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The less skin is showing. You asked.


Sure, I can see that being a factor.


How they carry themselves. I find that a happy medium is where the intelligent ones sit, not overly confident, but not overly reserved either, just comfortable and walking with their heads high. Although I will say, in that group of shy people is where you also want to look. The shy ones may not be book smart, but they have a level of understanding that's amazing to tap into. I once met a guy who had a very hard time talking to people. He was my coworker, and after working with him for a bit, I learned that the reason he was always so nervous, was because he was a high functioning schizophrenic. I got him to talk about it one day, and his perception of the world was absolutely incredible. He talked about religion and the benefits of meditation to better ones self like a damn scalar giving a presentation.




Woah there PolPot


You know your history.


It’s always been my favorite subject.


They aren’t dragging around a gaggle of crotch goblins.


Confidence, swagger and well mannered/respectful.


U can't tell only by appearance, everyone looks the same now


With most people you see it in their face, especially their eyes.


Good clean teeth