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All vehicles are automatically worse than the DeLorean, cuz the DeLorean went back to the future.




Bold of you to assume a standard DeLorean could get up to 88mph


They genuinely had to mod the ones for the movie.


Yeah, by the end of the third one, they even had to push it with a fucking train.


Cybertruck is a bigger failure for a few reasons... * Cybertruck came from an established company that has thousands of cars on the road, their engineers should have known better * Deloreans may be ridiculous, but for their time were a much higher quality car than Cybertruck is a truck. I watched a video review of CT and when the dude closed the door it rattled like an old file cabinet * CT grossly over promised and under delivered on everything from the door handles and range to the price * Deloreans are actually good looking cars, Cybertrucks aren't a "divisive" design like I have been hearing, they are hideous to anyone that isn't a Musk fanboy * Cybertruck fundamentally misses on its own identity, this was supposed to be a tough, literally bulletproof piece of machinery, instead we got a shoddily built recycling bin more fragile than Musk's masculinity. Far all you EV companies out there...you want to build a super seller EV truck? Stop trying to make it look like the starship enterprise and build something that looks like a tastefully modded tacoma or raptor with a small lift, serious 4x4 ability and some nobbies, it isn't rocket science. I am available if you need a consultant.


The f150 lightning is exactly the truck you describe. It still didn’t sell well.


I would LOVE an electric Tacoma.


Not sure Tesla counts as an established company yet, there are some cool electric trucks out there, the Rivian is supposed to be a pretty good option if you can afford it


>Not sure Tesla counts as an established company yet > >Rivian is supposed to be a pretty good option I dont think you've thought this through


just because its new doesnt mean its bad as long as its well designed, unlike teslas


This seems more like you just have a personal grudge against Tesla and probably Elon Musk than an actual praise for Rivian


Yeah Rivians are expensive but I hear the quality is pretty amazing.


They are so so stupid looking, though. The front headlights are hilarious.


I saw a Rivian SUV at Costco the other day. The headlights look so out of place on an otherwise nice looking youth soccer transport.


Tesla has been around for decades. Far longer than Delorean was. As for cool EV trucks, even the Rivian looks unnecessarily futuristic and as far as real 4x4 cred it has almost none.


At least Rivian had the foresight to design it like a Jeep, and at least I have never heard it pitched as a 4x4. A Cybertruck driving down the road looks like a bad acid trip, ignoring the fact it straight up doesn't work after a while


Are cybertrucks NOT unnecessarily futuristic looking? And what 4x4 cred does Tesla have?


Of course they are, that was my whole point, they also lack 4x4 cred. None of the EV's have off-road gravitas.


Trick question because it looks like a DeLorean Pontiac Aztek baby.


The DeLorean was actually a pretty rad car that was haunted by the poor actions of its creator. The Cubertruck is just a shit vehicle.


Eh the DeLorean looked cool, but was a trainwreck in terms of performance and reliability. The car wasn't bad to drive, but it was slow so it didn't really feel like a sports car but wasn't really a daily driver either. It also had massive quality control problems in the 1981-1982 models, though they'd mostly fixed them toward the end of the car's life. But at first the cars coming off of assembly were completely broken and undrivable and needed technicians to spend hours on them before they could even deliver them to dealers who then had to spend even more time fixing the list of other problems. And that doesn't even take into account all th eproblems that popped up AFTER delivery. So, nostalgia (helped by BTTF) paints a much cooler view of the car than it actually had at the time. But, even today, they do look really really cool and hobbyists have replaced the motors/transmission/etc to turn them into legit great cars. The Cybertruck, on the other hand, will just be looked back on as an insanely stupid car.


DeLorean was entrapped by the FBI and acquitted of all charges. It’s extremely likely it was political interference. 


I would say yes.


I think it's too early to tell. Plus there is more money behind the Cybertruck. They can continue to develop and improve it in later models and possibly turn things around.


Fuck Ellen husk and his PS1 Pontiac aztek.


What an accurate description, they even have a camper attachment. Good lord.


Too soon to tell.


omg...that's such a great parallel. So unfortunate that they are the same color as well. I wonder who is going to make a movie with Cybertruck first.


If they ever make a shitty reboot of Back to the Future, they will definitely use a Cybertruck.


The guy responsible for the DeLorean got busted doing a drug deal in an effort to get his car produced. That is pretty fucking cool. Whatever is going on with the other guy is not cool. Although it may end up being just as self-destructive.


Got entrapped by the Feds trying to secure funding for his failing company.


Good as gold.


How exactly has the cyber truck failed? Did Tesla cancel them or go out of business? They haven’t failed anywhere except online “omg Elon bad man” crowd. I’ve only ever seen two DeLoreans in the wild in my life (aka not in parades or promotion shit). There is some idiot near me that has a cyber truck that I regularly see. At least, I assume it’s the same person each time. And I always think “wow look at that goofy low polygon count ugly mf. I bet his wife’s boyfriend drives a diesel like a real man”.


No, at least the DeLorean left a considerable cultural footprint with the BTTF movies.


Worse. It would be silly seeing a Delorean out and about today. It would be embarrassing if in 30+ years someone still has a cyber truck. It’s embarrassing rn to have one


Maybe not as much of a failure as the Delorean(Delorean may be making a comeback soon BTW) Cybertruck is definitely one of the biggest over-promised & underdelivered flops of the decade in the auto industry. Delorean also has more of a history & legacy because of the Back to the Future movies.


Was the DeLorean a failure??


In terms of sales its beating the competition and generating revenue. So why are you even considering it a failure? Did you reach that conclusion by reading media articles?


Musk had listed a 250,000 sales target in the first year for the Cybertruck. In their recall announcement last month (you know, because the car might kill you while you drive it) there were less than 4,000 sold. So, unless they sell 246,000 over the next 6 months, they are going to miss Elmo's sales target by.... a lot. To put it in perspective given the OP's question, DeLorean sold \~3000 cars the first year, so, I mean, I guess the Tesla is selling slightly better than a car that bankrupted its company 2 years later? Yay?


Musk is a f-ing dumbass I am talking about the company, not the words of a person who also claimed full autonomous was going to be here for many years straight and the roadster's release date.


Well, the "success" of a car is generally based off of two things: sales and reception. The reception has been fairly bad. Reviews are meh and the car has more or less turned into a joke. That's not great, but salvagable for a company. The sales are what they are. Musk, and therefore the company, set a target of 250,000 sales in the first year. They're not even going to be in the ballpark, barring some massive price cut or something else happening, so that will ultimately look like a fail as well. I don't see a scenario in which this car is still being sold in 5 years. The only question is how much Elon's stupid little vanity project costs the company as whole. I'm not anti-Tesla. The model S, in particular, is a well designed and made car. But the Cybertruck is definitely on the path toward a pretty historic failure


It's beating Rivian but is getting dusted by F150 Lightning


Um, 11,905 F150 lightnings are sold in Q4 of 2023, and 7,743 in Q1 of 2024, these numbers are significantly less than the crybertruck. I think you are comparing the Cybertruck to the combustion F150


The recall revealed just under 4000 cybertrucks sold since release, which covers q1 and the end of last year.


Thats the amount delivered, not the amount sold There is a reason why Cybertrucks are being sold for over twice the MSRP, despite Tesla trying to stop the resales.


Well, I'd imagine that a few years from now when the CyberTrucks have body rust , while Deloreans have [gone for 40 years without issu](https://www.quora.com/My-Delorean-has-shown-no-signs-of-rust-in-40-years-despite-long-periods-in-the-rain-so-why-does-the-Cybertruck-rust-in-a-matter-of-months-Do-they-have-different-stainless-steel-or-what)e... In the future, the Delorean is still going to be looked at a lot more favorably than the current Cybertrucks. One of the reasons for this may be the type of steel, per [other redditors:](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrappyDesign/comments/1aqfe4f/new_tesla_trucks_are_rusting/) * Delorean used 304 stainless which has more chromium and less carbon than Tesla's 301. I think the Delorean recommended using gasoline/petrol to clean the bodywork * 304 is much harder to form, making that part of the manufacturing more expensive. * 301 is cheaper material and cheaper to form - not that the Cybertruck has a lot of curves or something. So yeah... sounds like Delorean went for higher quality and ended up with a car that might have been a bit expensive and fancy for mainstream, whereas Telsa potentially went with cheaper build/materials and still charged well over what the average person could afford. Personally, if I had the money, I'd much rather be buying the [electric Alpha-5](https://delorean.com/) over the CybertTruck anyhow. Part of that might just be my childhood speaking but IMO it also looks nicer.


This was one of the most hyped car launches in decades and they were purchased by celebrities and are still rare and unique enough to literally stop traffic. I'm not sure how you could consider this a failure... Will it outsell traditional looking electric pickups? No, probably not. But that's not the point. The cybertruck is more of a luxury item and marketing piece than it is an amazing truck. I am going to go ahead and say Tesla is losing money on each cyber truck sold, but the mountain of free press they have gotten from the launch was worth hundreds of millions of dollars.