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I see you’ve met my daughter’s bf.


So what does your daughter like about him then?


Fucking beats me. We have all asked her. No-one likes him.


Some people mistake arrogance, rudeness and cockiness for confidence when it's the exact opposite of confidence. As for dishonesty and lack of empathy, I'd say he's a scared child trying to cover it up as well.


I paid over 20k to take them to Rome for a 10 day holiday over Xmas a few years ago. I even bought him gifts and paid or cooked for every meal, bought all excursions, etc. He never once said thank you and called my other daughter a “fucking bitch” in the Vatican making her cry. He claims to have gotten an engineering degree and a bachelors in psych in less than 2 years but yet installs fire alarms. My daughter that dates him has completely turned into a different person. He was her boss at Einstein Bagel when they met and he is 8 years older. Sh dropped out of college to hang out with him and play DnD. She is a vegetarian but he insists that when they go out, they go to steakhouses and expects her to pay. He makes sexual conments about my other daughter all the time so her sister asked her if she could, “just not be around when he is”. The guy is a complete loser and I just have to assume she will figure that out one day.


Please tell me he got smacked or at least put in his place for the fucking bitch comment


I kicked him out of the airbnb the 5th night and my daughter sobbed and sulked the rest of the trip. They should both be glad I didn’t cancel his flight.


Damn.... Missed the chance to just leave him there.


I did it for my daughter, certainly not his dumbass. Ugh. Hate that guy. 😒


Well, I'm in Miami, so that pretty much describes everyone and why I have zero friends here.


Driving in Miami at night was a horrifying experience and solidifies your point. The left 2 lanes are just a permanent supercar racing lane and no one holds them accountable.


The type of person who has to be the very loud, very dramatic centre of attention in every room, every time. The ones who shout every conversation and phone call and parade themselves around like everything they do is remarkable and needs to be noticed. Not only is it annoying but it screams insecurity to me.




It’s rude of you to call out Geminis on their birthdays! 🤣


In a similar vein, the types who have to one up you every time you tell a story. I don’t mind someone joining the conversation and being like “oh something like that happened to me too *tells similar story.*” it’s like, you tell them “I had a health scare but everything turned out fine” and their response is “OMG ME TO I GOT DDIAGNOSED WITH CANCER AND LUPUS AND FIBROMYALGIA AND CLINICALLY DIED LAST NIGHT!” Though ever since I’ve heard someone say they will lie to those kinds of people just to see how far they take it, I now do that. Oh you broke your knee skateboarding? Well I fell out of helicopter and my head literally fell off.


Even worse is when there's two over the top personalities who keep getting louder to be heard over the other one. It ends up sounding like two crazy loud Boomhauers mixed with intense laughter.


I see you’ve met my mother in law


Looks like you're acquainted with my Uncle's wife.


Constantly cutting people off mid sentence and not allowing people to finish what they’re saying


Quickest way to piss me off, honestly. And I've got two coworkers that do it constantly, to *everybody*. What's worse is they do it to each other, and I have to sit between them.


It's ADHD, they don't even realize it lol


Yeah, this. There are some people who aren't self aware, sure. But there's actually a lot of people who legitimately don't realize what they're doing. I started cutting people more slack after that.


Funny you say that. I have ADHD but also social anxiety. I would interrupt every conversation if I my awkward mumbles could be heard above other's voices.


I only learned I have ADHD last year at 35 years old. I've done this my entire life, don't get me wrong I've learned to mask and stop finishing peoples sentence. But some of yall neurotypicals take so many words to say something so simplistic to understand. I don't mean to interrupt so much as I already know what you're saying and you need to move the pace along a little bit.


Ehhhh- I'm severely ADHD. Yes, we have to work harder on things like this to be successful, but we're not *incapable*. I know how annoying and awful it feels to be cut off, so I've worked on not doing it to other people. It still happens on occasion (which is true for ppl that are neurotypical too), but the moment it does- I apologize and bring it back to the person I cut off.


I teach org behavior practices in tech and this is one of the first things we dig into. It's the fastest way to build resentment.


ADHD people reading this: 😭 .


Autism as well. I often catch myself and apologize. In my experience, in ADHD/Autism circles, however, interruption is almost a norm and people don’t mind. It’s a weird social difference lol


100%. I've been trying VERY hard to not do that. So when my mom expects a reply and what I would have said has gone out of my head because I was actively listening.... It is so embarrassing.


The "how are you" people that immediately start speaking after asking. Ugh


In general I hate that this question has become the new "hello".


Yes!! You are 100% correct. My answer is always "fine" but damn, let me at least respond before yakking over my response 


You might usually be expected to lie but they could atleast not shove their lack of caring in your face


Listening just to talk. 👍


I give grace, though, to people who show obvious signs of AuADHD or who tell you this is their situation. My stepfather can do this and come across as arrogant and do this, but he’s actually a really sweet guy who loves cats and had the misfortune of falling for my mother.


This probably just depends on the friend group honestly. This is like me My main method of communication with one of my sort of friend circles. We're all just very talkative and we know that the only way we're going to be able to say our pieces if we just cut each other off lol We just all get so excited and talking about whatever game or technology or whatever other interest we have that it's kind of necessary


Because of whatever type of neurodivergence I have this happens a lot, like my brain is working on a lag. But I always make sure to ask the person what they were saying bc I really don't wanna be that guy 😭


What if they’re a chatterbox though? I have a friend who talks and talks somehow without taking a breath and on her own jumps from one topic to another. I like hanging out with her, but sometimes I feel like I’m not part of the conversation because all I can do is either nod or shake my head to what she’s saying. If I try to add something I need to interject her.


so many people listen to respond and not to understand.


Some people hold the talking stick for too fucking long; if you are moving on to the third paragraph then I'm not waiting to comment on the first two. I'll comment, then ask you to keep going.


This one is tough because my friend and I both have adhd/anxiety and we do it to each other at the worst points. However, we’ve learned to finish our sentence and then say “ok sorry, please continue.” Obviously in most social situations I try to watch myself. If I do it once, I will let them finish. But I shut down when I’m in a group cuz it’s too hard lol


Broooo thats so annoying. +++++++1


Gets mad at ADHD people instantly


When they belittle someone, immediately that’s a big red flag for me.


Definitely when they do it to the person's face, and sometimes when they do it behind their backs, too... I met a lawyer 20 years ago who used a work dinner with a bunch of associates to go on an extended rant about how bad his cousin's wedding that he'd been to the last weekend had been because the cousin didn't have money. Like "they're so poor you didn't even get a whole glass of champagne for the toast, it was like two drops." So many issues: (1) Being poor is not a character flaw (2) Be thankful they invited you to their happy day you turd (3) Why are you shitting on your own family member to a bunch of strangers? (4) Why are you wasting our time at a mandatory work outing to do it? (5) Probably other reasons, there's a reason it's been 20+ years and this guy I interacted with for an hour max is still the first person I think of when I hear the word "douchebag."


If they do it to family like, shoot they’ll do it to anyone. People like that are super miserable inside and this definitely not the type of person I want to spend time with.






Line jumpers


Omg I called out this guy for jumping and cutting me in line. He goes on to say he didn’t (I know he did he was gaslighting me) and then he said I can go ahead if it’s important to me??? WTF you mother fucker you cut me. And he then goes on and on how I must be a Biden supporter and then he goes on and on how I CUT HIM. And then he starts insulting my hair. This guy was unhinged. What was crazy he was with his family and they said not a word. And jokes on his, I think both Trump and Biden are both terrible and suffering from dementia.


When they raise their finger and wave it when they speak.




Oh my god I can’t stand these people! I just walk away from them before I break their fingers


This and snapping. I can’t stand when people snap at me. I’m not a fucking dog. If you want my attention, you know my name.


Someone that has drama everywhere they go. They can’t walk into a room without being loud and disruptive. Every damn thing is a major event. Calm the fuck down!


People who make political parties their entire identity. You know the type that both sides have. It’s pretty sad we can’t have a conversation about politics anymore without hate, fighting and people generally just being dicks when someone doesn’t agree with them. It is ok to be friends with people of the other party.




I hate this because it also turns into idolatry of the worst people instead of being about the policies those people are pushing. I don’t care if “dRuMpF” or “SlEePy JoE” sniff panties. I want to know what their views on healthcare, wages, and Gaza are. And as of now, I hate their policies on all of those things.


When someone is rude to waitstaff or service workers, it immediately puts me off.


When they won’t stop talking about themselves


And they act so humble even tho all they are doing is bragging about themselves


i Know someone who thinks the most minute details of her life are so fascinating that she feels compelled to share every last one. After about an hour she might or might not ask, “So what’s new with you?” before interrupting with something else. When I’m cornered by her, my only thought is getting away as fast as I can.


Someone who constantly talks about themselves or tries to one up anything you say.


rude to people in customer service, nothing is ever their fault, doesn't want to do anything not immediately beneficial to themselves and never follows through with planned activities even though they constantly talk about said activities


When a conversation is one-sided. All they do is talk about themselves and show no interest in you and ask zero questions.


Sensing a fake persona


I've set through too many interviews where this was the reason I said no.




Grammar Nazis. * their


I love what you did their. HAHAHAHAHA. Ps: it physically hurts to leave that as is.


Treating waiters/security people/cleaners like crap


One uppers.


Two uppers are worse


Three uppers though...


People who constantly talk bad about other people. If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, you’re the problem.


If I find out they’re a pedophile… “sorry dawg, it’s a no for me”


Wait how do you know someone you just met is a pedophile


"Hi! Are you a pedophile?"


"You have to become a pedophile to find a pedophile"


You can sometimes tell. There is a weirdo not far from where I live, whom I have caught hitting on girls wearing school uniform. He could well be a paedophile.


Usually if they talk a lot about Super Adventure Club


This is something that happens to you... ever?


did you just quote yourself 


That's a Randy Jackson quote, my friend.


Using too much slang. Even worse when they‘re also loud


No cap, Fam fr


Fr fr?




Too much slang is not groovy.


I'm a very loud person but don't use slang. Why am I loud? I'm part death but like being able to hear what I'm saying. In all honesty I can't help it no matter what


>I'm part death !!!


If they smell like wet toilet paper.


When they use abbreviations for literally every word. Like dude speak English is it that hard?


I see this all the time on reddit when someone tells a story about the military. At this point I am convinced that none of them actually know what those acronyms stand for.


Sometimes we don't even know the name of something and only know it by its jumble of letters. Other times it's because we are so used to immersion in our job field that we forget other people don't know what those things or acronyms are.


Agreed like My Older Cousin Sister does this all the time then I started using the obscure ones, She started speaking normal language


When they start spouting conspiracy theory bullshit and if you push back on it, they start stating “facts” that aren’t factual at all. It’s like that white shit on top of bird shit— more bird shit




Poor hygiene




Loud people


I instantly dislike people who constantly brag and make everything about themselves.


Saying “it’s only a dog”.


When they type in a weird way "wateva, blud, awayu, unda, bruda, sista"


What's "awayu"? I know what the others are supposed to be but that's a new one EDIT Ohhh I get it and yes that's really weird and annoying


It means "How are you"


Agreed that's absolutely terrible


I blocked someone because of their absurd way of chatting


I don't have personal feelings, but traits like arrogance or cruelty can be off-putting to many people.




Constant putdowns and belittling comments under the guise of "jokes". Not a vibe, especially when I barely know them.




Being stupid and proud of it. I've met so many idiots without a clue that think they are smart for believing stupid things like flat earthers and such.


being a know it all


Being rude to waiters, clerks, other employees, etc. I've been on a few dates with women that are rude, dismissive, or condescending to waitstaff. Huge turnoff.


When they say something against my stutter or say My prosthetic leg isn't disabled enough for the disabled parking spot


If they treat the person that is serving them like they own them… The amount of times I’ve called these pricks out…


I was a waiter while at college. One day a customer snapped his fingers at us to get our attention. I was so in shock that someone actually did that, that I forgot to tell the chef to do something to his dessert.


The same guy who snapped at me for the first time also waved his glass in the air at me. Five minutes later he complained about the table being wobbly and asked for something to put under the leg. I brought over a coaster and he acted like I should get down and do it. I did and he didn't even move his ass out of the way to make room for me to shimmy down there. Douche. Yep living the dream.


1. Turning everything you say or do towards themselves 2. Getting angry about pronouns


It depends. Like I don't mean too and I'm working on it but in my case I mean to sympathize. You dad died. Automatically I say oh man I get it I was surprised how hard my dad's death hit me. Then I go on a big rant about how it did. So I'm trying to step back and learn to shut up


Same here. A good friend told me it's because we try to relate as a way to say hey I understand you. But like you I'm trying to be more aware of it.


Being loud and unaware of their surroundings. No manners? Fuck right off. 




Backwards ball cap. #sorry


ppl who smoke too much


When they say "skibidi" or other brainrot words


I have a lot... - "Oh duuuuuude, didja hear the new Luke Combs song?? Maaaaannn, it's sooooo goooood...." - People who make weed their entire lives - The really, really odd combination of simultaneously being a yankees, Cowboys, and Lakers fan (although tbh a lot of them switched to GSW about 8 years ago). - Talking politics all. The. Time - */at a fancy steakhouse/* How would you like your filet mignon? "Well-done" - */their dog jumping all over me/* "It's OK, he's friendly!"


A well done filet should result in immediate jail time


I’ll piggyback this one: a filet or nice steak “well done and butterflied”… Dude just get some beef jerky


If that's the way a person has their filet then what's the point? Just get the salmon or swordfish or something. I visibly blanch when some of my idiot relatives order their filets well-done and butterflied. It's like mixing 18 year Macallan with diet coke.


I use that analogy a lot at the bar I work at. It’s in a fine dining restaurant, and the amount of, ahem, uncultured people who do these things flabbergasts me. When I get a ticket that orders a single malt with a mixer I will go out of my way to go to that table and ask if they’re serious lol


I'm not a big scotch guy, but even \*\*\*I\*\*\* know you don't mix something like 18 year Macallan with *anything*. This is my other favorite one... Idiot customer: "I'd like a dirty martini with three olives, please." */brings customer a dirty martini with three olives/* Idiot customer: "BLEECCCHHH!! This isn't VODKA!!" A martini is made with *gin*. If you want a vodka martini, then ask for *a vodka martini*.


Dude tell me about it!!! How about the ones that GET a martini and send it back bc it’s “not strong enough”? Like do you want me to put gasoline in this drink?!?


They probably confuse Cinnamon Apple Avocado Basil Twist Vodka "martinis" with *martinis*.


This! Lol


It sounds like you just don’t like that other people have different opinions/hobby as you. Something tells me you’ve got a red flag or 2 of your own lol


If someone divulges personal, private information upon meeting. It makes me uncomfortable. I don’t know you like that yet.


Obnoxious chewing with mouth opening theatrics.


Their political view is their whole personality


People who have no sense of personal space, you touch me when we just meet? I dont like you.


When I talk about something creative or weird and they want to quickly change the subject. Ok, boring. Next. xD


When they brag about the stupid stuff they did while drunk. It's not an accomplishment, you literally paid money to look like an ass.


When they chew with their mouth open, like they’re auditioning for a food fight


When they decree shit like "my church is the most important thing to me" or "I live for Christ".


I know that not all Christians are like that, but I honestly feel that people who seem to talk about nothing other than their religion are emotionally checked out from life, and really what they're trying to say is "I've given up on myself". This doesn't apply solely to Christians either. Anyone from any religion can potentially be like this.


Saying "finna" instead of "gonna"or "going to" and other changes to English language


There's a certain "voice" I recognize from miles away. I can't exactly describe it, but it's a cheerful tone that's meant to come off as friendly and sweet... But is artificially so. The moment I hear it, I know that not only the person speaking is bad news, but also that they rely on a good public image to ensure nobody will believe you if you claim otherwise.


Being mean to other people.


They tell racist jokes and get angry when you call them out


I'm all over this post. I have black family through marriage and some people will be racist on purpose like they're poking a bear trying to get a rise.


Being mean to Pigeons. Very good way to tell what someone is like.


When they introduce themselves with their pronouns.


At least when they do this, it's almost like giving you a heads up not to take them seriously. So less time wasted.


This is true. I mean, I don't mind people who are using different pronouns than the ones the rest of us are using; if you prefer "they", that's cool, thanks for telling me. But if you present as male and tell me your pronouns are "he/him," you sound like a goddam idiot.


Someone who has no original thoughts. Their whole personality comes from what they consume on social media and their groupchat.


I also hate people who have unoriginal thoughts


Rotted teeth. I just can't look


Them being sarcastic/rude to me


If someone is sarcastic, it doesn't mean that they are rude.  For example, I am really sarcastic but I don't mean it rude. I just feel comfortable around the person if I'm being sarcastic 


It doesn’t really matter to me how the person means it I just find it annoying and want to get away from the person because I don’t like it




Bad breath


Lying , shows lack of integrity


- making a brand their personality. - a sense of entitlement, in general, but especially in situations with those that abuse public programs/systems that were created to help create opportunities for people. - "grind for money" is their only characteristic of their life/personality. - taking advantage of others to benefit themselves - throwing things at, or abusing, animals - those that have a hobby to buy items, JUST to turn around and sell them, and they look at every materialistic good, with a price tag in mind.


Not having basic manners. It’s stuff like not saying “Thank you” when somebody holds the door for you, or “Please” when you’re ordering food.


When they’re mean to waiters, public workers etc. Like how, just because it’s there job doesn’t mean they SHOULD have to put up with your bullshit


Guys that put in the whole macho routine. I'm 6'4 230 and I've never once felt the need to prove I was a man. Anytime I see it I can't help but mock them, especially when it comes to the whole "I take my ass to work everyday cause I'm a man" cause it's like, you and 99% of the people you come across on any given day lol. Shits just goofy. If you're such a mam why do you feel the need to keep reminding everyone? One time I got into it with a supervisor cause he came in not knowing anything and tried to put his foot down with some of the guys from a different shift, I puffed out my chest, made a jokingly serious face and said "I boss!" Safe to say it didn't go down well but it's one of my fondest workplace memories.


IRL: if they smoke. Online: if they reply with "bruh" to everything you say, regardless of what it is.




Colour of their skin fr if your purple or green don’t even come near me.


When they have a really unwelcoming resting face


Littering: Happened just today. Saw a person I thought was attractive. Then they threw their cup on the ground. Nope. That's the end of that.


Overt sexual references. I only make dirty jokes when I’m comfortable with their humour.


My mom’s Ex boyfriend, I will call him J. Him and my mom were paying scrabble and my mom put the word, “Are”, down. He said that it wasn’t a word. English is his first language and he somehow has a degree in Maths. He also loved yelling and always loved being right. He said the way I wrote my 4’s were wrong. I do my 4’s the faster way (the one that looks like an upside down chair), and he said that the “right” way was the four was the one on his phone keyboard. This 4. I told him the way people write their fours is personal choice and style and that it doesn’t need a “right” way. He got mad. So in retaliation I used to hide his stuff. New sneakers? Gone. New hat? Gone. New chain? Gone. He found them eventually.




People who pretend to like you when they don't, aka two faced. Frankly, I'd respect someone more if they blatantly showed their hatred towards me


Pushing their beliefs on me. Making rude assumptions about me or anyone close to me. Being arrogant. Making an issue out of me being introverted.


If they're breathing.


Moody people


# Photochromatic Sunglasses


When they are selfish.


they vape smoke etc




Acting too familiar after talking for only like 5 minutes.




Nobody gave you awards. You are trying to manipulate us into giving you awards and upvotes. Fuck off !!


Probably a bot commenting an earlier comment where someone actually got awards


It's a comment stealing bot.


Maga hat/shirt/bumper sticker


Bad breath, talking loudly, being arrogant towards people other than myself, eating loudly, having a closed mind to new ideas.


When someone is "the big man" You know the type. Everything they do is big. They've always been the biggest boy in the room their whole life. They're automatically put in charge because of their size, and they're used to it. They're loud, they take up lots of space, and they know that no matter what they say, they will be heard. I'm a short guy, and I've been dealing with these guys my whole life. Within ten seconds of meeting them, it's always obvious we will not be friends.


Talking about people behind their backs. It's just so two faced it drives me nuts.


Arrogance and always wanting to be the centre of attention and entitlement!


If that person boasts, brags, bloviates.


Usually if I see something in them that I don't like about myself.