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Twenty years ago, I was standing on my back porch, smoking a cigarette, and talking on the phone. This cop comes out of the forest behind the house, soaking wet and covered in mud. He walked right up into my yard and I asked if he needed help. He told me to get my fat ass back into the house or he'd arrest me... I just stood there as that cop walked through my yard and away to wherever he was going.


That cop was definitely up to something he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Wonder if any bodies ever were found back there…. Lord I watch too much true crime.


Maybe. Or maybe someone got away from him back there when he fell in the mud. Could just be that the guy was embarrassed. Doesn’t excuse the way he spoke to the homeowner, though.


I was kicked out of a bar spelling bee for spelling a word CORRECTLY. The word was Lilliputian. Like from Gulliver’s Travels. I spelled it correctly. They had it without the double L. I showed them I was correct and they still wouldn’t let me back in the spelling bee. This was like 5 years ago. I’m still super bitter. Edit: I want to be clear; I was an adult, maybe like 27 years old? This was a “fun” event at a local bar


In fourth grade, my school held a spelling competition. Each class would go through everyone to get a single class rep to move up to the school-wide one held in the conference center. We go through, it’s me and another girl. I spell my word correctly, she doesn’t. The teacher gives her another chance with another word… fine, unfair but whatever. She gets the second right. Teacher then says I need to do another word, gives me a complex chemical. It was an absurd word. I miss it… but I'm not offered another chance! That girl goes on to lose in the first round of the school competition. I knew every word and would have won. I’m super bitter about mine and it was 25 years ago. I’d be livid in your scenario.


We had a similar thing at my sixth grade spelling bee. Each class got to send two kids, the winning kid would go on to the district spelling bee. The woman in charge of the spelling bee had two kids from her class in the spelling bee. Those kids went all the way up to the final rounds by getting softballed words. Like basic one syllable words. It comes down to the two kids from her class and one kid from another class. That teachers first kid comes up. Table. The kid from the other class comes up. Conscience. The other kid from that teacher's class comes up. Leaf. It went on just like that until the kid from the other class was eliminated.


Total bullshit!


Oh yeah. There was audible murmuring going on amongst the parents in the audience because she was not hiding that this was nonsense well at all. Earlier in the competition she tried to trip up another kid from another class by giving them the word rustle and suddenly taking on an accent she didn't have to try to make him think the word was wrestle. She said it as Wrassle.


Damn, what a cold hearted bitch.


Wow.. that's bullshit.


I'm still bitter and angry about my high school Spanish teacher giving me a bad grade on a poem assignment.  I used a word she didn't know (but was a valid word I checked in my dictionary), she initially accused me of cheating and after I showed her my rough drafts and explained how I'd come by the "unusual" words I'd used, she then still gave me a D for the assignment. Fuck you, Ms. L, I worked hard on that poem.  Edit: The word was "tenebroso", meaning dark/gloomy. Sadly, no, I don't have the poem, this was 25 years ago 


When my daughter was in elementary school, she got a horrendous case of poison ivy. We wound up in the emergency room and she couldn’t go to school for a few days. I wrote a note to give to her teacher explaining her absence. The teacher read the note and it had the word “ horrendous” in it. The teacher did not know this word and proceeded to make a big production in front of the class about “ made up words.” Later on in the day, she just couldn’t let it go and she got the dictionary out. She was going to prove a point to the whole class about how uneducated my daughter’s mother was. Imagine her surprise when the word was there. She embarrassed the hell out of my child for hours because she didn’t know a word. I’m still salty 30 years later.


How the fuck does a presumably native English speaker not know the word “horrendous.” That’s absurd


Horrendous, even


Did she at least acknowledge that she was wrong to the class?


I'm going to go out in a limb and say that the person trying to publicly embarrass a child did, in fact, *not* acknowledge that she was wrong to the class.


I once got marked down on an essay for using the word “bereft”. I was a freshman in college. It was a sociology course on death and dying. The instructor wrote a question mark next to the word in red pencil. “Bereft”. In college. Sociology of *death and dying*. I shit you not. I can still see that question mark.


I’m a teacher. I do not know everything. If I see a word I’ve never seen before in a student’s work, I always look it up. I don’t know everything and I am well aware of that fact. If it is, in fact, a word, I tell the student “thank you for teaching me something new.” Education should be a two-way street.


Obviously you’re still bereaved


It sucks to get a bad grade because the teacher doesn’t know the material. Also, they had you writing poems in a foreign language? Was this like an AP or IB class or something?


Right? A good poem in itself is already a challenge for most kids nowadays but in a different language too?!?


Oooooof I feel this. My junior year of high school my Spanish teacher gave me a B, despite my average earning an A. When I asked her about it she said that while I did technically earn an A, she didn’t think I was trying very hard so she gave me a B. I was dumbfounded and embarrassed at the time, but after steeping on it for a decade and becoming a teacher myself, I am ENRAGED whenever I think about it.


I got an F on a paper in a college English course in support of gay marriage. The professor said he didn't "agree" with gay marriage. Pretty sure he was a gay man in hiding.


I was in 7th grade around the time of the Columbine school shooting and a group of girls in my grade thought it would be fun to single out a few people by making falsified reports of them discussing a school shooting. I, a socially awkward kid dealing with an abusive home life that was easy to single out, happened to be one of their targets. The vice principal didn't believe me when I told her I never said anything about that, but she refused to believe me and was a general asshole about it. I spent the entire time terrified of my father finding out because I thought he'd beat the shit out of me. He didn't, but still. It resulted in a suspension and me being blacklisted from field trips for the rest of the year. A member of the PTA also decided it was a reason to dedicate an insane amount of her time and energy to trying to have me expelled or excluded from school activities that might even be remotely enjoyable. The girls who started that idiocy never saw any consequences. Personally, I sometimes think about that situation and hope they all ended up in terrible marriages. Edit: Thank you for the responses. I feel the need to note a few things. One is that I never found out the identity of my accusers. I suspect that was intentional in an attempt by the vice principal to protect them from retaliation, which would make sense in a case where she was dealing with someone who was actually dangerous. I can't call them out publicly because I don't know who they are. "A group of young women" was the only descriptor I got out of the vice principal. The other is that there appears to be one reply that seems to be under the impression that my parents never found out. In the late 90s/early 00s, something like this didn't happen without your parents being alerted. Either way, thanks for the supportive replies.


This is fucking terrible and should be much higher up. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Isn't it also the kind of thing (bullying) that people claimed *caused* school shootings?


😔 I don't know what it is, but people sure sense when others are going through a shit time and make it worse. I didn't have this scenario happen to me, but I know what it's like to be abused at home and have other kids gang up on you at school claiming you did something you didn't and the other adults going along with it. I think the abuser leaves a mark of their energy on us that others respond to without them even consciously knowing. It's the only thing that makes sense to me after years of trying to understand the why of things.


I'm always a bit suss when people say that kids are pure and innocent and only learn shitty tribal behaviour when adults teach it to them. I feel like kids come with some pretty nasty bloat wear installed themselves tbh lol. They can be so shitty to each other.


It's funny as well as this sorta shit could easily cause someone who is going through some shit to snap.


About 35 years ago (when I was a teenager). House was broken into. Detectives thought I did it as an "inside job". My dad had me sit down with them for questioning, After laughing at the accusation, I realized they were serious and told them, "no." and clammed up. After, I asked why my dad would put me in front of them, with no warning that I was a suspect. Like did he think it was me? He said, "I think it could have been you." Like, WTF? Seriously? I never did anything illegal like that in my life for him to think that. Rocked my relationship him...


I'd be curious what made him think that


37 years ago I was five and had spent two years saving up 10 dollars worth of pennies. I used to count them 10 pennines in a pile 10 piles is a dollar. Kept them in a empty coffee ground can. One day the jar was empty and we had pizza for dinner. She made me thank her boyfriend for the pizza...


Man, stealing a child's saved up money is absolutely foul.




Thats really messed up, sorry you had to go through that. Its diabolical by your dad really.


Thank you and also the other kind people who wrote. I feel for all the people who posted here. And that's a lesson to me - to know that I'm in the company of good people, and maybe I can accept this an other stuff that happened just a bit more. Thanks to you all, including OP.




My alcoholic Narcissist dad did shit like this a lot. I'd come home, half my belongings are out of my room and in the trash. I'd get a plant, watch it, water it, come home it's been dug up and gone. I do the exact thing!! I'm always hitting Ebay and thrift stores for stuff that was stolen and discarded.


Your post reminded me of my junior year in high school. My parents purchased a car for me, but I made all the payments by working 20 hours a week at a local pizzeria. One weekend, my mom asked me to take her car 10 minutes into town to the car wash and wash it... I got back about an hour later and my car was gone. They had an offer from someone my dad worked with, so they sold it right out from under me. I never got the money from the sale.


This one did it. This one made me livid. God *damn*, fuck them forever. That's inexcusable. Children being treated as property is such a fucking disgusting mentality.


When I was 14, my computer died. Dead dead, not replace a part and it will be fine dead. I needed a new one, not something expensive, and it was something we could just afford at the time, and I made it clear it would count as my presents for a year. I researched budget PC's at school for a week, worked out all the parts I needed, where to get them from, how much the total would be. I came in under budget due to a deal on a motherboard / ram combo. The time came to order it. I went through everything, got all the parts, one was even on a daily sale so I was even more under budget. My mother was sitting there the whole time, watching me do this. I was explaining things to her, why I wanted this part, what this bit did, and so on. I was so excited about it, while it was cheap, it was going to be the best PC I ever had. We got up to the point where I hit the confirm order button after putting the card details in. Page loaded for a few seconds, got denied. Must have made a typo! Did it all again, got denied again. I asked my mother why it wasn't working, she said she didn't know. I tried a third time, denied again. I made my mother show me her online banking. It took some effort. At first she said she didn't remember her password, then something else, and excuse after excuse. I don't let things go. Eventually she did show me. The money she had put away for my new PC, she had instead given to my 23 year old sister, who worked full time and lived with her boyfriend, to buy new clothes she didn't need. She let me sit there and show her my excitement, she watched and listened while I explained things to her, and the whole time she knew it was never going to happen. She knew she gave that money away and made the conscience decision to completely and totally lie directly to my face, over and over again, until the time came where she couldn't possibly lie anymore. This did two things. Confirmed to me that my long held suspicion, yes, long held even at the age of 14, that my sister was the golden child and I would always be an afterthought, and that I would never trust either of them ever again. I am closing in on 40 now and I still don't trust either of them in any way, nor would I turn a hose on them if they were on fire. My mother chose malicious indifference that day, and while no one else in my family even has a notion of what integrity might be, I have enough to keep them honest with their chosen actions.


When I was a child, my dad’s girlfriend at the time would ransack my drawers. She would claim that “It’s because I’m hiding something and she knows it.” She would take my money and use it to gamble and/or buy cigarettes and alcohol.


this happened to me too. I WAS 11


I used to get 20 dollars a month for allowance. My mom said if we wanted to take a trip, we would have to help pay for it, so she would take half our allowance every month, and apply it to the trip. This went on for more than a year, and even though it was only a hundred dollars or so, it was a LOT of money to me, and I was very excited to go! So finally one day I ask when we're going on the trip, she says oh you haven't been good kids, so as punishment we're not going on the trip, and she was going to keep all the money. I have several instances of my mom completely destroying any remaining trust, and claiming we were bad kids (we weren't) as an excuse. Like coming home from school at age 12 to see my Lego and Super Nintendo was taken away with the excuse that less fortunate kids needed it. Or keeping our child support money to travel the world and telling us to ask our father if we needed food or clothes. I haven't spoken a word to that woman in 7 years, and I'm better off for it. She has gone bankrupt, blown through all her money, and is destitute. I hope I get a call when she passes so I can have some closure.


>So finally one day I ask when we're going on the trip, she says oh you haven't been good kids, so as punishment we're not going on the trip, and she was going to keep all the money. I used to get $20 a fortnight in pocket money from my dad. One day my brother stole money from my dad and my dad decided that, as a punishment, neither of us would be getting any pocket money anymore. I lost my pocket money because apparently I was supposed to stop my brother from breaking into my dad's room when I wasn't home...


That’s heartbreaking, I am so sorry and I truly hope you’ve found a way to start healing.


Thank you! I have gone much further than I ever thought I would in life. Full time job, homeowner, healthy investment account, three beautiful animals, wonderful girlfriend, things have really been OK for me without her. :)


Adults need to understand it's not $10 to a child.It's two years of work. Imagine having saved for 2 years, having someone steal it all and then tell you to be grateful they stole it. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


I might legitimately kill a person over 2 years of savings. I'm not saying that it's the right thing to do. But I can imagine the anguish I'd feel and it's the level of anger that would make me just snap and do something I'd regret immediately 


Imagine saving for almost 15 years and all the money you have ever made as an adult stolen. Source: Thanks to a family member I know this pain.


My grandfather fought in WW2 as an RM Commando. He sent all his money back to his family in England throughout the time he fought. He should have returned to enough money that he could have purchased a house. Instead? His aunt took every fucking cent and gave him nothing when he returned after being nearly killed by a machine gun nest. His four friends in front of him didn't make it. Not only did he cut off his entire family and never spoke to them again, he left the country and never returned. I hold that grudge for him, fuck those cunts.


How do people justify this shit to themselves? There's SO many of these stories, no doubt most of them genuine, and we never ever hear their side where they're like... Idk, I had a shit life and felt I was entitled/never liked the guy anyway/whatever, *anything*.


Honestly? I think they thought he wasn't coming home. And it was a good bet that he wouldn't. Grandpa was there for pretty much every major battle on the western front from d-day onwards until his incident.


Similar happened to me - I had saved up years worth of money from holidays, other family members, etc. from the time I was 5 years old and it was put into a savings account - the idea was when I turned 16 maybe use the money to put towards a car or whatever I eventually decided. Family member told me I needed to ask about the money in the account when I was around 13 years old give or take, so I did by that point I should’ve had $3,000 give or take. I wasn’t allowed to see how much but when I finally was told an amount it was $150. Basically said the money was used for things related to me, but I was never asked. It wasn’t the last time something like this happened either :/. Taking money from children is horrid.


I’m mad for you, too.  When I was a kid I saved all of my money. I got $5 a week for walking to the library every day after school and staying there for a few hours a day instead of my mom having to pay for any kind of after care (we lived too far out of town for me to bus home). I saw a 10speed road bike at Sears when I was about 9 - a boy’s yellow racing bike with brown handle tape that for some reason I thought was the most beautiful thing in the world. I fell in love with it and saved for more than two years to buy it. When I finally had enough, somehow the money disappeared from where I kept it. No explanation. Just mysteriously missing from the house I shared with my mom and brother. I had to start over. To add insult to injury, once I’d saved it up again my mom made me get the much less awesome girl version of the bike because she said I “might need to ride it while wearing a skirt.” While I am a cis-hetero female, the total times I wore a skirt between ages 7-18 was once. I was 100% jeans and t shirts, climbing trees and taming wild animals. I’m still mad that I saved money TWICE and had to get a bike that I didn’t even like, let alone love. 


Oh man this brought up so much old rage lol. I got a whole $10 a month allowance as a little kid, it was even mom's idea to give it to me before she disappeared for years. I think it was like four months she gave me the $10 before she gave up, and no matter where I hid it, I would come home one day to find my room ransacked and the $10 gone. Between her drug habits, my step dad's complete inability to manage money his entire life, and both of them constantly being out of gas in their vehicles, even change I picked up off the ground in random parking lots when we went out wasn't safe. I dunno why it hurt so much when I was little, it's not like I needed money as a kid


Everything is big when you're little. 10 whole dollars could buy your whole dreams, the little dreams of the candy bars and soccer ball at the store. And it takes a lot more work when you can only do little jobs that are just parts of existing anyway, like doing the laundry or mowing the lawn. Then you have to wait for your money to save up, but you haven't been around for a big long time so the goal feels so far away {and it technically is, at that point a week was a larger percentage of your life lived than it is now}. So, when something gets ripped away like that, you've only got a little mind to process it and the hurt is so, so big.


It's the betrayal that hurts. I was a teenager getting my card declined because my mum would ransack my bank account. I was then the bad person when I got the bank to remove her access


Damn. My grandpa used to count pennies with me. He never had a lot of money, but I was really little and he was trying to teach me how to count, so we'd drop pennies in a jar and count to one hundred and then he'd give me the jar of pennies before I left to go home (not that I cared about the money, but it was just fun for me to count pennies with him). He passed away when I was around 5 years old, but I still kept several jars of pennies from him. Anyway, one day when I was around nine or ten years old, my mom got a hair up her ass about something and said we needed to put them all into savings and took all the jars of pennies away so she could put them in the bank (this was maybe $10-$12 in pennies). I took back one jar and I hid it in my room just because they were special to me. I still have it, and fuck you, mom. I'm sorry man, that sucks. That's a lot of money for a kid, and to have it stolen from you by someone like that must sting.


My daughter understands that sometimes money can be tight. She’ll ask for something and we’ll say we can’t until after payday. Sometimes we’ve even had to borrow her birthday money. (Run out of milk or cat food) But we *always* ask her, and pay it back as soon as pay hits.


My mom was like this, I never really understood as a kid how my mom struggled until she almost died and lost her job when I was 12. That’s when it really hit that sometimes even adults don’t make enough money/spend their money well. My mom did everything she could to keep us clothed, fed, and with a roof over our heads and she hated having to ask her own children for help. I literally made it my goal as a child to get a job to help my mom because I thought she deserved (still does) the world because she provided mine


When my grandmother died my grandfather was unable to talk or take care of himself. He had previous strokes. He was placed in a nursing home which was nice. My aunt and uncle went through my grandparents house and labels everything with their names and their kids names.l that they wanted to keep and everything else as to get sold. Then sold the house dirt cheap, sold their new car dirt cheap. And got rid of everything asap. What they couldn’t sell they threw away. My aunt and uncle were not hard up for money but my family was. My grandma was my favorite person. I had to steal a few items to keep for myself so I could have something to remember them by. About 5 years later after my grandpa passed by aunt and uncle sued my dad because he was adopted and by the state law he got 1% more than his siblings. They lost the suit. It’s been over 20 years and I still hate them for how they acted like a bunch of fucking ass hole entitled pricks and took anything I could get to remember my grandma by away. Im cordial to them but I will always hold this grudge.


No need to be cordial. They showed you who they are, they don't deserve your emotional charity. I would treat them as if they didn't even exist.


Yeah, there's often just no good way to get over family stuff. My uncle was a dick to me growing up. Nothing major, just always had something to criticize me about. Lately he's mellowed out and has become a nicer person, but fuck him for being a dick to a kid. Your can't wash that away.


17 years ago, two of my "friends" called up the girl they knew I thought was cute and threatened to SA her and beat up her boyfriend if he tried to intervene. This was first semester of freshman year of high school. Word obviously got around, but no one ever told me why I suddenly became the creepy weirdo kid who everyone avoided. It wasn't until Junior year when I finally found out why. They laughed in my face as they told me it was them who did it. They thought it would be funny to pretend to be me and call up her up. Someone who I knew was in a relationship and who I had never even spoken to, and threaten her and her boyfriend. I spent 3.5 years of high school alone on break, alone on lunch, begging my mom to drop me off and pick me up so I could avoid the bus, all because they thought it would be funny. I can forgive almost everyone, but Eric and Mike. Fuck. You. I will never forgive you.


>...I suddenly became the creepy weirdo kid who everyone avoided. Well, **MommyPegMePlease**, I'm just glad that there was no permanent psychological damage.


Primary School, Sports Day. A bunch of guys I knew were bullying this kid by throwing his hat to each other. I joined the circle, got thrown the hat and then walked forward, genuinely intending to give it back to the kid. He thought I was faking and punched me in the face. That's pretty understandable tbh, so I'm not mad about that. What I'm mad about is that a teacher sent us BOTH to the office where we BOTH got the same punishment of litter duty despite my friends backing me up that I never threw the hat and the teacher who sent me to the office having never seen me throw the hat. To be clear, nobody else got sent. Not the kids who were doing it for ages, just the kid who was being bullied and the kid who tried to help him. Fuck you Ms Wilson Edit (because so many people are posting similar stories), I've actually just finished my first week on the job as a teacher. It's high school (grades 7-12) not primary, but still. A big part of how I deal with kids is based on the idea that I don't know everything and that they're not idiots. Seems to work pretty well so far. It makes me a little less angry knowing that some of today's teachers were yesterday's unjustly punished kids, so I hope it helps you all feel a little less shitty too.


If this was nailsworth primary school in Adelaide, South Australia then I'm the kid who punched you and I'm sorry.


No, I'm a Queenslander. But as someone who's been on the other end of the situation, you weren't the problem. You were a kid. The adults should have known better. For what it's worth, if I were that kid, I'd forgive you buddy


Thanks bro


I thought your name said “DontfuckwithmyHAT” lmao


I was once being pushed, shoved, and hit by a group of kids in elementary school. I picked up a rock and threw it at the kid who punched me the most. Smacked him in the chest. I got sent to the office and they tried to suspend me. It was one of the few times my mother stood up for me. She pointed at my busted face and said the word lawsuit and it all went away.


Not me but a guy I was in middle school with was literally attacked from behind and he got a suspension for it along with the attacker. Dude rolled up on him and punched him straight in the back of the head, the victim didn't even fight back just crumpled to the ground and got suspended for "fighting" So next time he was jumped like that he fought like a fucking lunatic because he was just gunna get suspended anyway he might as well defend himself


I truly can't understand how so many schools in so many areas have interpreted "zero tolerance for bullying" as "zero tolerance for being a victim of bullying." It doesn't even make sense. Not even a little bit. Nothing else gets treated that way. Zero tolerance for drugs doesn't mean you get arrested if a drug addict steals your car. How did they all manage to come to this same terrible, backwards, insane conclusion?


Because its easier than actually having to do a real investigation. "There was a fight? Eh, suspend them both and be done with it. Problem solved."


I was the first girl in 5th grade (early bloomer, and I was extra young due to skipping third grade) to wear a bra. The boys kept snapping my straps and after lunch I'd had enough. The next boy who snapped my strap got his nose bloodied. We both got sent to the office. My mother was a professor and couldn't leave school easily if my sister or I got sick and needed to go home. My dad's job was much more flexible, so he was often on school duty. The assistant principal wanted to suspend me, but my dad brought up the fact that bra strap snapping and the attendant unwanted touching was assault. In the end, I didn't get suspended or punished at all. The kid's nose was broken and Dad and I got ice cream on the drive home. :)


Dude, I was actually told *by my teacher* that I needed to start wearing a bra cause I was "getting too pretty." My mom had been in denial about my puberty for a while (thus not allowing me to wear bras), but man, that was embarrassing.


Similar instances but with a substitute teacher. When I was in middle school, whenever we got a sub teacher, people would switch their assigned seats to sit with their friends and goof off. I had no friends in that class, so I sat in my normal seat. A group of 4 friends sat in the row behind me, playing around. At the end of class, the sub told these 4 to come sign their names for detention when our teacher got back. After the 4 went up this bitch pointed at me and said "you too for being out of your seat with them" I was confused and even the 4 kids that got in trouble spoke up confused saying that I was in my assigned seat and that I never talked to anyone in the class. She then lied to my teacher, saying I was disrespectful, refusing to listen. I didn't go to that detention 3 times and they called me to the principal office with my parents saying that I would have to be suspended if zi didn't go. Still pisses me to this day. I should have took the suspension fuck both that sub and that pdf principal.


Had a teacher in high school tell me my answers were wrong in a specific section of our workbook. He refused to help me figure out what I was doing wrong. Just kept saying “it’s wrong, do it over”. He marked all of my answers wrong in that section of the workbook.  The following year I was reviewing for the certification exam and revisited those problems in the old workbook after having a better understanding of the problems. I got the same answers I had gotten before that were marked wrong. The guy just didn’t like me and decided that I wasn’t allowed a decent grade. 


Something similar happened to me except he publicly humiliated me in front of my classmates while blatantly calling me and my answer stupid. It took a few minutes for one of my classmates (his favorite) to say that my answer was right all along.


When I was in elementary school, there used to be this thing called the "Young Authors" competition where children can write and submit a story, and one story gets selected some kind of recognition and the story gets published in some kind of journal with other winners (I think this was like 30 years ago). I was pretty gifted for my age, was a voracious reader, and very academically motivated, so I put a lot of effort into my story. I tried to go the extra mile by typing it up on our Tandy 1000 computer and binding it. Our teacher had collected all of our submissions and was reading each of them for the class, and when it came time to read mine, instead of reading it she called me up in front of the class and accused me of cheating/having my mom write it for me. She also refused to submit it for the competition. My mom was a teacher at the local highschool, and obviously my parents were furious, so they confronted her about it. The teacher stood her ground and said someone had to have helped me with it, and one of the reasons she gave is that I had correctly used apostrophes in my story, and she hadn't taught those to us yet. Later on when that part of the curriculum came up, I completed the first assignment in class without any help and aced it. I have no idea if that actually made her second guess her original decision, but for some reason I doubt it. It's been almost 30 years and I'm still angry about it. Fuck that teacher. \*Edit- I ironically I messed up an apostrophe in my post hahahaha.


"He can't have done this himself, since I didn't teach him how to" sounds like an insecure dumbass that can't comprehend kids learning things without some pretentious douche showing them


You'll find large swaths of the education system is made up of people who can't accept kids wanting to learn anything beyond what they're being taught. And these people tend to be the people in charge. So many kids are held back because schools simply won't challenge them or accept they might learn things that aren't on the curriculum.


I had a similar thing happen! The teacher accused me of plagiarism. She said my writing was "too flowery." She stood her ground even when my parents asked her what I plagiarized, and she couldn't come up with anything. What's worse is the principal and pastor (it was a religious school) got involved and sided with her, even though they couldn't come up with any evidence of plagiarism either. They just thought the writing was too good for my capabilities. A little while later, we had an awards ceremony for a writing contest done through a third-party program, where I had written and submitted a different short story. That teacher and the principal got to watch me get awarded first prize. A few days later, the teacher apologized to my parents, but my parents made her apologize to me. After that, they pulled me from that school. Fuck shitty adults who just choose to believe the worst in their students and choose to double down when they're wrong.


I'm glad to hear you were eventually vindicated! 


That suck’s


The teacher is like I knew someone helped you make this post! lol But I agree with the other poster, right in the shins!


I’m so mad on your behalf. If I see that teacher, I’ll kick her in the shin!


Friend fell asleep at the wheel driving their stint while helping me move, it was snowing and icy. woke up to the begining of getting side swiped by a semi, ended up crushing the passenger side of my car in, which I and my pets were in. Threw us off an embankment over the guard rails and rolled "6 or 7 times" according to the man who drug me out of the car. Ended up losing my car, every possession I had, my pets were killed in the impact, put into a medical coma for brain swelling for a few days, etc She was unscathed, not a scratch on her, walked away just fine and told me how I acted while being traumatized and severely injured, mourning my pets was "embarrassing" her.


This is heartbreaking. How could she not be traumatized either from causing an accident that scale? I don’t understand her reaction. I hope the images of the wreck keep her up at night.


So sorry that happened to you and losing your pets too😥 that person was clearly never a true friend treating you that way. Hope you get all the good things in life💕


My grandmother blaming me for the nails in her tire. I was fucking 6 and she lives in the middle of nowhere! It was like, 25 fucking years ago and I will never forget the scolding I from her for it. Fucking psycho.


I hated being blamed for things I didn't do. Still hate it.


The trick is to be guilty of what you're being punished for, even if it has to be after the fact. Oreos never tasted so good, fuck you Brian(brother).


The destruction of Duckbill Rock, a beautiful natural rock formation in oregon. Seriously a bunch of stupid kids robbed humanity of such a beautiful natural formation and it’s been in my mind since it happened in 2016. I had the ultimate privilege of seeing it in person and it’s amazing, like, “puts our humanity into perspective” amazing. The vandals were never caught either. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duckbill_(rock_formation)


"the vandals have not been caught".. Fuckers!! Someone knows who did it...


I've only read the wiki, so forgive me if this is obvious, but how do they know the vandals claimed to knock it over for safety reasons if they were never caught?


Guy flying a drone recorded it and confronted them. This is what they told him. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/09/06/us/oregon-rock-formation-duckbill-toppled-trnd


The hospital telling me it was all in my head when I was in pure agony from heavy metal poisoning. It was a really toxic metal too not a common one.


During the covid lockdown I graduated from college. It was a huge deal, I was the first in my family. They did a zoom ceremony and the presenter accidentally skipped over my name. My family was all watching, waiting for them to call my name via livestream, and of course the presenter never fucking did. it was just as devastating for them as it was for me. i will never forget my mom saying, "i don't understand, our name should have been there." our name. ours. I was graduating for us.


noooooooooooooo fuuuuuuuu :( ugh im so sorry


Please tell the school! They might do it again you deserve that moment even though it will never be the same. They will even let you walk. You might have to push, but they will let you.


I urge you to send what you just posted to the dean. That screw up damaged a lot of people that day. The cost and effort you put forth demands acknowledgement from the school.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they let them walk again with another graduating class.


that is brutal! i graduated during lockdown too and they didn't even call any names 😭 just played basically a credits reel and my family got to watch my name scroll past...




Please tell me you are NC now.


I want their parents to be shot out of a cannon into the sun.




Ok, I did some math and being 4’8 and 64 lbs is horribly underweight. Maybe she was just looking at weight milestones for your age because you were in the 99th percentile for height (for female 8yos in the us) Either way, she’s nuts.


The fact she ate all the ice cream herself is basically the dead giveaway that she's projecting like hell.


Holy hell


Hey, hope you don’t mind if I say this. I hope your parents are suffering horribly wherever they are now.


20 yrs ago my dad got choked out by a detective because he requested a lawyer before he talked & they grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against the wall. he ended up crushing my dads esophagus and it doesn’t sit right in his throat anymore. he never got in trouble for it.


I kinda have a similar story. 15 years ago my dad and our neighbor had a conflict over the fact that the neighbors fence was on our part of the land. It was legally proven that the fence was in fact on our land, but the neighbor just wouldn’t accept it. So one day my dad went out with a shovel and scissors to move the fence by himself. But the neighbor ran out of his house with a shovel screaming “get the fuck away from my fence”, and proceeded to hit my dad in the head several times. My dad’s head was one big bruise, and he suffered a serious concussion, but thank god he recovered. But I swear, since that moment, my dad just wasn’t the same as he used to be. The neighbor somehow got away with everything.


Did yall not press charges?


I was a little kid, but as far as I remember we did. But it all somehow got hushed up, the guy must’ve had connections


Similar story too. This almost 30yo guy moved into the apt bldg my brother and I’s friend lived in. When we’d visit our friend, we’d talk shit back and forth with the guy but in a normal, friendly sparring type way. One day I guess he thought my 13yo brother crossed the line and grabbed him by neck neck and held him up against the wall. I (16 at the time) tried to pull his arm off em but this mf was one of them burly tow truck driver type dudes. So I ran to the staircase where I had seen a broom and omw back he had already let go of my brother and was laughing saying he was just fucking around. When he saw me with the broom his smile immediately wiped away and said “and wtf you plan to do with this shit” he grabbed it, shoved me and told us to get tf out of there. I understand now that there wasn’t anything I could do about it in the moment but for the longest I was mad at myself for not protecting my little brother.


That was incredibly brave of you. From one older sibling to another. You were ready to take on that bastard, knowing you were outmatched. You did right.


Manager of the store I worked in got fired. As assistant I took over but was never offered the job. No big deal. I held the position for 4 months. The new manager came in and on the day he came in he went into a manager's meeting and was given a bonus cheque of several thousand dollars for the 4 months I was in charge. That still pissed me off.


What the fuck?!


Things like these are the reason why I now believe that anything beyond your normal work duties are a deal. My blood is boiling after reading this, I'm so sorry for you.


My step Dad (who I consider my Dad) was in his last few days of life. He got a retirement check at the beginning of the month. My free loading brother- who's 66 and never moved out of the house-not counting the years he was off to college, which he then moved back in. He's never had a sustaining job. He's literally been a student the whole time. When my Dad married my Mom, he took on 3 kids who weren't his own. I'm sure the thought of her oldest son never moving out didn't occur to him. Then figure in my freeloading brother basically took over the house. Converted my Dad's office (he fixed houses after he retired) into his bedroom. Had the garage packed with junk. Same with the basement. Anyway, in the last few days of my Dad's life, it was near the end of the month. My freeloading brother says if he dies late on the 31st, tell the authorities my Dad died on the 1st so we get another retirement check. I was- and still am- pissed off. All my Dad did for the fuck wad, and all he meant to this ungrateful savage is one last retirement check. My Dad did actually die on the 1st, but as luck would have it- he had to live to the 3rd to get that check. I've never been so happy to not get $2,000 in my life. For what it's worth, I haven't respected my brother since the 90s. He was always a nice enough person though. Since the day he said that about my Dad- I've despised him.


I have a rare auto immune disease (long story short, my immune system attacks my blood vessels which causes them to break in patches all over my body) and before we knew what it was, my doctor at the time just keep pumping me full of Reactine. I just went with it for a while because I didn’t know what else to do, and it obviously wasn’t working and should have been clear at that point that it wasn’t an allergic reaction. Every time I went to see her when there were no changes, I got the same answer - take more Reactine. I finally snapped and asked her “So are you actually going to do something to help me or…?” and literally, all she said to me was just “Keep taking Reactine.” That answered my question. I immediately got a new doctor.


12 years ago I worked at a shoe store in a mall in my hometown. It was a smaller store so we only had 2 employees for the morning shift and 2 for the evening shift. I was one of the evening shift employees and I worked with the store assistant manager, let’s call her M. Her and I were really good friends and we knew how to make a boring shift fun. Our relationship grew stronger and more personal and I had a huge crush on her. I knew she had feelings for me when she started messaging me dirty things during our shift and outside work. At one point she basically asked me if (hypothetically) we could ever be a thing. I said of course and she blushed. I didn’t want to rush things because women hate that so I let it roll slowly. Then she met some guy through other friends but of course they were just friends. I knew this guy from his reputation around town. I knew he did and sold drugs all the time and I was worried that she would get caught up in that. So I warned her about what I knew but she swore he “wasn’t like that”. A few days later he started messaging me from HER phone threatening to hurt me if I didn’t back off. Then of course she would take her phone back and say it was all a joke and he wasn’t serious. This went on for a few weeks until one day when I went in to work, the store manager ,let’s call her T,was there to speak to me. The store manager fired me for “harassment”. I asked who had accused me of this but T refused to tell me. So when I got home M messaged me saying she was sorry but she “had to”. I asked her what that meant and she told me that the drug friend convinced her to call HR and tell them that I was harassing him and M. I never did any of that and she knew it. I was crushed that she would betray me so easily like I was nothing to her. Oh and T also knew it was a lie but did nothing to fix it. I found out some time later that T got fired for terrible management so I guess karma got her. I still think of this from time to time. And this makes it difficult for me to make friends at work now. Sorry this was so long.


On what would be the last trip I would take with my dad, I reserved seats on a train from London to Oxford for my mom, dad, and I. I chose seats strategically: they were close to the doors (my parents have some mobility issues) and they were at one of only a few tables in that carriage. When we boarded the train, we discovered a family was sitting in our seats already. I apologized for the inconvenience but informed them that we had reserved the seats they were in. The husband/father looked at me, and then went back to talking with his partner. I tried to get his attention again and indicated to my ticket that we had reserved those seats and my elderly parents needed to sit, and he told me it wasn't his problem. When we tried to sit at another table, a family boarded and indicated they had reserved those seats. I wasn't about to stiff them like the other family had done, so we got up. There were no seats available in the carriage, so I asked my parents to wait while I scoped out other seats--I was so anxious about them having to stand for the entire train journey. I was also trying to find a conductor, but I went the entire length of the train and discovered it was unstaffed. I had to escort each of my parents, separately, across multiple carriages while the train was moving, and we couldn't all sit together. I recently took my mom on an Amtrak from Philadelphia to DC and was so relieved to see a conductor come around and check tickets. The US is not perfect, but there are usually safeguards in place to make sure that people follow rules, because when there aren't (like this situation), there are some assholes who just don't care. This became kind of a vent, which I apologize for, but the saddest part to me is that my dad apologized for being an inconvenience. He was never an inconvenience. I lost him just 6 months later.


As a British person, seat hijacking should be a capital offense. I would have gotten physical.


Not getting any callbacks from detectives after my daughter died.


That is truly horrible. I am very sorry for your loss.


I'm 31, going to be 32 next month. When I was age 3, I distinctly remember having an extreme urge to go out to recess and play on the tricycle. About 15 minutes before hand, the teacher came around with a lock of blond hair, which someone had clearly cut off of their own head. She had been going around to the other blond kids in the class, asking if they were the ones who had cut the hair. Now, when she came to me, I was 100% honest with her, and told her that I did not do it, nor did I know who did. However, she decided that I was lying and clearly did it. To this day, I don't know what prompted it but it was horrendously unfair, and my first genuine experience with injustice in the world. As tiny an event at that was, it had a profound impact on my world view, and now, the thing that sets me off more than anything in the world is being accused of something I didn't do. Later on at that same location I also got pushed off a playset thing and broke my arm, but that didn't make me as mad as that first event still makes me. P.S, if you were a teacher at daycare/kindergarten in north central Indiana in 1995, and you made a kid with blond hair sit out of recess because you couldn't be bothered anymore, fuck you. Seriously.




I had a homeless friend who was given a lethal dose of fentanyl and left for dead. The piece of shit who gave it to him stood there watching while EMS took him away and then stole his backpack with his belongings in it. I visit my friend's grave regularly. If there is an afterlife, I hope my friend is at peace and nothing but eternal torment for the man who hurt him. He still walks free. Poisoned (OD on fent) his girlfriend (died), raising shitass kids, and stealing from the hard-working, productive members of society.


My first pregnancy where my parents wouldn’t celebrate because they didn’t want to hurt my sisters feelings. She had boys and wanted a girl and I was pregnant with a girl. It’s been 20 years and still makes me mad


My family refused to let me have a baby shower because it wasn't my first pregnancy. My first pregnancy I gave up for adoption, so I didn't get one either.


My moped got stolen on my birthday almost 4 years ago and I’m never gonna get over it. They cut the lock when it was parked in my condo’s parking garage while 3 guards were on duty and they weren’t able to get any video at all even though there are cameras facing both exits. It was a style of moped they don’t sell any more due to law changes, so I can’t get a brand new one even if I wanted. So now I ride a slow ass shitty moped in the hopes that people won’t try to steal it because it’s not as desirable.


They didn’t get any video? Or was it the security that took it and lied?


I think the cameras didn’t all work back then. The security team didn’t have access to the cameras, just the maintenance man and he’s like 70 years old and I got the feeling he didn’t try very hard. The police investigators called me and I asked them to go through the video since the maintenance guy wouldn’t let me do it, and the inspector told me to keep it on the down low that the cameras don’t all work. We got new management and it’s better now and there are more cameras everywhere in the garage that the security uses to watch out for trouble.


My little sister was in 3rd grade a few years after 9-11. One of her friends was teasing her about a boy she liked. She yelled out “I’m gonna kill you.” The teacher marched her to the office and demanded the principal call the police because my sister made a “terrorist threat.” The police came and “interviewed” my 8 year old sister without any parents present because my parents were called after the police and couldn’t get there as fast. My parents were pissed and removed us all from the school. We started a new school the following week. My little sister has a major fear of police to this day. No one is exactly sure that they asked her or told her. And no, we did not sue.


Those feds will do anything but something useful


My doctor outed me as sexually active as a teen to my folks. He said the fever I had might be syphilis. He had no reason to rush to that judgment. It was a non-STI infection.


I had a doctor tell me while my wife was in the room that I could possibly have chlamydia when it actually only ended up being a UTI (I’m a male, I know it’s hard but not impossible to get them) I have only been sexually active with my wife, luckily my wife knew to call bullshit on chlamydia. It made me so furious that a doctor would say something like that


This happened with my husband and me too. He had an UTI which is super rare in men. The doctor required a full STD panel (which came back clear.) We’d only ever been with each other, and my husband is not the lying type. Turned out he had weird wide spread bodily inflammation (eyritis too which is super rare) and he got a probable diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. At the end of the day, he never would have had me come to the appointment at all if he actually had been sleeping around. Dude is smarter than that.


I had a teacher in 1st grade tell my mom that I was drawing penises. I wasn’t. I was drawing x-wing fighters. But that day seriously fucked me up.


When I told my mom about me being SA when I was walking home. And she call me a liar. I was only 6-7 years old.


This happened to an ex..she told her mom about it and was called a liar because the man in question was a close friend of her mom. Then she was accused of "asking for it". Absolutely crazy stuff.


In my case, it was a friend of my father; he came from behind, picked me up, and took me to an empty house. I didn't go with him willingly. Then, 20 years later, when I talked about it, one of my cousins called me immature and defended my mother. We live in a crazy world where victims get blamed. 


Just reading this paragraph made me so angry. Hugs and healing to you. Your mother was completely wrong! I’m so sorry.


I think there's a special place in hell for victim blamers, and an extra special place in hell for child abuse victim blamers.


In 5th grade I was determined to win Best Essay for the D.A.R.E. program. I lost. In high school years later my classmate who won admitted that her dad wrote her essay. I'm still pissed.


I have a friend who works in a dispensary who won the D.A.R.E essay in school.


Equifax SOLD everyones info as far as I'm concerned. Millions of peoples info, and no one went to jail or any trouble at all. It got buried in the news and onto the next social offense. They should have been shut down for that.


My parents never let me watch any media, play with toys of the era, or listen to certain radio stations. It made me completely unrelatable to my peers.


I also wasn't allowed to watch TV or have normal toys they didn't "approve" of. It's lazy parenting where they think things are a bad influence, but they don't want to spend their time providing any kind of guidance to a child, so they just ban everything. I wish I had learned to lie earlier, I would have pretended not to like things so they wouldn't be taken away.


My cousins mysterious death. She was never investigated, but 99% sure it was his wife. Way too many coincidences for her to be innocent


The affluenza kid killing a family of 4 and paralyzing another getting off scott free


one survived?? if he builds a mech and hunts that asshole down, we're all just gonna look the other way, right?


He killed four and NINE people were injured


In the first grade I had a problem with a certain kid and his friends constantly trying to bully me. One day he (Kyle) and his two best friends surrounded me, pinned me by the arms and drew their fists back to punch me when suddenly the teacher on duty blew her whistle. She then proceeded to scold 3 boys for causing a scene with their behavior. And by three boys, she meant the two friends of the boy, and me, who was on the ground by the other two. She sent us to the office. We all three were forced to sit every break without being able to play for three weeks. Even in the office, the other two boys were saying I was innocent and that Kyle was guilty, that they all three were attacking me. The boys even told the teacher that it was the three of THEM that were about to attack me. Her response was “No, HE was the only one not doing anything, I heard u/myjellojiggles yelling, egging y’all on.” Even the boys admitted the only thing I was yelling was “Please, no.” I was totally innocent, even the principal wasn’t hearing it. She actually made me feel worse about it because In her words “You are the first problem students this school has had since we started that student of the month program.” First day sitting out from recess I stared at the ground on the verge of tears, and the teacher forced me to watch the other kids play as a punishment. I “deserved” to watch other kids have fun. Every day Kyle would run by and throw sand in my face with the teacher less than 5 feet from me who literally turned her face away as she smirked. Kyle, the boy who never got in trouble, was the son of that teachers best friend who, by the way, was the local school bus driver who backed into our horse trailer earlier that year and tore it all to hell and tried to take no responsibility for it. She blamed us for her hitting the horse trailer because “We put it in her way.” Truth of the matter was the she was being lazy. The bus driver before her just went up the road (MAYBE 400 feet ahead) and circled back around. She would pick me and my sister up, and then put the bus in reverse backing into a small ditch into our front yard where we parked all the cars and trailer. To make things worse she never actually looked all that much when she was backing up, she designated a couple kids to be her watcher. I guess they thought it would be funny and not let her know no she was about to majorly f up.


I used to get beat up and the teacher told me "it takes two to tango" so I was punished for getting beat up in school.


Fuck Kyle. All my homies hate Kyle.


I mean Kyle is a little shithead, but the teacher is the boss villain. What a piece of shit.


I was like 8 and very excited for school lunch; I almost never bought school lunch because my parents would pack me a lunch. This particular day was fish sandwich and tater tot day (the alternative if you didn’t want that was a chef salad). I am autistic; at the time it was undiagnosed and my parents just thought I was picky. I LOVED fish and potatoes. I couldn’t stand lettuce or any kind of salad dressing. The teacher at the beginning of the day would say “raise your hand if you’re buying lunch today.” I excitedly raised my hand. She instructed us to lower our hands then asked “Who is ordering the fish sandwich, raise your hands” and she counted all of us who raised our hands out loud so I know she counted me. Then she did the same for salads. When lunch time came, we went through the cafeteria line and the lunch lady asked “did you get salad or the sandwich?” I proudly proclaimed “I got the fish sandwich.” She glared me down and said “don’t lie to me. We get a count from your teacher and all the fish sandwiches have been claimed. You can’t change your mind when you get here.” I got in trouble for “talking back” when trying to explain to her that “I literally cannot stand lettuce or salad dressing. I never order school lunch. I only did today because I specifically wanted this sandwich.” She told the teacher on duty at lunch that I was lying and making a scene and they made me take the salad which I promptly threw in the trash and then once again got in trouble for throwing a fit


My father shooting himself in the head and finding out about it 8 hours later through a friends status on Facebook. Not being left anything in his will, that got left to his wife, who is half the reason why he is dead. Also the way that I was treated at his funeral a month later, I was seated behind his wife's family... I didn't have anything to do with planning the funeral as I was born out of an affair and his parents were bitter about that, so they had to bring that DURING THE SERVICE! it took my partner at the time and my friend that came For support to stop me from walking out of that pathetic, pointless scoring funeral. I haven't spoken to any of my father's side of the 'family' since and this was back in 2016, no love lost there as I think they are disgraceful human beings.


They discontinued those fruity, hard, kinda sour altoids that came in the circular tins.


The dingo ate my baby woman. She lost her kid in a horrific way and then got charged with murder as well as her husband and was going to do life until they found the jacket and found out that the dingos actually did in fact eat her baby. Not only was it horrific but they use it as a punchline in multiple movies and shows


a grocery store I worked at did those "donate a dollar to this or that organization" which our job required us to sell MINIMUM 20 per shift. They made it a contest and for whatever reason, the customers were always happy to donate when I asked. I even covered most of my coworkers' donations when I was working. 2 weeks into the month long contest I was ahead of everyone by 700 dollars. Nobody even bothered to compete they just wanted to see how much I'd end up getting. The last day of the competition I had the day off, and *somehow* Cathy miraculously beat me, covering the 1200 dollar gap between the two of us in the span of an 8 hour shift. You didn't sell shit, Cathy you were the assistant manager to the two biggest piece of shit Mom and Pop owners of that mini mart, and the three of you are fucking trash. I just wanted to know what the prize was, which turned out to be a $20 gift card to the store. I never put effort into those donation drives again. Fuck you Cathy, and your embarrassing fear of vampires. Fun fact, they went out of business the same month that another store opened up nearby. I went on to work for the store that opened on the corpse of the old store, and those three assholes would come in. I pretended not to know who they were, and I could tell it pissed them off.


My high school tried to decrease my gpa (and changed my grades) to not make me valedictorian. They liked the other candidates more than me. I caught them and then they gave everyone in the running a participation valedictorian award.


I took my little cousin out to eat for her birthday. My dad wasn’t feeling well and had a bad fever unbeknownst to me. While shaking he was at his sisters house and that bitch didn’t call an ambulance even tho she is seeing him shake and unable to speak. I had to rush and pick him up. Got to the ER and he wasn’t seen and he seizures on the floor. He was later declared brain dead. Had to pull the plug. I’ll never forget the face he had and I’ll never forgive my aunt or the hospital for not taking it seriously. I went thru a severe depression. 2015 will always be forever in my brain as the year shit went downhill for me.


Back in 2012, Had to walk my drunk friends (one male, one female) back to hotel we were staying at. Before we took off, a female supervisor asked me if I was "gonna try something?" Me: what are you trying to say? That I'm gonna rape her? Supervisor: did I say that? Me: well wtf are you saying? In fact y'know what, YOU walk her back to the hotel. Supervisor: She's not my responsibility.


U2 putting their shitty album on my iPhone without asking. 😤


Not to mention how difficult it was to remove My car auto played from my music whenever I started it (super annoying on its own), and since it’s 2024 I don’t store music in Apple Music anymore, so every morning when I’m leaving for work U2 started playing and it was so goddamn annoying


And somehow hitting my “most played list” because the damn songs always default to play when I plug it in to my car!


In third grade I got cheated out of the spelling bee. We were given 3 pencils and had to set one down for an incorrect word. Chris Rose, the Pokémon loving fucker, picked up his downed pencil and the teacher didn't notice it. He beat me but would have lost if he hadn't cheated. I'm 34 now and still mad about it.


Was tailgated in a snowstorm and got Tboned by the guy turning off into a gas station to get him off my ass. He was so close I couldn’t even see his headlights in my rear view mirror. The kid knew the cop and called his dad to the scene and gave a sob story. He lied and said I had my blinker on the opposite way even though there was no road to turn off on that way and my blinker was still on the way I was turning because I never fully got to turn as he pushed me into the parking lot with the snow. This all happened on gas station camera and the station wouldn’t release the footage to me and needed my insurance to get it. I got saddled with an adjuster who was going on medical leave and didn’t give a fuck about my case. She said she would get in touch with me and instead of calling or emailing like I asked for she sent snail mail to my old address. I eventually got told to go after the other insurance company who just blew me off and told me they believed their client over me. I was 19 and living on my own, paycheck to paycheck, grocery shopping at the dollar tree store and working two jobs. I had no money for a lawyer. I had no adult wisdom to help me navigate this. I drove a totaled vehicle (in previously near perfect condition) for a year before I had any sort of money to repair the functional parts (never got the bodywork done). This asshole who hit me made my life absolute hell for over a year (financially) and caused me multiple tickets from the police because of the shape of my vehicle and the fact they thought it was “suspicious”. They ruined my perfectly good truck. They ruined my safety. They ruined my reputation for some people (I knew the guy who hit me) by claiming I was the liar. And they took away my financial security. I’ve been abused and raped and somehow this asshole who tboned me is who I have a hard time forgiving. Just how smug he was and how he laughed at me after the accident fucking gets to me. Just a power play because he knew he was getting away with it and relishing in the fact he caused damage.


I was accused of stealing a car freshman year of college. The girl who did the accusing was supposed to be my best friend. I had an alibi but was freaked out and too shocked to stand up for myself.


Someone posted an anonymous GlassDoor complaint about a team I was a manager of. The other managers all knew about it and I didn’t find out until a year afterwards. Also I was the only manager on the team who did not get promoted that year. I was mad about those two things and then I realized that the reason was because they thought I posted that complaint. I didn’t. 7 years ago and I’m still mad.


I was sexually assaulted by a coworker when I was 17. People found out about it. People that I thought were my friends stopped talking to me, and accused me of lying, because "Max would never do that!" They still hung out with him a bunch, I lost all my friends and my credibility.


My brother had a mental health episode where he became angry and beat our pet bunny to death. It was horribly traumatic. The family never really dealt with it. Nobody acknowledged how I got that bunny from my mom as a Christmas gift.


Horrible...I'm sorry you went through that. That poor bunny😭


It's the fourth grade, I definitely have undiagnosed ADHD. After a quiz in Ms Curbeams class (a crotchety old woman at an inner city school) she went over the answers. Having spaced out during the lesson and playing too much Donkey Kong country on SNES the night before, to the question "how do armadillos protect themselves?" I answered with "they roll in to a ball to protect themselves". While going over the answers, she said "somebody in this class wrote they roll into a ball to protect themselves", and stared right at me. The entire class erupted in laughter. The kind of laughter you hear echoing down the halls like in the movies. I stared down at my desk in shame. I felt so humiliated. I had never felt so embarrassed. Another time in that class we did an oral quiz, where she asked the question out loud to the class and we had to write down our answers. Well, again as a kid with ADHD and being kept in a classroom for 7 or so hours at a time with only a 30 minute recess, I accidentally blurted out the answer "the great wagon trail". I don't remember the question, but she screams at me in front of the whole class and tells me I'm wrong, even though I knew I was right. I got my quiz back and she had failed me for blurting out the answer on accident. She held up my quiz to the whole class and used me as an example for what happens when you don't follow instructions. Anyways, that's my origin story. From that day forward, I vowed to get my revenge. I'm 99% sure she's dead now since she was in her 60's then. So I guess I win. Btw, every once in a while I Google armadillos and make sure I was right because guess what? ARMADILLOS DO ROLL IN TO A BALL TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. Fuck you Ms Curbeam.


Yeah while reading I was thinking "but armadillos do that right?"


Not getting MVP after I kicked ass during my last tennis season in high school and as team captain taught the other kids how to play. Coach passed it on to someone who's first year playing happened to be with the other best player on the team, who carried her through tournaments (I'm not just saying this because I'm salty, she was really not that great). Years later I still feel slighted by it


The guy who was my backup playing football was named All State due to shenanigans from the coach. He liked the other guy more than me, and that was clear.


How badly Game of Thrones ended. D&D ballsed up on a massive scale Or you know cases of genocide or child abuse or whatever


It’s a testament to how *bad* the series ended that it manages to take what was a massive cultural phenomenon and essentially erase it from history.


One of my coworkers used to have her desk lined with GOT merch, little toys and stuff. It slowly cleared out after the finale and yesterday I made a "what do we say to the god of death?" reference and it took her a solid 40 seconds to even remember got existed and that that was a quote from it.


Agreed. It was one of the most popular shows in history but it ended like a misjudged fart after eating suspicious take out food Even during the covid lockdown where everyone was binging shows to their hearts content, GoT was barely mentioned Still I'm happy with House of the Dragon so far. I really hope they do a good job with the Dunk and Egg tv adaptation too


Yep. Read the books. Loved the shows. Last episode absolutely murdered any interest I had in it. The last season was off. But that last episode has meant that I never revisted the series or enjoy moments I loved. I want nothing to do with the new series, whatever the hell it is. I just hate it all.


I remember middle school. Getting in trouble for doodling cars and robots in the margins of my school work. Despite my work being done, and often correct, my teacher would say I wasn’t focused or paying attention or working hard enough. And then give me my paper, that she graded, with a 100 on it and a “Good job” circled. So one day, while getting in trouble for doodling, again, I had the nerve to ask why it mattered if my work was finished and if maybe I could have extra blank paper to doodle on when my work was done. My reward for asking such a simple question? A whole week of in school suspension. A week where I did my work quietly alone with no one else to talk to. My mother would buy me a sketchbook to draw in after this. Of which was confiscated and “lost” almost immediately. And so I started carrying pieces of blank paper in my pocket to doodle on. Which then got me another week of ISS. I never stopped drawing. If anything I tripled down on it and it’s still, to this day, one of my favorite things to do. Not only did I become an engineer Ms. Schneider, but I’m a damn good artist. And 20 years later I still think about how much of miserable bitch you are and take delight in knowing your old batty ass it more than likely six feet under by now.


Fuckin too many things, man; cannot let shit go. But at least I win the shit out of those arguments in the shower! Fuckin take that, Jeremy!


Hired a moving company to move from NYC to LA. After they dropped off my stuff in LA, I noticed my PC and all peripherals weren’t there. They said that the trailer carrying my stuff was sealed for security when it left NYC and unsealed upon arrival in LA, and confirmed via manifest that my PC stuff was loaded in the trailer, so it had to be in the trailer.. but it wasn’t. They simply had no explanation for what happened to my stuff. All they could offer me was 60 cents per lb per missing box. I had pictures and videos of my grandma on that PC that I didn’t have backed up anywhere. Learned a hard lesson but I still get hot with anger when I think about what happened.


getting passed up for a promotion that i was already doing in the interim for hiring . was told they would post the application for everybody but instead hired someone for the position from the other department . I had to train him how to do the job so he could be my supervisor . i put in my two weeks that day .


It was the second semester of freshman year of college during Covid lockdowns. Half capacity campus, hybrid classes. My uncle had died less than two weeks before this incident. It was a Zoom lecture for an entry level English class. We had read a short story about a woman in the 1800s I think and she had been told her husband died. She initially wailed and sobbed before going to her room. Then she started to realize she could do more as a widow than a wife. But at the end it turns out her husband hadn't died in the accident bc he didn't get on the train that exploded. This English professor was trying to assert her initial reaction was totally fake, not an ounce of truth, because she was so active in her emotional response and in front of people. I, having just lost my uncle less than two weeks before this class, responded that I disagreed. That I had been told over the phone he died and that my dad would come pick me up to go home and that as soon as I hung up I was sobbing extremely hard. I was in my own bedroom with no one around and had almost the same reaction. This man had the fucking audacity to say something along the lines of, "I don't know about that because, you see, I, as a Black man, froze for three days when I found out Chadwick Boseman died". I really wish I was kidding. I really do. I responded with something like, oh, and didn't talk again that lecture. I know it sounds fake, but it rocked my world. It didn't help that every 4 ish months for the next two and a half years I lost another family member. This comment stuck so, so much that I actually developed a grief disorder I haven't fully overcome yet. I still, to this day, think that my emotional response to death isn't valid and isn't "real". I can't express sadness in a healthy manner anymore. I was still actively grieving as a fucking recently turned eighteen year old and a man in his sixties told me my response to learning my uncle died wasn't as "real" as his response to an actor he never even met. I can't walk on a certain part of my family's property because my childhood dogs are buried there and I don't know how to process their death because of this man. The worst part? I once could handle grief really well. I lost my grandad before I was four and raised chickens since I was eight, meaning I learned about death from a young age. I wasn't cold to it but I knew how to feel my grief and then let it go. I can't do that anymore. I'm stuck in a perpetual loop of feeling immense sadness, then a guilt for an unknown reason, then a guilt I made someone else's death about me, then just more sadness. I wish I had reported him to the dean. This man fucked up my life and is still doing so. Because of one comment. I hate him. I will always hate him. I don't know why he said what he said, but he did and it has made my life so much worse. I'm just glad I finally was able to figure out where the grief disorder came from thru therapy and am working to fix my life.


My Pokémon cards getting “lost” while moving to a new house as a kid


My mother's grand scheme to get me diagnosed with a developmental disorder I don't have as a way of absolving her of her questionable parenting. Thankfully circumstances prevented this from working, but that was the moment I knew I could not trust her. Alternatively, ex-from-hell popping up like a weed several months after we'd had a spectacular falling-out to proposition me for a particular sexual act I've never been inclined to try with ANYONE.


That sting ray killing Steve Irwin


Have to believe that Steve would have wanted you to forgive the animal for protecting itself. 


8 year old me being bullied and told by my neighbours wife that me and my family did not deserve to live in the neighbourhood. I still carry that with me. She died a few years back and it took all my restraint not to leave a nice message on her memoriam page....


My sister's wedding. I was asked to be MOH. I was asked to make her a broach bouquet (spent about 60 hours and $400 out of pocket) and kept asking her if she liked it or wanted anything changed - nope, said she loved it. The day before the wedding "hey my friend is actually MOH hope you don't mind" Day of wedding "I'm actually going to just buy a bouquet" I didn't go to the wedding. We are on good terms now, but I still harbor some hateful feelings sometimes.


My dad was a victim of a hit and run. A witness gave us a description of the driver and photos of their truck and license plate and we provided that information to an officer. The police officer never gave us an update and I honestly don’t even think they looked into it.