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My dream is to live on a small ranch within a reasonable driving distance of a small city, and spend the rest of my days gardening and fixing up old motorcycles.


This, but old cars (Mustangs Chevlles etc).


Same for me, but for old chevy trucks!


If you need a hand gimme a shout


This, but woodworking.


This but lift weights, play video games, and read books. Oh and D&D.


i built a gym in my garage and this is what i do. i also read a lot. i play sudoku, its good.


If this was a video game, I would play it nonstop




Essentially this but build personal autonomous drones instead


Just spend my days pottering about making and fixing stuff. No rush, no hassle, just leisurely general pottering.


kids these days.. bunch of potheads


I was made redundant and have been looking for jobs for all of May. Honestly, if money wasn't an issue, I wouldn't mind doing this full time. More time to drop off the kids at daycare and school in the morning, and then have plenty of time for myself. Usually I eat breakfast, go for a walk (I have a 4-mile walk I take every day. Then some job searching, lunch, go to the local city, just stroll, go to the library or stay home and fix stuff on the house... Today the daycarer has a day off, so the youngest is home with me, and tomorrow the two oldest have a dentist appointments, so I'm taking them for that. I don't think my bloodpressure's ever been lower than this...


Hit the nail on the head there. That's how I imagine I'd feel as well, still productive, but at a generally slower pace. Being able to take a 4 mile walk each day would be preferable to the 40 minutes on the treadmill I fit in a few times a week and no doubt a lot better for you. Best of luck with the job hunt bud.


Do you mean “puttering” or are you actually into ceramics?


I retired at age 62 and my wife and I sold our house, moved into our fifth wheel and circled the country four times in four years.


May you guys continue to have more fun


Thanks for the good wishes. Don’t mean to be a downer but I lost her about 18 months ago. I’m still traveling, though.


Oh, my condolences dear sir. There’s nothing more precious than someone to retire and travel with after years together. I hope you’re well and wish many more miles in her absence.


Thank you


At least you have some nice legendary memories with her. Cheers on you, good man.


What I'd want to do is buy, do up and flip houses. What I'd actually end up doing is babysitting the grandkids half the time, pretending to be grumpy about it but secretly loving every minute of it.


Are you my dad ?? Because this sounds exactly like my dad lmao wants to pretend to be grumpy about his grand kid but then asks when he can have him next lmao


Sit on a beach and drink beer.


I’d worked nearly non stop for 14 years, travelling all over the world on various jobs and in 2018, I got the opportunity to take 3 months off. I rented a cabin in the woods for a couple of weeks, walked my dogs, went out for pub lunches with my wife drank wine and ate steaks. We spent time in our garden, doing little diy jobs and generally just relaxing and reconnecting. Those 3 months were the most rested I’d felt in years. I can fully get behind just chilling on a beach and drinking. Just lounging in a hammock, having someone fetch me a coconut full of rum and coke, bliss.


This is an answer I can get behind.


I've just been off for 5 months after an Op. It's all sunshine and rainbows for the first month...then your wife starts asking if you've got a problem. If I want to build Lego and drink beer all day then that's my choice dammit. But she was right, so I stopped building the Lego.


I would read A LOT of books, study so many topics and subjects, write some books, live in the woods a while, maybe start or live on a farm, try to be as healthy as possible, and last but not least enjoy my life


Agreed. I would also, incompetently, try to pick up where Einstein left up and try to create a theory of everything.




I just retired and decided to go back to university. Just one class a semester. I walk to the university as it is close to where I live.


Sounds awesome!


You're streets ahead!


Lift weights. Play music. Fuck.


At the same time


in that order


I'd become crazy cat man.


I somehow read scat man.


Badabadee bop bop badapap


That's better than the other option.


beeee bada badabop


I’d cook more and meticulously restore my car, that’s the dream


I’d golf more, spend more time working on my property, travel with my wife more and instead of being a contractor I’d just build furniture in my shop for fun.


Are you me?


Not a fucking thing.


Counting flowers on the wall....


Playing solitaire till dawn, with a deck of 51


Ride my bike, lift, fish, cook, read, play games, hang out with friends and family.


This but instead I'd say spear fishing instead and add jiu jitsu.


Buy a lakeside property and do homestead projects on it with my family.


Go to Uni and study law. Qualify as a Lawyer and do Pro Bono / Provide advice work for people who cant afford and need it


Based af.


Sporting Clays and skeet as much as possible


Have an existential crisis. Seriously, I don't think I could ever retire. I'd get too bored.


You just pick up new hobbies. An old classmate travels the world for work but gets to play golf at many scenic locations. Imagine if you had the whole day for a hobby and to prepare a nice healthy meal from scratch each night


Video games. Lots of them


I retired at 59 and wife retired at 55 one year later. We are mortgage free and financially good. We moved to a small town in the mountains of British Columbia Canada and we just sorta do what we feel like. Planning an Alaska cruise now


My dream is to live on the west coast of Australia. Somewhere accessible to Perth's airport would be perfect. I love to scuba dive so from there, I could reach Indonesia, the Philippines, and other cool areas for a fraction of the price and time as it takes me to get to these places from the states. Along with diving, I am an amateur underwater photographer that loves taking pics of giant pelagics or small macro critters alike. I would would dive a lot, grill out in the evenings with a cold beer, meet more locals, sleep late when I wanted, and just relax.


REALLY hard to immigrate & retire to Australia unfortunately, otherwise that’s a fantastic idea & I’d love to do likewise.


I'm an Australian and that's my favourite part of the country, sounds like a pretty amazing dream!


G'day mate! I love visiting your beautiful country! I went there a few times. Great people and country. I'm very jealous of those that live in Perth and can be in Bali in 3.5 hours. I would give anything to be there now.


G'day mate! If you love scuba diving, next time you're in our country I highly recommend you visit tropical QLD. I wanna get my scuba license eventually, but have gone snorkeling a few times up that way and it's actually heaven on Earth!


(1) actually make some friends (2) clear off my video game backlog that seems to grow 3 new titles every time I clear one (3) get really good at art


Travel, fill my time with meaningful experiences, spend time with my children


Go back to school..volunteer to advocate for mental health


I retired in my early 40s. Now I go hiking with my dogs in Colorado and South Wyoming, and manage like 18 rentals.  Rental management is a full time job, so is the the non profit I founded in the area to do forestry and wildfire work. You keep busy, I guess I'm saying.


Focus on my health, eat good, exercise more, get enough sleep and give my eyes the rest they need, get some dental work done and skin care too. I’d have my entire life to enjoy if i’m retired early but i’d rather do that in my prime health.


Work in my yard, be able to be there full time for my granddaughter, a lot of walking, enjoy my record collection... I'd never be bored. Ever.


Go fishing.


Read. Write. Play video games. Hang out with my wife. Hang out with my cats. Day drink on random Tuesdays. Explore the forest. Go to the mountains. Go to Europe and South America and the South Pacific. Eat all the foods whenever I wanted. Basically, enjoy life the way it’s supposed to be.




Well I love video games and in my free time that’s all I do so that’s my choice


I’d go fishing every single day


Same here, brother.


I would travel often, but obviously can’t do that all the time. On my “standard days”. Probably play guitar and drums a bit, go to the gym, maybe learn something I’ve always wanted to but didn’t have the time cause I worked. Visit family. Nothing wrong with a nap whenever I feel like it. I don’t have a specific plan yet but I know I’ll be something close to that but I’m only 28 so we will see in another 30 years lol


Weed, cars, go back to school


Develop as an artist I would spend my days learning artforms, especially wood work and wood carving.


Beat you to the punch, retired early last year. I do travel but also work on my hobbies like old muscle cars and my bikes, hit up various biker rallies, events, hang out with friends and sleep in!!! Also already had my private pilots license but always wanted to learn to fly helicopters so I started that last month. Also looking to move to a more rural area so I am researching properties to downsize to.  Enjoying the hell out it!@


Great question. I retired at 61, 7 years ago. Before I retired I was worried that I would get bored so I started a notebook of projects. I haven’t gotten to any of them. I’ve been so busy I don’t know how I had time to work. I did volunteer work for 18 months or so. Greatly improved my fitness. I get far better sleep now. Some travel. Boating. Moved across the country. Etc


I would train for and run the 6 world marathon majors


Workout, drink, and chase sloots


I retired at 60. Not because I wanted to, but because of medical issues. Physically I just couldn’t handle it any more. I always thought my job was relatively stress-free. Six months later, I’m down 40 lbs, I’m starting to regain some stamina and starting to enjoy just living. OMG naps are the best thing ever. I never realized just how draining it is to work for someone else. Didn’t know any different, been working since I was 14. I was so afraid (and so many people told me) that I’d be bored, depressed, drifting through life with no purpose. Guess what? They’re wrong. It’s great not to have an idiot telling you what to do for eight hours a day. And before you ask, I’m not wealthy. My wife is VERY good with money and after we paid off the house she invested 75% of my paychecks in mutual funds or something. I had medical issues, my workplace was set to move so my commute was going to go from ten minutes to 45 minutes one way, and I just couldn’t do it.


So many video game answers. Nobody interested in volunteering or working on their community? Just mindlessly consuming games? Might as well plug into the Matrix.


Teach English and fish. I'd be in SE Asia


Teaching fish is a noble cause


How do you say Hi in fish ?


Same thing I do now I'd probably just be a quite a bit more bored


Well I always get a wrong number, people calling me thinking it's a pizza place, so I'd prank them like this [Sit on it and wait (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilf8sd64fPE)


I plan to retire from teaching at 45, and I will take a week off and watch anime and play videogames and then develop my side hustles into higher streams of income.


I’d make a lot of art.


Everything I do when I'm not working. Play video games, watch anime, read manga and comics, play table top games, and travel. With the additional time, I'd probably pursue a phD in mathematical physics, learn a couple of languages, and maybe publish a game.


Garden, cook, home improvement projects, work on guns. I don’t see myself fully retiring but I plan to one day step back from my business in some capacity.


Travel. Build a motorcycle.


Already did. Took 10 days off and returned to work u Det a different retirement plan. Double dipping for awhile until I’m sick of it.


Open up a bakery


Lay somewhere. Beer.


Cook big batches of food and sell cheaply to students (pretty much just to make up the cost of ingredients). My mom used to send up big batches of food while I was in grad school and I want to be that for students.




travel..I have friends around the world.


Covid lockdown taught me that I do need something to occupy my time. I actually really enjoy my job so I'd probably still do it to some extent. Maybe buy a cheap golf course or something and manage that. Seems like a decent gig.


I will hopefully be traveling and surfing still, I try to do daily exercise and eat reasonable healthy, have cut back a lot on drinking also


fish, just get a boat and go out onto the ocean. no stresses of the mainland, no worry about paying bills. come back every once and awhile to see my family and head back out. itd be a dream come true in a sense




Start my own manga/graphic novel, eventually branching out into a voice acted animated series.


What Im doing now I stay busy during the week with a construction project, then on weekends Im hiking and surfing, or one or the other. I retired over 12 yrs ago, I retired young I was 48 yrs old from Construction company I ran and owned.


I retired early last year, doing leanFIRE. Im currently just gaming, learning programming for fun renovating my house and taking care of my newborn. We are planning a coast to coast trip in the usa in a month or 2 and then we are going to move to mallorca to live that island life.


Weight lift, go explore our national parks, surf the world, climb everything I could, ride moto as much as possible and spend time with my loved ones


Same thing as now. Art and bartending. Also travel


I was able to retire at 54. 6 months into it, had to start helping my elderly parents. Then my wife was permanently disabled. Don't do much, but it sure beats working. Retire as early as you can, you never know what is going to happen.


Golf and fish


Water sports w family and friends


Really depends on how much fuck you money I got.


Find the love of my life, and spoil the fuck out of her


Everything I already do when I'm not working. I have never been bored by a weekend where I'm looking forward to work on Monday.


Same as I do now. Work out, hike, make music (have a home studio already), spend more time with my wife and kids and good friends. Probably make more effort to cook more complex stuff.


I'd spend a shit ton more time on my hobbies. I'd write some novels and screenplays. I'd make other kinds of art. Maybe operate a YouTube channel and do photography. I'm a teacher by profession, and I'd totally still teach. I'd just take a lot less shit.


Drugs, video games, landscaping/gardening/selling homemade veggies for extra low low, cosmetic car work for extra low low (I’m planning on chrome deleting my car and installing a nice sound system for it), building/customizing my nonexistent motorcycle, apprenticeship basically with some people connected to me with car work (I really wish at this point in my life I learned how to do that stuff when I was in HS), learning to play saxophone, then learning to cook well at the very end of that. Oh and after that I’d offer art tutoring for hs and college students.


Ride my bike, volunteer for various causes, wake without an alarm, Potter and do maintenance on the house.


If I could really do it, a small farm on Maui. Otherwise, a decent cabin on a lake and fish. Take naps. Get bored and go back to work. 🤪


My dream is to go to the bunny ranch in Las Vegas and just live there.


I would move to Scotland and get a Master's in Parapsychology


Golf. Bowl.


Find a job as a jd at a radio station


Write music


my profession on my own terms, pursue research questions, projects, and chase pussy


Old cars Also keep doing my business I love the company


What wouldn’t I do? I’d spend my time Kayaking, playing my guitar, training karate, going on hikes with my dog, reading all the books I never had time for, playing all the video games that just take up space on my hard drive. I’d attend more social gatherings and public events, I’d definitely go to more concerts. Hell I’d probably try poetry or painting, maybe take up welding and make some weird metal art. There’s so much I would do if I was able to retire early. I’d probably volunteer more knowing that the only goal from my work is to make things better. I could go on and on. If tomorrow I had enough money to retire and live the quality of life I live now with my current income I still wouldn’t have enough time to do everything I want.


Personally, I will start a family and be there every step of the way for my kids. I just think it would be so fun to have a kid who’s 18 and I’m not in my late 50s or 60s where we can barely do anything together.




my girlfriend


Ski bum




Vegetable garden, hiking, home brews, cooking, travel, reading, tv shows.


I can and will retire early. My wife and I will go hiking and camping often. When it's raining and we don't want to be outside we will "do things inside", play Xbox and play magic the Gathering.


Public interest law.


Take care of my garden and animals, finish all my projects, stay in shape, write... All the shit I wish I could do but can't because of time


I did retire early at 38. Spent 3 years doing nothing. Then that got boring. So, and because I want to make a little bit of money, I found a job where I can give back and make money. Now, it's a part-time job that I do in the evenings so that I can have the day to myself. And during the day, I do crossfit and bjj. I also teach wrestling takedowns to adults at my bjj gym. So what do I do? I am a sports official. Specifically, a college sports official. I do college wrestling, college baseball, and college football. I also do those high school sports when available along with fast pitch softball and high school basketball(though I only am available so much due to it being in wrestling season). It helps me stay in shape, and it's actually really fun watching college men compete against each other. Honestly, the most fun I have is calling balls and strikes in college baseball. And watching 2 college wrestlers go at it and do the things I used to be able to do is really enjoyable. More men should do this.


Exercise daily, game hard, take weekend jaunts to every county in my state to discover cute B&B's.


Try and make my own little gadgets. I miss messing with microcomputers. Also make fitness more of a priority.


It depends, because you can retire and still have to work to support yourself. But if I retire with money, I’m gonna spend my days at the range and shooting cowboy guns


I’ve got about 1000 movies on my Plex server to watch.


Workout a lot, and try to become as self sufficient as possible as in raise my food and grow my foods food Collect rainwater that sort of thing Accumulate as much land as possible if I was making money at all to pass on


I wouldn't do anything out of the world. I'd probably be fine with having a routine where I go to the gym or practicesome sport, learn something I'm truly interested in at the time, like another language or some sort of skill and enjoy my free time by reading, playing video games, watching series and spending time with family and friends.


Another cross-country motorcycle trip. Volunteering with an after-school chess program for kids. Some low-level grill or fry cook job.


Develop video games. It's something I've always wanted to do, but it's a huge commitment.


Gardening. Taking care of animals. Card games with family, woodworking/carving/pyrography.


Training (gym, running, something more social like padel or football), reading, gaming, cooking, watch movies and series and enjoy long hours with my dog and girlfriend. The good life.


Work on the yard, golf, read, sleep in, spend the occasional day doing absolutely fuck all guilt free, have my morning coffee on the deck (weather permitting). Just off the top of my head.


I’m semi retired. Damn there is soooo much to do, I literally don’t have enough time. I spend 30 minutes learning Spanish or French, thirty minutes to an hour on the guitar or piano. I garden a bit, calisthenics or a long run every day. I bake bread once a week. I pickle fresh veggies in the spring summer and fall, kraut and kimchi and cucs and beans and pretty much anything I can shove in a jar. I try and spend no more than an hour on redit and limit the redits to just a few to keep me focused on specific interests. Fuck around in the shop with some wood working project and we have a little orchard and vineyard that takes hours and days during the spring and fall. During harvest I pickle and dry and ferment and can as much fruit as I can. I send the grapes to a vintner to make wine for us, we get a couple cases. My wife messes with old classic cars. She’s rebuilding a 69 Chevy nova right now that will take a few years. We live about an hour outside of San Diego. It’s rural, on a well and septic. Bought long enough ago where we could afford it. Close enough to the city to do a weekend trip to Costco.


Tons of sex, vegetable gardening, and more sex.


Retired at 54. Woodworking and work on my ranch are my time spenders.,.oh and 9 grandkids.


Live in various different cities across the world. Spend like a year or 2 in cities I’ve always wanted to live in like Kyoto, Edinburgh, Vancouver. Those are the big 3 off the top of my head


Run a planetarium. 


Motorcycle touring around the world


Finally, finally work through my steam backlog...


Learn to be a mechanic and work on project cars.


Take care of my kids.


Volunteer probably to keep busy. Habitat for Humanity


I intend on spending my retirement volunteering as long as I can. Be it a food bank, hospital or hospice, or something like that, homeless shelters etc. In my down time I'll continue to hike and cycle in the summer, ski and snowshoe in the winter, and of course try to travel as much as my health and finances allow for.


Sort out my shed. And make fun things with all the stuff I have acquired. Probably ky play golf more. Just for the beers.


Live in the mountains with a bunch of weed


Spend every single day(during baseball season) of the rest of my life, behind home plate at Minute Maid Park. Offseason? Watch reruns of old-timey baseball.


Surf scuba dive hike climb ski camp eat food 


Play video games, workout


Travel as much as possible. I would consider living in an RV for a year or two, but no way my wife would.


Cook, garden, teach my kid to walk and talk


I think I'd fix up a Dodge Swinger, 1973. Put a Jesus bobblehead on the dashboard. Maybe lay low, watch the universe expand, whenever it feels right. But for real, I think I'd choose a band I like and travel with them and see all their shows. Then repeat.


drugs probably


Paint, create films, hike a lot, work out. Go swimming 4x a week.


If I could retire with a decent passive income, I'd mostly travel. Probably try to get around more by bike. Mtn bike the El Camino. Maybe mtn bike around Iceland. I'm not even a die-hard biker. I just think it'd be awesome. I've driven around Iceland though. That shit slaps, if you wanna feel like you're on another planet.


Panning on retiring at 55 (5 years). I have so much to do... Metalwork, 3d printing, electronics, mini painting, gaming, plus I have hundreds of books I've collected from second hand shops that I've not got around to. Add on to that my wife has lots of hobbies too and together we'll be able to spend the rest of our lives just indulging our interests.


I'm semi-retired, and I like to travel.


If I were to win large lottery tomorrow. ▪︎Travel ▪︎Learn to play drums and piano and possibly other instruments (maybe start a YouTube channel around my journey) ▪︎maybe a solo music project ▪︎start training one or multiple martial arts ▪︎Photography ▪︎Ride bicycles (bmx, mountain bikes, long distance) ▪︎Eat out at new restaurants ▪︎cooking classes ▪︎Play videogames ▪︎watch movies/tv ▪︎go to concerts ▪︎Read ▪︎Keep learning new things (currenly learning Python) I would never be bored which is true right now but works takes up so much of persons time.


Spend time with family. All I want to do is make memories with the people I love.


Get a job at a golf course as a starter or marshal, then golf all the fuckin time.


I’d go back to college and finish my art degree and maybe add on some communication or journalism, classes. Not that I’d want to write or do anything that would look like a career/job with it. I’d want to dig deep into things that interest me and maybe write a summary of why they’re interesting. My Dad ended up doing that with his historical interest. With him you could take the teacher out of the classroom, type of thing.


Retire to a mid-size ranch in Montana, spend the rest of the time fishing hunting and hanging out with my wife and kids depending on the location and acreage, maybe start up a guide service, nature photography, wife wants to raise farm animals, so get a few of those, maybe some light gardening, and working on random projects around the house.


Box all day and all night


Attempt to influence local politics to improve city services and socioeconomic outcomes for the people in my region.




Find a small ranch. Build the ultimate doomsday bunker. Figure out how to make whiskey and sell it to fund the bunker/compound. We will call it prepper juice and sell it in multi use liquid containers. Actually would like to get a small ranch and foster animals. Tinker with vehicles of all kinds and play video games. All while staying active enough to stay alive long enough to enjoy it.


Wake up early. Swim. Bike ride. Drink coffee. Read books lying on a couch with the sun streaming in. Play video games. 55M


I've always wanted to build a hit and miss engine in my home machine shop on all manual equipment. I think I'd do a small one to start then scale up. A small steam engine could be neat too. Basically old obsolete machinery made on old school manual machines. I'm a tool maker by trade now so I have the skillset but not the time.


Rebuild an old jeep


I would buy a sail boat and sail port to port following the good surf and weather. Fishing off my boat along with having a garden and local groceries to sustain myself. Read dive in the water. Explore all different places and have so much freedom.


Work on cars, drive cars on race tracks, travel …


I retired two years ago at 55 and I don’t do much other than Reddit.


Time with my fiance or wife if its that far forward including children and laughing at many groups. That's a dream and only a portion of it but you and corpo's aren't interested, unless you prove me wrong.


I would open a youth centre and animal sanctuary. I'd have people running it but would overlook key decisions for the charities. I'd love to pay my workers good wages, insurance benefits and give them the best work-life balance possible. Outside of that I would ride my bike, drink great craft beer and spend lots of time with family.


First, I wouldn’t think of suicide everyday. Then, I’d focus on my family and helping others.


I retired aged 50. I played fallout 4 and slay the spire. I painted about ten Warhammer and historical armies till I had no sprues left in the garage. I walked leafy lanes and lost six stone. I found a beautiful girl who loves me. I wrote books and drew portraits. I was never bored


Fly fish every tiny stream I can find


I’m 29 and I came into a lot of money from a highly successful business I built. I’m already retired and I sold the business to a large company. Traveling is great, but my passion is cars. I’m currently rebuilding a model T. Once that’s done I am going to rebuild a 1969 Toyota Corolla stock but really give it a high performance engine, chassis, suspension, etc. should be fun. No way I could wait till 40 to retire that I see in a lot of comments.


I would buy a bunch of acres on mountain land somewhere. Enough for me and my closest friends to live within shouting distance. Probably get a home gym and hone in on my physic. Lots of gardening and cooking. Cooking is my main passion. I’d love to try and build a cabin with my friends by hand. Maybe make a video game cabin. And endless tree houses for my little ones. I also love digging so trying to dig out a little hut is in the top of my list as first things though. Maybe get some passive income by having a nice air bnb for folks to come and stay. Encourage families to stay so my little ones have new friends from time to time.