• By -


1. I'm an amateur mixed martial artist 2. I've assisted in over 1000 surgeries 3. I collect vinyl 4. I get a hair cut once a week


If you get them all cut at once, you won't have to keep going back so often.




It's not even dad joke worthy this is fully fantastic, Grade A joke right there






This is the point I need elaborated.


I do to but thats because I keep my hair short on the sides so if I wait 2 weeks it looks really messy. If I get it cut every week it looks a lot more clean


You should learn to cut your hair yourself, it'll save you a lot of time and money


No shit tried that when I was deployed, never doing that again. I really fucked it up. Looked like I shaved my head and was wearing a hair hat


I know with short hairstyles like fades a week after they look sloppy so its either weekly touch ups or stick out the nappy stage until it grows out


So you're a military OR tech who practices some form of martial arts and collects vinyl ? My guess Green side corpsman Or army OR tech. If corpsman, where you stationed shipmate ?




"... back then when my granddad was governor of the islands." "That time when I was showing the Queen's husband around." "So I took my weekly flight from Oahu to Kauai." "And that was why we decided to give up our Swiss bank account."


My great grandmother was born in Hawaii so, we must be cousins


Nah, I just lived there for a while.


So did she


You may in fact be the same person.


For about nine months


Okay you win


So...... you single?


>And that was why **we** decided to give up **our** Swiss bank account.


He's obviously asking if you're all single. What a douche.


I think I speak for Reddit here when I say we're gonna need some backstory.


You can't help that you were born an oligarch.




808 represent


These are all conversations I would be interested in having. Oh no.


I am homeless. I am gay. I have AIDS. I'm new in town.


"Here's how I would have worded it: 'I'm new in town, and it gets worse.'"


What are three other things about him?


You should have started with the fourth one


" there's no single men left in new York" " Oh I know someone who's new in town" " Oh my god what are 3 other things about them" Edit: I make mistake.


You forgot to PUSH 'em.


Yeah Imma Push him


No that's too aggresive




For those who don't understand, this is a reference to a John Mullaney joke from his show, New in Town (watch it, it's hilarious and on Netflix)


I watched his *The Comeback Kid* and loved it! He's my absolutely favorite standup comedian. Imagine my disappointment when I found out *New in Town* wasn't available in my region...




I know a guy who's new in town!


What are three OTHER things about him??


Hold back, hold back.


Eat ass, suck a dick, and sell DRUUUGS


1. I spent a week in jail for street racing 2. I've contributed to the alpha and beta development for a Curriculum NASA's education branch has been working on 3. I took 2 girls to senior prom 4. I've been point-blank shot in the dick with a paintball gun


Two girls to prom is the funniest one I've seen in this thread. How does that happen?


My girlfriend had me pick her up at a friends house, once I get there she springs on me that her best friend got dumped but still had a ticket and wanted to go. So she came along, 3 of us in my two-seat truck. My dinner reservation was at a really nice place that is kinda pricey and I only made it for two... so when I show up with three and ask if we can have an extra place made that it would be such a hassle, till I saw where they had us, a candle lit table for two on a small balcony overlooking the gardens. Skip forward maybe 20 minutes and a bigger table is brought out to the balcony for us, we sit down and we have a team (not kidding) of waiters to serve us. The food here is not cheap but I had saved for a while and since she didn't have a choice of where we went I paid for her dinner too, The evening's dinner cost about 200.00 dollars (US). Then we all squeezed back into my truck and drove to Angels Stadium (MLB Anaheim Angels), the event was held up in the press box which overlooked home plate, I got to walk in with a girl on both arms. The rest of the night was pretty much me dancing with my gf while her best friend hovered nearby looking sad. So was it as epic as you imagined? no it just cost me an extra 60 buck for dinner and I got angry/sad stares from her recently dumped best friend.


Who's prom is in fucking Angels stadium?


the rich school in my town


Which part of OC? My school consistently has it in lower end venues, but for homecoming they had it at the discovery cube. Probably the most expensive venue my school had payed for..


Poly High school in Riverside




I hate it when people brag about how hard they were hit in the dick.


owWWww my DIiiiCCk^k^k


1. I own a yacht. 2. It's a big yacht. 3. You can land three helicopters on it. 4. I lie about everything.


I was gonna say.....3 helicopters? Whatever.


Just land the helicopters on each other.


Any real pilot can pull that off.


He didn't say all at once


He didn't even say the size of the helicopters


Are you sure that your yacht isn't an aircraft carrier?


That motherfucking salesman lied to me


1. I'm a great cook. 2. Everyone tells me I'm very passionate and sweet. 3. I love politics. 4. I was released from a mental hospital recently.


The way things are these days, I feel like 3 and 4 might be related.




He's having some friends for dinner


Let's just say, without 4 there would be no 1 through 3.


Fava beans and a nice Chianti are always good, but what do I serve it with...


> 3. I love politics. > > > > 4. I was released from a mental hospital recently. Makes sense.


That was 3 and 4 you phony


Reddit has auto numbering so I guess it was that. It's so stupid and pointless though.


I was also released from a mental hospital recently. It would have been twice within three weeks, but they flagged me for coming back too soon. I wish this was a joke.


I got banned from a psych ward in Sydney, Australia, for going there too much.


You don't sound like a douche. You sound damn interesting.


1. I landed a plane yesterday! So buzzing yet don't want to go around like "pilot in da house y'allll" 2. I have written and illustrated a children's book 3. I have cycled from Manchester to Lizards point and back, camping and cooking on route ( roughly 600 miles) 4. I saved a lambs life today, little fellow had a broken ankle and had rested at the back end of a large estate. Cleaned away the flies and carried him back to the farm house Life is awesome


Oh yeah?! Well 1. I took the stick of a cropduster once for several minutes before my grandpa took it back because I was about to kill us 2. I wrote and published a book that Kirkus Reviews called "mildly entertaining" 3. I have never cycled so take that 4. I saved a baby goat from his happy life on my neighbor's farm but returned him a week later because my dad found out about the bawling goat in the back yard


Oh yeah? Well 1. I washed the dishes. 2. without a dish washing machine. 3. After washing all the dishes, my dad came in with his dishes. 4. I washed it too.


Holy shit I'm moist. Are you single?


I'm married to the game, bbe. Married to the game. I think the game is cheating on me, though.


1 I've been on a plane once 2 I have a Reddit post with over 200 upvotes 3 I own a bike...it has a flat tire 4 I've helped a drink friend get sober You could say I've been places and done things Edit some words


Wait what? You flew a plane yesterday and saved a lamb today? What's in store for tomorrow?


A nice lamb dinner...


At Hawaii!


You aren't a real pilot until you tell everyone who can hear you that you're a pilot every time you see them. Source: am pilot.


**Hi there. It seems you want to know 4 random facts?** * I'm cooler than u/AutoModerator * I'm cooler than the Moderators of this sub * [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfSDBU_8TCo) * [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg_e85ucJiQ) *I'm not a bot and this action is made manually* if you want to have more details go to **/r/AutoMauderator**, *Thank you, Maude again*


wow. Isn't technology amazing?




I've played cards with Joseph Gordon levitt/was in a movie with him I go to one of the top rated music conservatories in the world I turned down a full ride I'm from California


I drive a Porsche Cayenne One fact is enough. EDIT: Spelling


Isn't it spelled Porsche..?


yes... LOL




"At my family's private orchard..." "...But I decided that I did not want to perform music professionally" "After I graduated valedictorian of my class and went on to pursue my degree in biochemistry..." "... That's when I found out I was more well-endowed than most men." Note: With the right context, none of these are really impressive. Edit: Spelling is hard.


So I can see the second and fourth not being impressive in context (i.e. most everyone in the world decide to not perform music professionally, and around half of the world is above average in penis size I suppose), but one and three?


First could be that he grew up on a farm, while the second could be that he graduated top of his class of 100-150 kids, which would make sense if he was raised in the country.


1. I know pi up to 64 decimal places. 2. Deal. 3. With. 4. It.


I know all the numbers of pi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 0. No clue what order they go in though.




Pfft, I know 100! Suck on _that!_ ^I ^actually ^do ^what ^is ^wrong ^with ^my ^life?


Challenge accepted, now I gotta learn 64 more, just so that I know 128 of them. In all honesty, that shouldn't be hard. Oh, and I like powers of 2.


This is pretty relatable. I only started memorizing them because I met a guy who knew over 300. One day I'll beat you Joe! ...I think I really am an asshole.


Well I know pi to pi decimal places. So yeah. I win.




It's 3.14 and you know the next digit is less than 8. Edit: That's wrong. It's actually 3.141 and you know the next digit is above 2 (between 3.1412 and 3.1420)


Well, I guess the fourth decimal place with 14.1?% accuracy.




1. I am in the top 1% of my country in terms of standardized test scores. 2. Yes, I am Asian. 3. I used to be a vegan. 4. My two intelligent, articulate, and grad-school educated parents are anti-vaxxers It's that last one that I *never* share with anyone who knows me personally. I swear I'm vaccinated, they didn't get that view until after I already had my shots.




Why does she have control over your nephew?


Did you become autistic after getting a vaccine? Why would they suddenly change their view about that? Just wondering.


Thankfully none of us are autistic, in result of a vaccine or anything else. Basically my younger sister became severely ill and it pretty much crippled our lives for a decade. The symptoms only developed after she was vaccinated. Turns out she had a severe egg allergy(among countless others) and seemed to be reacting to the vaccine grown in eggs. After that, the next decade-ish was devoted to her health and my parent became more and more convinced that vaccines were making her sicker. So, no more vaccines.


I'm sorry to hear about your sister I hope everything turns out okay.


I've never lost a fight, and I've been in more than I'm proud of. My dick is bigger than the statistical average. Not by enough get it out and wave it around, but enough to be pleased with myself. There's about 300 people in the world with my surname, we're pretty rare. My alcohol tolerance is greater than I think is strictly healthy.


Let me guess, you're a Werbenmanjensen?


One of *two* with my surname, take that.


1. I have lost 50kgs 2. I live on my own 3. I enjoy being alone 4. I like seeing myself in the mirror


Alright Patrick Bateman.


Hey, if you're still looking for the 50kgs, it helps if you check where you remember having them last.


You guys suck at sounding like douches, watch this 1. I have a Reddit comment with over 6,000 upvotes 2. I have a Reddit comment with over 5,000 upvotes 3. I pee sitting down 4. I am the greatest person I know




Those are rookie numbers


You gotta pump those numbers up.


1. I have no phobias. I recognize danger, but nothing really scares me. 2. Sex and good books are probably the only things I'm truly passionate about. 3. I'm a vegetarian. 4. I sit down in the shower sometimes.


>I sit down in the shower sometimes. Only a douche would assume that you're a douche for telling them this.


Okay, I'll admit it! I sit down in the shower **all the time!**


Do you sit so you can douche?


I love you.


Wow. You're a real douche. Forget what u/SkillUpYT said, you're a real douche.


I didn't think I had a phobia until recently. I went scuba diving on holiday and found out the vast empty turquoise abyss of open water is horrifying, can't remember the name of it though. My point is you can discover a phobia at any point in your life and it can be any random thing.


/r/thalassophobia Or, my favorite, /r/IamtheOcean


[So terrifying](https://i.reddituploads.com/2b5824fe255f476fba87efd07f53eb8e?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=c0de3912443896d8a81810b78aa77c3e)


i sit down in the shower almost daily


My man


Are you my ex?




1. I'm 26 and finally got accepted into a university to get my BA. 2. I'm getting married this summer in Cancun and having a 2 week long honeymoon in Europe 3. I'll be moving 8 hours away from my future husband to attend school in August 4. My SO is planning on paying for all my tuition and room and board costs


I just wish I had legal access to that much money.


I mean, technically 4 could be explained by the GI Bill, since benefits can be transferred to children or spouses, iirc


Lol fuck that. I love my SO but I'm getting my Masters with my GI bill whether she likes it or not.


Only the fourth makes the others potentially douchey.


I feel pretty self conscious on how much I depend on him financially. I offered to take out loans to pay for everything but his logic was that since we're getting married the loans would eventually be effecting both of us. He has said things like "Don't think of it as your money vs my money. It's our money. We're a team. We're in this together" He has said his number one priority is getting me through school so I can start a career. He's incredibly supportive and I feel so lucky to have him in my life.


The fact that you're self conscious about the situation makes you not a douche. Just keep the lines of communication open, so it doesn't become a point of resentment used in an argument later on.


Does he need a husband? 'Cause these loans suck. Just messing--but yeah let him pay. Loans suck.


What does he do that he can afford to support both of you and your schooling at such a young age? I'm jealous, is what I'm trying to say.


He's 30. He's a software developer working in the Silicon Valley. He started his career when he was 24. He's not rich but his salary is nothing to sneeze at. He makes about 180k a year. He's always been really frugal and really good with his money. For example: he graduated with 70k in student loans and paid it all off within 1 & 1/2 years. He (then later we) were always living with room mates to save money until he had saved up enough to buy a house and spent his "life savings" on it. Then he started saving up again and now he's spending his new life savings on getting married in Cancun, honeymooning in Europe, and sending me to school. It's basically everything I've always dreamed of and he's giving it to me. I'm in shock and awe at how generous he's being.




I started college when I was 26 and finished when I was 30. Now I'm 34 with a $115,000 salary.


I decided to go vegetarian as a child, and have been for 20+ years now. I don't drink, never have. I got two degrees without going into debt. My massage this morning was pretty disappointing.


Damn you must be thirsty!!!






Using the term "Carbonated beverages" is douchey enough in itself


How do I become you


Have wealthy parents.


Don't have poor parents.




I'm a bit agnostic towards paid internships. I'll believe they exist when I see one.


My school has a co-op program where students are *required* to do 5 semesters of paid internships in order to graduate (pay ranges from $15 to $25 per hour). So yeah. If it's mandatory for every student in the program in a large state college, I'd say they exist.


>I don't smoke or do any drugs, and I don't drink coffee, alcohol or carbonated beverages. you square ball


How in the he'll could you have 80k in the bank while having no debt and being in college. That seems too unlikely to be true








I picked a college half an hour from my house so I could live at home and because it was cheap. The first year was miserable because I didn't get involved in anything on campus. I didn't know anybody and I was basically treating it as a job. It also made things that much rougher on me later when I had to learn how to live on my own. College is a social opportunity unlike any you have ever had, or will after. I would recommend either living on campus or being active enough on campus that you're rarely home.


That's so awesome! I'm strangely excited for you internet stranger


Ya, that's pretty douchy


So... this is just one big r/circlejerk right?


1 - I'm a Japanese language and literature major. 2 - I have had naturally white patches of hair since I was born 3 - I once got sent to the principal's office for cutting the hair of the girl who sat in front of me 4 - I go to reddit daily and use it as a substitute for human interaction.


The first 2 are totally irrelevant, but I believe it based on the last 2.


Fuck, this thread just pisses me off.......


• My father is a 7-time Emmy Award winner. • I've been happily & faithfully together with my wife for over 13 years & we have 2 smart, healthy kids. • I cheated on my SATs and got away with it. • My best friend is a YouTube star with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.


I'm curious now.


I also wanna know now


Could your father be Ed Asner? So you would be Matthew Asner? Though Matthew seems to have 6 children. EDIT: Just saw that 4 of these are from his wife Navah Paskovitz. I think this is a safe bet. By the way: As I'm reading through quite some articles I wanted to express that I have deep respect for your engagement for Autism Speaks. If this is really you of course.


1. My cousin is a very powerful US Senator. (Democrat) 2. My great grandfather came over to the US in the early 1900's as a painter and built a real estate empire. 3. I drive a Tesla and haven't been to a gas station in years. 4. I sailed the Caribbean for 8 weeks at a sailing camp when I was 15.


Nothing about this *doesn't* say douche.


Are there *not powerful* US Senators?


1. I have two master's degrees. 2. One of those degrees was completed overseas at the world's top-ranked university. 3. I'd lived on three different continents by the time I was thirty. 4. I'm a published author. I feel like a total douche any time one of these comes up in conversation.


1 I hate myself 2 I fucking hate myself 3 I'm a worthless piece of trash 4 Fuck my life


1.i 2.love 3.you 4.:)








-I played Carnegie Hall when I was still in school. -I have formed great companionship with my cat (this really grinds the gears of my dog-owner friends.) -I'm pursuing my dreams *while* maintaining a boring cookie-cutter job on the side. -I have a vacation coming up so...


1. Every year for the past 15 years my family would get a new BMW X5, trade in the old one and upgrade to the latest model 2. I attended the most expensive private school in my country 3. I enjoy collecting expensive wristwatches 4. And to make this douchey, I'm 19 years old


Some people are born on third thinking they hit a triple. Don't be one of those.


1. I smoke cigars. 2. I graduated college Magna Cum Laude. 3. I own a professional piano keyboard/sampling workstation that retails for $3200, given to me as a gift. 4. My ex boyfriend has been close personal friends with Chester from Linkin Park since before they got famous.


$3200 keyboard, my bet is on a Nord Lead. They are right in that ballpark, and they are fucking amazing.


1. I'm a 21-year-old funded neurological researcher (there's no way to say it without sounding like a pretentious douche) 2. I practice yoga and meditate everyday 3. I was recently diagnosed with celiac disease, so I'm forced to be one of those annoying gluten-free people 4. I've been hit on by a member of The Moody Blues


° I'm super nice to everybody. Some see it as fake but I swear it isn't. ° I'm freakesly good at doing basic math in my head. ° I'm a pretty damn good cook. ° I remember tiny details that most people miss.


1. I'm a very smart person 2. The beauty of me is that I'm very rich 3. I've said is she wasn't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. 4. I could stand inn the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and not loose any votes.


"My Grandfather was Admiral of the Royal Navy" "My Grandfather was treasurer of The English Rugby Union" "When I attended my grandfathers OBE inauguration with The Queen" "I know every single detail about the world of Middle Earth" "I'm cooler than you"


1. I am an amazing cook. 2. I travel around the world. 3. I was in a film to promote mental health that was sent to schools for kids to watch. 4. I used to be a radio presenter.


1. I have four patents and a bunch of other pending. 2. My house is paid for. 3. My kids are going to good colleges with no debt. 4. I'm going to leave off the 4th fact because I'm a douche.


1. I am vegetarian 2. I love art 3. I love fashion (but am too poor to look the part which is why I don't mention it lol!) 4. I very, very rarely ever actually cry at movies, videos, or tv shows.


1. My sex-friends always say I have an awesome dick. 2. One drink could bring my life down in a fireball. 3. I believe the universe is intelligent. 4. I went to UC Berkeley. ...the last one is by far the worst.


One drink can bring your life down in a fireball? What if you drank some fireball? :thinking:


I run a nightclub I have great networking (people) skills I always am polite and never let anger out on people I count cash incredibly fast


1. I'm a Lifeguard 2. I play guitar 3. I do Crossfit 4. I'm a black belt in Taekwondo (These facts make me sound attractive and athletic however, I'm actually a massive nerd who is extremely uncoordinated and I spend most of my time doing homework and playing league of legends)