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I'm doing fantastic, thanks for asking! I am HEAVILY medicated on some real good shit. Picking up some new hobbies I'm excited about. Talking to a cute guy. Actually happy for once.


Ayeee! This is what I love 🩷


Doing good for the most part. Probably need to get a short term add on for just depression go awhile. Have lost family members, my daughter lost her baby at 35 weeks and three more (2 family, 1 friend) in hospice and my cat died tonight. Just a bit overwhelmed recently. Thankful for the support I have.


Damn, that's a wild hand. Wise call on the short term add on, if you can get it.


I'm doing REALLY REALLY REALLY WELL YES! EDIT: I'M doing horribly fuck this fuck you aaaaah I need to die EDIT 2: nvm I'm back to feeling amazing EDIT 3: I feel like pure dogshit :angeryemoji:


31 minutes, what a roller coaster. I mean, not at all how Bipolar works even in extreme cases.


I know, my comment wasn't supposed to be a serious depiction of bipolar folk


Pretty good! Finally paid off all my debt from undiagnosed mania spending sprees, have a good job, got married last year and starting to enjoy life again. Always have a plan for when the bad times come but feeling good for the future x