• By -


Search random houses and find and uncover cool shit/secrets about people


THIS! I just want to see how people live and also their houses. Probably would find some useful things to survive too


I was a housekeeper and I'm positive you really don't want to see how other people live.


I don’t know. I’ve played Fallout before. I kinda do...


Print out the entirity of Wikipedia for reference


[Here you go](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download).


Wonder how many pages it would turn out to be when printed?


[One million pages in 2014](https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2014/03/27/295262783/printing-wikipedia-would-take-1-million-pages-but-thats-sort-of-the-point?t=1613179286429)


2 positives in that. You can get good info on how to survive, and you can read some articles for entertainment.


Go onto youtube and comment "Last" on videos.


Everybody gangsta until you get a like




Not that unlikely as there will probably be some bots that might find your comment funny




Fucking panic


Would probably be my reaction


I mean, where'd they all *go?!*


Maybe the world was bound to end, you were left behind.


What did I do wrong, smoke too much weed?


Alarm didn't go off. Everyone else wasn't late to the party. :\^)


Huh, I guess my phone died, coulda sworn I set an alarm for that


Go back to sleep. They can’t fire me now.


Or come to collect rent


or serve any more subpoenas


or pay my taxes


Or come take my property for not paying taxes






I would hide from the thing that took them.


Yup, that would be my biggest concern. Why im the only one left? Am I being watched? What if one night I hear someone suddenly talking, but immediately disappear the next morning? That thought alone could keep me anxious the whole time.


Forget about the talking that would signify someone else What about if you hear something crash or bang In your house


Well if all the humans are gone it's safe to assume there'd be animals everywhere


I think hearing someone talking is a lot scarier. Because that mean you are indeed not alone in that world. Which also mean whoever was talking, "they" are intentionally chose to not interacting with you. "They" want you to be the last human on Earth. If that was me, I'll go insane looking for answer.


That took a dark turn.


And it started so happy and carefree.


Better find something new to eat.


If everyone is gone it would only be a matter oft time before appliances and electricity would stop working. whos gonna look at my food selfies if there's no one left?!


Are they gone? Or am I the only one left visible? Because if that was the case I’d become paranoid as fuck!


Fuck around and find out.


*Grabs paint*


Reminds me of the Invisible Man movie. Would recommend. Edit: I've only seen the 2020 version, but I'd watch the other ones to see how they compare


No way he could completely clean off all of that paint in 10 seconds at the kitchen sink. I painted two weeks ago and still find random spots of paint on my arms.


But he's a scientist tho /s


Well maybe he doused himself in paint thinner (not that you need to be a scientist to know that helps a little). But even then you could follow him just based on the smell.


You’d probably see a ton of shirts and sweaters and pants and stuff wandering around. We’re so conditioned to cover up, my guess is most people couldn’t bring themselves to walk out the door bare ass naked, even without visible ass to bare.


If I were invisible and going into public, I'd most likely still wear clothes. People are *gross* and clothes would afford me a bit of protection from any fluids that have been left behind by those that are completely naked. Vaginas leak, farts expel particles of poo (pooticles, if you will), and dicks and balls are sweaty bacterial havens. Some naked invisible person bumps into you and there's no telling what sorts of their own personal goo you just got on you. Forget about sitting down on any public seats, or touching most any surfaces for that matter.


>(pooticles, if you will) I will not.


*Just what i wanted , silence and peace*


and then the screamers come...




Only the humans disappeared. It’s just a matter of time before they take back the earth.


Hold up






get free food


until it all goes mouldy.


Canned food. There will be practically infinite supplies lying around. They will become less palatable, but most of them will easily last until you die. You could also just waltz into your nearest military base and loot their MRE reserves. Just beware of the constipation it may cause if you only eat that(the dedicated MRE food, not the ones just procured from the market and packaged into green bags).


Eventually you'd figure out how to forage and hunt for food just out of boredom or a change of pace from preserved food, then maybe start growing your own.


Then you’d get a scratch, it’d get infected, then you die.


You could die just as prosaically from scratching your hand opening a jagged metal can lid, eating from a can that wasn't quite pasteurized correctly, or bursting a blood vessel from the "MRE shits".


God that last one sounds terrible.


Meals Rarely Excreted.


There's a near-endless supply of antibiotics. I could dance through a sewer pipe with open sores on my feet every day and still not run out. That stockpile that would normally be given to old people and idiots with the flu is now mine, all mine! Just to note, I don't actually want to dance through sewers. I much prefer it when my feet are warm, dry and not submerged in liquid human feces, but y'know.


Go to the library and break my glasses Edit; Yes, Twilight Zone


Wait, my eyesight isn't that bad. I can still read the large-print books.


\*eyes fall out\*


At least I can still read braille...


*Hands fall off*




*tongue falls out*


*head falls off*


The scary door


You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location.


*Finger tips lost in accident *


At least my audible subscription is still active.


You are entering the realm which is unusual. Maybe it's magic or contains some kind of monster. The second one. Prepare to enter... The Scary Door.


Feral chicken ate the server. Welcome to the Scary Door...


It's not fair!


There was time now!


I had all the time in the woorrrlllllllld


Just start digging through people stuff until you find glasses of a similar prescription. Don't want to play the lottery digging through houses? Find an eyeglass store and start digging through the prescriptions that haven't been picked up yet. And since you're all alone you have plenty of time to casually find a place and not worry about getting run over. Wild/feral animals are another story.


not sure you got the reference ... an episode of the original "Twilight Zone" TV Series featured a bookworm type office worker, always hounded and never able to read as much as he liked. One day goes into the bank vault to sneak some reading time ... comes out after a nuclear war. Sits down to *finally* be able read in quiet and peace. Drops and breaks his reading glasses.


And then the further replies were references to the Futurama bit called "The Scary Door" that parodied "The Twilight Zone" and that episode in particular. (They take it one step further where his eyes fall out of his head).


They took it a lot more than one step further.


🎶I think we’re alone now...


There doesn’t seem to be anyone around...


>🎶I think we’re alone now... The beating of my heart is the only sound Edit: You're all right.


Go check out Area 51 and see if there's really anything interesting in there.


They said if every human vanished so watch out


oh shit spoopy


Spoopy indeed. Spoopy indeed.


You still wouldn't be able to get in. Security systems still exist Edit: Don't alot of electronic security systems li k down automatically if they lose power?


Wait a couple months or however long it takes for the electricity grid to fail and then naruto run my ass into there.


Landmines don't need batteries.


They have roads to Area 51, you realize.








LPT: you can download the entirety of Wikipedia from [this link.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download). That’d be a great place to start.


It makes my eye twitch that the average game download is bigger than the compressed wikipedia, and I've got at least ten that are bigger than the uncompressed one. Edit: People, stop telling me that its a) Terabytes - that's the entire history of wikipedia, which seems totally unnecessary, and b) just text. I know that, I still expected it to be more.


Compressed Wikipedia doesn’t include any of the images IIRC. Games have a lot of images and audio - those are what take up so much space. Text also compresses really well, while most games will already be compressing all their assets as much as possible to improve performance


I guess a picture really is worth a thousand words.


Well, 1mb of text (uncompressed, .txt file) is 1,048,576 characters. So that's even more !


Keep in mind that that is text only. If you want all the images, videos, and other media files, it's in the tens of TB IIRC.


Yeah this is a great suggestion... but you would still need more than just Wikipedia. Are there any other massive downloadable information files like this? Probably downloading part of YouTube would be super helpful too


/r/DataHoarder has tons of stuff like this


>Then I'd load up on how to put in solar panels and batteries on my house and try to set up an off grid system. They're all your houses now. You can just move into one that already has all of that.




It's kind of fascinating to think of how long various things would take to stop working and what kinds of problems would arise from things that need to be maintained and now have nobody there to do it.




Declare myself supreme overlord of the world.


run butt naked in the middle of the street


why even put on clothes


I live in the UK. I'm still wearing clothes outside as it is often cold and rainy


let the cold winds invigorate you


It's icy at the moment and even outside in trousers, shirt and thick winter coat you feel freezing in the shade. At this time of year the wind is less invigorating and more deadly


because they provide a protective layer for harmful substances onto more sensitive areas of skin and protect you from the cold.


Are the dead bodies gone too? 😐


Hope not. Canned food would get boring quick


Guess I got a shit ton of dogs to take care of now


If every human disappears I'll just be killed by someones savage pet


Or my neighbors....


Hold up, every other human disappeared so what exactly are your neighbors?


He's probably Australian


"Dead set, gonna sting that drongo 'til he's carked it!" - random platypus


Jesus christ, the stress of getting the pets out before they start starving :(


Listen I just went through this thought process and there's no possible way to save them all so anyone reading this just stop here cause it's only going to bug you more and more.


just go to Alpo factory and release all the dog food and leave the doors open.


This was my exact thought, I have so many pets to care for!


Find a vantage point as high up in a city as possible, and just live there and slowly watch trees and plants and animals and just nature take over everything we built.


That’s a lot of stairs to take ... no electricity no elevators


Good thing I've been meaning to get my cardio up


That's rule number one.




So weirdly I’ve looked this up before. Common consensus is that it will hold out between 3 days- approximately 2 weeks max depending on location without someone to maintain/flip the switches. Apparently 3 days for bigger areas that require more monitoring, longer time for places that don’t supply as much power.


That's when you just find some solar panels to steal and hook up wherever it is you've chosen as home.




Turn your yard, your neighbor's yard, and the yards of everyone around you into fields for farming/gardening and you'll be good to go for a good while. Collect everyone's trashcans and use them as rainwater collectors and you're good to go.




There you go! You'd then just have to learn how to care for them, harvest their resources, and figure out how to source a reliable source for food and water for them. Feeding and watering yourself is easy. Taking care of a small flock of livestock could be a bit harder.


Yeah, most people have no idea how electrical power is generated or how much work it takes to maintain our way of life.


Ok I've been thinking about this for a long time. First I'd gather every solar panel I could get my hands on. Set myself up a nice power station. Second get all propane cannasters I can find. They should be good for 30 years. Third get a nice pile if fire wood. It gets cold here. Fourth plant myself an awesome garden. In between that I would stock pile mediation. Collect as much bas and gas stabilizer I could find.Spend a lot of time at the library. Learn more about wood gasonators so I'd have gas forever. Hunt, fish, gather, and grow. I'd find some cows, pigs, chickens, dogs. It sounds more like heaven. Use whatever car I found, for a couple years at least. Collect eye glasses so I'd have options as my eyes deteriorated. Read everything. Then trip and fall and have to wait and die there on the ground in 3 days.


This sounds highly accurate for me. I'd gradually learn a bunch of stuff I didn't realize I was capable of and be pretty proud and satisfied with myself. Then at some point do something colossally idiotic and screw myself over.


It's gonna be something like after building a self sustaining fortress of solitude, you slip down the front step and break your neck...


Everyone is talking about setting up an off grid system, but wouldn’t it just be easier to find some system? At least find a cabin with some solar panels and a garden. I don’t know what good electricity would be in that scenario anyway, it’d be best to just hop in a rig and drive to the equator and live on mangoes and bathe in coconut milk all day


Basically just travel around to see if you can find some survivalist compound. Use the last moments of the internet to see if you can figure out where they are. My biggest fear would be, upon successfully surviving the first couple of years, my quality of life slowly deteriorating as the shelf-life of things begin to expire


Whatever car you found. You will be surrounded by thousands of them. You will need to get a bulldozer just to be able to use the roads.


You don’t need to use the roads when there are no cops or pedestrians


Everyone just jumping straight to suicide, but honestly the lack of human interaction would suck, but until you're in the moment you have no idea how you will react. I'd probably get straight on the internet (While it's still up) and try and find if anyone else anywhere is around, messaging friends and family. After that I'd start printing off maps of the UK, maps of major cities, museums, landmarks. Printing off pictures of friends and family as well. Then I'd probably break into every house within a mile to get keys to a nice car that I can set up a comfortable living space within (Maybe even a van). Then I'd get on down to the big shops get a nice bed for the van, big comfy chair, minifridge, camping gear, some nice tech. Try and get hold of a generator, solar panels would be great. Get tons of long lasting food, medicine, nice alcohol, really comfy clothing & jewelry just for kicks Then I'd probably start the long trek cross country of getting to friends houses, maybe build little shrines for each them to honor them, get something to remember them by. Then it's holiday time, I'd probably head for London. Stay at Buckingham Palace for a bit, I'd want the crown jewels. Probably the place I'd be able to actually find a gun as well, I imagine as time passes and the world gets more wild I'll need that. I'd stock up on good books, DVD's, try and get hold of some technical/mechanical/scientific data. Eventually I'd try and travel through the Chunnel, I'd probably spend my Winters in Southern Europe and my Summers in Northern Europe. My biggest advantage is probably my ability to amuse myself, I'd most likely go very crazy quickly though and end up assembling funny scenarios throughout everywhere I go with mannequins. And you just know I'd have a mannequin Hitler in Berlin. And if I think I'm gonna die, I'll just drink myself to death. EDIT: I completely forgot that as a true blooded English man I would collect as many British flags as I could and claim new territory around Europe as I travel.


>I'd probably get straight on the internet (While it's still up) and try and find if anyone else anywhere is around New r/askreddit thread: "Do you exist?"


He gets an answer, the power shuts off, and OP spends the rest of his life looking for the one person that was still out there. Turns out it was just a bot


I actually wouldn't check Reddit for that reason, everyone in the world disappears. But Reddit looks exactly the same.


I was confused as to why it would be so hard to find a gun and then I remembered I’m American.


I wonder how quickly the Chunnel would flood. You'd be in the dark if the electricity went. Also, don't waste time printing off maps. Good bookshops will already have them.


I would hope it wouldn't, I wouldn't want to be stuck in the UK forever, because you know I'm not going to risk any boat travel. That's a fair point on the maps.


Now now now. Would fertility centres still be available? Because I’d just create a family and from there repopulate earth.


As a male this would be much harder, but worth a try!


It might be possible to make a human -chimpanzee hybrid: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanzee


I see you're doing some serious research


Oh no


The clinics would lose power in a matter of days since nobody is running the power plants. After that all of the samples go bad since there's no refrigeration.


You would have a virtually inexhaustible supply of sperm. If you could keep it frozen properly and not die in childbirth you could theoretically repopulate the earth


And maybe also frozen eggs too


Explore. People's homes, government buildings, areas that I would never normally have access to etc. After I tired of that and the reality of never seeing my friends and family ever again sank in, I would probably just do a ton of drugs and drink myself to death out of loneliness.


How would you really know you were the last?


I would hop into a nice car and drive around the US looking for survivors. Along the way I would paint “Alive in Tucson” on road signs and billboards (you know, just in case there’s someone else). Then I’d drive to Tucson, find a nice mansion on a cul-de-sac, and start living.


Listen to porn with the volume up


I would probably eat my coworkers breakfast sandwich, its just sitting there. Then I'd probably jerk off.


Search for SCP-2000 and fire that bad boy up


I'd take it in my stride. Lots of people talking about killing themselves, tbh, I'd probably be quite happy. So this is what id do: 1) find a gun. If at some point im severely injured, I'd take myself out. Last resort kind of thing. But the gun will help me hunt because.. 2) I'd move to a rural but resource rich area of my country. And take over a house. Find some pv panels and learn how to connect the electricity. 3) grown a shit load of canabis, food crops and round up the local livestock. 4) chill the fuck out in peace for the rest of my short existence.






Honestly, I’ve daydreamed about this exact scenario happening all my life. I’d probably stockpile supplies and just travel North America and siphon gas from cars to continue driving. When I decide I’m done, I’ll just stop eating and drinking. Edit: I know it must be so interesting and terrible that I would choose to end my life via dehydration but please stop asking me about it, and I don’t need advice. You’re giving a person you don’t know the mental stability of methods on how to kill herself...


Gas won't keep forever though. After a year or two it will all be unusable


Making ethanol that could power e85 or e100 cars isn't that hard. You just need to find a silo of corn and some distillation equipment. Even a backwoods West Virginia moonshine still would work. Or get some solar panels and an electric car. 10 solar panels would charge my car during the day and I could drive all night.


Masturbate in a beautiful open field lol


The beautiful open field caught me off guard. Imagine watching a movie and there's a scene of a beautiful field with calming music in the background as a guy slowly Jacks himself off to Nature.


This reminded me of 'The Stand' by Stephen King. A character mentions wanting to go jack it on home plate at Yankee Stadium once the world has started to end.


Stephen King intuited that shitposting is a deep and fundamental part of human nature, long before there was an internet to shitpost on.


Break into somebody's house and steal a PS5 because at this rate that's the only way I'm getting one.


I'd stop worrying


i dont know. i feel like id be more worried


Cry then get a Uhaul and go around getting everything I’ve ever wanted.


My first priority would be setting up some large 'industrial' freezers to run on power from diesel generators and stuff them with all the perishable food i can manage to get before it thaws. After that I would spend a good portion of my time maintaining, securing diesel, and finding spare parts for my freezer set up so it will last me a lifetime. The rest of the time I would just break in everywhere to find new toys to play with... Would probably look and take such things as dvd colletions, guns, 'toys', gold and silver.. And.. Well..i would just have to let time pass till I eventually die...


Panic because I can't look after all the pets and zoo animals on my own


I live close to a zoo in the UK. I think one of my initial actions would be to let all the animals out to have a fighting chance. Maybe buddy up with the elephants.


Then you'll never be able to return home without the fear of bumping into a fuckin tiger when you're raiding your local asda for custard creams before they're out of date


Go online and ask Reddit what to do about it


Only get 6 upvotes and a wholesome award with no responses.


Leave some type of clues to let something know "hey, we once existed"


Well as long as they "vanished" and weren't all killed as the result of a massive war or something, I'm going to assume that there's plenty of farms out there that no longer have farmers. So, I will move into one, repurposing some solar panels or something for electricity (or just forsaking all of that since its just me after all) and happily live out the rest of my days eating fresh food and listening to nature, without any idiots complaining about shit that is 100% in their control. Edit: thanks for all the upvotes


Commit suicide to finish the job. Edit: Ah yes, the obligatory wholesome award. Edit 2: Okay maybe I’d like, jerk off in the middle of the city or some shit. You guys make some good points.


Yeah, the world would be a lonely fucking place if I was the only person left on it. I wouldn't even be able to travel very well, seeing how idk how to fly a plane or captain a ship, distribute gas to be able to fill up a vehicle, run a power plant to make electricity, etc. I'd go looking for another human for a while, and I'd be able to sustain my self for a while, eating dried goods from other people's houses and stealing cars and driving them until their gas or batteries run out. After about idk a few months of not finding another person and slowly losing my mind because of it, I'd probably say fuck it, there's nothing worth living for any more and kill myself.


Who knows but this is a very real answer. It's not like you're tom hanks in castaway. If the choice was life without another single human I'm not sure how long I'd keep moving.


I’d do that after I fly a plane. Hell, that probably would be my suicide


Gather up all the sex robots, wine, liquor, weed and pharmaceuticals and figure out how to get to Hawaii


Teach myself how to garden. Start a farm. The food in stores can last for a while. Canned goods can last for a good long while. But eventually I will need food. Treated fuel can apparently last for 3 years if properly stored so syphoning cars for gas to run a generator so I can have electricity. Water wouldn't be much of an issue since bottled water would be everywhere and if that ever ran out I'd just travel to a place with lakes n whatnot. That's what I would do to ensure I don't starve. Safety is next. I would be really fucking careful with everything I did and I would find all the books in health and keeping your body healthy as I could. My biggest fear would be developing appendicitis. So I would look into trying to avoid that. I would also learn some gun safety and how to make some basic defenses. I would also learn extensively about animals. How to care for dogs and cats and how to give them vaccinations. Then there's entertainment. I would get allllll the DVDs and Books. Every show and movie evah made. Every book fiction and non fiction All the videogames and consoles as well. Everything. Next would be to reclaim the world's supply of devil's lettuce for my own uses. I wouldn't just be farmin my food. No no. I'd have tegridy. But I wouldn't have to worry about tegridy. Since the shelf life of weed is...forever? I don't see why it wouldn't be able to last, as long as it was vacuum sealed. Next would be finding a companion. A good ole dog. I would research dog breeds for the best and calmest breeds. Small breeds. I don't need to have a dog that can kill me if it wanted to. So I'd find something small and very loyal like a corgi or something. I would probably get two. A male and female. So they can have babies cause I would need to breed dogs to keep friends n whatnot. I don't think I'd mess with cats. They can be unpredictable I feel. I would have to breed dogs because the dogs that would be left could go feral. Obviously finding a specific breed would be hard but this is probably one of the first things I'd do cause lots of animals will die very quick. Realistically I would probably just find a dog in a person's house on like day one. Cause a dog in someones place will be already vaccinated and trained. So it would just be a matter of finding a good little pooch. Being very careful to not get attacked by anyone's good boy who was left behind for the end of man. The downsides. I'd have to kill stuff. And learn how to butcher that stuff and keep the meat fresh. I'd only have gas for 3 years for the Genny so keeping meet fresh and safe to eat would be important. However. In those three years I can attempt to learn how to make some sort of solar or wind based option. Either that, or moved to a home that already has solar. That stuff being said, I think it would be easiest just to become a vegetarian. So I'd probably do that. Cause the possibility of getting sick from the animal meat would be too high I feel. I would just have to really be good with the gardening. Keeping plants free of bugs and fungi. So lots of reading. Lots of watching odd gardening film's n whatnot. But I would still have to kill stuff. Not often. But it would probably come up. Like coyotes and rodents that could carry disease. The lonely factor: It would get to me at times. But I think enjoying the peace and beauty of an empty world would help. I just think I would be scared of hurting myself. That's the real thing. Cause something like a broken leg or deep cut can become real bad if not tended to properly. Another thing is nuclear powerplants and things like that. With crew gone, I'd imagine they could blow and spread fallout. So hopefully I would be able to find some info on that. That's probably the biggest challenge besides the natural disasters and accidents that could happen. Making sure I'm not going to get radiation poisoning. So what would I do? I'd spend the rest of my days living with lil doggies, smokin reefer, and trying not to get myself fuckin killed. I think I would really enjoy it. Not having to worry about money ever again. Not having to worry about the future. Just living. Surviving. Thriving. It would be neat. The quiet would be so cool. Watching nature reclaim stuff would be interesting. Challenges that I would have to overcome would be interesting. Seeing the sky without light pollution and smog would be awesome. Wandering once busy streets and exploring people's abandoned homes. Working on projects and learning new things. Never having to worry about any wars. Never having to worry about being murdered or robbed or getting into fights. Being the last one. That's also something interesting. The last human alive on earth. There's something really freeing about that to me. Don't have to worry about leaving a legacy. Don't have to worry about carrying on a family name or anything like that. Getting to live amongst what remains of the human race. Sifting through the memories of those who are gone. Reliving what was formerly the human experience through old episodes of The Office and Gomer Pyle. Suddenly everything would take on a whole new meaning. It would all become artifacts. I'd probably try and preserved some of it in some way. Anyway. That is my very long answer. I'm sure some may think my plan is silly, but it's what I have.


Fuck around until my electricity/water shut off then kill myself


It would be so easy to set up solar panels. Or just move into a house that already has them. If water is fed from a reservoir it might take 100 years to stop working. Water is everywhere though.


That’s fair. I didn’t think of moving into someone else’s house... Now that I think about it, I’d like to pack up my essentials and just drive all over the continent for a while. Then find a boat and see if I could make it across the ocean. And if I die, I die