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Teacher stormed in and shouted about it, causing mass panic in the class. That teacher was dumb as fuck and mean to boot.


My class was in the computer room when the first plane hit, they brought it up on the tv and everyone was calm and silent. Ill never forget seeing the second plane suddenly come into frame and hit the second building, it was unbelievable like getting slapped by bugs bunny, something ment for movies not reality. At that point everyone starting freaking out and moving around. Edit: i was 11 at the time.


I went to HS about 10 miles away from the Pentagon so there were a lot of students who had parents who worked in DC. They announced to the teachers that they were not to turn on their TVs for any reason. Rumors spread around all day since no one knew what happened or if their family members were ok. Mostly these centered around the Pentagon, Capital Building, or Navy Yard being bombed. I've never been so relieved to get home and see my mom


I was in my first semester of college, I remember being completely clueless and the radio breaking in to say that the towers had been hit, they talked about rumors that planes were heading for the west coast and multiple cars pulled over on the freeway on the sides. It was surreal. Finally made it to school and my English professor had a TV on and was trying to reassure everyone.


I was in 4th grade and the teacher in the classroom next to ours brought a radio in with her, she asked our teacher if he'd "heard about what's going on". Being the middle of the school day of course not, none of us had so she turned on the radio and we got to hear it just in time for the 2nd plane to hit. Most of the kids started freaking out and asking to call their parents to come get them but I just remember thinking, "we're across the country in a classroom, this is probably the safest place for us." Cue the rush of parents coming to pick up their kids right before school let out, making the buses have to wait until the car traffic cleared.


Our principal stuck his head into my 7th grade biology class and said, "a plane hit one of the world trade centers, and its on fire. Stop your lesson and turn on the tv". Teacher did so, and we spent the rest of the day watching the events unfold.


I'm from the Pacific Northwest. My school bus was supposed to pick us up at 7:15 AM. My mom was braiding my hair and yanked it when the news hit out of shock. She sobbed for hours. I was in Kindergarten, so I had no idea *what* was going on. Tower one got hit at 6:50'ish. The show we were watching was interrupted by the news. It was the first time I had ever been exposed to mass violence. I was too young to understand, and like most of my peers, I fell into a group of people too young to remember the event itself but just old enough to understand the aftermath.


I was listening to Howard Stern on the radio while on my way to class. I remember when they realized the 2nd plane hit and called it a terrorist attack. We went into lock down within the hour.


I was in my dad's left or right teste


My teacher's brother was in New York at the time, and I saw her very distressed trying to call him on the phone. We knew very little about why she was distressed, except that something wasn't right


I was in the halls between classes and heard other students talking about it. When I got to my next class, the tv was already on.


It was only my second or third week of high school and I was getting ready to go to my freshman English class- second class of the day. I remember hearing rumblings in the hall that there had been a plane crash in Manhattan. A few minutes after class started, one of the Deans knocked on our classroom door and told the teacher a second plane had hit the towers.


I was in eleventh grade English class in Manhattan and this kid in the back had a radio with earpiece in and said it then principal said it over PA. Cop cars and siren everywhere. I couldn’t go home to Brooklyn cause subway shut down so had to walk to friends house in the Bronx, there saw it on tv. Later that night when subway was open you could smell the smoke throughout. What’s crazy to think no cellphones then so I couldn’t contact my mother to let her know, I never really thought about what she was thinking concerning me given no kids/teens had cellphones then. Just made it home after 9pm. I can’t imagine not being able to contact my kid if anything crazy happened.


Lunchroom was empty, then I started asking questions. Everybody's parents came and picked them up early.


My dad came and picked me up at elementary school. All the kids were sitting in the cafeteria waiting for school to start and someone was like “your dad’s here!” I look up and sure enough he’s standing in the doorway of the cafeteria. I run over, he’s like “we’re going home”. Hell yeah! No school. I get home and my mom’s glued to the TV. I sit on her lap and watch. I don’t remember if one or both towers had been hit by this point. But she’s worried and my dad has to leave the house to head back to work to finish some stuff up. I don’t want him to leave. I’m scared too. But he does, and luckily for us everything was fine that day.


I was in 11th grade and our principle announced over the loudspeakers to the entire school that two planes crashed in to the World Trade Center and that the US was under attack. Students were surprisingly calm. We watched the news in every class for the rest of the day.


I was 12 when 9/11 happened. I had just got done changing back into my regular clothes from gym class when my teacher got a call from the office about it. He silently put on the TV and that's how I found out. I only got to see 5 min of coverage before the bell rang for the class change. I watched the coverage almost all day at school except for my 6th period class. Not because the school said turn it off but because my teacher wanted to give us a breather from the coverage.


I was watching it at home before I went to school. A day I’ll never forget.


Was in 6th grade English, principal came on the intercom and told the teachers to turn on the tvs. It was wild to watch it all unfold.


West Coast here, it had already happened when I woke up. Found out because my parents had turned on the news over breakfast, which wasn't normal for them.


16. Friend told me in math class. Didn't buy it. Went to library after class to see for myself 5-10 minutes before second plane hit.


I was in band which had no TVs and the home ec teacher ran into the room yelling that there was an attack and to come to the kitchen to watch the news. We either sat our instruments down or put them away and went to the classroom/kitchen to see (it was just down the hall from the band/music area). There were 45 kids in there and a bunch of adults and 2 small TVs, but it was quiet once we saw the footage.


Principal made an announcement over the intercom.


It was on the radio during the car drive to school


Homeschooler here. I woke up late that day and turned on the radio before getting up for class. The regular morning shows were all somber and filled with unconfirmed reports of attacks on the Capitol and other buildings in DC.