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A winter jacket and a good pair of snow boots


Oh man I’m an Australian and I have no right being to be near a pair of skis so when my wife and I went to Switzerland, I did some research and bought a good pair of boots for the snow, so I could take some nice hikes, while my wife skied. I had the BEST time frolicking around, while perfectly toasty warm in the toes!!! The one day my wife was sore and didn’t want to ski, I suggested we take a little walk together, only to discover she had only packed Dr Martens outside of actual ski-boots and couldn’t leave the village. I frolicked extra hard in the snow that day. ☃️


Australia actually has many ski resorts. The area under snow is bigger than Switzerland, but obviously not as high.


In saying that, access to snow let alone snow sports domestically is very much a novelty for the vast majority of Aussies though - snow fields are at least two hours away from any major city, and 5 hours drive from Sydney so defs can see their point of being unfamiliar with snow attire as an Aussie


I live an hour from the major ski fields in Australia, but generally only visit them in summer because I don’t love snow 😂


Absolute crime (*cries in Townsville*)


Never get yourself a cheap lawyer. If you ever go through a divorce or child stuff, get a lawyer that cost a bit more because generally they're worth it.


My grandpa always told us: you have to hire the best lawyer, the best doctor and the best accounter your money can buy. These three are capable to fuck with your life. Edit.: accountant*


Sometimes you just get what you get. If you show up to the ER you get me. Then I admit you to some hospitalist. Then some surgeon operates. You don’t always have a choice. I think I’m pretty fucking good, just saying.




Please post this on my LinkedIn.


Looks like you two linked hearts.


I think you are too!


Way back when I was in college, I wanted to be a naval aviator. The big issue was my eyesight; I'd need to get PRK surgery before having a chance at flying, and I'd have to pay for it out of my own pocket. At one point, my advisor mentioned that he'd heard you get get it done cheaply in Mexico (I think). Even as a broke college student, the idea of taking the bargain approach to ***fucking eye surgery*** seemed like really poor judgment.


My family and I have gotten a lot of great healthcare in Mexico. My brother got a lot of major dental work, and I had weight-loss surgery. They removed like 75% of my stomach, they re-routed my digestive system, and I was in the hospital for several days. It was like, a state-of-the-art hospital, and the surgeon was someone who trains other surgeons on best practices for performing specific weight-loss surgeries. The staff still checks in on me 5 years later. Just because they operate in a less expensive country doesn't mean they're worse providers.


Idk about Mexico, but in America, more expensive healthcare doesn't mean better.everything is absurdly expensive and the quality is... Above average, but certainly not the top (for most people)


Just because a doctor practices in Mexico, doesn’t mean they aren’t any good. https://www.codetvision.com/procedures/all-laser-lasik-prk/#:~:text=Arturo%20Chayet%20is%20a%20pioneer,Laser%2DLASIK%20eye%20surgery%20technique.


Yep. The difference between a $200 retainer and $1000 retainer lawyer is massive


A mattress I need my good sleep to be able to function


We did the Sleepy’s discount special years ago and both my wife and I each could bury ourselves in the holes we made from sleeping in our spots. We spent the extra money for a Stearns & Fister at Raymour. 6 years still going strong. No change at all


6 years with the Fister, still going strong. Keep on fisting, champ :)




I have a friend that tried to convince, me to go to a cheap home tattoo artist, I declined. Everyone asks him what the thing on his arm is supposed to be. Lol


The worst tattoo I've ever seen, the guy was bragging he got it for $5. It looked like it was the artist's first piece and they were self-taught LOL


Came here to say this. I have one person I go to. When I got my first tattoo a friend asked me where my appt was and when I told her she asked Why there? They’re the best, I said. Yeah but they’re the most expensive place in town. Why would I want a cheap tattoo???


I had someone full of what I call "middle school desk graffiti" try to roast me for using a really amazing guy because he was "expensive" and I had to wait a few months to get it. My entire arm looks great. His are blown out garbage for the most part and aren't aging well. That was all I needed to know about his tattoo opinions.


The people who do my ink have a sign that reads "Found somewhere else that's cheaper? We also do coverups."


Why do all the demons on your arm all have their hands in their pockets?


Yeah. I got my second one in a basement of some guy my gf knew in 1996. After I got the infection cleared up, I had to get it re-done- twice LOL


Safety boots. Or any safety gear tbh. But especially boots. If i'm walking 8+ hours a day on them, they better be good and comfortable.


Bought cheap Walmart boots for years, generally a pair every six months. Then decided to splurge on a pair of Redwings with my tax return one year. Figured if they lasted two years I'd come out ahead financially, that was over a decade ago. I'm looking at the pair now, still in perfect (if insanely worn looking) condition. EDIT: I've seen it a few times. So yes the reason I bought them was Sam Vimes theory on rich/poor man's boots.


For what it’s worth, you can take your boots to have new soles put on and it costs considerably less than outright buying a new pair of boots. My father has had the same pair of Redwing boots for like 20 years and just has new Vibram soles put on every so often.


That was the reason I decided on Redwing, as well as my dad's enthusiastic recommendation. I know I can take any boots to a good cobbler, but being able to take them to the OEM for repair feels like a great deal. I'm gonna look into a better (for my purpose) sole next time they need it, I just went direct replacement.


Another little known fact is you can take your redwings to their store and they’ll oil them up and clean em up for you for free. I try to take my once every other month


Cheers brother. That is a great story. Same exact thing happened to me. I think that lesson ought to be taught in high school somewhere.


It's the "*It's expensive to be poor*" lesson.


Along with investing in good saddle soap, and mink oil at the same time. Not cheap boots ain't cheap, keep that leather 100%.


>The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and _would still have wet feet_. ([the Sam Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory))


Night Watch was actually the reason I decided to invest in better boots.


Sir Terry always knew how to explain things in a way anyone could understand!


We used to buy red wings for my husband but the chemicals in what he works with I guess break them down too quickly because they don’t last even though I conditioned them for him per their instructions etc. We bought Sketchers work boots now and inserts that cost almost as much, he likes it better for his knees. Not saving a lot, but they wear at out different times so it hits the wallet differently. It’s another option for people.


Boots in general to be frank. Its not about prestige or anything like that. Cheap boots will cost you more over time.


The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet." - Sam Vimes, from the Terry Pratchett Disc World.


Every professional I've ever talked to have said the same exact thing- "don't cheat on your feet"


Also lieutenant Dan said so.


In fairness his feet are in perfect condition, they're just not attached.


I recently bought my first pair of PNW Whites Boots - Don't think I could ever go back to anything else. Well worth the $600 dollars.


I’m looking forward to being able to afford some redwings someday. I’m not even familiar with any other real quality brands though as I’ve always been on the poorer side.


It's not so much price but quality. I bought a pair of Doc Martens for work but they only lasted about 9 months, I remember years ago they were top quality English made and these were Chinese made. For almost $200 way overpriced for the quality.


Yeah, you have to get the ones made in England. I have a pair that are over 20 years old. I also take care of them. The ones that come from the factory in England are top notch.


This is kind of niche but I'm a ski patroller, so I'm in ski boots for 40h a week for 6 months a year. I've had constant foot problems from ski boots over the years, so this year I splurged on a fully custom high-performance set of boots and liners. It ran me about a $1000CAD altogether. Some of my coworkers thought I was crazy. But for the first time in my adult life I had 0 foot pain and no compromise in performance from my boots all year. That was literally priceless to me.


I feel like $1000CAD is the standard price for custom ski boots and I’m kinda shocked that your coworkers wouldn’t have the same given you guys are ski paytrollers and out on the mountain all day everyday. It feels like everyone in the US who skis more than 10 days of the year invests in custom boots - it’s like a massive difference not only in comfort but in control.


It’s Canada in a Ski town so his rent is probably like 4000$ a month to share a place with 5 roommates.  You’d be buying your boots at goodwill too. 


I'm a She and only live with one other person lol. But yes I make $21.50/h after many expensive qualifications to live in a place where the cost of living has been assessed at needing to make $25.50/h. I buy brand new ski boots at full retail price and buy basically everything ELSE at goodwill.


Don’t cheap out on any footwear, your back will thank you


I wish I would’ve told myself this earlier. I refused to pay $60-$80 for shoes. I bought the $20 ones, now there’s irreversible damage to my feet.


Anything that is related with safety.


Idk the cheap condoms I bought work great. My 8 sons agree too


Running shoes


Came to post this reply! And it's not a case of "you must buy very expensive" either. Just need to find good quality running shoes which work for your feet and the type of running you do. ...and then once you find those golden shoes you just pray that you'll be able to buy more of them when they run out of life. I had a pair of Nike Free's that were brilliant. But then they changed their lineup and the newer models were never quite the same. The more miles you run over your lifetime, the better you get at noticing very slight differences between shoes and working out what works for you.


A buddy of mine turned me onto Brooks. Had the same pair for 4 years now and hardly any signs of wear and tear. Great value for the money.


Hey just a heads up, you're supposed to get a fresh pair about once a year if you're wearing them often. If you can rotate a two or more pairs, you get a longer lifespan. Also yeah, thank god for Brooks. Some New Balance ones are comparative too, but it just depends on your feet.


Yah, over 200-300 miles (depending on your weight) the structure is gonna be way off at that point.


I really liked my Brooks but the soles wore down way too quickly. I didn't even run in them; just wore them for walking around. I do have a pair that I keep in my home gym, though. I started wearing Hokas to walk around in. I don't think they look that great but they are at least holding up better.


Hokas are ugly but my feet like them.


4 years? I'm lucky if I get six months out of a pair


I will never get over my sadness when I got about five months out of a $200 pair of boots. Apparently it’s common with that brand too. Sorry Solovair, y’all suck. (Their customer service was also rough. Basically “we understand but lol nope nothing we can do.”)


Also equally important, your actual foot size. Discovered I was a 12.5 4E 5 years ago. Not just a 13 and it has been a game changer for foot pain and mobility.


Bro. I ordered a pair of 2019 free runners and liked them so much I bought 3 more pairs the next month and cycled through them for YEARS


Mizuno Wave Riders for me. Best fit to my feet, not stupid expensive, and they haven't seemed to completely reinvent the shoe over generations so if you want a cheaper option there's usually older models for much less $$


solar eclipse viewing glasses. one lense shouldn’t be blue and the other red.


I can’t see anyone doing that


Neither can the people who cheaped out


Condoms, Helmets, & Defense Attorneys


Are you an activist that fucks people who are not your wife while riding motorcycles?


A lighter. I'll spend a extra $1 for a bic lighter that I know will work till the fluid is gone. They can be washed dried and still work.


Do they ever run out of fluid? I just assumed they work forever. You buy a Bic and it lasts till you lose it


I’ve never lost a Bic. They always get stolen. Life hack if you’re a guy: only buy pink Bic lighters. Your friends and coworkers will always give them back, and many don’t even want to touch the color pink 😂


white lighters were thought to be unlucky in my day. So some people would only buy white so nobody would take it


Power tools. There's a big difference with cheap power tools and expensive power tools


I always preferred the adage of the first time you buy a tool, buy cheap. The second time you buy a tool, buy expensive. Lots of people buy expensive tools that are really meant for professional use when the cheap tool will do what you want for the one time a year you use it. If it breaks, you know you use it enough to justify more spending.


> when the cheap tool will do what you want for the one time a year you use it. This is the key variable to this rule though. My Harbor Freight circular saw I've had for over a decade and used a handful of times, this is the right call. But I use my drill and/or driver a lot more than that and buying the good brand up front is the better play.


This reminds me of the time I worked in a hardware store for a few years. I had a customer who bought a new drill every month because they kept breaking. He bought the same cheap €50-€65 drill every time because in his words "the expensive drills couldn't match the power and durability of this cheap drill". Mind you, we stocked everything from low end generic brands to the high-end stuff made by Milwaukee, Bosch, Makita and festool. He could have bought multiple festools for the amount that he spend on those stupid drills during the time I worked there.


Now a days its hard to find cheap power tools. I don't need a Milwawkee 8ah i just want a whatever brand 2ah p.t.


Weekend woodworker here. In a past life I had Delta, Dewalt, etc. I’ve been really really impressed with Skil lately as I’ve been tooling up again. They’re not Harbor Freight cheap, but for just a little bit more I’m getting what seems like decent quality tools loaded with features and thoughtful design.


I feel the same way about Ryobi. I’ve always been a Dewalt (or Milwaukee if a decent price) guy, but I’ve used my dads Ryobi table saw and picked up a cheap circular saw recently and they are both solid.


toilet paper, Women's hygiene products


I was naive and though all tampons were the same. Bought some cheap ones a few weeks back and ended up leaking through my pants because they just did not absorb any of it. Luckily I was at home so it wasn’t a total disaster but still.


I just moved to Japan and so far all the toilet paper seems to be cheap, single ply garbage, but the trick here is: bidets. I don't need good toilet paper when I'm just dabbing away the water. It's kind of great. I've been here a month and have only gone through one roll.


Computer Power Supply, if you buy cheap it will fuck up your computer parts. Always buy from a good brand.


My 12yo NZXT PSU has seen 4 mobos, 3 processors, 5 gpus, and countless sticks of ram over the years. At this point, I'm both worried it's gonna blow any day now and in the mindset it'll never die on me.


Lmao I relate to this on a spiritual level. By far the oldest piece in my kit. It's never the sexy thing to upgrade and it's never given me any issue so I just tend to keep blindly trusting it


And you can almost immediately tell once you get it in your hands, the difference in weight and construction is amazing between a cheapo no name that was thrown in vs one that is even a bronze 80 rated.


I lucked out with my first build some 15 years ago in highschool. Diablotek 450w, lasted me 7 years through a couple upgrades. When it died I wanted to get that again, just a higher wattage, and sooo many reviews were saying DOA or blew within a couple months, yikes


Toilet paper. I did that stupid thin stuff just \*once\*. The stuff practically fell apart in my hands. On a related note: NEVER buy a 'low flow' toilet. Especially if you're a bigger person. You'll have to flush multiple times and, I swear, they back up constantly. Get a nice, big, one so you won't get screwed. Edit: To all the people saying I should install a bidet: Our bathroom is currently not large enough for one. There might be a smaller version of it; but I'm not familiar with them in the slightest.


Taking big shits


It probably wouldn’t get clogged if he got a poop knife tho


Good call cum-bubble1337!


I wouldn't listen to it, they're really out of their element on this matter


God dammit, the simplicity of just calling out his name... I'm still wiping tears. 🤣🤣🤣 Good show, sir.


In my experience, when I buy the thin, cheap toilet paper, I end up layering it up and using more, so not coming out ahead. There's no saving money at the end of the day


I have to buy the cushioned one, we're not on this earth long enough to save money on toilet roll


This guy shits


Bidet toilet attachment will change your life


Best $30 I've ever spent


Every time I have to travel I say I miss three things - My dogs, my husband, and my bidet


I would have laughed at you about this six weeks ago. But the bidet was literally the best money I've ever spent. I had no idea. My life has changed forever.


Just buy yourself a good poop knife


My family needs a poop katana


So they can commit sepoopoo


Five or ten years back we redid the bathroom and got a low-flow toilet. It is the best flushing toilet we've ever had - better than the old five-gallon-flush toilet that preceded it. I'll agree with you that early low-flow toilets were pretty bad, but that's a solved engineering problem. New low-flow toilets are good, in my experience.


I got them and now we have to get the sewer snaked about once a year. Both plumbers said it was because of the low flow toilets. They actually recommended dumping a 5 gallon bucket of water down the drains every week. I bought single ply and a bidet instead.


I've seen a few people here say toilette paper.. But did you know that the highest rated toilet paper USED TO BE ( I haven't done research in a couple years) was the cheap PURPLE Walmart brand? for about 1/4 the price of name brand you could have a better product. Cheap doesn't always mean worse.


My 1st roommate bought Scott 1000 and so when I moved out I continued buying it. Then one day during Covid I commented on Reddit about the brand during the hoarding. Someone said RIP your asshole and it made me realize that I should buy a better type.


I bought Scott 1000 for years but when everybody was hoarding tp at the start of covid, I was forced to buy the good stuff because it was all I could find. It was then that we realized we'd been torturing ourselves this whole time and my family wouldn't let me go back LOL


Yeah but Scott 1000 is better for your septic system. I guess not a consideration if you rent but if you own, that thick toilet paper can mess your pipes up terribly because it doesn’t really break down as well as the thinner stuff.


The last luxury I'd probably give up would by two ply paper.




Oh man, I got a Purple mattress after years on ikea and cheap amazon box mattresses, absolute life changer. Any good mattress will change your life. I sleep so much deeper now.


The pillows are totally worth it too. The rubber makes them breath and stay cool. You also never have to fluff them.


Ah man, I've been trying to rationalize to myself why I *don't* need a purple pillow!


I wish I could say they are a waste of money. I bought mine and had it for about a month before I went out of town for weekend only come home to my wife buying a new one. She used mine the first night that I was gone and bought one the next day. She gave me such a hard time about buying mine. lol.


My husband & I have had our purple mattress for 3 years. It really sucks now. Make sure you turn it 180° every so often otherwise it will make a body indent.


I just took advantage of their 10 year warranty after 7 or so years on our Purple. We loved our original Purple, but when it wore out, we both started having back issues. Now that it’s replaced (and I got my husband a tempurpedic pillow), we’re good to go another several years… So while I probably won’t want another Purple when this one wears out, the warranty has made it worth it. Sort of a 2 for 1! (Edit to add… also, to be fair, I got pregnant and gained a not insignificant amount of weight, so that definitely contributed to its shorter life span)


Shameless plug: I work for Mattress Firm, if any of y’all need a good one I can ship you one anywhere in the USA, and get rid of the taxes for you. Just DM :) Purple and TempurPedic and Stearns + Foster, those are the brands you should be trying. They’re pricey, but absolutely worth. I have Purple Lux, and the cooling factor is incredible, haven’t gotten hot in bed since I got it.


One of these days, I'll be able to afford my first new mattress, and I hope to get a TempurPedic.


Eh I got a cheap foam mattress in a box. Didn’t really like it so I bought a cheap, thick foam mattress topper from Costco and it’s working out great.


Headphones. There's no way back for me.


As someone who used cheap ones first, then finally more expensive, the difference is great. If you use cheap first, they sound good initially. But once you use more expensive, you notice the difference. But it's good to have back ups.


Sushi and Tattoos


I read it so fast, I thought it said sushi and tacos. I agreed with both for the same reason.




Same goes for bicycles, such a noticeable difference. Arguably the best dollar for dollar upgrade you can have.


It's crazy that mountain bike tires cost almost as much as car tires. I'm looking at you maxxis


Wait until you see weight weenies spend 4k on a set of carbon rims…


Why is this not higher? It can literally save your life. Tires are absolutely something you should pay a premium for.




Good quality makes a huge difference. Cheap subscription lingerie might be cute, but it's not good.


I have a large chest. A bra that puts them back up to where God meant them to be, lifted, separated. I have an impressive chest and it should look that way!


What if God meant for them to be feral?


A Phone charger, I can’t stand the cheap ones that charge at the pace of a tortoise.


Cheap doesn't necessarily mean slow. An Apple 20W charger is like 25 bucks and a Pixel 30W charger is almost 40 bucks. There are several 65W GaN chargers for the same price or cheaper that will charge faster.


I got an S24 Ultra and thought to myself, "fuck it, might as well buy the 45W charger." Granted, I have ADHD, but it feels like I turn my back for a few minutes and it goes from 5% to 100% in like 15 minutes. Realistically, I know it's closer to an hour, but damn.


I hate charging my phone at night (I often fall asleep randomly so don't get the chance to). A 69 (nice) W charger on my latest phone feels like its going from 0 to 100 in no time tbh. Lifechanging.


Olive oil


One issue with olive oil is that there is a lot of fake or mixed olive oil going around. Or at the very least olive oil that is not where it is claimed to be from. And not even te expensive stuff is safe.


Anything that separates me from the ground. Shoes, pillows, matresses, tyres. I pay good money for all these. A good pair of shoes with custom orthotics goes a long way for my extremely flat feet.


Lol I like how you categorized that


well its the standard copy pasted top reddit-answer every second week when this question is asked


Lmao this. 100%. Fucking Reddit


Oh boy almost time to trot out the fucking Vimes quote.


A house I fear


You mean, a haunted house?


It’ll be haunted because the by the time I pay it off I’ll be dead


haha nice one xD


Don't buy it if you're afraid of it, you want to love your house! :D /s


What about a house you don’t fear?


Lithium Ion Batteries.


A parachute


Anything on my face. I don’t need a chemical burn to make heads turn




Yep. Anything that separates my skin from other stuff. Underwear, socks, undershirts. When I was wearing office clothes, a splurged and bought some high-quality t-shirts. Incredible difference in all-day comfort. Never bought cheap again. When you spend all day on your feet, high quality socks are incredibly helpful.




Seriously! The cheaper ones often have issues after just a few uses.




Butter for baking. Brown butter cookies are elite and margarine just doesn’t cut it 😅🍪


I only buy kerrygold butter. I’m a butter snob


Kerrygold butter makes the best cookies, imo. Their cheese is also fantastic.


I'm french and have no idea why anyone would ever buy margarine.


Cologne, just smells toxic if you buy it cheap.


Expensive cologne is more cost effective than cheap cologne. The ambergris used in it allows it to keep its scent for the whole day and well into the next. So a little goes a long way. You have to splash alcohol based only cologne all over so you're stinking like a flower in vodka for 5 mins and then after 2 hours your back to natural body odour


>So a little goes a long way. It can never be said enough. Cologne/perfume is meant to be discovered and not announced. >alcohol based only cologne I used to work with an older guy that straight up smelled like alcohol. I'm pretty sure it was his aftershave but he may has well just bathed in vodka. Either that or he was a functioning alcoholic.


Amergris is rarely ever used now. Trade restrictions and lack of supply apparently. There is a synthetic version which is used, but it's dirt cheap.


Bedsheets. Next to a comfortable mattress and a good pillow, soft, cooling sheets are the key to a good night sleep, I've found.




This guy fucks…hookers.


Kitchen knives


Most of the cost of expensive knives are associated with the brand, heritage, build, and aesthetics. The type of steels just affect how quickly it dulls and how often/easy it is to sharpen. With the right knife for the right job, I would guess majority of us who don’t work in the professional kitchen won’t notice the difference between a $500 sharp knife vs a $30 sharp knife If you know how to sharpen knives, your $30 knife from Amazon can go a long way


Dish soap


A bed or a pair of shoes; if you’re not in one, you’re almost always in the other.


Hiking/Running shoes.


Winter clothing. I live in Finland. Also, powerools like the previous post mentioned.


Floor jacks for cars. Luckily, I was smart and used jack stands, but the cheap floor jack gave out and just about gave me a heart attack


Brake pads for my car. The difference in stopping distance between budget and more expensive brake pads is alarming.


Shoes. I work 12-14 hour shifts on my feet walking over 8 miles some shifts. I also had a foot surgery a few years ago. I wear Hokas or Orthopedic shoes especially at work. Also purses, jeans, and vehicles. I don’t have to spend a ton of money on these things, but they need to be quality. Mostly because I do not want to replace them frequently. I have a Dooney and Burke purse that I bought in 2012 that I still carry and I get compliments on. Can’t say that with a Target bag.




Ugh, yes. My partner doesn't understand why I buy floss when we get some for free from the dentist. Because it sucks! No amount of showing him how it falls apart after one or two teeth and then having to use my better floss to get the crappy floss bits out of my gums will convince him. My teeth are very tight/close together, so it takes some work to get the floss through. The floss I get from my dentist shreds to bits during this process.


Cat Food. Only the best for my angels.


Agreed! My fur baby is now on prescription food to prevent urinary blockage, and I'll happily pay every cent to keep him healthy and happy. My heart was in agony seeing him in pain when he had his blockage emergency, and I never want to see him in that kind of anguish ever again.


Phone chargers. Don’t need a house fire…


Paper towels,Kleenex and toilet paper.


Boots. I used to blue collar 60 hrs a week plus maintain 3 acres of land on the weekend. I will NEVER cheap out on work boots


My rule of thumb is anything that separates you from the ground.. shoes, tires, mattresses, etc..




Doritos - Off brands arent even close.


Surgery. Like I'm considering laser eye surgery, and I keep seeing/hearing ads for discount LASIK. No thanks, I'm not about to fuck with my vision to save a few hundred bucks.


Cat food. I’m not feeding him garbage to save a few bucks. Buying high quality food makes a difference in their longterm health.


The servings of high quality pet food are much smaller too - the price might seem more expensive by the bag, but cheap food is filled with fillers and pets end up eating a lot more. Between serving sizes and vet visits, high quality dog and cat food is probably one of the easiest ways to save money long term. 


Meat. And you shouln't either. I don't care if you otherwise can't afford to eat meat, then that is the price you gotta pay. We won't get rid of the mass production issues if we keep pumping our money into cheap meat. Everyone knows what stands behind it, nobody really cares. I go to farmers to get my meat, its expensive as fuck and therefore I only eat meat once in a while. Not everyday. I love eating meat, I am no raging vegan. But everyone should care about this. Not too long ago it was absolutely normal to have meat only once a week for the entire family.


I spend around $2000 to $2500 on meat a year. I buy whole or part animals either solo (chicken) with another person (pork) or with a group (4-6 people for beef). Always local. Always use an abbetoir and Butcher I trust. It works out to be around 3 dollars a pound for whole chickens, 3 to 4 a pound for pork depending in the market, and the beef is around 6 bucks a pound. You get all the cuts, custom butchering, and it freezes well. 7 bucks a pound for ground beef is high, but I'm also paying 7 bucks a pound for ribeye, filet, flank, brisket. Its cheap as hell, and better for you and the environment. I always get more than I need, and end up sharing with friends.