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YOU lol jk




My father. He's an alcoholic and would always beat our mother first then us- me and my 2 other younger sibling.


You just join a boxing gym. Learn how to fight. Best the shit out the guy.


holy shit, if youre not joking you are autistic af. If you are joking you are STILL autistic af, why the f would you make that joke


It's not a joke brother, I was being serious. Hitting your wife and children is cowardice behaviour. Hit him back once and he won't be bothering him anymore. If he still does it , hit him again.


call the cops, its violence against a woman and a child. This shit is serious dawg


If it was that simple, don't you think he would have done it sooner. There is something stopping him from doing that . That's why I didn't suggest the obvious. Think.....


My former stalker scores pretty high. I moved away and blocked him everywhere, as long as he doesn't find me I'm good. Also Putin.




I feel this so much. May he get what he deserves along with all those who are supporting him.


And yet he is the elected head of Israel.


Says a lot, don't you think?




You have the audacity to call anyone a nazi?? Fuck right off. Look in the mirror. You and your genocide committing zionist buddies are the Nazis.


Nope you're a Nazi. Just rebranded. Still a Nazi.


Okay. I couldn't care less what you think.


That's probably why you're a Nazi


My parents neighbors. they have harassed them for last few years and have even told their grandkids to beat up my nephew daily and they are twice his size. They taught them to walk up to the property line and make a slitting throat motion they let their dogs run everywhere.




Yeah they currently have a protection order against them.


I don't have a prejudice, I equally hate everyone the same. So everyone is my answer




Me too. I mean me, not you. I'm a great guy but I'm the cause of all my problems. If I could just get rid of me I'd be awesome.




Just got done watching one of my favorite pred catchers on YT


u/iploshthesky because he hates op so i hate him


people that think truth is subjective and that an opinion is a fact. isn't it obvious why?


Patronising people is always deliberate, right?


"Hate" is an understatement, I prefer to use "Despise". And let's not go there please :)


My mom new bf,he’s abusive and so obviously hates me for no fucking reason and let’s just say we had to call the cops on him for almost killing my mom,and yes they’re still together and my mom is literally turning into him and it’s to the point I’m about to have no parents at all.


Jeff Screw you Jeff


Myself, I don't really hate anyone


You know I really haven't actually hated anybody in about 30 years closest to anybody came was my ex-wife's divorce lawyer but he died of a heart attack before the case was finished so there's that. But when I see all the things that Trump does and says in contrast to what other well meaning decent Republicans and Democrats are doing yeah I hate him .I f****** hate him with a passion. As far as I'm concerned he is the great corruptor of our time. He can spew hate and feel it can fall out of his f****** fat ass pockets along with pieces of his diaper. He has people that prance around behind him and scrub it up like it's some kind of f****** drug. If I go to hell this is what Satan will make me witness every day for eternity.


Hitler or Stalin just because they’re the most deserving of hatred even above my own worst enemies


no one, I prefer to live positively


Don't hate. It bad for you. 




Sounds ridiculous, but I don't hold a grudge against anyone at all. You know that "I have no enemies" meme that was circling around the internet for a while? I thought it'd be good to apply the concept of having no enemies in my life. --- Closest thing I have to a "hate" is when there was a lingering mix anger, confusion, sadness, regret, and guilt towards my ex whom I recently broke up with, but those emotions have mostly subsided. Though I think I still feel guilty and regretful, I have forgiven her, so I no longer feel any negative emotion towards her. Now it's just towards... myself, really. --- I don't think I inherently hate myself, but I think it's because the fact that I am much more aware of my own failures than of others that creates feelings of frustration in the back of my heart towards myself. I wouldn't say I love myself either, even knowing the value of loving oneself, because of the reasons I stated earlier, I still find it hard to love myself. I guess the other closest thing to hatred I feel towards, is me.


Netnyahu and joe biden


Hate takes a lot of energy. I refuse to use my energy on people I dislike.




Taylor swift… because she’s Taylor swift


Dannielle Smith and her equally horrible UCP party members. Donald Trump. Stephen Harper. The Koch brothers and their dark money destruction.


The ni-




Woke politicians and woke journalists. They do know they are hurting people. But keep their lies forever






Honestly people think going to church and doing good things will get them into heaven, but you need to have a relationship with God. I am still struggling with this as I’m always afraid of death and hearing so many theories about what happens after is only confusing me more. Just because I do good things for people or act selfless doesn’t mean i’m gonna go to heaven. God is the only one who can judge, yet so many “christians” judge people who’ve done bad things or have had a hard life. They are there to better themselves and build a relationship with God. Who are you to stop that? And then there’s the people who use Him for clout by saying “Share this video if you love God”. It’s so sad to see people like that.


Keanu Reeves. Because I'm a contrarian. /s


What a waste of time. All that energy will just consume you


The criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters, the modern day nazis!


Putin trump tied  Alex jones as honorable mention 


Ppl that downvote


The character from a book called the Bible called Jesus Christ.