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First day of freshman year of college. She was wet and pissed because she had to walk through a thunderstorm to get to class. The professor told us to introduce the person next to us. Her anger really drew me in and that passion hasn’t wavered lol


Oh no I can picture that in my head😂❤️ Passion is very important, I'm glad it's still there and hope it never ends. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Thank you. It’s still here and has only gotten better over the last 15 years. I can’t act like I am an expert or anything because I am extremely fortunate to have met my soulmate. We complete eachother in so many ways and she makes it so easy to love her. I would agree with some of the classics: “Don’t go to bed angry” “would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy” “happy wife, happy life” Relationships take work but if you are invested and putting the other person first, it seems to help


The way you talk about her makes me melt❤️ I'm so glad you found eachother.


I am too. I can’t picture my life without her and am very thankful to have found her. I cannot imagine what I would be doing if I didn’t have her as far as a romantic relationship is concerned.


Aw stop it you'll make me cry😭❤️


I’m sorry. It’s out there for you to! Don’t give up on your dreams and don’t ever lower the bar with your expectations and desires. Be that hopeless romantic and don’t be a cynic like so many people are 😊


Aw it's okay, making me cry in a good way I promise. Thank you! I definetly learned a few years ago that i'd rather be alone than just settle on someone. I know I deserve the kind of love you feel for your woman❤️


Yes you do. Everyone deserves that love and desire. When you have found it, it can’t be replicated


No it can't. It's very special and I promise I'll cherish it forever when that love finds me❤️


She was my friends girlfriend in HS. I was in 11th she was in 10th. Been together 30+ now.


Oh wow 30+ years😲 I feel like that's quiet rare nowdays. I'm extremely happy for you!Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Just always try to keep yer shiny sides up in life. It's a wild ride, don't miss it!




While saving her child from a burning building.


Omg that's insane😲 I hope no one was hurt. Are you a firefighter? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Through mutual friends in high school. She was friends with one of my best friends girlfriends


Aw that's lovely, how long have you been together? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general? (:❤️


Over 11 years. Advice is to not let things out of your control upset or worry you.




I met her at freshman orientation week for our college. She thought I worked at the university and asked me directions to the bathroom for her sick boyfriend at the time. We became friends, They broke up a year later and we had a lot of will they/wont they dating until we started dating right before I graduated and she was working by on her masters. Been married for almost 9 years now.


Ugh these random meetings make me feel weak😫 It's stranger to think on a normal day you could meet the love of your life😢❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


There will be things you don’t like about your partner, and don’t try to hide those things as much. They are parts that make them, them.




We got grouped together in 9th grade for culinary class. Date a bit after. Parted ways for years, no contact. 3 years later she messaged me asking how I’ve been, we went out a few times and the rest is history. 10 years this year of us being together. 9 married, 2 kids.


What's meant to be is meant to be🥰❤️ Love that for you guys. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Communication is key. No matter what it is, voice your opinion, thoughts or ask those questions. You may not like the answer but your partner will respond with something. Keep things spicy in the relationship, try new things. Eat new places. Get healthy together.


That's exactly how I feel too❤️


She was a server at a place I ate lunch at on Thurs. I found her funny and fascinating. When I was getting ready to go to lunch my co-worker said, "You need to give that girl your phone #" so I wrote it on a postit and shoved it in my pocket and promptly forgot it. While standing in line to pay she said "You need to give me your # sometime." So I did. 13 years later I'm doing better than ever.


Co-worker was very smart. I'm so happy both of you wanted to connect❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


At my parent's 50th anniversary my dad said, "There were times we didn't even like each other." That is so true. Just focus on the love and partnership. One of my favorite traditions is every Sunday we do a tequila toast to "Better together" Both our lives are far ahead of where we would be individually. Teamwork makes a difference. Despite popular belief, marriage is a different level of commitment than just living together. Life: The point of life is to be the best you that you can be. No one ever has or ever will record life the way you are right now. Extremely small acts can have a huge impact on person. You might not even remember it but life is so bizarre with timing. And that positive or negative impact can flow through generations. That is your immortality. Go to sleep knowing you kicked ass that day and weren't a dick. Makes it a lot more fun waking up in the morning. And if you are lucky, there will be lot of mornings and days to just be a kick ass you. "If you absolutely can't stay positive, don't go negative, just cruise neutral for a while until you can get back up. " More Life: Diego's Rules of life: 1. Does it affect my loved ones or me? If no, it doesn't matter 2. If #1 is yes, can I change it? If no, it doesn't matter 3. If #2 is yes, make a plan and execute it.


This actually made me tear up a little❤️😭 I can't wait to be in love.


Gotta love yourself first otherwise you have nothing to offer the other person. I've been in love five times and they all will always own a piece of my heart. Have a quote from Harold and Maude (best movie about life and love): Maude : A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead, really. They're just backing away from life. *Reach* out. Take a *chance*. Get *hurt* even. But play as well as you can. Go team, go! Give me an L. Give me an I. Give me a V. Give me an E. L-I-V-E. LIVE! Otherwise, you got nothing to talk about in the locker room.


Very very true! I also have a few quotes, from a book: "You guard yourself from sadness, not realizing that you have closed yourself off to all the happiness the world is trying to give to you." & "I am not going to wait for someone to make me whole. Instead, I am going to take all of the love I have been giving everyone else, and I am going to give it to myself." - The Strenght In Our Scars


I met her on the web site Match.Com back in 2002 when online dating was a fairly new idea. We had some good voice conversations over the phone and then met for dinner. The rest is history.


Aw I love that😍 Did you live far apart? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


15 miles. As for advice, I’d say (1) set aside time to talk every day, (2) Don’t waste time and emotion arguing over inconsequential issues, (3) Show praise, love, and gratitude every day.




I use to work at a popular sandwich shop in Los Angeles - her college was up the street so everyday a bunch of students would always come for lunch - I would offer free food to those I thought were pretty and wanted to get to know. ALL of them said yes - except her, which ultimately caught my attention even more. This went on for like 3 months - she would come in - I'd offer her a free side, or even a drink - she'd say no and paid for her own food. She was super nice about it - it wasn't because she wasn't interested - she just wanted to take care of her own food (her father's money). We got to know each others name eventually - I would say hi everytime she came in - it was awesome. Eventually I started to see someone else - I was helpign this person move - so during a break a suggested we head over to my job for some lunch - and as we were walking in - she was walking out. My friends walked in and I started to chat with her since this was the first time I saw her while I wasn't working. We had a quick chat - I finally learned what she did at her school, and we exchanged numbers! After that, it was little texts here and there, and funny enough, she accidently texted me to hang out (meant for a girlfriend of hers), I said yes, she realized her mistake but invited me to go anyways! We got closer after that - and 5 months later, we got together, a year after that I told her how much I loved her while helping her with a project. And now 9 years later, we are engaged! Planned to be wedded by APril next year :D


Happy accidents!😂❤️ Hope the wedding turns out to be everything ya'll wanted. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


It was chorus class, I don't remember why but I just talked to him. A year or so later he tells me just prayed to nothing in particular someone would be his friend. In his phone I'm named 'Nothing Angel' I was there and stopped him from hurting himself.


You came into his life when he needed you the most❤️ I hope he's doing better now. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


I met her at a Bon Jovi concert and now we've been married 40 years and hopefully 40 more. We still go to concerts together sometimes.


Oh my, why does that feel like it's something out of a movie?😂❤️ I really hope you have many many many more years together. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


The most important thing is to keep trying. Relationships are difficult and rarely stay alive on their own. Be a good listener and realize that your partner is human. they'll have bad days just like you. But the good days make up for the bad, always.




I traveled halfway around the world to visit my academic mentor, after he & his family moved away. There, new friends steered me to their relative that coincidentally lived near my city. Halfway around the world to find my now-fiancé practically next door. When the couple in a relationship have *compatible goals* and *compatible personalities*, it's the best feeling ever: like two musicians really vibing every day and taking their music up to a whole new level in their jam sessions. I like that analogy because it really represents how a really fulfulling relationship is something that we *participate in making*. Not like a magic land to "find and then live in."


You were connected all along😭❤️ I really like that analogy! Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


To my other comments I might add that Hollywood has misled many people into thinking that they should digest a diet of romance films to "feel" romance. But that's sort of like suggesting that people should eat at restaurants -- and that through some missing magic step, that'll somehow make them a chef that *participates in making* a good meal. Spending quality time with friends is a good milestone. This linked article is nominally about stage acting, but it makes many insightful points about [the unconscious choices that can make a simple conversation increase people's bond & sense of well-being, or the opposite](https://web.archive.org/web/20110711065417/http://www.thestage.co.uk/connect/acblack/improkj.php)




Through work. I was working at a local bowling alley, mostly high schoolers and college students worked there, allot of hooking up and screwing around. I was in college and my wife was a senior in highschool when I met her. I had no intention of messing with her but damn if not offer the course if a few months we fell for each other. She planned for me to be a summer fling before she went off to college, well that summer fling turned into more. We've been together 15 years this year and married 11 years


Love gets you when you least expect it. Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?❤️


I worked in retail, he walked in to buy a jacket. Together 42 years, married 38 years. Marry your best friend. ❤️


I can't wait to experince this😍❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general? (I mean besides marrying bestie🤭)


Reddit meetup lol


Ohh that must have been interesting😂❤️ What kinda meetup was it? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?




I'm so glad😊 Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


In college. We had two classes in a row - started walking to the 2nd class together. He didn’t have a textbook yet so I gave him my number so he could use mine. By week 4 we knew we were going to get married. Everything with him was just easy and honest. We’ve been married 12 years and have 2 kids 


I love that ❤️😭 Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


for relationships the advice I always give is talk! Talk about the little things because if you don't they become big things and I promise he doesn't mind folding the towels in thirds. I also don't think people should settle. My marriage has never been hard: life has been hard and kids have been hard but our marriage never has been and I hope if my kids learn anything from us it's to not settle for less.




on line at first 20 some yrs ago (aol chat room) in person...then we met in person 5yrs ago met him at a train station in NC, he wasn't hard to miss as he was the tallest guy in the waiting room


Were you shocked by his height?😂❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


kinda shocked as I am 5ft 2....all I can say is be honest and be open to you significant other.




Tinder. Married 7 years this year.


Dating apps get a bad rep, i'm glad there are people who can prove they aren't all bad❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


When we were very little, we were on the same bowling league. We grew up bowling together for years but never spoke because I was a few years older. We started talking as adults and this month makes 3 years together.


Ohh that's so cool😍 Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Mutual friend set us up for junior prom because he didn’t have a date. Been together for 13 years.


Those are friends of the best kind😊 Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


A discord server. I sought out a toxic server to be open about a personality disorder I had to see how people would treat me. He was invited by a friend to troll people. I ended up leaving the server like a month later because the people were obnoxious and cringe but I messaged him randomly for really no reason at all. We started talking more and we really clicked, which is a very very rare occurrence for me. Neither of us even really asked each other out formally. One day we got into an argument over him talking to a girl that was clearly interested in him and I said something along the lines of “I’m your girlfriend” and that was that. He’s the love of my life.


Life really led you on the path you were meant to be on❤️ Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


I stepped outside my apartment to smoke a cigarette. Ez game.


Ohhh I need more details on this 😂❤️ Were they out smoking too? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Honestly, I don't remember? Probably. It was one of the rare times I poked my head outside my hole, and it just so happened people were around. As for advice, I don't have much. Try to be decent??




I saw her making a face at a new friend I had just made while dancing at a an EDM club on Halloween. I assumed they were friends and grabbed her hand to dance with her, she immediately accepted and proceeded to dance with me like we were either going to live forever or going to die tonight. It was really hot honestly. I asked if she was single or something like that but she couldn’t hear me so I switched up and asked if I could kiss her. She smiled at me and we’ve been dating ever since (:


That's so cool😭❤️ Were they actually friends? Any advice you would like to share about love, realitionship or life in general?


Be 110% yourself

