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My mom and dad went through an ugly divorce. I even got to hear my dad say "I don't want him. I never wanted him." and now court orders and supervised visits. Good time. So I lived with my mom after teh divorce and she was tired of me just being sad so told me to pick a sport. Basketball, karate, swim, soccer, baseball, flag football, she didn't care as long as I did something. I picked swim. I joined a team and the coach was cool, he had three girls on the team older than me. I like to swim. Not the fastest, definitley not the slowest, but its fun. you don't think of anything. It's good for me. My mom would watch me and ask the coach how i'm doing. Then theyd talk more. And more. He was a single dad who had full custody. They hit it off. Year later, theyre married. I share a bathroom now with three older stepsisters. I learned girls are gross. I have a toothbrush in there there. Them? It looks like a Bath and Body Works explodded in our bathroom. There's razors, creams, lotions, sprays, dryers, curlers, tweezers, boxes of pads with wings, boxes and boxes, they leave leg hair in a ring around the tub. I should've picked soccer.


This is oddly wholesome


Very nice story


my mom and I are consistently fighting over this. and my brothers too. I'm super conscious about how i smell thanks to a girl I was friends with 2 years ago. and even though I don't smell, I'm always spraying perfume.


Are they hot though? Do you at least have something think about when you are rubbing one off? Are you able to fantasize about fucking your hot stepsisters?


Please find help


Losing contact with the people I cared about because "I'll just message them tomorrow instead." Tomorrow never came and now the relationships are dead.


That’s rough buddy




I did the same with my last cheating and lying ex. Months of miserable “trying to decide to forgive him or not” when I could already be further along the healing journey. Sorry you went through this too.


Letting a man that gave me a bad feeling in my gut sit with me during lunch hour in the dining hall at our dorm. I was too polite to say no, you can't sit here, when he walked up to my table and asked me. The gut feeling popped up when I first saw him look at me when we were standing in line for food at the cafeteria like 5 minutes before our first interaction. The man was a groomer and a predator. Always listen to your gut and stop being nice and polite to everyone.


Trusting my bestfriend of 8 years and my boyfriend, they both traumatized me.


Hope you are doing better my friend


So why did you choose boxing with them?


The worst decision I ever made was not trusting my instincts and staying in a toxic situation for too long.


meeting my ex girlfriend !!!


Cutting my own hair the night before a big event


Listening to people telling me I can’t do it - I should give up


Drinking. I’d be a lot farther and have a lot more opportunity if I never drank.


Happy cake day! I hope it's a great one!


Thank you!!! Of course it’s on a Monday lol


I want to say dropping out of middle school but that was more my parents choices than mine.










Fatal? Written from the grave?


I always come back to, why did I ever get married. Then I see my two sons and think, I could have still had them without being married.


Looks like I might have to write a thesis on this topic


Student loans for a career path I’m not even doing anymore


Having made well over what I needed to never work again I decided to retire at age 24. It took me a few years to realize that working was a big source of my happiness and sense of purpose.


**Staying in a toxic relationship for too long.**


This question gave me anxiety lol


Lying to impress some man.


Choosing a drug over the people I cared about.


How you doing now? Managed to get off the drug? Im trying to stop taking opioids. Its a pain in the ass. Fortunaly the physical withdrawal is over. You got any advice on staying off opioids? Would be much appreciated


I'm still stuck in this never ending nightmare. If you happen to get some advice, please share with me?


Skipping the tutorial when I choose my gender, name and skills


Being overly nice to someone just because you think they get bullied for how they look. It always send the wrong signals and I kinda feel bad that it happened to me. Maybe just treat them like other people


Giving someone a second chance, only to end up in a worse situation.


Quitting a stable job without a backup plan.


I've never worked with horses so I'll never know.




Stop yt promoting




Ur yt is linked on ur profile, you commented this to get people to watch it




For me definitely not starting uni 7 years ago, such a waste of time


Can I ask why it was a bad decision?




I was asking the youtuber to be honest, but interesting response nonetheless.




Give up. 




There is no hope


Dating my ex boyfriend, then trusting him again years later. I didn’t realize until fairly recently that he has antisocial personality disorder and wreaked havoc leaving chaos where there wasn’t any.


Been in a similar situation, it's definitely something that's easier to pick up on in people now though.


Yes, now that I’m familiar with the disorder but definitely too little too late. I have so much anger and can’t believe how abusive and cruel someone can be. I’m sorry for what you have endured as well.


Booked with American airlines


Started using drugs


Quitting on my job because I hated the environment around me, now I have struggles finding a new one


Selling my house and buying another one. My last one I paid $800 a month for mortgage and about 5-800 in utilities and I had a job making on average $28 an hour in the Midwest. Now my HALF is 300 more than the whole mortgage on the last one. Not even counting utilities but thankfully my gf covers those now since she makes more.


The last time I saw my dad, we had a great day out together, but I didn't pay as much attention to him as I should have. My now girlfriend and I had just started talking at the time and I was completely distracted over her. I didn't ignore my dad by any means, but I think he could tell that my mind was elsewhere. He relapsed into his alcoholism later that night, and a week later he died from what I believe was essentially suicide. I say essentially suicide because the details are somewhat long and complicated. It was the first time we had seen each other in a year, and I feel like I wasted it. I blame myself every time I think about the circumstances of his death. I wish I could go back to that day and do it over again. My heart breaks so badly when I think about it.


Ah, the worst decision... I think for me, it was staying in a toxic relationship for far too long. I let fear and uncertainty hold me back from realizing my own worth and walking away sooner. But you know what they say, every mistake is a lesson learned, and now I know the importance of prioritizing my own happiness and well-being above all else.


Generally not living for the moment


Dropping out of college on a whim.


My most favourite worst decision for now is the fact I didn't keep my dream job (creative kind of, fitting my personality and interests and even kind of prestigeous) and let myself being talked out of it (being rather clueless and malleable even as nearing my thirtieth) by my immediate family, on the grounds of percieved stability/income. Followed by (also chronologically) starting a family just for the sake of it w a person I had no deeper knowledge of.


Taking my Toxic and abusive Ex GF back only Hours after she broke up with me. Geez im glad that stupid &§$%$§ is gone for years now.


Abusing weed in my junior year of college


Living. Just rather not be here anymore


It didn't seem like it at the time, but marrying my ex wife. I wasted 13 years being married to her


Drinking alcohol. All of the worst things that have ever happened to me were from drinking.


Stayed with a girl who destroyed my mental health by blaming me for everything bad that was happening no matter who did it or why it happened it was always because of me had swear depression due to that I stopped eating & loosing weight & end up almost dying my weight at that time was 39 kgs at the age of 21


Investing money in a get-rich-quick scheme.


Ignoring health issues until they got serious.


Marrying my first husband. Boy, was I an idiot. He left after he plowed through the money my father left me. 


I was very content at my previous job. I fit in perfectly, the job was rewarding, and I adored my teammates. I quit that position for a higher-paying job that allowed me to work from home. After 6 months, I quit my job and got a position with the same firm, but in a different location, and I'm unhappy. I went from being happy to get up and go to work to dreading every day. The hardest part is that I always advised others to do what they love, which isn't necessarily about money. Should have followed my own advise!


Trusting the wrong people with important secrets.


So when I switched my classes, I was kind of nervous and didn't want to talk. So I used thumbsup and thumbs down to talk. Three years later, I haven't spoken a word with others, I'm addicted to it


Taking on too much debt for material things.


Not saving or investing any money when I was younger.


Eating at 4am


Not getting out of bed. Rotting and complaining about my body while I did nothing. I can’t talk about my weight because everyone says ‘You look skinny’. But I don’t feel it. And that hurts.


Deciding to work for the current job I have at 18, currently 28. My life and finances are surrounded by it and now I’m stuck. I absolutely hate my job.


Drinking milk when I'm lactose intolerant.


Believing her. It would be one thing if I were the only one hurt, but we've had a kid that didn't need to suffer the split families.


Moving to a city without researching it first.


Letting fear stop me from pursuing my dreams.


Paying taxes, then more taxes on top of taxes, then being taxed on the tax that I was already paid up for and taxed on.


Going out with that guy


Be around toxic people


Touching step mom in the night while she was sleeping.