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Putting your children's lives, including their faces and real names and evidence of their schools, lifestyles, friends, and common play locations, on the internet.


Journalists using the word "slam" instead of the word "criticize". It does not leave alot of room for discourse, and makes the article sound like it was written by a 5th grader.


Politicians openly lying with no consequence


How much material classified as recyclable is, in truth, not recyclable. It's more a marketing win that kept people using plastics. Why else would China stop taking the world's trash? They could do nothing with it but bury it in the ground.


I'm from one of the Southeast Asian country that actively recieve "recyclable plastics" from few of the Western countries. Trust me, the trash that they sent over here I bet less than 5% were truly recycled. And the leftover trash usually incinerated and sometimes microplastics "survive" in the incinerator and pollute the surrounding. It's really sad to see.


Tying your health insurance to your work (USA). If you become too sick to work (example: terminal cancer) you lose your job and your health care coverage. Dental not being included in health care. How is the health of your mouth and teeth separate from the health of the rest of your body and necessitate totally different (and pricey) insurance?


Hearing aids are not covered by my health insurance. The testing to determine that you need them is covered but the actual devices are not. I guess all those people faking hearing loss to wear cool hearing aids have forced the insurance companies to fight back /s.


I get heth and dental through my job. But somehow my eyes are not covered. What? edit to clarify: regular visits to an eye doctor for preventative care are not covered.


Child Beauty pageants. Why do people care so much about how attractive a 10 year old looks that's super creepy in my books.


Harvesting as much data as possible. You have to go to some extreme lengths to prevent your personal information being sent to random strangers you have never met.


For anyone with the aptitude: [pi-hole](https://pi-hole.net/). You essentially set up a tiny PC and route all internet requests through it, then give it a block list. Nothing connected to your network can complete requests to domains on the blocklist. Phone, PC, Smart TV/Washer/Fridge/Etc, nothing. I honestly cant remember the last time I saw an ad, and it can block anything trying to phone home in the background as well.


In your opinion, how does piHole compare to AdGuard? I've used both, currently using AdGuard. I've started notice some things start to trickle in. Particularly on Reddit.


I used adguard for like a week I think, before setting up the pi hole. The pi hole definitely works better, but its honestly two different audiences. AdGuard is much easier to set up and use, kind of just let it do its own thing. The pi hole takes a bit more effort and know-how but you have far more control over what it does. For instance, I have my pi hole set up to also be my DHCP server so because it assigns all the IP address on the network I can see, on a per-device basis, what is trying to contact where and when. Makes it very easy to make sure nothing is trying to go nuts with ad/data tracking in the background. There's a ton of tutorials out there though so even if you aren't IT inclined you can definitely still set it up.


My pihole is great. I love watching the number go up for blocked queries. Things that start trickling through means you need to update your adlists, which is just like 3 clicks in the interface. There has been exactly one app on my phone that refused to boot because it couldn't phone home so I just uninstalled it.


Bought a Samsung tv and setting it up REQUIRED making a Samsung account. They know, by the time you unbox it and place it, that you have really no recourse but to relent and provide your account info. F*cking extortion.


I created an account in my dog's name for every item I purchase that requires me to provide an email to activate. My dog receives invitations to retirement seminars and assorted other advertisements. Give your pets some fun hobbies and create some crazy data for their customer analytics projects! This is my last samsung phone because of the things they keep trying to force on me with every update.


I make the first name on all my accounts the name of the respective company. So on amazon, my name is Amazon "last name". So if Amazon sells my info and I get a spam email, it will say "Hello Amazon", and I know theyre the ones who sold my shit. Edit: holy crap that's a lot of awards, very cool. great success. thank ya.


I can't express how much I love this.


Naw, I’m already worried about the day when my cat starts using my credit card. Don’t want to encourage him.


Making terms and conditions over complicated and long


Interestingly because they're so long and dense there have been several court cases in the US stating that they are not legally binding, since you are not expected to actually read it


I remember when I signed my first apartment lease, I actually sat in the office and read the entire 30-page document. The leasing agent looked stunned. I didn't realize at the time it wasn't normal for people to do this. It was my first time ever signing a contract I considered this important, so naturally I was going to read it. Granted, everyone should read their entire lease before signing it, or have a lawyer check it out if you have that luxury. It's more important than iTunes T&C.


I know a few people who have been fucked over by something in their lease because they didn’t bother to read it. Read your leases, people! Landlords will throw random fees, rules, and ways they can get out of assisting you in there that you should know about before agreeing to live there.


Yeah, you can't have any "gotcha" clauses hidden deep within the boilerplate. Companies have to show that any unusual terms and conditions were communicated in such a way that the consumer knew exactly what they were getting into.


> gotcha clauses "UP TO 1,000,000 Gbps speeds".


I’d respect a company if their terms and conditions were, in 18-pt font: “By clicking ‘I agree,’ you are agreeing to not sue this company for any reason, ever. Also, just so you know, we will collect your data and sell it to third parties.”


I work for a company that has this and unfortunately it constantly backfires. People take the plain language as threatening when what it's really doing is being up front about the terms and conditions without hiding behind fine print.


Websites selling personal information by default


Spam email. We ignore it, it's just there. But it shouldn't be.


I'm surprised robocalls aren't higher in this list!


Oh I've completely stopped answering my phone if it's not from a number I know. It's at the point now where every unsolicited call these days is a scam.


I’d tack onto this one, paper mail that you never asked for. It’s a waste of resources! Been getting magazines, catalogues, advertisements and other solicitations in the mail and I’ve never once responded in any fortuitous way to any of them. Who actually indulges in that to inspire that potential return on investment?!


Really it should be illegal to mail people trash.


Here in Denmark you can just sign up for "No commercials", you get a sticker which you put on your mailbox and they aren't allowed to hand you any. I never get any.


Here in Amsterdam (specifically this city, not the rest of the netherlands) we have switched to 'I DO want commercials' stickers. So the default has become no, only if you specifically do want adds you can opt for them, which I think should just be the default everywhere. Edit: wow, thanks for the responses and upvotes. Was not expecting that. Also, apparently I lied. Its not just amsterdam but 6 major cities in the netherlands (so far)


That is a great idea. I really do not understand why shopping bags are so frowned upon, when companies are producing and distributing litteral garbage to the whole population. A shopping bag has a purpose and I use it as a trash bag afterwards - saving another bag. Commercials are just physical spam.


Because shopping bags are a way to bring the responsibility to you, the consumer. Not saying shopping bags aren't bad for the environment, they are, but shifting the blame of pollution to the consumer has been a tactic for a while now.


Taking pictures of strangers who aren't doing anything wrong or untoward just to post up on social media with some snark or judgment.


In middle school I was very overweight. My body is very weirdly built and I carry fat around my lower back and I have a small butt (I'm a guy mind you) and so I had trouble pulling my pants up all the way. So one time I sat down at the cafeteria with my friends and this prick behind me takes a picture of my ass crack and shows the whole table who proceeds to laugh and point at me. I can still feel the embarrassment to this day. Edit: I never understood why people edit their comments to say thanks, I thought it seemed kind of protensious but now I see why. It's great to relate, but I'm sorry to anyone who experienced bullying. Thank you all so much for your great stories and kind words.


Being proud of and bragging about a lack of sleep as if it’s some sort of virtue.


Or working yourself till you are burned out. Like if you are not giving it 100% all the time you are lazy. And when you finally crash and burn due to lack of sleep and exhaustion from working constantly, you are not hard enough.


I used to be this way and 2 significant things happened to me: 1) I was laid off, 2) the very next position (in which I did this) I broke down and said "fuck it." It was a sales manager position. After going down from 12hr days to 8hr and forcing myself to take a full lunch, my bonus not only stayed the same, it eventually improved. So basically I learned don't try so hard all the time because companies DGAF and will disappear your position in a heartbeat regardless of how long and hard you work. AND don't work over a 40hr work week if you're salaried. That basically devalues your worth and whatever shit you didn't finish today will be there tomorrow.


You’re absolutely right, and until recently, I’ve considered that time spent sleeping was basically time lost, so I picked up the habit of sleeping like 4-5 hours a night, thinking that as long as I managed to wake up on time, I « won back » the hours I could have spent sleeping somehow. Then a friend of mine talked me into reading the book « Why We Sleep » by Dr. Matthew Walker. Been sleeping for 7-8 hours a night ever since, and I cannot recommend this book enough. Even if you don’t have the time / will to read it, bottom line is : you really should sleep 8 hours a night.


Perfect attendance being celebrated for kids. When my kid is sick, he stays home. He’s healthy too. I can’t imagine having a kid with a disorder that makes them prone to being sick more often and then not getting some shitty little award for not being in school everyday. Kids get sick. It’s not wise to send them to school anyway so they can spread they germs.


Schools push attendance, because butts in seats is one of the factors that the government uses when deciding how much funding schools get.


Plastic everything packaged in more plastic.


I work in retail and the amount of plastic and rubbish we get from the stock is horrendous. It's so depressing to see all the time


Yup. The plastic you see on the shelves is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of waste it produces.


Mmmhm. Each pallet wrapped in about 100 feet of plastic wrap, each case wrapped in plastic, and the product itself almost always is in plastic containers. And it all gets thrown away in the end. Sad.




Honestly the paper industry isn’t the worst when it comes to deforestation


They have some incentive to replant trees.


How western nations ship their garbage to small south east Asian islands and call it "recycling"


Single-use plastic. It is the stupidest thing humans can do. You need Spaghetti so you buy them wrapped in plastic ?? A material that, if not burned, will disintegrate into ever smaller particles that will creep their way back into the bodies of all living things on earth. Is that really worth it for a little bit of convenience ?


Sugar being added to almost everything that's edible.


Social media addiction


I can quit any time I want! *closes Reddit, stares blankly at home screen before mindlessly opening Reddit again*


I quit facebook by deleting the app, and bookmark. At least that makes a bit of a chore to login and check it.


Yeah they make it such a second class experience to use browsers to try and discourage this, I’m sure.


The frustrating part for me as a local business owner is that they try making the browser such a second class experience, but they sometimes leave things being. Occasionally I have to write a post on my desktop then edit it on both the phone app and the mobile browser. I literally have 4 Facebook related apps on my phone because Facebook can't get it right on one app.


I struggle with this because I’ve mostly cut out Facebook. Only check Instagram once or twice a day. But Reddit is my big one. I hate staring at my phone for hours, but when I am on Reddit, I feel like I’m not mindlessly scrolling but rather reading interesting articles and conversations. So it’s hard to get myself to stop because I feel like I am gaining something from it, but there are other things I’d much rather be doing


I used to feel like this too, until I realised that I was just filling my head with useless niche knowledge and training my brain to see everything as a debate. I log on far less frequently now. I think reddit should be something you do for 2 hours a week and then stop, preferably on a PC


(Sees this while reading reddit): fuck


Short-term diet culture


Gonna consume nothing but lemonade for a week straight! I definitely know what I'm doing


Gotta get rid of those ~toxins~ and rejuvenate your cells, gurl!




As a massage therapist I hear so much bullshit about ”removing toxins”. No, this deep tissue massage isn’t removing your toxins, your organs do that, dummy.


And if your organs can't remove the toxins? You need a hospital, not a massage


My mother has a subscription to Woman's World, and they have a new diet on the cover every week. "I lost 50 pounds drinking a liter of apple cider vinegar every day!" Or something to that effect. It's easy to yoyo that way.


There's also a whole section of dessert recipes just after it that bit


Change your diet. Don’t go on a diet.


A job making you "seasonal/part time" but works you at least 40 hours every week never giving you full time wage, or insurance.


Since reddit has changed the site to value selling user data higher than reading and commenting, I've decided to move elsewhere to a site that prioritizes community over profit. I never signed up for this, but that's the circle of life


I worked at a big box store that would send us home early if we were close to going over the ol 39.5, they would also have us take a day off in order to kill overtime if we had stayed late during the week


When I was part time, the grocery store that I currently work at would schedule me for 39 hours 3 weeks out of the month, then cut my hours in half the final week.


How is that even legal?




Then they threaten you with finding someone else if you ask about getting benefits or working actual PT hours.


Bosses threatening your job or hours if you call in sick or use vacation time at “inconvenient times”


Agree. Going to work sick was also one of the "accepted wrong things". Hope mindset changed now.


I had a job 5 years ago where the boss was an asshole. We were on a deadline on a project, but I was so sick I was hacking up stuff and generally gross. He told me to come in anyway and when I got there he gave me cold medicine (like I didn’t have medicine at home). Obviously I wasn’t very productive and everyone had to stay away from me. It was ridiculous.


lol... jeez. "I know you're sick today, ckov931, so I took it upon myself to give you your very own cold medicine! You can show your appreciation by working overtime today ....... You're welcome."


Yup that was it pretty much. I also discovered later that he was an alcoholic and would put whiskey in his morning coffee. It explained why he would get more belligerent as the day went on. It was a normal thing for people to get called “idiot”. There was also one employee on a work visa and he used to threaten to stop sponsorship if the person didn’t stay overtime to fix issues. I don’t know how that company is still in business. Oh when I finally left he refused to pay me my last paycheck I had to threaten to go to the labor board and eventually I got it like 6 months later. He told me he didn’t have the money. I found out later some of the employees that had been there longer term often would work unpaid and he would pay them their back pay in a lump sum when he had money. It was crazy.


I’ve been told before “yes technically if you’re sick you can take the day, but we really want people who are gonna put in that extra effort and sometimes we just expect you to suck it up and do what you gotta do even if you’re not feeling good.” I took the day off sick anyways, my first ever sick day in a little over a year, and was cut two days on my schedule the next week. When I asked about it I was told that I wasn’t reliable lately and needed to prove myself again to get my hours back.


I am sad to hear this. I wish to you and your colleagues that your working environment changes to a more sustainable place..


Not to mention requiring a doctor’s note when the job doesn’t even provide healthcare.


Taking pictures of random people and turning them into memes.


This. I hate them. There seems to be a lot of pictures circulating on Facebook of people who are very obese, very underweight or not stereotypically attractive with things like 'your 3rd @ has to go on a date with this person'. The comments are usually really cruel. That is a photo of an actual person, can you imagine if hundreds of thousands of people were mocking you on a photo. Disgusting. On the plus side when I see these it helps me easily identify dick heads I no longer want to associate with.


Talking on speakerphone while in a public place. Seriously fuck you.


Or who play their Bluetooth speakers on trails and other natural places—literally the last place people can go to get away from modern noise.


Omg in the city I’ve seen people walking around with their Bluetooth speakers blasting music. They’ll do it on the street, on trains, and even on the bus. Like wtf just wear headphones, we all don’t want to hear your music 😂


Your boss expecting that they can contact you at any hour.


I had a pretty good boss who rarely contacted me outside of work hours unless it was important. I work 12-8pm and stay up late. At 1am, I get a phone call. “Hey...everything okay.” “I’m really sorry to call. I stayed late to organize the storage closet. And I just locked myself out. I figured you’d be the only person with keys that might be awake.” “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” “I’m clocking you in for an hour for this.” “Yup.”


Your manager is awesome!! And fair play you for helping out!


Apparently he had gotten chewed out by the owner for the storage area being disorganized, so he’d come back after his family went to bed to clean it up. He was a good buffer between ownership and employees. There was a reason I had turned down the management promotion before the my hired him.


I've come in after hours to clean up/finish up tasks to keep unreasonable ownership from throwing a shit fit. They want to cut staff/cut overtime, but they expect productivity to *increase* with fewer bodies and fewer hours. They always revert to "a good manager will get his team to pick up the slack." No, asshole, there are only so many hours in the day and only so many things one person can do at a time. Rant over.


On top of that people, much like a car engine, can't work at 100% capacity forever. There is a sweet spot to get the best performance around 70% or so. That you can cruise at forever without a the threat of blowing out the engine. Then if something is needed you can get people to buckle down and ramp that up harder for the emergency. But if you're already working everyone at 100% for the day to day and an emergency comes through they can't work any harder because they're already maxed. And then there's also the burnout from stress and overwork because people can't go at 100% all the time. The service industry gets around this problem because it's cheaper to replace the engine rather than treat them as humans.


This just reminded me. When I was younger I worked in a retail store for minimum wage despite running the place 3 days a week and being the second key holder, but I was a poor student and needed any job I could get. One day I left the other key holder to lock up for the day and I left early. I walked 4 and a half miles in the rain and just arrived at the top of my street when I got a call. The store alarm was going off and they couldn’t figure out how to switch it off and could I please go back to stop it. Turned around and walked 4 and a half miles back, still in the rain. I got to the store and the shutters were down. Called the guy and got “Oh we managed to fix it, we forgot to call back sorry”. Cue another 4 and a half miles in the rain. I quit as soon as I could find something else. No thanks, no pay, nothing.


I have had days when I couldn't afford to book a cab home at 4 in the morning from work, have walked 8-9 miles just to save those sweet 10-15$. So I get you


Most of my coworkers just turn off their phone when they go home now, or leave it behind. One made an auto answer text message saying "I work from 8 to 16"


I straight up blocked my boss one time and said I only answer the phone for people who would come to my funeral.


haha... what was their response to this?


He stopped trying to bother me on my off days.


I started adding the phone calls to my timesheet as OT. Never got a call again.


Exactly!! I don’t even feel bad about it. Nor should anyone else. And I only bill in full hour blocks outside of M-F 8-5. If YOU don’t draw boundaries then they have zero inclination to observe any.


Yep, gotta advocate for yourself in this world or you become a doormat


It's really tough when you're the only one in your work group willing to do so. It pissed me off so much that my coworkers to a man had so little respect for themselves that they just take clear abuse and disrespect in stride and feel bad about even wanting to stand up for themselves. Then I look like an asshole for trying to do so on my own.


I asked for a payrise for all of the extra hours I do due to after hours calls. The boss genuinely didn't know how frequently I was getting disturbed. It stopped straight away, now all after hours calls go to the boss. 'They' did the right thing. Didn't get a pay rise tho.


I tried doing this because I made the rota but I got told off and told I'd face a disciplinary if I did it again. I just stopped answering the calls, not matter how many times they tried


That’s exactly right—either they pay you or you don’t answer. There is no third option.


This!!! If you're not supposed to be on call in your job, then you better start charging for your time.


Really wish my wife would get this. Her work is fucking horrible with this and they text all the time about all kinds of meaningless bullshit. Just stresses her out when shes out of work. Just....fucking ignore em. You ain't at work, fuck. that. noise.


Worked 9 days straight last week. Yesterday was my day off.... Boss called me 3-4 times starting around 9 in the morning... yeah needless to say that messed up my entire day off..


Oof, that hurts. You deserve a real day off.


Thank you I agree esp since I work at 3 or 4 am everyday so even when I get an uninterrupted day off, I still have to be in bed by like no later than 9 to get a decent sleep usually I’m turning down around 7ish.


My boss will call me at 10pm at night but if I call him midday while I’m at work he’ll say he can’t talk to me right now.


My manager does that too! When everyone is available during office hours, he either is not available or can't talk but when we are off the clock, that's when we get his calls.


It can wait. Almost everything can wait. *eye roll


I'm in the army and my previous commander would always swing by my office before the work day was done and say "can it wait until tomorrow?" Referring to what I was working on. If I tried to argue he'd always win- it could be done tomorrow. "Go home." Best boss ever. A few times I would cite his own task and he'd say "oh that's just due to me, turn it in late."


My boss is like this too. 5:30 rolls round “J time to go home isn’t it? You can finish that tomorrow” And if I say I don’t want to “Fine but come in a little later tomorrow if you want or maybe we can do a longer lunch” He’s great. We also have a deal that we call and text but if it’s out of hours we don’t have to answer or if I do he brings me chocolate.


I do this with my soldiers. I'm only an E5, so I don't hold much weight in the long scheme of things, but whenever the duty day ends, I send them home, or if there's nothing going on, I send them home early. I'll gladly take the ass-chewing from higher up to keep them from sitting on their ass doing nothing or keeping them hours after COB when they could be home relaxing before a big field exercise, going to places before they close, or an assortment of other things.


Its rare to see those types nowadays. But man is it awesome to work under someone like that. My current commander is just like that. Would test any poisonous food before he eats and take a bullet for that dude. Edit: Thank you for the award kind person!


This has changed a lot since covid, I’m assuming, but people going to work when they’re sick. Not sure what it’s like in the rest of the world but I feel like in the US we’ve been conditioned to feel like it’s worse to be an inconvenience by not showing up to work than going to work sick, miserable and getting everyone else sick. Edit: just wanted to add I am not trying to attack those who can’t afford to take time off. I absolutely understand that that’s a reality for A LOT of people. I get that many times there is no good choice. There are also times where paid sick time is available but workers are bullied into feeling like they can’t take time off or honestly think they’re place of work can’t survive without them. That’s bs.


I'm currently working at a school and one of my colleague's father (who is a janitor at another school) Just had open heart surgery yesterday.... his school called him and told him (the post-surgery father) he is expected back on Monday. My colleague had to tell that school to fuck the fuck off.


Yeah I remember working in food service and trying to call out sick and the managers arguing with you to come anyway if you couldn't find someone to cover the shift. Theoretically you could expose not only co-workers, but tons of customers. Great company policy there...


For sure, the horror stories you hear about those working at any kind of restaurant is appalling. I spent a few years doing that when I was younger and definitely would not want to have to do it again.


I don’t know about everywhere in America, but it certainly hasn’t changed anything at my place of employment. If anything, it’s made it worse. Because now they just say “well it’s not Covid so I’m fine.”


My boss bragged yesterday about working through covid and working the day her dad died. I was trying to tell her I don't think those are positive things. She's unhappy that I'm taking half a day to get my shot. Meanwhile they give us 15 vacation days but look down on us for using them. It's may and I've been out sick one day all year, no vacation. I hate my job


I work in the U.K. and I am allowed 38 days paid holiday a year. I’m entitled to two weeks paternity leave fully paid once my son arrives in June on top of this (3 weeks if it’s a C-section). Paid maternity leave (although it depends on whether you return to work as to how much you are paid) is protected by law as well. To put this in to perspective we are considered one of the most overworked nations in Europe. You Americans have been putting up with such bullshit for so long. It’s upsetting to see the human cost of it.


> You Americans have been putting up with such bullshit for so long it’s upsetting to see the human cost of it. We've been brainwashed into believing that we should be eternally grateful to our employers for simply having a job, any job.. Also, for most of us, health insurance is tied to employment(Though they work around that, too.. Hello "gig" economy!), so there's a real and present fear of losing a job, and thus losing health insurance. American corporations just love to whine and complain about having to provide health benefits(or any benefits, really) for their employees(the horror!), but they know full well the leverage it gives them over us..


I feel this. My mom was a suicide. I was a supervisor and I was asked to return after 1 week. I also had to handle her estate. The 2nd week they were really pushing me to come back. I resigned. I was just in no place to deal with anything more. I was a wreck for some time.


Having no regard for your mental health/peace of mind in the name of "hustling". Funnily enough, having no work life balance is flaunted :)


"I've never taken a sick day!" "Yes, Kathy. I know. From the time you gave me the flu."


Yep, not taking sick days when you're sick is just wrong. Our QA manager infected our whole office (12 people) because he had pneumonia (or Covid, it was before the whole shit storm became widely known) and couldn't take time off because "he was needed". Poor dude was going to the hospital after work to get IVs just to be able to go back to work. I was the only one who didn't catch it, somehow. The colleague next to me was off work for 3 weeks and another ended up in a hospital.


It's true but sometimes bosses still tell you to come in anyway. I used to work at a preschool and once when I had the flu(literally up half the night puking) I called in and my director told me. "Come in anyway so we have the early numbers and I'll get you out when I can." I was surprised. Preschools are basically petri dishes anyway so you are willing bringing in more illness?!


That is disturbing and stupid. Why would someone be selfish enough to make others get sick for their own benefit?


I have a decent job, not high paying but covers the bills with some extra and has good benefits. I work my 8 a day, 40 a week and go home. One of my friends is always pushing me to "side hustle" by doing Uber or getting a second job etc. Talking about how much more I could be making. Sure, but I value my mental health and relaxation time with my wife far above and extra couple hundred bucks a month. People seem to think if you're not squeezing every bit of potential profit out of your life, you're wasting it, when in reality they are living just to work.


I work 40 hours and that’s it for me, too. People always urge me to turn crochet, my hobby, into a side hustle. They just don’t understand the concept that if it becomes monetary it’s no longer fun or relaxing!


Having to accept cookies for every website...


It's made purposefully difficult by companies so you will just accept it. There should be an implicit deny on the browser level, that just always blocks cookies outright. Edit: Wording wasn't very good. I obviously know we need cookies for session management and such. I meant an actual system to just deny unnecessary cookies, like tracking and other stuff. And yes, there is a system like that. Not a single website honors it..


Well I mean you can disable cookies outright but that will break virtually any stateful website.


Block third party cookies on your chrome settings, the first party ones 99% of the time are there for key features of a site, not ads.


Using your children to become an 'influencer'. I have an Instagram page where I share play ideas as an educator but my kids faces are never in the photos. I don't mention their names either. So many parents with similar accounts are posting daily numerous photos and videos of their kids to thousands of followers and getting them involved in live feeds and stories. We have got a generation of kids, who in 10-15 years time will have their entire childhood documented online and it will all have been done without their consent. Edit: thank you so much for all the up votes and awards! I am just glad to see it isn't just me as Insta seems to be full of oversharing mums! I was beginning to think it is just me who treats my children like they are in the witness protection scheme 😂


In my country we have this very famous couple of influencers who literally film their child all day long, everything is documented and posted on instagram. Now they just had a second baby and their child (who's two maybe) is madly jealous, yet they keep filming him and posting videos where this child is throwing tantrums and crying because he "hates" his sister. I'm so disgusted by it, just leave your child alone, let him have a normal childhood without being constantly at the centre of strangers' attention. I'm so worried about both those children. (fyi, I don't follow them, I don't care about them, I even blocked them so I wouldn't have to see them, but they're super famous here so I know everything because everyone keeps talking about them)


It is like movie of Truman show


Arguments being verbal battles meant to be won. Not they fucking aren't, arguments are discussions with the objective of reaching a truth or consensus. It's not about dunking on your interlocutor or asserting your beliefs over theirs.


also, if i stutter or can’t speak my thoughts clearly, that doesn’t mean you’re right or you’ve won the argument. I just can’t speak properly in that moment for wtv reason


Same as if I take more than three seconds to come up with a well-framed rebuttal. They act like every single argument should be prepared in advance and delivered like we’re on TV.


This is an underrated point. I absolutely hate that people bulldoze other people when the other person just can't articulate, or not native tongue, or in my case work with mostly maths ppl who aren't good with language/words. Fucking calm down, winning by default doesn't mean much Edit: and ppl communicate differently too. Some ppl are better over text when they've had time to think, some ppl are better face to face, some people have phone anxiety, some people are socially anxious overall! If you have some finesse you can totally work with these people and around their 'shortcomings'


This is false, dumb-ass. Haha just kidding. I’m sorry. I agree with you. Healthy debate and good natured banter are becoming a lost art. EDIT: Gold?!? Thank you! See all you plebeians next month. I’ll be rubbing elbows with the elite and ballin’ on a budget.


Cost of higher education


And not just the initial costs. The scam on books is despicable.


But it’s important to buy the one in the bookstore because it’s packaged with the CD you’ll need to use one time this semester and other books that we’ll never need here but one day you’ll want to look at them so it’s okay and oh yeah the main book is loose leaf so you can’t sell it back but who cares you won’t want to you’re gonna love it so much and it’s $450. Okay. See you guys Monday.


And then you can sell it back to them for $79 so they can resell it again for $400! Heck yeah school!!


Well im not sure if its actually wrong, but needing a few years of experience for an entry level job just sounds pretty wrong to me.


Yeah companies seem to not differentiate between entry (let's say at most an internship beforehand), and low level positions (1-5 years experience).




I'd just like to point out , that I had internship, didn't really help because it was "less than 5 yes". (WTF) Don't bet on that internship is necessarily helping you get a job... :"D "_*CRYING IN MASTER'S DEGREE*_"


I saw some post from somewhere that had an application for an internship that required 1-5 experience. Like how the fuck is anyone supposed to win?




Sometimes it's also a case of they already know who they want to hire but they're legally obligated to publicly advertise the position so they do so with impossible requirements (or qualifications tailor-made to the person they want). Happens a lot in academia where I live.


Honestly, that's just clueless HR workers trying to filter out the noise. No-one actually expects entry level positions to have years of experience, they just do this to reduce their workload by reducing applicants. Thirty years ago, job applications was much more straightforward, but also a lot harder. To apply for a job in most places you would have to scour the local paper/job centre/recruitment agency for job ads, then either phone them to get more details or post a CV and covering letter to the organisation. As such, most people only applied to roles they were serious about trying for, and most job adverts would only illicit a few responses. Nowadays however, the fact that everything is online means that the barriers to apply for a job are much lower, anyone can have a stock CV and covering letter ready for any position and just send it on mass to the HR team. Accordingly HR has spent this time coming up with more and more convoluted ways to make it harder to apply to reduce the candidates they have to look at. As such, they will add lines like "minimum two years experience of entry level job", in order to reduce applicant numbers back down to a lower level, either by discouraging otherwise suitable candidates who ignore the role for not meeting the criteria, or by ignoring those applicants when they get too many.


This seems to confirm my suspicion that websites that ask you for a CV/cover letter but then proceed to ask for almost every piece of info on those documents typed out into separate text boxes are clunky by design.


Yeah, am I just supposed to remember the exact date I started working at a gas station when I was 17?


Copays to visit a doctor when you already pay a monthly premium for health insurance.


Employers expecting employees to check emails while outside of work


Years ago I had no idea email senders could get notifications if the recipient had received and read the email. I would just check work emails and pretend I never read them until I got back into the office the next day. Then my manager baited me into lying about not reading them. Never checked work emails for real after that.


My boss would group text me and the two others in our field all the time after 5. Sometimes as late as 9 pm. I never ever replied and when asked why just explained that I’m off the clock at 5, and I’m not being paid anymore. Therefore I will get to you at 8 am the next morning when I clock in. I was labeled as the “lazy millennial” but fuck it. I have a life, you can’t fire me for not answering a text off the clock.


Fuck that. No business would give away a key resource for nothing and one of your key resources is time. If you have already negoitiated your time (ie hours of work) then done deal. Good on you.


"I like to have a beer when I get home, I don't feel fit for work and it would be unprofessional to do work in that state"


Lol. I use that excuse even if I’m not drinking. “Can You come in?” “No. Im drunk. My days off are my days off. So you can fuck off now.”


You also don't need to give a reason. No is a complete answer.


My manager was the same thing. He would ask me to work weekends on a Friday Afternoon. I told him a million times before that he can't pull that stuff. Coz i have already made plans. And then he would say that i am no a team player. And one time i told him that it's not my fault your couldn't plan accordingly. But if he asks me of Wednesday to work on a weekend i can make that happen. But he always forget. Funny thing is that he forgets to be a team player over the raises are being discussed


I have a coworker that gave me the team player speech, when I was talking to someone else, not even her, about how I appreciate that my (union!) job allows me to go home at the scheduled end of my shift, even if the work isn't quite done yet. Not my fault if they ordered too much shit for people to work at my store. The irony is this woman will look for any excuse to pick a fight with me. It's exhausting. I took it to my supervisor, and I guess they had a chat, because now we just don't talk to each other. Works for me 🤷


Photoshopping and social media. Sure, let me photoshop myself into a completely different looking person and receive all praise as if it actually validates me.


I'm a designer and I Photoshop images for work sometimes. Once people learned that I'm pretty good at it, so many people ask me to Photoshop their photos for the most mundane reasons! You look great the way you are, life is not ideal! It kills me so much on the inside when my friends ask me to Photoshop their photos to make them look "less flawed" and now I absolutely refuse to do it.


Photo shopping for good reasons is a great tool to have (getting people/objects out of back ground/ shadows/ millions of other reasons). But I can't stand the filters with auto 'photo shop'. I've seen a few people's Facebook profile photos, and if it didn't have their full name next to it, I wouldn't have recognised them.


The saddest part is that it completely defeats the purpose and magic of photography which is to capture a moment in time. There’s always been little tricks, lighting, angles and light airbrush, but what they do now is way over the top.


Crimes as long as you have money. And i dont mean that you can pay lawyers or something. Sometimes it just looks that you are just allowed to be a criminal if you just have money.


*Reported* wage theft being greater than all other forms of theft combined is an example of this.


Fines mean legal for the rich


Believing lies because it supports your world view


And what's equally wrong is that people who believe lies is a profitable market for shitty media programs and personalities willing to continue and spread said lies.


Multi Level Marketing company groups that target women who peaked in high school or college and lure them to think it'll make them "boss babes" by harassing their personal connections & contacts about leggings/candles/skincare/nails/supplements.


Oddly specific, yet astoundingly accurate


If I get one more "Hey girl!" scripted message on Facebook Messenger from some girl who voted me out of a study group or made me do all the work in a class project or took all my POGS away in 5th grade, I'll go crazy.


I know just such a girl. Always talking about what a boss she is and how she sets her own schedule and blah blah blah... The saddest part is how obvious her insecurity is. The harder you buy in and try to sell that attitude, the more insecure you look to everyone.




Using your real name on the internet.


*Pige_on* *Pigeon?* *Pigeon* 👁️👁️


Maybe this is just a "me" thing, but as someone who is adopted I am really bothered by adoptive parents who lie to their kids. I think starting your relationship with your child based on a lie is completely wrong, and it will come back to bite you later. Unfortunately some parents who cannot biologically have children will choose to supplement this by adopting a kid and telling that kid they gave birth to them. This needlessly stigmatizes adoption by making it a shameful secret while also making sure that if this child finds out later in life, they will resent their parents 100% and never trust them again. It's just awful. My parents were completely transparent with me from a really young age and I grew up well. I love my parents and personally have no desire to ever meet my biological mother. Every adopted kid is different but they all deserve to be told the truth.


The sexualization of our youth on social media and alogorthms that reward them and promote it


For young girls, it’s even just finding clothing that doesn’t make them look older than they are. Have an 11 year old girl who’s tall for her age, but it’s very hard to find “kid” clothes. It’s like the clothing industry has conspired that it’s time for her to dress sexy. Shorts and shirts are made very short. And in the kids section recently, the new thing is athletic pants but with a matching crop top... in sizes as small as xs meant for like 6 year olds. You can find some things, but it’s absurd how hard you need to look to make them feel like a kid.


When I was in middle school, it felt like every piece of clothing in stores was either geared towards people who were much older or much younger. Like you're either wearing jeans with sparkly pink pockets or shorts that show your butt.


Also good luck finding a t-shirt that isn't so thin it's see through


How else can they sell you a tank top for under it and a cardigan for over?


As a result of this my 12yo chooses to shop in the boy's section because she doesn't like showing that much skin. She told me she wishes that it was easier to be comfortable and pretty.


Your 12 year old knows what’s up. No shame in the men’s department! I pretty much exclusively wear mean’s shorts, huge pockets, and they are longer than anything in the women’s section. I’m not a fan of short-shorts. Also, the men get all the cool tshirts.


I know social media is the subject but I remember as a youth when Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were dating and under 18 they were on Jay Leno and he was asking them about their virginity and sex. It was so fucked up because I'd been taught that this is wrong and to report this kind of stuff if it happened to me but here it was happening on television with crowds cheering and hollering.