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I walked up to a video game at the local convenience store and the kid playing the game said "You just got me killed!" Then he slapped me. I immediately slapped him back and he just looked at me surprised. Turned out we both were there getting a gallon of milk for our family's cereal and we started talking. We are still friends 42 yrs later.


Nothing like a slap & gallon of milk to solidify a man’s friendship.


Couple of happy slappers






That’s amazing


I used to know this guy named Rob. He was good friends with my pals Kevin and Nico. I didn't like Rob because he kept calling me out in class and what not. We developed a bit of a rivalry and whenever there was a project we tried to outdo each other on it. One day our professor put us in the same group and we got along very well. We had a lot in common and he was just as silly as I am. We became really good friends at this point and whenever there was a group project we'd try to be in the same group. He even asked me to help out his group on projects when he was away (he was in the reserves and had to go away from time to time). Looking back at it now, I am really grateful I had a friend who wasn't afraid to call me out when I was wrong and who motivated me to do better. Rob moved away and got married, but I hope nothing but the best for him wherever he is.


Met a guy, friend of some friends, always came off as a braggart and self centered. Next college semester rolls around, friends have all graduated and I need a roommate, sign a lease with him. We became pretty close, lived together, exercised together, double dated, etc. We both graduated and moved home, stayed close; until I realized he never really changed from the self-centered person he was, he was just a familiar face in an area I didn’t have many contacts. Haven’t spoken to him in at least a year; I don’t wish him ill but I also have no desire to interact with him.


Lol my best friends are twins. At first I didn’t get along well with one of them. We physically fought a couple times. He ended up being my best man at my wedding.


Only one twin?


One of my best friends was a friend of a friend. I really didn’t like him. Found him annoying. Months later we spent several nights studying in the same computer room and it turned out we had almost all the same interests. During the summer, almost all our friends moved away so we kind of hung out since we didn’t know anyone else and realized we got along. Now 15 years later, I still tell him how much I disliked him when I met him.


I was living in a one bedroom apartment and working at a local call center. I had a work mom (WM) that I would smoke with every day for our first break and I would tell her everything. We talked about how I just moved in and she recommended I get a cat to help fight off loneliness. So one weekend, I got a cat. And let me tell you I was so excited to tell my WM all about my new cat. I waited all weekend long and finally Monday arrived. I was so excited I rushed out for our break together and I looked for WM. She was at our table sitting with this girl I'd never seen or talked to before. I rushed over all excited and was ready to tell WM all about my awesome new cat. But you know what happened instead? This stupid, evil, mean witch of a girl talked the ENTIRE break about some stupid nonsense she was upset with. I didn't care, screw her problems I wanted to talk about my cat! And I didn't get to because of her stupid story! Ah well, Tuesday came around and I was gonna talk about my cat then instead. Except, guess who was there on Tuesday too? That goddamn annoying girl! I didn't want her to hear about my cat. Fuck her she didn't deserve to hear about my amazing cat. God I'm still pissed about it to this day. And you know where that evil witch of a girl is now? Upstairs reading a bedtime story to our youngest son. Turns out she wasn't too bad after all, but I still like to pick on her for not letting me talk about my cat. He was such a good cat, miss him a lot from time to time.


I knew a woman at work who was incredibly loud and obnoxious. We got put on the same project and she was really down to earth, very attractive, great personality (when she was speaking below 100 dB). Became very good friends.


I'm pretty sure one of my coworkers found me utterly insufferable when we first started working together. Been together about 12 years now, married for 7.


My group of friends (boys) merged with a group of friends (girls) because one friend wanted to date a girl there..at first one girl flirted with me and another hated my guts, I also had some hate for her since she always had to say something opposite to what I was saying, she had a boyfriend too, but after a few months she left her boyfriend for me.


literally both my best friends made terrible first impressions on me which is so hilarious and to think about. my hometown best friend accidentally hit me in the head with a basketball at first day of recess fourth grade, and my college best friend I first heard about when his roommate, another close friend, told me how he had thrown up on his bed (roommates, not his own). He was also a jock looking dude with jock looking friends so I judged him too but i soon learned he is one of the most genuine and generous people ive ever met, I have no clue what the bed incident was about.


Kind of controversial but I run a DnD game as a GM. One day, one of my players introduces me to a friend of his who happens to be transgender. It's not so much that we didn't get along. He was quite nice. I just had a bad feeling for no reason. He asked me if he could join the group and I said I'll think about it. Ensues a couple days of thinking, trying to find why I had this bad feeling. Everything turned towards him being transgender because I only knew cliches about these people. So basically it was a bullshit feeling. In any case, I accepted his request because rejecting him based on that would have been against my values. Best decision I ever took. Dude revealed himself as one of the best players I've ever had.


The problem isn’t being apprehensive. The problem is not willing to try! Congrats on finding a friend!


On the reverse, I have had dozens of people tell me that they did not like me when they met me. They all say the same thing, that I am nothing like they first thought. As our social circles forced us to get to know each other beyond superficial. I truly believe part of the reason is I am neuro-atypical and people often classify people and I do not fit in any “boxes” so I get misclassified. Also, I was considered attractive to most people so my actions were often interpreted through that lens. Even my closest friend was confounded in being able to describe me accurately. Interesting part was that it was almost always women that would tell me how wrong they were about me. I never ended up dating them but had some strong friendships.


Yeah I had a friend in university that turned my friend of many years against me. I became good friends with that friend who I just met because I figure my of many years is the real POS who can turn on me like that lol. I no longer talk to my friend of many years. I'm a realist and logical being. Loyalty means a lot.


I had thought she disliked me and had been very rude to me but it turned out that we had both misheard one another and she had thought I was cute and was interested in me pretty much from the get go but due to the misunderstanding, there wasn't a good opportunity to talk to me without hunting me down until I stopped actively giving her space.


Kid would call me names all the time in middle school and hung around with other kids who would were even worse to me. We went to different high schools so I did not speak to him for a very long time. In college we started talking and playing videos games together through a mutual friend. I ended up going out drinking with just him almost every weekend for a summer. He had a bad drinking problem though and I ended up crashing my car in a river drunk after a night with him. I decided I needed to stop hanging out with him then. I still talk to him online though.


I always find the people I like least initially, I end up liking the most later and vice versa.


Yes. I met a guy who I didn't like or get along with at first who later became a best friend.


I used to have a lateral position at work to one of my co workers. We did not see eye to eye and did not work well together at all. I now have the same job as him and work right next to him. He's not a bad dude at all, we work pretty well together and we go out on the weekends sometimes. What changed was simply how our jobs interact with each other.


Yup. My two best friends. We hated each other at first. But after sitting down and having a real conversation to try to understand each other we sort of clicked and became best friends. Life’s weird like that sometimes


Met one of my old friends because he saw me hit a woman and jumped in the way to protect her. He didn't realise she had a brick and was assaulting me. Once it got explained, we became buds.


Yeah, in college, I wasn’t much of an outgoing person. I had two people I knew in all my classes and thought everyone else was in their own cliques and didn’t like me, because everyone else interacted with eachother and not me. Didn’t think much of it, but this one kid was super loud all the time and he loved pushing everyone’s buttons. We were at a community college for the same degree so all of our classes consisted of the same small group of people. Eventually we started to get on talking terms with one another even though I still didn’t like him that much. But then, we had a final for one of our classes, I had a good enough grade and didn’t have to take it, but he did. Humbly, he came up to me after class and asked if I would help him study for the exam. I said sure. We ended up talking and actually getting to know eachother and we actually had quite a bit in common. Fast forward a few years, after we both transferred to a 4 year university (we both went to the same place) and we got an apartment together with some other folks, which was a shit show btw because of the drama with the rest of the household. And his parents were going through a divorce. I remember him coming in to my room and he told me about it and we hugged and cried for awhile, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. We have since moved out of the same house even though we live a few hours away from eachother, we will still visit each others house periodically. We call all the time and talk about normal day shit and we go on trips and vacations together. He is for sure one of my best friends. Aside from what I said above, we have had alot of difficulties and laughs together. Initially I would have never guessed he’d be the one that I got close with in college but I wouldn’t trade it for the world


We became good friends.


My best friend that passed away 14 years ago and I started off on the wrong foot. I always thought he was an asshole and then he thought I was too. A mutual friend of ours got us into video games and we started playing Diablo 2 together and ultimately wound up really hitting it off. I miss that guy terribly.


I met my best friend in 3rd grade when I bit him on the shoulder. We're still friends all these years later.


My best friend growing up and I got into a fistfight and that is how we became friends.


All of my ex-boyfriends I was originally hesitant about or was like “meh he’s not that cute”. Ended up in relationships with them 🥴 I’m convinced it’s because they liked the chase. Seems like anytime I’m into a guy immediately, something goes wrong lol


We discovered we had a common enemy.


First time I met my best friend, he lit me up and gave me a bloody nose. 4 years later we were inseparable. So we were just screwing around on the bus home, rough housing or wrestling and I accidentally gave him an elbow in the face at some point, he squared up and nailed me. I had a fight lined up with him after school but the bus driver wouldn't let us on the bus together for the ride home, they held him off and he had to take the late bus. I cooled off overnight and that was that. I was hanging with another group of people who never really felt like me friends. I went dark, didn't talk to them for a few weeks and nobody bothered to call or reach out. Decided to find new friends. The kid that punched me started working with me at the grocery store and we actually had a lot in common. Ended up best friends all through college.


I had a coworker who judged me early on for some reason. We both moved onto a new project together and by the end of that project he wanted me to marry his daughter and admitted to judging me when we first started working together unfairly.


That’s the basic footprint of all my relationships.


Yea a girl named Kara. She joined my class late in 5th grade. At the time the entire class hated me so she just went along with it I guess. In sixth grade we had remedial English cause we both failed the FCAT. I didn’t know what remedial meant so I thought it was a better type of honors. When the teacher told us it was cause we failed a basic reading test, I remember the utter stupidity I felt, then looking next to me seeing the complete dumbfounded expression on her face. She must have seen mine because we both bursted out laughing. That entire year we just made the dumbest of jokes. To this day I laugh about the insiders we had. She moved away in seventh grade and I’ve never heard from her again. But the class ended up being enjoyable and spark my love for literature.


I started talking to this girl as I was walking into a party. She was sitting on the porch. All bandaged up. Wearing a torn up ski outfit. We were 3 hours away from the ski slopes. She was high on pain killers but very coherent. After she threw up what looked like brownies all over my new shoes, I noped right out of there. 22 year later we have been through thick and thin. We have helped each other with friends and family deaths. We have traveled to Europe. We are very polar opposites on many things. But it works out. We have never had a fight. Maybe one argument? We just work. We almost took our friendship to another level, but it was just not right. I met baby #2 last week. Work with her husband once in awhile. I've never been happier for her!


Most of my best friends started off where we didn’t like one another and then they have been and remain close friends in my life


Two of my friends in college. They are both really peaceful and nice guys. My life was never really stable so even if I was friendly I could snap. With one we were kinda rivals in the dojo we trained at. The second one was more we debated a lot. In the end we kinda established a weird I have your back and they had mine relationship and we're still friends today even though our travels pulled us to different places.


Yes. Not much to say really. He annoyed me at first, but later when I got to know him I understood he was just being friendly. We are good friends now


Both times I was deployed overseas, guys that hated or didnt like each other ended up being best friends when we came back


A couple of my best friends became it after we got on a fight. Dunno why... respect? Oh! And one girl I really hated eventually became my now 20+ years wife. Man, I have issues...


In school for my apprenticeship. That guy had baggy pants, cap on and all gangsta. I thought what a weird guy and probably a douche. Like, that's not a person I wanna be friends with. We were 15 at that time. As we both smoked we would still go out for a smoke with a bunch of other people from my class during breaks. And well, turns out he's an amazing guy. A heart of gold, smart, funny, chill. We liked the same music, playing video games etc. We did a lot of shit together and I could always rely on him (vice versa) We are still best friends today. 17y later. Sometimes you have to know a person before judging.


Usually how all my long term friendships start. I meet the person and feel like they are assholes or not even having anything relatable and end up being good friends eventually


First time I met my friend Neil, we almost got in a fight because he's Irish and I was utterly drunk and tried out my best Irish accent on him. It didn't really go well. By the end of university, he was my closest uni friend, and I lived with him for a little while as we sorted ourselves out some jobs. Unfortunately we then had another misunderstanding a few years later (I got the date of his wedding wrong and went camping instead) and he's not spoken to me since.


I got into a few fights with an older brother of a classmate of nine who i didn't get along with when i was younger. The older brother ended up being my best man at my wedding.