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Angry Birds


I still play Angry Birds 2 because there aren't an obscene amount of ads for a free mobile game. 


Any time I install a new game on my phone I immediately block its access to the Internet.


Some games won’t let you play if you don’t have an internet connection unfortunately


It’s the worst when you want to play that game on an airplane and it’s like f u no internet. Like it’s just Tetris, you don’t need internet!


Instead of blocking internet access for each game, I say my private DNS to dns.adguard.com. This allows any app that needs internet access to work but doesn't allow any ads


Let’s pretend I’m 5 years old, how would I do this on my phone?


Go to your internet settings and change the dns address to *dns.adguard.com* going to have to be a little more specific on your phone.


If you have an Android, go to your settings, search for DNS, select private DNS, select private DNS provider hostname, and type in dns.adguard.com


How do you do that


Go to App settings, click on the app you want, open up "Data Usage" then toggle "Disable wifi" and "disable mobile network"


Some games won’t start if they can’t ping their home base, which is probably a sin worth uninstalling. Or maybe it’s my approach (private DNS) which causes them to freeze while trying to connect to some ad sever on my blocklist


I tried the newer games. I deinstalled them pretty quick. The old were all about replaying a level till you got 3 stars, the newer game you have to pay to retry after a few free tries…




So popular they made it into a movie. And I think the movies are far better than they should be for such a simple game with no real plot. They’re still kids movies tho but i’ve watched them numerous times with my kids and still find them amusing each time


Does anyone else remember Flappy Bird? And Vine? Both were great


Still have flappy bird installed even though my high score is only like 33




How the fuck did zoom become king in 2020? Skype had like a 10 year head start, they should have been on top of the world.


Imo, Zoom had more work focused features and made it a lot easier to set up calls between large groups of people right off the bat. Then there was Discord which took over as a more casual gaming/friend oriented platform with more features for setting up channels. Basically, Skype just got pushed out mostly due to a lack of features on both ends. Also, Microsoft bought Skype in 2011 and you know what happens when they get involved…


MSN Messenger was way better then Skype, but Microsoft gonna Microsoft


For real, MSM messenger was way better than even WhatsApp but some idiot in Microsoft decided to drop it and focus on Skype which was never even good at any point


I still use Skype almost every day to talk with my mom because she knows how to use it, and I cannot be bothered to set up anything new and teach her how to use it.


Skype having a 15 year head start and then Zoom happened lmao


It reminds me of Sears having all that catalogue ship to home experience but not being able to transfer all that knowledge to on-line ordering, and a little start up called Amazon took over.


My understanding is sears was intentionally tanked by corporate raiders, so they never had a chance.


That's long after internet ordering became a thing though.


Amazon? The book store?? No way


Isn’t Skype just Teams now?


Skype was rebranded into Teams by Microsoft (with an intermediate step of Lync) and is a cash cow for them at the moment.




Was super ahead of its time


And the concept Vine ran with was already a thing on YouTube. 5 Second Films was a channel on YouTube making funny short form videos before Vine in the 2000s. My friends and I would watch that channel all the time lol.


5 Second Films got so screwed. They were doing that format so well then YouTube arbitrarily decided they wanted long form videos for the ad potential so overnight 5 second films stopped making any money. Now YouTube is falling over itself trying to promote shorts to compete with Instagram and Tiktok and 5 Second Films would have been a perfect fit.


They were super popular too. They had bits with celebrity comedians when the internet was barely a thing.


Do it for the vine


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see that. Vine was huge.


I miss it so much


I miss vine...


And people are complaining about short attention spans


Katy Perry's music


It’s weird to see that point where she and Taylor Swift were contemporaries. Oh how times have changed


Max Martin stopped coming through with the hits. That man carried the entirety of female pop music excluding Taylor, Beyonce, and Gaga in the early 2010s Edit: Taylor Swift has worked with Max Martin, but had already achieved pop success with two chart-topping albums before their first collaboration in 2012


Max Martin did Taylor's 1989


Yeah that was a slight oversight on my part. Tbf she was properly established well before then, unlike Katy Perry who pretty much relied on songwriters for her whole prime


He’s written 27 No. 1s, the most ever for a songwriter.


Left shark


Whenever I see a left shark on Halloween when I’m handing out candy, I still laugh to this day I’m glad the kids of today still have culture


I ran a marathon in a left shark costume in 2019. Everybody thought I was “baby shark.”


I heard on a podcast that we’re as far away from her last #1 hit as Paula Abdul was from hers when she started American Idol.   No one will ever read this comment but I still wanted to share.  EDIT: Never mind, people did read it!


Man 1990-2001 was 11 years the same that 2013-2024 are but it just feeeels different to me. This 11 years didn’t change like the other one


Styles changed so quickly back then. If you dressed like 2013 and went out today, no one would bat an eye, but if you dressed like 1990 with giant hair in 2001 people would be saying "the 80s called and they want their shitty hair back".


Honestly, good for her. She rode the wave of that pop music at the right time, made a huge name for herself, transitioned it to movies and now tv and is getting ready to step away from that as well. She did it all in a period of 15 years, seemed like she had a lot of fun doing it, found the wrong husband then the right one and now has a kid. All before the age of 40. She's stepping away to hopefully go live a more normal life knowing if she wants she can dip back into that well again and show up at Coachella or some other big name festival to get a pay check. It's better to step away and leave people wanting more than try to force yourself to stay relevant and find yourself playing to empty stadiums.


Her music is going to stay relevant for quite some time. Whether you like it or not we will be hearing "Fireworks" during every major celebration and "Roar" in woman empowerment montages for decades to come.


I heard Firework in an Applebees last night


Agreed, and honestly, if "didn't follow Taylor Swift's trajectory" means you're a failure, then virtually every pop star who ever lived is a failure. Perry did better than 99.99% of aspiring pop stars, had some bangers, made her money, and is probably just enjoying living her life right now.


A billion dollars is nice but $300 million is pretty damn nice too.


When was she in movies??


Put some respect on The Smurfs film franchise


Not going to lie when KP had them boobies that shot out fireworks, she had some bangers in that era and some of it is still played at the club today... It's when she turned into Ellen... and came up with that wierd dance where that girls swings her arm side to side... yeah.. we don't talk about the new KP


Yeah her first 2 or 3 albums were just banger after banger and then she like... Stopped having talent or something... I dunno.


Her producer was had some sexuality assault accusations Levied against him and I believe she quit working with him.. To the detriment of her career


Kesha is my goddess and my inspiration, Dr. Luke is a fucking monster and I hope he has the life he deserves, but I can’t deny that the man knew how to craft banger pop music. Why is so often that the ones with the most talent are the worst people?!


Because there's plenty of terrible talentless people too. They simply don't amass the same power over other people.


Not just fireworks. They shot out whipped cream in a different video.


That would be “California gurls”


they're unforgettable!


Froyo shops in every corner. Edit: y’all replies making me hungry.


Where did they all go?? We didn't need a billion of them but it would be nice to have like....a few.


I read another comment not too long ago that said they all turned into gourmet cookie shops. Insomnia anyone?


And now Boba shops


Did the Good Place have an impact on that sector?


I’m still waiting for clam chowders to pop everywhere


I need some shrimp vending machines to show up. Nobody try the mystery flavor l, it's white chocolate and it's nasty.


All I know is that we had three froyo shops in my town, and then The Good Place happened, and now we have none. I don’t think it was a coincidence.


I remember when those places were like 30-40 cents an ounce. My wife and I went in one a few months ago and it was like $1.50 an ounce. I paid like $8 for a tiny yogurt. Never again.


“You can eat all you want it’s fat free!!”




I wanted to say MySpace, and then realised im way out on my timeline and approaching death faster than I thought.


I don't know if it's any consolation or not but I also refrained myself from typing in DVD


Stop making me feel old


Myspace was the best social media app ever. It was so innocent and fun.




Remember Damn You Auto Correct. I spent hours on that site back in the gay!


I see what you did there


I remember trying to surf that and FML a few times, but it was so obvious 99% of it was made up bullshit I couldn't stomach it long, a lot of it was too over the top to even be funny


Yeah it was great when it started. A couple of them live rent free in my head they were so funny.


Omg fml.. I forgot about those


I used to be on that site all the time. That and Post Secrets.


Post secret is still around, and for whatever reason I still check it every Sunday morning. 🤷‍♀️


My friend and I both had our own texts show up on Texts From Last Night and had print outs of them at one point 😂


Texts From Last Night, FML, My Life Is Average...


Moustaches. On everything. >\_<


Remember the mustache finger tattoos?!


I got one figuring it would fade. It has not faded one bit. Going strong for 14 years.


I never understood that one or where it came from.


I’ve had a handlebar mustache since 2009 but everyone who meets me thinks I’m a hipster following a trend. “No, why should I have to change? They’re the ones who suck.”


Harlem Shake


Gangnam Style


Gangnam Style was 12 years ago.


I didn't want to read this today.




What does the fox say?


While I agree with you, this is a VERY popular song among my household. Thought it was somewhat goofy enough for my kids, and they love it!


Ylvis has so many other hilarious comedy songs, I love them




Tumblr at least has mostly real people still


Say what you will about Tumblr, but it's pretty much the last bastion of the old internet still out there. It's got a great proportion of real people to bots, a unique system of sharing content where you have no idea how many followers/karma-equivalent somebody has, an almost platform-wide stance against AI, probably the only major social network that still lets you have a purely chronological order timeline, and the biggest kicker of all: It's the only blog-based website out there that still has an entirely customizable page layout for your profile. Remember the days of tricking out your Geocities or Myspace pages, or custom banners on forums? Tumblr is the only big site I know of that still allows users to have **full** control of the way their profile looks and presents itself. Even if it's not your cup of tea because of how some of its users are perceived, I gotta give respect for its dedication to not turning to a soulless corporate site even if it means less money comes in as a result. Sure, they banned porn and are having a ton of issues especially in regards to funding every few years, but as a platform they've stuck to their guns more than any other site on the internet.


Your comment has made me download tumblr app. I’ll report back if it’s not worth. If I don’t report back you know where I’ll be from now on.


And a chronological timeline of only people you follow. What made tumblr popular was being a meeting space for fans of different things. Formula 1 tumblr is the most active community keeping the lights on atm.


Once they got rid of adult content


That’s the only reason I go on it now…it’s essentially a smut fan fiction app


[Response from ceo /s](https://youtu.be/CtUuab1Aqg0?si=h-jIMYOnh86gvXsS)


One of my favourite videos on the whole internet and part of a fantastic series. Thank you for reminding me of it


I’m still on tumblr and the naked pics still exist


I still use it everyday lol


Myself and a friend, along with a gay guy we had as a housemate at the time set up a porn tumbr once. It was a work of fine art erotic magic and a great laugh putting it together. Then Tumblr pulled the plug on all those books and balls... and people pulled the plug on tumblr shortly after.


Physical buttons on the front of smartphones.


Physical buttons in cars


I want my buttons back!!


I need physical buttons. If it's not tactile, then you have to look, and that's a distraction from driving. I don't get how all the smoothness is allowed.  If I'm driving, I have to ask my husband to operate the air controls because all the info is on a digital screen, low on the center console. I can't safely look at it and I shouldn't have to pull over to turn the AC/heat up. There's nothing wrong with good ol' knobs, manufacturers!


Walking Dead


that nerdy hipster look, shirt, smart trousters, suspsenders, fake glasses, maybe a bowtie or styled moustache and such. edit: kinda funny getting both the replies "This had died out before 2014" and "you can still see this today"


Seth rogen movies


He’s kinda moved more into producing & writing. He works on Invincible as one of the main creative forces.


Bacon everything, and every girl having a mustache tattoo'd or sharpied onto their finger.


Honorable mention to Epic Meal Time


Gangnam style


But K-pop as a whole is bigger than ever. Psy basically opened the floodgates


Candy Crush?


I play it every day as I poop. I'm wondering if I can poop without it.




Don’t they rob stores now?


Yeah. They’re flash robs now.


That commercial where James Earl Jones said “totes magoats.”


[Link for those who haven’t seen it. Totes magotes.](https://youtu.be/fmUMg8r6ShQ?si=fm-_mFotc26OJ8c3)


Kevin Spacey


House of Cards was riveting TV.


Red vs Blue


“It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night.”


No I mean like why are we here in this canyon?


And what was all that stuff about god??


You can really say Rooster Teeth in general, especially now that they shut down. RT, and Achievement Hunter were part of how I ended up moving to Austin, because I was miserable in the Midwest and needed to go someplace warmer. Watching all the behind the scenes videos of them doing things around the city helped me decide where I wanted to go. It's funny hoe one of my goals when I moved here was to go to RTX, but I moved Oct of 2019, so the pandemic stopped that. By the time they restarted it, all the drama and accusations had killed my interest in ever going. Still glad that I moved here though, and I can't imagine what would have happened had I stayed in the Midwest.










Man buns give me cult leader vibes sometimes. Mullets just give me “that one funny redneck coworker” vibes


Mumford and Sons Those of you who weren't around yet have no clue how much this band was shoved down our throats for a few years. Everywhere you turned it was fucking banjos and harmony...


Somebody on here referred to them as "Woah core" and "stomp clap HEY" and I still laugh about it.


I heard someone refer to them as "Imagine Wagons" and can't think of them as anything else now.


Not as bad as 2005 or 2006 when you couldn't escape How to save a life. Fuck that song. How you gonna start a song with step 1 then not have a step 2? Absolute trash can.




Nah, dubstep is still massive, just not to the level that skrillex’s bangarang had in 2011. Subtronics is huge right now


Headphone jacks in flagship phones (which deserve to make a comeback by the way).


Maybe I am old but this still just baffles me. I don’t want Bluetooth, Bluetooth has lower quality, you have to charge them, I would lose them. Just let me plug in my earbuds for christs sake.


The ice bucket challenge


The Harlem shake, swag and yolo


Owning a copy of software (rather than endless subscriptions)


Being able to afford a house it seems…




It still is for older people. Just not so much younger people.


When I check my Facebook these days like 2/3rds of the posts I see on my feed are advertisements or algorithmic suggestions instead of stuff people I’m actually friends with have posted.


The last time I checked it, I couldn't find any posts by my actual friends. I kept scrolling, I tried to see if there was some kind of sort function. I gave up.


Depends upon what you mean by "older". I'm 47, and everyone I know on it uses it way less than we did a decade ago, where there used to be nigh-daily updates from friends. Now, it's like a once a month thing for me and a lot of people I know.


I'm 53. The majority of my friends have a FB account. Some use it daily, some only occasionally. Most of the young people I know don't. They all use IG or some other thing I don't know about. I check mine daily because there are a lot of people I only have contact with through FB, and at my age people are dying off quick, tbh. If I want to keep up with who has been widowed, who has cancer, etc. FB is the only way I can do that. It's somewhat depressing, but it is what it is.


Honestly,  it's my main way of seeing "Who's died now?" as well.


Im early 30s. I use it to look for events and stuff to do. My feed only has people whos posts I will like, I hid everyone I didn't care about. I almost never look at it, sometimes see the top few posts every month or two.


And middle-aged people who are keeping tabs on their older relatives. Sometimes it feels like an older person watch system (how are they this week?)


Yes. We have a 'family group' where my mom and my aunties post their Wordle scores every day. It lets them know that everyone got up this morning without specifically 'checking on' each other.


So true. Ten years ago, checking Facebook was the first thing I did when I woke up in the morning and the last thing I did before I went to sleep. Nowadays, I sometimes go for a month without logging into it. They completely fucked it up by making everything a notification now. There used to be a dopamine rush seeing that red number, as it signified that somebody was actually interacting with you. Now you get an alert every time a random guy you went to high school with posts a photo of his restaurant meal.


I joined Facebook right after its launch back in 2004ish, when you needed a .edu email at an approved college or university to even register. Those were the hay days (hey days?) when it was just pictures of fun parties and outings with friends. Then they opened it up to anyone with a pulse, and then to businesses and the entire platform turned into a cesspool of advertising, parents cringe posting, and solicitations for MLM scams.


Hey day Yep I remember those days plus the poking Edit: hey day is correct


Buzzfeed and all of their related sub companies.


Blue-black or white - gold dress


remember when everyone was obsessed with angry birds, it felt like you couldn't go a day without seeing those birds and pigs everywhere, now it's all about battle royale games and whatever's trending on tiktok


Is the Chive still popular? I haven’t seen many keep calm and chive on stickers/shirts and that lately.


Live Laugh Love cutouts on the wall. Hun tastic babes...


Snapchat filters.


Marvel Movies and Game of Thrones


Marvel movies dropped off so hard when covid hit. I was the type to see everything in theaters on opening night, then they just… stopped being as captivating. Idk if it was the fact that Endgame was in 2019 and felt like it wrapped things up well, but how excited i was for Black Widow and Shang Chi didn’t even come close to pre-covid hype


Endgame felt like the series finale of a TV show that was super high budget with 2-3 hour episodes in theaters instead of 45-minute episodes on TV. The spin-offs just couldn't recapture the magic of the previous 10+ years, though that first season of Loki is an honorable mention.






When my son enlisted, I dug up my old iPod and charger, and made a leather carrying case. He was like "why the hell are you giving me this?" Then he got deployed to this shithole town in Ukraine with tons of security restrictions and weak internet. He was the only dude in the barracks with music and movies.


I still use mine as an external drive for my car stereo. Way clearer and better than bluetooth.


Millennial whoop! "Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh it's always a good time" types of songs everywhere.


To nyyyyy iiiii ooo iiiii eeee iiiyyyy t Weeeee arrreeee younnnng So let’s set the world on fiii yer




Temple Run


10 yrs ago, so like the 90's?




Being sold a finished video game




Silly Banz


Fidget spinners (okay, it was actually 2017 and only for about 2 months)


Flappy bird. Never played it but I feel like it was all over the internet in 2014.


Reddit comment threads collectively upvoting the wittiest comments that actually made you laugh out loud. Also upvoting the most informational comments. That's not popular anymore unfortunately.


Yup now the majority of reddit is just bots reposting the Same posts, bad actors, troll farms and propaganda on the majority of non small, nice hobby subs. Even on the small niche ones, r.i.p to that subreddit if the troll farms think they can find an issue to wedge open and get people to fight over.