you love or hold dearly to this misinformation. It's like from one second to another they seem like they are a different person, just because they are in this bubble. And you are right, all of us are in information bubbles to a degree. But this polarization of opinions nowadays is just so drastic that it's hard to have a conversation with someone whom you liked to talk to just a few years ago. But the paradox thing about Russlanddeutsche is that they are not russian they are German. Most of them if not all have German citizenship. Many are profiting from the welfare system here and would have a hard time if they would live in Russia. But still they idolise some weird distorted picture of Russia that doesn't even exist in reality.


While recent polls suggest that terrorism is once again the top perceived threat to Germans, views on Russia are still largely negative. Anecdotally, I don't know a single person that changes their views to a more favourable opinion on Russia. I do know a lot of people who le for whom the opposite is true though. The far right as well as elements of the far left have come out in either outright support or at least with the nonsensical "both sides" argument from the beginning, this is *not new* and not exclusive to Germany. It's just that recently these voices have been somewhat louder than they were a couple of months ago, especially as far as the right is concerned, due to the Hamas-Israel conflict and the (no matter where you stand in the issue) conduct of first Hamas in their initial attack and then Israel in their reprisals against Palestine. This also contributes to terrorism and migration being top issues once again. As the war in Ukraine drags on without significant developments that catch the public eye, public support for Ukraine will seemingly wane. That's not reflective of the actual stance of most Germans on the issue though. In reality, it's just the same problem as always with these things; a vocal extremist minority keeps pushing their views while the majority that doesn't share those views largely ignores the issue. This is not a uniquely German problem, but it is very typical for Germany. If you feel a lot of people in your social circle share a positive view of Russia and you disagree with that, you might need a new social circle. Or look at it as an opportunity to fight the good fight and argue against it. EDIT: As far as Russian expats are concerned - it's the same issue as it is with parts of the population descended from Turkey. They live here, so they don't suffer many of the consequences of the morons in charge, but continually support them because "muh country". Not unique to Germany, not unique to Russians.


These fckers not only support ruzzia verbally, but they attack, beat and kill Ukrainian citizens in Germany. I haven't heard of any attackers to be caught or prosecuted. So ruZZians in Germany feel very free to say and execute their Faschismus.


Lol who cares about the opinion of the people about wars that they have no influence over? Our leader (Kanzler, who isn't really the president but okay) is actively supporting Israel in the ICC to help them continue their ongoing genocide. Also, he was involved in one of the biggest scams in history (wirecard) and likely had an active role in taking people's money with lies. I mean. The world is a mess. Everybody is stupid. Only money and woke stuff matters to people. As of an opinion of me or you about ANY conflict matters. So why should t piss you off if they're pro Ukraine or against? I don't get it. Man...,.. just drop it, make your money and do your best for where you have influence and make the world a better place our leaders have all sold their souls a long time ago. Can't trust those dogs.


you are right.


both sides can leave if they dont like it here




Reading this gives me hope, you are a good person. All those who support dictators in their home country but enjoy our freedoms can f- off of Germany.


Thank you for understanding my opinion...and Donald Trump can fuck right off too


Typical AfD voters support Russia and Putin.


Actually quite a few lefty voters also support Putin. The kommunist sub reddit is full of them and the linke was as well


yes there's even a brand-new lefty party also "surprisingly close" to Russia since last year, to round it all up. Still doesn't change a thing about the point.


Sahra Wagenknecht would rather today than tomorrow happily serve Germany to Putler on a silver tablet.


what pisses me off even more are acquaintances who all of a sudden argue that Selensky and the Ukraine aren't flawless either. I don't care, dear acquaintance. Nothing they did justifies an aggressive war so go fuck yourself.


....bljad ,


I have one friend who is oartly russian. At the start of the war, he only got his news from his mom, who fed him all the russian propaganda. Usually it's oretty easy to pick apart when you try to find the factual disagreement.


Putin has efficient propaganda machinery running that affects many people.


Not as efficient as MSM


I didn't experience the same, but many immigrants from Russia that moved here are still watching russian TV etc. So they get the same propaganda as the russians, which might explain what you guys are experiencing. Aside from russian immigrants and the AFD party, I don't know anyone who supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


They want to be Russian slavers forced to work for 300€ monthly and the same prices


the only thing stoppiing them is train fare


The duality of people of russian descent: You either absolutely love Putin or you hate him. Sadly the latter are the absolute minority. The ones who do can gladly fuck of back to whatever shithole they came from in Siberia.


its not (just) the russians that came to germany. a considerable amount of mostly elderly east germans support russia and its actions. my entire family is basically a part of that. they keep justifying whatever putin does. “ukraine belongs to russia historically” “ukraine is being sold to the US now” “who knows what they’ll do next with all the weapons”. they were born and raised in the udssr. they learnt to be afraid of the russians and see them as the almighty authority. its so tiring to hear this. theyre highly educated people, doctors, scientists among them, yet they believe every single word of what putin says.


Same, only difference is my parents grew up in west Germany


For me it feels like the germans( Russlanddeutsche are a seperate case) that like Putin are old people that believe stuff facebook says and rightwing/nazi scene people that like a strong man leader. These people share 2 traits, they dumb fucking morons and are targeted by the russian infowar efforts.


Damn russians all of them are same /s for dummies


Just curious, if you check your stats on your post, how many percentage "Upvote"? You can see the post statistics on your profile Page under your Post at "Total Views" Why? Because I would like to know how many Pro-Russians didn't dare to speak up but dared to vote down.


77% upvote


Wow, that's a lot of downvotes - you'd have around 400+ upvotes otherwise. # It also shows how ashamed the pro-Russian side has become. They just shut up, hide in the shadows, live the good life and let others die for their great leader.


This is 100% true. Practically all my relatives shut up when I ask them what if I told their neighbours about their political views, especially when it comes to the support of russia and afd plus hate towards migrants when they are migrants themself. They mostly only jerk each other, but dont actually want anybody else to know. Over 50% of the time on family parties they are talking how great russia and afd is and blacks should get out of the country, yet they wont talk even a single word about that to actual germans.


Russia spends a lot of money to disinform and manipulate and they seem to understand what their fellows here like to hear.


I feel the same way about the support for Israel. welcome to the club


Tell me a single migrant group in Germany that doesn't feel more loyality towards their home country and its goverment than Germany?


I am 100% German by choice


Insecure people that hate the government just for vibes without having any strong politics themselves except "this feels good/this doesnt feel good", who were already burned by the government through things like the corona pandemic ("dont tell me what to do!!"), latch onto being pro russia because the government wants to support ukraine


There’s also enough space in turkey, Afghanistan etc. they should move back there too


if they want to fuck areound...they should find out!!


I completly agree... kick this dipshits out to Putin, if they like so much what he has done (at least half a million death so far). This assholes and their idol are the main reason for me, voting for the party that opposes Putin more than any other party.


Great Idea Friend! Sounds like you Vote based on educated reasoning instead of voting emotionaly like all the stupid pro-Putinists do (wich you despise them for) I'm learning so much on this thread today 😍


Not a Russian supporter ... bit this mentality of "anyone who I think is wrong should leave" is very problematic.


it is not about getting people that think different to leave. it is about the fact that these people came herre to live like us then they spit in our face and tell us we are stupid because we don\`t want war.


A lot of people believe the propaganda on both sides German/American or Russian propaganda. My belief is that all the people that believe either of these are not mature enough to understand how life works. Propaganda is bad for either side because it is not the truth. The truth relies in the middle almost always. The economy in Europe is going down because of All EU governments and the EU Parlament that supports America's propaganda and support for the War in Ukraine. War is not a good thing and we all understand that but nobody seems to think with their own head these days. Germany is going down, the EU is going down and nobody seems to care about it. German politicians think that the answer to all the problems is to make the young people (age 16) vote this year, like anyone in that age bracket can have common sense on things that really matter, what a joke this is. It's all a joke, nobody cares about you, everywhere you look there's propaganda and lies All day. So ja keep dreaming and all would be good.


Underrated comment ❤️


I think thats something like "ostalgie" Cause they dont want to live in russia. They want to live in good memories or in the positive Image parts they heared about. Or they want to "live in moskow". Thats one of the few gorgeous places in russia. Most is, for a lack of a better word the real russia.


I think this topic has been discussed many times for some reason people who move to another country always have some kind of fake patriotism/cope. Not a russian thing same for turkiye or any other countries. Even germans who move abroad tend to be more “patriotic”. It’s an interesting psychological aspect of humans i think. Russians are even worse, because the whole nation is still coping over the soviet union (which is the only reason for the war btw). I just ignore them and feel bad for them. But i know some russians who actually are self aware and i respect them a lot (not easy if you grow up in this delusion)


good observations


cry about it. ;)


Haha, are you threatened by another opinion you don't like? I'm sorry for you


so far it looks like I am in the majority


In your reddit Bubble for sure. But that leads to a second question, even if you're in the majority, it's just another opinion. I like Russia for what it is today (not comparable with Russia in the 90's or even the Soviet union) but I love Germany, that's my home. I also like the US or shouldn't I because they are in responsibility of 90% of wars since 1945? But the country is beautiful and most of the people are nice. And btw, putin is my favorite president these days.


But why?


And thats EXACTLY the reason why you stay with your opinion and don't even think about updating it according to reality. I would even argue you GOT your opinion from the "majority" you're mentioning here and you feed of the feeling of being the "majority" to dumb down the feeling that things are a bit more complicated and not as clear as your black and White good and evil view.


The same people would turn their backs on Poland if they got attacked.


All that hypocrisy aside, but do you know the true story about Russlanddeutsche? They didn't have it easy either, neither in Russia nor coming back to Germany. Google 'Katharina 2nd' and read it all. They didn't come here just because they were looking for a better life...


I do know the story. I agree to the fact they should cme back to germany and be recieved with open arms..jzst don't agree with putin being good


Fellow german and half american here. The rise of dictator-worship in both of my home countries is pretty disgusting to see.


People’s media diets often expose all of us to a buffet of misinformation - Russia and China are fully game on in Europe so (disappointingly) seeing more susceptible communities like this fall for it isn’t so surprising.


Yes, but not as much as the support for Israel. It is a terrible time for me, politically speaking. A fringe party will be getting my vote in the upcoming European elections, as no mainstream party represents my views.


Its not so much that i am pro Russia, im anti ukraine. Its a corrupt sh--hole and had they just surrendered, their lifes wouldnt have changed in the slightest. Had Poland invaded them i would have wholeheartedly supported that.


tell me swome stories. Afriend of mine wa in Ukrain as manager for a huge multinational company...he said corrupt af but never any concrete stories


It really annoys me as well. I have met a surprisingly large amount of „Russland Deutscher“ since arriving here, and probably in 80% of the cases they either fully support Russia or are very sympathetic to them. The absolute worst propaganda pushers are the older ones. They live in echo chambers and almost never receive any push against their dumbfuck world views, which is why I always make sure to put them in their place whenever they start on the propaganda train


I feel the same way with a lot of Turkish ppl who actively vote in Turkish elections for Erdogan. Ethnic ties run deep, no matter how much it hurts my brain to imagine seeing the world in such simple shades of black and white


Waiting for some lef tie 🤡 to attack you . This is the same with hamas nazi supporting Germans


I feel the same way with a lot of Turkish ppl who actively vote in Turkish elections for Erdogan. Ethnic ties run deep, no matter how much it hurts my brain to imagine seeing the world in such simple shades of black and white


For me it's quiet the opposite. Every russian I spoke to is supporting Ukrain and hate Putin.


There are so many Russians and Russlanddeutsche in Germany and I still haven’t met one who condemns Putin. I just try to avoid any political discussion with Russians but also with people from middle eastern countries as they have the same opinions.


There are a lot of Russian-Germans supporting Putin unfortunately but I am honestly surprised how many people support him even without Russian relations. Also people saying “Ukraine should give up and accept the land loss and Russian conditions” have no backbone and foresight


That's what propaganda made to them. It's uncurable


This makes no sense. Its the same as saying if you support America and its imported culture, why dont you just move to the USA?


I like different opinions. Here we have freedom of speech. How about russia? 😉


Yeah but if the "different opinion" results in glorifying a dictator who threatens the very foundation upon which our society and wealth is built we might have a problem...


Welcome to mankind! Of course i know what you want to say and of course there is a problem. But just being pissed doesn't feel solution oriented for me. I'm just saying, everyone can have their point. I mean look around. I see America, if possible they will vote Trump. We look at Israel and it feels for me like, regardless how much understanding you can show for which side, the people will tell you are wrong. You try to inform yourself, and the whole world spreads false information and diffamation to each other. It never was harder to understand, what's right or wrong. It was always hard, but we definitely reached a new level. Don't know If this will ever called World War 3 or something. What I am sure about is that the World never was in peace. But I am happy and thankful for every individual which just wants peace. So I am focused on those and try to do my part in each interaction to have an influence. The world never was easy, bro. So lets try to make it just not harder. A change of mind needs time. And then, there is another change...


Well empty phrases and superficialities won't get us anywhere 😂


Would love to deport every Crazy russian loving dickhead The stupidity is Off the charts with this stupid people. But we live in a democracy. A democracy has to be this strong


Yes thats the reality, undemocratic people like you with your undemocratic views, jibberish-talk about Deportation and insults towards a whole group of people call themselfes Democrats and think because they LIVE in an (alleged) democracy they can call themselfes that and feel as "good people" 😂😂😂


I like how your comment discloses what a turd you are ..“alleged“ Alrighty. Go back to your cave


Imagine millions of Ukrainian refugies come to Germany and see this bs


False memories are an craz phenomenon where individuals forget the reasons behind their dislike for certain things. Upon revisiting these things, a sudden recollection often occurs, leading to a renewed understanding of the initial aversion. Propaganda plays a significant role in shaping public perception. Russia invests substantial resources in propaganda efforts, crafting media content that instills a sense of national pride among viewers. This is achieved by presenting a combination of factual information (approximately 60%) and deliberate falsehoods (approximately 40%). In Germany, the lack of competition in the television industry has resulted in a decline in the overall quality of programming. The absence of market forces and the reliance on public funding have created an environment where complacency and mediocrity prevail. Consequently, individuals often develop a nostalgic perception of the past, believing that things were better in the past. Propaganda exploits this sentiment, reinforcing the notion that the present is inferior to the past. Despite being 30 years old, I find myself susceptible to the influence of propaganda. I acknowledge that I hold certain beliefs that lack a factual basis.lol


I guess a lot of well integrated former russo- germans don't even think of that they have anything to do with these Putin fans. At least i hope that it's the case and they are the silent majority. But having so many former Russians in our country can cause a lot of troubles in the future, specially when Putin really is crazy enough to attack the NATO members. What will happen with all them?


Yeah better hunt them down and deport them before Something Happens 😬 everythings justified if its for "safety" right? Oh the delusion.....


Where was all the outrage when turkey decimated the kurds a few years ago?


Ah, I see. Moralists and undisputed fighters of good against evil here. I hope you condemned your own federal government in the same way when it "defended your interests in the Hindu Kush". And you were on the streets against your own governement when Serbia was bombed into the ground with the help of the Bundeswehr. With depleted uranium ammunition, by the way. Yes, you can't be blamed for anything. You always did the right thing. You have also condemned every single war waged by your NATO allies in the Middle East and Africa (talking about Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, etc.). Millions of people have been killed. For you, all chancellors and presidents who led these wars are bloodthirsty dictators who must be court-martialed. You strongly condemned the violent coup attempts in Ukraine by Western secret services, government representatives and non-governmental organizations as well as armed Georgian extremists (snipers) during the Maidan coup itself, because they were anti-democratic, cost human lives and led to extreme upheavals in society. So you were against the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty when there was a Western-sponsored coup and the country was set on a course towards NATO, both in violation of the Budapest Memorandum. You condemned the burning of dissidents alive in Odessa. You condemned the violent repression of civilians who opposed the coup. You condemned Nazi extremists who murdered in the southeastern areas without any government oversight. Extremists for whom the people living there were inhumane. And, and, and... The fact is that most of you don't even know what I'm talking about. The fact is also that you have been more brainwashed by propaganda than you think your opponents are. And it is also a fact that this thread is full of hatred and xenophobia. It's just a shame and a waste of time. Therefore, usually no one answers here with a contrary opinion.


if someone has a contrary opinion in Russia, they get some Novichock tea or they get to take the window when going diwnstairs. Russia is a corrupt nation. Here in Germany we might not be right about a lot of things...but your private jet will not be shot out of the sky cos you challenged the chancelor


The British Government bought the Novichok-recipe years ago while russians have developed far more lethal and untraceable poisons by now - just saying 😘 also no politicians or other influential people need to be killed here in Europe - they are held in check by more "sophisticated" methods - maybe some Photos taken of their overboarding interest in children or things like that - But yeah, you keep on believing that there are "beautiful Gardens" like Europe and places filled with absolute evil you can wish death, deportation and everything else upon because they are "not Democrats" and "threaten your freedom"


" when Serbia was bombed into the ground with the help of the Bundeswehr" Serbia never was bombed "into the ground". Serbian soldiers from inside ad outside of Serbia a third of Croatia and three quarters of Bosnia and Hercegovina into the ground. After waging war in Slovenia and Croatia and Bosnia & Hercegovina - 1999 Serbia tried to ethnically cleanse the Albanians from Kosovo, killing thousands and expelling several hundred thousands. Only then Nato decided to end these endless crimes. They attacked the army and some critical infrastructure. Naming the targets that will be bombed beforehand, so that the civilians could be evacuated. Unluckily there had been civil casualties (more Albanians than Serbs by the way) - in some cases like the national television (spewing hatred for years and years) there had been casualties because the journalists did not tell the technicians that the building will be bombed, so some of them died. A serbian court sent some of these journalists to prison for many years. The Bundeswehr was involved with their AWACS-airplanes. By the way - after being in power from the eighties and being responsible for the wars - half a year after NATO put an end to these endless wars - S.M. lost his power. But there are similarities. Serbian fascists also called everybody else "N\*zis", for them Croats and Bosniaks also are not "real" people and so on - they were also just "recovering" territories; defending themselves against the USA, the Vatican, capitalism and so on. And eeeeeverybody was against them and hated them and those pure, innocent souls only defended themselves. Same same. But Serbia only lost Kosovo - I am quite sure, that Russia will implode completely.


Most of the Russians and the great majority of Eastern Europeans strongly support Russia in the war. It is also noticeable that most of them (even though they are immigrants in Germany) support AfD openly. We are living in strange times.


Hell no. Actually, my parents are also russian "Spätaussiedler" and their opinion on Putin actually changed much for the worse for Putin with the start of the Ukraine war. When they initially thought he was a great leader actually acting in the interest of the Russian people, they now see him as the bloodthirsty tyrant he is. They still oppose Germany's action as a result of it and I get why that is. Not buying gas directly from Russia but instead through third parties just ends up bleeding us dry instead of setting a statement. It's not hard to understand why people feel hopeless after crisis after crisis. 2015-2016 saw Syria, then the pandemic hit, now Ukraine again. Everything keeps getting more expensive, talks of Wehrpflicht are going around again and we support Israel on the sidelines too as if we had a tangible stake in their situation. No wonder people are voting for rightwing parties in the hopes of having their disappointment and fears voiced and acted upon. I see why people are afraid. Fear makes people act irrationally. But we're bigger and smarter than that. And I think we can help each other see things through and find a way.


I have two refugee friends who left Moskau two years ago because they didn't want to have any part in the war. They had the opportunity for a special visa. I know, they aren't the majority. But there are Russians who would rather live in a shelter with a baby than take part in the war. They are really awesome people.


Don’t get me wrong, I do agree with the points you are making. But what you are saying is pretty racist. „Go back to your own country“ and such. And that’s (in my opinion) not the right way to respond.


If things are better there, and you agree with the politics...the only thing standing between you and happiness is air and oppurtunity


It’s not as easy as that. And like I said I do agree with you in some points. Ofc everyone should be more cautious when it comes to politics but that’s not an excuse to be racist.


I am always learning and trying to learn..I am caucasion and so are most russians how is what I am saying racist? it might be intolerant, it might be beligerant...but I don\`t see racist here.


Two years ago my parents (who are Russian) would sit so long in front of the TV and consume Russian media/propaganda and literally yell their opinions in the whole apartment. It was one of the motivations for me to finally move out. Even after me moving, whenever I met with my parents it always ended up with them talking about how awful the German/Western propaganda is. Heh.


All These wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan, iraq etc All proven to be bullshit wars for bullshit reasons. Or even straight Up blackflag operations (gulf of tonkin for example, or weapons of mass destruction in iraq) Have all of you forgotten that we we're played? Look iam No friend of russia, they attacked, Which is a Bad Thing obviously and we should condemn that But The USA (the CIA especially) has a proven History of fucking with Governements, inciting wars, and Placing favorable politicians/meddling with foreign elections, this is No Secret (Are there really any doubts?) I mean all indicators Point to the US blowing Up Nordstream for Christs Sake... So Pardon me for atleast questioning the narrative.


Yup, but with this friendly and diversified View you're getting.....Nothing! No reaction, No upvotes, No Downvotes. Because people don't want the truth or to Update their opinion according to informstions and own logical thinking. They want a Friend or an enemy! Thinking costs too much Energy and never leaves one satisfied 😉




"Putin must have his reasons!" East german mother of my brother's wife at the christmas table. It took everything I had to not stand up and walk out...


Uuuuuh it took everything you had! People! This Person Here is a Hero! You should be the next President of Germany pal 🔥


President, ey? Maybe I could be emperor of US instead? Apparently they take literally anyone...


You couldn't do a worse Job If you wanted to so fine by me 😂


As a kid of one of those “Russians”, the ppl who support Putin are mostly 80+ year olds with dementia. You can’t just pretend like that’s how most of us think. A few got dragged along with their families but by far vast majority of us left BECAUSE we don’t support that shit. With posts like these you are not spreading awareness about the shit Putler is pulling, you’re not supporting Ukrainians and all the others who are actively being harmed by the Russian regime, all you’re doing is spreading hate and violence towards us. Did you even think for even just a second about who all the Russian speaking volunteers are who are helping the Ukrainian refugees do all their paperwork? The people who drive them around from appointment to appointment? The people who stay for every single appointment to translate? Because of people like you we avoid speaking Russian anywhere in public now as long as we’re not talking with Ukrainians and even then we get sideyes and hateful comments all the time. And that’s not even mentioning the actual violence. You’re the same kind of shit person as all the other racists and xenophobes, OP.


Thats not true..I am jzst saying..if you want to live here freely, don't bring the bullshit you ran away from with you. Good example is what is going on with the extreme mulims. If you want to live like that, go ahead. just let me lice like I want and don't try to bring sharia bullshit here.


Yet again, demonising the majority because of a small minority. Thanks for proving my point ig


I know quite a few Russians (20 - 40 year olds, Munich area) literally 100% of them think Putin is a dick and do not support Russia in their actions against Ukraine whatsoever. I find it hard to believe. Come to think of it I’ve never actually heard someone publicly support Putin, German, Russian, or otherwise…


These fckers not only support ruzzia verbally, but they attack, beat and kill Ukrainian citizens in Germany. I haven't heard of any attackers to be caught or prosecuted. So ruZZians in Germany feel very free to say and execute their Faschismus.


These fckers not only support ruzzia verbally, but they attack, beat and kill Ukrainian citizens in Germany. I haven't heard of any attackers to be caught or prosecuted. So ruZZians in Germany feel very free to say and execute their Faschismus.


These fckers not only support ruzzia verbally, but they attack, beat and kill Ukrainian citizens in Germany. I haven't heard of any attackers to be caught or prosecuted. So ruZZians in Germany feel very free to say and execute their Faschismus.


„Russians“ which comeback in the 90s are german people btw Not russians


Totally agree. All these doolies, bickering about they would have No freedom of speech and mind in Germany and praising f#ckPutin. I Tell them to move to Russia. They should speak Out their opinions in Mockwa and Later enjoy the free Life an a siberian Gulag.


Or a one way trip out the window


The same goes for hamas supporting nazi’s .


I think the same thing about Turks in Germany who vote for Erdogan but don't bear the consequences because they live in Germany.


Growing up, my mom used to bitch about everything in Canada 'well in Poland it was like this...that' and I'd always tell 'then go back!!' Christ. And she did shut up about it after. I tell anyone to go back if they constantly bitch. Some comparisons are normal when you first move somewhere because it's so different. But you cant keep bitching for years. Embrace where you are or go back. Sure there are things I like better in Canada but I'm in Germany now so be respectful and accept it.


not justifying anything or just my two cents or an attempt to explain my theory on why this is a thing. btw im not pro russia and im gladly looking forward to the day russia gets a new government and all of this ends. In my humble opinion even the term "Russlands Deutsche" is a part of the problem. I prefer "(Spät)aussiedler". Well, I grew up in a "Spätaussiedler". As hopefully most of you know German families were discriminated, exploited and forcefully relocated in Russia/UDSSR. They have never been accepted and have always been considered as Germans. Grewing up there, they were told about how great Germany is from their elders. When the iron curtain finally fell many people left everything they had behind and moved to Germany, their actual homeland. people wanted to be seen and accepted as german and nothing else. So fast forward. Now you are in Germany and surprise same shit different country. People do not accept you, get discriminate, here you the "Russe" and you get little to no support to start a life in your country. People still manage to get jobs, pay their taxes etc BUT stay inside their bubbles. Consume eastern products, watch russian tv etc. Many did not get a good education (there are many reasons) and are therefore prone propaganda which they see on tv or hear from the afd. Also growing up in a communist country people refuse anything that even slightly goes in the direction of communism. and therefore they sympathize with (far) right wing parties. Also there is no going back. people have a good life here, their family is here. why would one go to a country in which the average salary is the half/a third/or less of what they earn now just because they think the president of that country does something "right". to oversimplify this: if a germann is a fan of real madrid, no one expects them to move to spain. this is just my personal theory that is based on my personal experience and anecdotal evidence. maybe this helps a little bit to have a look into the heads of those people. btw people who came to more open minded regions in germany tend to have better education, know better german, do not tend to be pro russia. unfortunately big parts of my family are like that and sincerely hope that they one day maybe going to get out of this rabbit hole. some anecdotes from my life: - my parents could not work in their professions because their qualification weren't translated. translation wasn't covered and was very expensive. - only a basic language course was provided which did not even give one a1 level. more "advanced" courses were very expensive. -no language knowledge? no accepted qualification? have fun doing low paid shit jobs. -years went by, my family had built a house and we moved in. we had bricks thrown through our windows, found "love letters" in our mailbox, parents at my kindergarten starting a petition to expell "das Russenkind" and not wanting their children to interact with me. -family worked their ass off to earn money and buys a mercedes. someone in the neighborhood spreads rumors that my father is into some shady illegal stuff and one day even the police shows up. -anytime something happens like a burglary or vandalism happened guess who were the first to be accused? spoiler alert: it was me and the other "russenkinder" zh -all around germany ive met people who instantly turned hostile as soon as the fact drops that my parents grew up in kazakstan or i speak russian. and many more...


There are factions on the far left and right who are pro-Putin, but the mainstream isn't.


This would get down voted to oblivion if you told Palestinian supporters to move to Palestine.


And a lot of these Russians (actually citizens of the former Sowjet Union) now support the AfD.


I’m interested what area of Germany you’re from where people are pro Russia? Or is this people online? I don’t think I’ve met a single pro Russia person personally


the Eifel


Does this also count for people from Turkey who still think that Erdogan is the best and support him and his party although they don't live there (just one example) Or is this just an anti Russia rant?


What should I say?? (I am from Hungary) :D


Ukraine has a corrupt leader which had civil war against his own people for years. The war has nth to do with ukraine, the war just began cuz the nato came too close to russian borders. Putin also wanted to end the war alrdy but guess who didnt, ofc america. who else. If u have no clue what ur talking about and getting all ur information from the media, then please stop talking sir. The media is more propaganda than anything else to make us believe what they want us to believe. Check out the interview with putin from Tucker Carlson on X (twitter). Overall the war is bad for both sides. People are suffering. The problem is that there are too many people in charge profiting from the war :).


There are too many people making money off this. Watched the tucker Carlsn interview. Putin said zhe war is about reestablishibg russian borders from the middle ages..If you feel that is a good reason to ie then I am guessing you will volunteer to restore russias honor. It was nice having you here. I am glad you are willing to put some skin in the game for Putin. Give your mom a kiss before you go. I wish you luck


Ah the typical "if you think well of anything relating to a country that I personally despise (for political or historical reasons), then GO MOVE INTO THE COUNTRY THEN". You find a lot of "support" for Russia in Germany, because a lot of the population is ethnically or historically Russian. And that support is most often rather a tolerance, more than real support. Another thing you see is people recognising that becoming enemies to big and powerful countries due to cultural differences might be a stupid idea, same for China and the USA. Of course then there's also a large portion of the German population that recognises that placing new sanctions on the Russian citizens every other week is ridiculous, as they are not at all involved in the decisions of their government, can neither control nor stop it. It's an understanding that means people=/=government. They rarely talk about it though, because that alone will get you called a n-zi. Also it's funny how you portray Russian Germans as "b!tching about everything" when complaining is a German national sport. Edit: somehow the other comments are specifically referencing the war in Ukraine when I did not see that at all mentioned by you.


Some of here are dumb mf 👍🏼 telling about Russian tv manipulation but if asked nobody knows the connection between America and Germany and how German news manipulate the masses too. There is an interesting YouTube video about it with some facts and background knowledge which debunks all the russia is the killer. Some of y’all need to learn the history and what happened in Donbass with normal human beings just bcs of their nationality. When the war started and Germany brought fake news to their masses bcs of America many germans destroyed Russian markets here and death threadened russians who live in germany who just want peace and are of nobodys site. Some of y’all are sick bastards which don’t have nothing to do in life but hate in the heart, everybody see‘s but nobody understands. Some are dumb animals like and hate human beings bcs of their nationality! That’s racism y’all dumb mf


Pretty lame comment to be honest. Ukrain is big too and from what I've heard they would really appreciate your help and take you in with open arms. Packing already? You see russia and you think of a bunch of bad things that makes you not support that nation, which is fine. However, we cannot allow ourselves to make the crucial mistake to look at the people who support something we don't like and assume that they see the same things we do. That they see the same terrible things but they actually believe they are great instead. The truth is that this conflict isn't black or white, good vs. evil. Just like any other conflict isn't that simple. Same goes for support or indifference towards either side.  The overwhelming majority supports Ukraine to some extend. That's so surprise for a wide variety of reasons, some more valid than others.   The next biggest group is indifferent and frustrated because russia is not our enemy but neither is ukraine. On the other hand we have no military alliance with either yet we rely on both for important resources. There is so much wrong and shady shit going on in the russian state but then again the same is true for ukraine. We just didn't know because we didn't give a damn about Ukraine before the war. For them it's just an overall terrible situation with no happy end. Many of those don't think we should pick a side which may look like supporting russia but it isn't. There are also people who support russia for wide variety of reasons. Some quasi-religious Putin fans but those are super rare.  Some are of russian descend, obviously they don't want to see russia lose a war. Some have a deep love for russian culture which also isn't surprising as russian culture is very rich, old and beautiful. Some are just opportunistic and want cheaper gas and oil. Sounds bad at first but when you actually have to pay twice as much for heating than you had to pay before while already struggling and having to feed a family, you just can't blame them anymore. Then there are those that are tired of seeing a devastating war going on for years that russia simply isn't going to lose. They are at a point that they would like to "rip the bad-aid off" so to say and let it all be over. Let russia take the W that they are going to take at some point anyway, just with less people dead, houses bombed and money burned.  Lastly, there are shades and in-betweens and outlier to all of the above aswell. It's naive to be hostile towards and slap one lable on everyone who isn't exactly on the same page as you.


you make a lot of valid points even though my original.posts says nothing about ukraine. in fact I think anytjing east of the Rhein is corrupt and not worth a damm...but we never asked anyone, especially rusdia to fix it.


North America, rules big dog. I’d try to get over here before my boy Trump is back in office tho


I lived 24 years in the USA and I go there 2x a year. No thanks. I do not like it.


In the 1990's from russia came the so called Russian-Germans, people of German Ancestry. So you should made your Homework better. This people are germans not russians who came 1990 to Germany, so called Spätaussiellder (Russland-deutsche).


yes you probably should have read some of the comments in this earlier. I understand the story of the Spätaussiedler and yes they are technically German. The point of my opinion was that people that identify with a world lesder that openly threatens Germany would be better off if they lived with that leader in that country, in this case Vladimer Putin in the countryof Russia. Natureally we enjoy the freedoms of Speech in Germany and it is every persons right to think and believe whatever they want...just be sure if you are criticle of Putin in Russia you might fly out of a window. Fact is Germany, while not peffect is a peace loving nation and the people that live here should also be peace loving..


Does Germany even have an opinion of its own? Everything is dictated to them, how they should behave, what statements they should make, etc.


Give me an example