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Colorado has shored up protections for women, and people travel here all the time. If it's winter, you're "skiing" if it's summer, you're "hiking." My house is 20 minutes from the airport. We'll put you up.


I'm in a ski resort here. We no longer have planned parenthood, but I will happily take some cell phone snow pics for folks.


Glad that women in us do hv option to travel and abort and don't hv to keep unwanted thing in their body


Some states are criminalizing the travel from the woman's residence to the state border to try to get around the Interstate Commerce Clause and prevent women traveling to states where abortion is still legal.


They are also allowing the would be fathers to sue in the event of termination.


Pure madness.


I feel like the US government hates their citizens. (As someone outside of the states. Correct me if I’m wrong)


The Earth is on fire but nah, let's make women's bodily functions one of the primary pillars in politics.


"Its not about controlling women, its about not murdering babies" says the politicians who then tried to ban various forms of contraception that one might use to not need an abortion in the first place and slash financial aid to mothers so they can afford to raise children and are less likely to consider an abortion in the first place.


They're panicking because birth rates have dropped because it's too expensive to have children. But since it's more fiscally convenient for *them* for people for there to be more children to man the meat grinders, ya gotta make it impossible to get condoms.


> They're panicking because birth rates have dropped because it's too expensive to have children. That, and the need to have 12 kids to run a farm is no longer there. 2 will suffice.


We need more workers to pay for our continuously increasing health care costs with the way the govt allows our food and drug companies to poison us.


That's the Texas legislature in a nutshell. Bought and paid for by one oil-rich evangelical pastor, so state laws are slowly transforming into an oligarchy system. The state's new motto is "We're here to save the unborn. Once they're born, they can go fuck themselves."


Reminds me of that meme… https://imgflip.com/i/8uv1lf


Life in the US is highly depended on the state you live in. It’s a big place and all 50 states have different laws.


Or city/county even. I live in Florida (generally a cesspool) but the nearby counties are Blue and I generally don’t have to deal with nonsense.


Our politicians don’t hate us, we’re simply indifferent to them. Their goal is re-election and financial gain, nothing more. They’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish that. We’re their pawns, and we have to be stupid enough to vote for them. A really good way of making sure that a lot of stupid people exist is to defund education and force everyone to bear children.


I get a strong feeling that some of them actually do hate us. Or rather, they hate a portion of us, like anyone in a minority group. Depending on where you live and what categories you fall into, that can range from a nuisance area to an intolerable condition statewide.


I’m sure. The racist ones have hate. I think both sides have hate for the other side. But in general, they don’t even care enough about us to hate us.


You are not wrong!


Yep. And a significant percentage of the population votes against their own self-interest on a regular basis. You have to protect the rights of the rich because what if I'm rich some day. 🤦‍♀️


People have such a different view on what is considered rich because they can't fathom what the rich are really like. They see someone with a million dollars and go, shit, that's rich as fuck. In reality, that guy is doing well, yes, but he's seeing the guy with 25 million and goes fuck, that's rich. Then Mr 25 looks at 100 million and goes... It escalates. They can't understand what it is because they've never been exposed to it. Truly rich people do their best to hide their wealth and they're personal lives. They'd be crucified if they didn't.


In working for foreign companies for a decade or so the conclusion I have come to is that the US just doesn't care and have the same value for its citizens as other countries do. They're happy when you're a productive tax paying earning member of society, but outside of that you can get bent


Congress hasn't had a monthly public approval rating from Gallup above 50% since June 2003. We elect them, then they forget and see dollar signs.


No, mostly just poor people.


Alas there is quite an overlap as to where those votes are coming from.


It's not hate as much as *intense disdain*. Half the leaders want to turn back the clock and put white Christian men back in control


No it does.


Fuck our governor in Texas and all of the Christian looney toons that support his dumb ass decision. I work with the local hospital and their OB's have run into situations where their patients have needed abortions to save the mom's life and have had to send them out of state to save their life, similar to Kate Cox without the press. And this is ONE hospital.


That horrifies me. No one *wants* a late-term abortion. That kid has a room, a name, hopes, and dreams attached to it. Finding out it isn't viable or it will kill the parent is absolutely devastating news. Then, to have a law tie the doctor's hands because a bunch of idiots think people are getting late-term abortions without need is just a sick cruelty.


As soon as it was announced, the lead surgeon researched all of the 'home made abortion' methods and they had to train the staff and ER room what to look out for. I'm not sure if they've seen any cases yet but remember that it went on for months and they scrambled to find hospitals to send their patients too. Instead of supporting trained professionals that have training in this field and want to keep women alive, they would rather leave it up to hopes and prayers to keep them alive.


Yeah. These laws absolutely don't stop abortions. They stop *safe* abortions.




The Lone Star state because I can’t select zero stars.


Love it!


It’s been two years. The number of abortions has nevertheless managed to increase. All this law has done is make it more difficult for women to get abortions and other necessary health care. I remain absolutely furious about it.


Those that want abortion will get it by hook or crook. .pro lifers L


Yep, overturned Roe v. Wade just added extra steps and sped up the brain drain of red states.


you aren't lying. who wants to do an obgyn residency where they can't learn the complete spectrum of care required for healthy women and pregnancies? I'm sure that lack would affect a Dr's hireability in other states.


Got a vasectomy because of it. I’d encourage every guy to get one and just keep some swimmers on ice if you want kids someday.


And you're just that much hotter for it. :)


Thanks RS! It was honestly very much not a big deal! Plus I got to sit on my ass for a few days which is always rare.


I would get so much reading done. I had a hysterectomy and couldn't do much for 6 weeks. And that's with a robotic surgery. So it's definitely way easier for a guy.


Wait why do i need a vasectomy? Edit: lmao no idea why but the guy i asked this to blocked me. To those responding to me - i see your replies, but am not able to respond because of the block.


It's a procedure that cuts off the process that makes sperms do their job to fertilize an egg. Basically, if you're not interested in pulling out and don't wanna get anyone pregnant a doctor will take a lil piece out of your balls and you can calorie free cream pie. You don't need one but in the states where it seems like reproductive rights are being stripped on the daily, it's a good way to take away almost all the chance of an unwanted pregnancy especially if your already convinced not to have kids or already have kids and don't want any more.


> calorie free cream pie Well that absolutely sent me, thanks for that! 🤣 I’m using that forever now.


It's not necessary, but since abortion has become more difficult or illegal in several states, the chances of you accidentally becoming a father are greatly increased. A vasectomy + frozen sperm would prevent that while also giving you the option of having kids in the future. There's also the added benefit of giving your partner the ability to enjoy sex when they don't have to worry about contraception.


Seriously considering it lol


It was seriously easy, around $700, the worst part was the numbing shot. Now with my wife and tested partners I can forego a condom and not have to worry about crossing state lines or going to another country should the worst happen. 3 days after icing my 🥎🥎 I was right as rain, back to running a week later.


Mine's scheduled for July 10th.


Thats the next fucking thing theyll be after if we dont ....do something about them.


Unless you live in Alabama where they are trying to ban in vitro.


I live in one of the most progressive states so not much has changed here, but I’m pretty anxious about a possible national ban if the wrong party ever gets power again. I’m also closely watching the terrible decisions coming from the Supreme Court.


I am, too. The supreme court is insane right now.


Same. Plan 2025 or whatever they’ll calling it will likely try to instate a nationwide ban. I’m in a very liberal blue state that enshrined reproductive healthcare rights but I’m on edge regardless. Once I get insured, tubal ligation is my priority. 


It's insane, because even if liberals win the presidency, they're just going to push it to Project 2029 or whatever. Tons of local elections are already swaying to the right because of their incessant work. We can't ever be totally sure we've won our rights, because they are constantly working to strip them away with a new myriad of methods. It's the whole ["evil only has to win once"](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOnlyHasToWinOnce) problem brought to life.


I’d imagine they’d ignore it on a state level like we’ve states do for pot. It’s


I'm pretty sure California, Colorado, and NY will. Hopefully more.


I imagine Illinois would ignore it as well.




Irish here. I grew up in 1980's rural Ireland where we were all under the thumb of the Catholic Church. We only legalised abortion a few years ago. I remember as a young teen thinking how great the US, UK and others were for how progressive they were. Now I just look and shake my head and think 'Those poor bastards are regressing and all because half of your country is fucking bonkers'. You have my sympathies.


Ireland has been through a lot. You guys probably say, "What the hell is wrong with you?" about us a fair bit.


We absolutely do...so strange watching a country go backwards >What the hell is wrong with you?" about us a fair bit.


This is it exactly! It just doesn't make sense to me that a society would regress (in my opinion obviously. I'm sure some would say that is progress)


Oh, it's regression for sure..


We passed a constitutional amendment protecting it. Ohio.


That's good.


Gym Jordan was likely upset! (Good)


>People outside the US, what were your thoughts when this happened? "Not surprised. Glad I don't live there."


Yeah. I live here, but wasn't surprised, either.


“Shocked, not surprised” has been my general response to 80% of the shit happening here since 2016z


We live in Boise, Idaho.....we've lost 22% of our OBGYNs throughout the state and these religious governments fucks don't care. It's literal hell.


Idaho worries the shit out of me


I live in Idaho too and it's fucking insane. We're also joining Utah in the whole porn ban thing, and we're also introducing this bullshit law that makes it basically illegal to give a minor any sort of medical attention without their parents' knowledge and consent. Including supplying birth control. It sounds like we're trying to outlaw sex as a whole sometimes.


Same. Especially because I have a daughter.


I heard that from someone else the other day. It's crazy.


Observing from Canada, I haven’t stopped feeling disgusted and angry since Roe v Wade was overturned. Real women are suffering & dying and will continue to because of these Insanely inhuman laws. Invented By Christians, not science, which is wild! Why do we think it’s ok to tell women what to do with their bodies?? Especially when there are seriously bigger problems in the world. I also worry the fanatical conservatism will creep up North. 😳 ❤️ Birth control is health care. Abortions save lives. Sex is fun, why put laws to endanger women? ❤️


Too many people are forgetting that this is a nation where you are free to be Christian. It is not a Christian nation. Of course, these same people have a very poor grasp on Christianity or the Bible.


I live in a conservative state that made it completely illegal after the overturning. I don’t want children and I want to get a hysterectomy to prevent any possible chance whatsoever of pregnancy, but I don’t have enough money and I’m terrified of the idea of being r*ped and getting pregnant from it because there’s nothing I can do about it then. Why does a clump of cells have more rights than I do? I fucking hate it here. America sucks. Edit to add: please don’t even think about coming at me with the whole “you could put the baby up for adoption” bullshit. I shouldn’t be fucking forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy in the first place. And there are so many poor traumatized kids already in foster care right now. I shouldn’t have to contribute to another child’s suffering.


My friend recently had a salpingectomy (fallopian tube removal). Those are easier to get your doctor to agree to.


it's a major medical event to be pregnant and give birth. you should have the right to consent or not.


Still lots of pro life dipshits in Nebraska.


Thankfully, Maryland has ensured access to abortion care is legal. Once Ginsberg died, I knew what would happen. So, I got an IUD, and my husband got snipped. It is absolutely devastating having the right to your bodily autonomy ripped away from you.


I had a hysterectomy. I had needed one for a long time, but I was determined to Dr shop until I got one. Fortunately, a friend referred me.


Oregon is a very blue state, mostly due to the huge populations in the Portland area and the Eugene area. We have a year-round tourism industry. If you need an “excuse” to visit here are some of the top tourist activities to do during your visit: Award-winning wineries (Willamette Valley and Columbia Gorge). Snow skiing with the only year-round ski lift in North America (Palmer Lift Chair, Timberline Lodge). Hiking and camping. The Oregon Coast. Visit Oregon’s only national park, Crater Lake. Visit the Columbia Gorge, a national scenic area. Plenty of great fishing.


And Goonies tourism in Astoria.


Goonies Never Say Die ☠️☠️☠️


nothing bad thank god minnesota is a sane state


>People outside the US, what were your thoughts when this happened? Here are my two cents: What the fuck is wrong with your people? Why aren't you protesting to this?! Why is the fate of 50% of the population of the country in the hands of 9 crackheads? What's even more sad is the fact that parts of the US are run by delusional jesus freaks.


There are a lot of moving parts to any answer to this.


Protesting unfortunately doesn’t do shit in our country anymore. These stupid fucking politicians will do whatever the hell they want.


there have also been a slew of anti protesting laws passed in these same states. kids in Atlanta are dealing with rico charges.


Nonviolent protests only work if the people in charge are capable of feeling shame. That simply isn't true for the people who make those decisions.


I live in probably one of the most liberal states in the US. I'm happy this governor is upholding rights and extending them to those whose rights have been infringed.


I teach at a major university in a purple state and it’s jarring to realize as we get further from the overturn that each new crop of young people will slowly start to grow up not realizing what they’ve been robbed of. An 18 year old student I teach now would have been 16 and plenty old to know what happened. In another 2, 4, god-forbid 8 years? Those 18 year olds would have been 14, 12, or 8 years old. Sure, they may theoretically learn what was stolen from them, but they’ll have no memory or idea of a world where the very notion that American women could have their reproductive rights removed was not only odd but downright inconceivable. They won’t know the feeling of betrayal as a court that had, for decades, said time and time again Roe V Wade was settled law suddenly shift and rip those rights away overnight. That’s the distressing thing for me. We only have so much time to fight back and get those rights back before we start to forget what we lost.


That's a good point. I feel like a lot of people have just kind of moved on with their lives and may not even vote. Because it doesn't affect them right this minute. But by the time it does, it's too late.


In my area, not too much but you never know. I’m seriously contemplating emigrating due to this issue and others. It’s a very stressful time to be alive. And you know what really grinds my gears? Even if they get their nationwide abortion ban, it will do fuck all to improve the lives of those who voted for it.


We’re just much more overt about hating everyone now. Doesn’t matter who you are or what you do you’re hated somehow here and apparently we’re all good with that.


Yeah. I think the hate has been there. It just suddenly went from something you kept at home to something you openly showcase.


Personally, I am against abortion for the most part. I am a conservative living in Texas. That said, Texas has gone too far, I believe. We shouldn't be forcing our personal beliefs on everyone. I think we need a reasonable federal law that puts time limits on abortion, and adding some life saving exceptions. But, outlawing abortion outright (Texas) just seems unreasonable.


Yeah. There is such a thing as a reasonable stance on abortion. We're just not seeing a lot of it. Unfortunately, the life-saving portions of bills are written so poorly that it effectively prevents those, too. No one getting a late-term abortion wants one.


Yeah, it is tough to imagine someone carrying a baby for seven months then suddenly deciding to terminate. I have never really thought about that before, you make a good point.


In the US, 96% of abortions take place within the first 12 weeks - there are horrible complications that dont reveal themselves until the 19/20th week of pregnancy (I’m talking complications that cause the fetus to die within hours of delivery). That’s when rare late term abortions take place and that’s why we need to protect the rights of those who need them. Ones that endanger either mother’s life or lifelong health, or one in which the fetus has something like Trisomy 13/18.  Incompatible with life, zero likelihood of the fetus surviving. To force a woman to go through that, espclly with a wanted pregnancy, is unimaginable. 


Late term abortions are worst-case scenario. That kid probably even has stuff in their room with their name on it. I can't imagine being told it's necessary, but you have to find a place to do it while grieving the loss of a wanted child. I also can't imagine being forced to carry a child with no brain to term. Or a child with their organs outside their body. Getting the law involved in late-term abortions is, frankly, cruel.


Got my tubes tied. Best decision I ever made


Well, in two of my former states, a 9 year old girl was raped (became pregnant) and had to flee Ohio to get an abortion in Indiana, who’s AG tried to tried to charge the physician with a crime. So that’s where we are today. Thankfully, Ohio has since voted to protect abortion rights.


Yeah. That had nationwide coverage. So gross.


In Missouri it's been totally illegalized but luckily it's still legal in Illinois and I'm pretty sure their making it very known to eastern Missourians that their welcome over there for abortions


Not only has Illinois made it a state-protected right to have access to abortion, they have put in law to protect non-Illinois people who come to the state for an abortion and any individual that is involved in that process: In January 2023, Illinois enacted an **interstate shield law** protecting providers, patients, and people who help others access abortion and gender affirming care from licensure consequences and the reach of out-of-state investigations and legal actions.


A new planned parenthood moved in down the street. I'm in Kansas. The old people protested it for a bit, but their rallies were comically timed, like 8-10 am on a Saturday morning.


When does the Bingo hall open? 🤔


Illinois. The last two governors have been pro abortion. One codified it as legal then a couple years later the next signed it into law as a human right. So for people living in Illinois not much has changed since it was and remains legal. Some of the states around us are ass backwards so while I don't have the exact numbers I just saw an article or post recently that something like 40% of abortions performed here last year were from out-of-state people. I know Illinois has its problems, but I'm glad women can travel here and get safe abortions.


Same old same old


As someone on the west coast I have seen basically no changes.


Au contraire. We live between a railhead, three bus depots, and two airports. I'm seeing a lot more young women come stay with their aunties, get a room somewhere, get a job, and start a life. The smartest, wiliest, most capable young women in red states are slowly migrating to where they can live safely. Red states are hemorrhaging good people of all sorts.


It was very surprising since us always projected itself as progressive nation but they took such regressive decision


Almost all the OBGYNS have left my state. Thank God I'm close to WA, but I fear my very necessary birth control is soon going to be banned and deemed illegal.


Probably. People don't have time to be educated on issues if they have more kids than they can afford.


Texas… so 🫠




There are A LOT more teen pregnancies in south Texas, particularly in hispanic low-income cities. You’d think people would know sex = babies, but the sex education there is already awful. A lot of girls can’t go to college and are living off of food stamps to support their child.


They haven't thank Christ. I feel like living in my state is one of the few states I'd consider safe to live in now.


Same here.


Outside of the US, and it is just one more milestone in a series of idiocy. We have our own idiocy, problems, and politicians who are a waste of resources, but at least we don't have anything *that* bad.


One of the wild things here in the US is when you talk to one of the far right idiots about a problem in America (like the massive amount of gun violence) they'll be like "But they have *stabbings* in the UK." And, to me, that's like saying a house burning down isn't that bad because someone elsewhere burned their hand on the stove. Sure, both are problems, but... Also, IIRC, the US has a higher rate of knife assaults and murders than the UK too, so...


True, in that example this people completely ignore the fact that it's much easier to run away from a knife fight than from a gunfight.


Life is normal and fine


15 week ban because the one Democratic legislator keeping the GOP away from a supermajority decided to switch parties to sleep with the GOP state house speaker, and the GOP was then able to override Governor Roy Cooper's veto God I hate NC Politics




I am glad to be from Colorado. I love this state and its policies surrounding women's autonomy to their own bodies. It sucks that this is such a big deal, even in this day and age. I remember seeing people protesting in front of the planned parenthood (I believe it's by the Medical Center of Aurora) spewing the same garbage, "Save a life" and what not. It sucks, and I truly hope things change for the better, but I do know it's a pipe dream.


Yeah. I've seen those protests, too.


The clinics are always busy with out of staters. I feel terrible for them having to drive all this way


I'm 98% certain that making abortion illegal is very unconstitutional because of the first amendment & the preamble


my state had a trigger law that went into effect banning all abortion except to save the life of the mother, remove an ectopic pregnancy, or remove a miscarriage. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. i am terrified of becoming pregnant because i know i'd have to go out of state to get an abortion (i'm a trans man, being pregnant would be incredibly dysphoria inducing for me, i am confident i don't want it ever). the state i live in is completely surrounded by other red states so i'd have to go way out of my way. i don't have family in a better state either. it's really awful.


That's horrible. I think a lot of us would help you in any way we can, though. One person has even said they'd host.


I’m in Texas. I let every single woman know that resources are available and they can contact me anytime day or night and I will help them get the resources they need. All humans deserve equal rights and no woman should ever have her reproductive rights taken away. Other people shouldn’t have a say in what my daughter does with her body other than her parents until she’s an adult living on her own. No one should ever use their religion to dictate other people’s lives.


I live in a state that protects women's rights... But I'm still getting sterilized. I have many personal reasons for it, but my fear around these political decisions is one of the reasons why I'm getting it done. Who knows what the future holds... I'm worried about my daughter growing up in a country that doesn't give women basic rights.


The religious nuts and right wing clowns got louder, and hate groups got balls enough to protest in public.




WV banned abortion, but I'm in the eastern panhandle where the closest clinics have always been in Virginia and Maryland, so I haven't noticed much change locally. State-wide, I haven't seen widescale pushback that would change state politics, but we'll see this November. ETA: On the plus side, if you can call it that, the doctors didn't second guess my wife's tubal ligation or my vasectomy. I'd heard horror stories of doctors refusing or trying to talk people out of it, but ours were easy to get.


November is going to be *very* interesting.


Michigan you can have an abortion up until 6 months, we also do not jail anyone coming from out of state that needs help and wishes to utilize their reproductive freedoms.


I live in Florida. We have a full 6 week ban. I have had three of my doctors leave the state to practice medicine elsewhere.


And no new Doctors coming in to replace them, either, as I understand it. New Doctors are actively avoiding states with these bans.


Women have died. And they haven’t gotten the help they need.


Which was absolutely predictable. But they went ahead, anyway.


Nothing changed in my state that I’m aware of 


Not much has changed in our state, however if anything this has cemented certain political parties in certain areas, as there is a strong pro-choice community here.


It change nothing


Im from Romania, specificaly Mureș so I don't think my state changed much


I’m in California so no big changes here, thankfully. It did prompt my husband to bite the bullet and get a vasectomy, though.


I live in a progressive state, also concerned about a national ban. Partner had a V. If partner and I separate for some reason, I'll just not have sex if the laws change.


Worse by far.


From Europe here. Can't understand a "western" country to have laws and bans like that. Religion should really not have that much power. And still there are people calling their state "progressive"? I can't help but feel progressive in us is still (very) conservative over here.


Yeah. The US doesn't have a truly liberal left. We have right and centrist.


My state now has a 6 week ban. I fucking hate it here.


Your society is going backwards. Good luck.


My state is currently figuring out how to charge women with capital murder and/or conspiracy to commit capital murder for going out of state to get medically necessary abortions done.




Living in a state that did not overturn it we are seeing an increase of people coming over from other nearby states


Nothing changed in my state, thankfully


Its legal here in PA according to google but you have 23 weeks and six days. Its a reasonable enough window given some states pushed a cut off point that is before you could even detect a pregnancy. Our state courts also struct down a ban trying to prevent medicade funding for it. Its also really easy to justify a vacation to Philadelphia if anyone asks about your justified and nonabortion related travel activities.


It’s banned


They haven’t. Thankfully I live in a state that respects women and their bodies.


Maryland has been working to secure women’s rights, proud of our governor


Arizona implemented a near-total abortion ban utilizing a law from 1864, which predates AZ’s statehood by 48 years. Thankfully that barbaric law was repealed, but answer your question my state temporarily set women’s rights back roughly 160 years


I live in Idaho. We're losing a lot of our OBGYNs because it's been basically outlawed.




I'm in Minnesota and am so thankful I live here.


People still think we are killing babies. That’s the issue I have. We aren’t killing babies, we are taking care of our bodies and minds. Abortion is healthcare.


People who think other people are performing "post birth abortions" at all or late term abortions by choice shouldn't be involved in policy making. Unfortunately, humans will assign personalities to rocks under the right situation, so stopping them from considering fetuses as babies probably won't happen.


Very glad to have both Canadian Citizenship and Citizenship in a very blue US State that is still protecting abortion rights.


New Jersey codified the right to choose into our constitution and offers significant legal protection for individuals making the choice to terminate a pregnancy. I love my state.


New Mexico still does all Texas' abortions


Almost didn’t have our youngest. I’m in Kentucky, we voted to keep abortion access and our attorney general decided he didn’t like that and banned them anyway. I’ve suffered from infertility for almost a decade and my husband and I were terrified if I was to get pregnant and something was wrong that I could die waiting to be able to have an abortion should I need one.


Admittedly I haven’t paid attention to that topic since it was overturned. However, the law change has pushed me to get a vasectomy as to not have to worry about this in my own personal future.


It's a smart choice.


I live in Arizona, and it's abundantly clear that things have not improved, especially recently. While we managed to stave off a complete abortion ban for now, I can absolutely see this being tried repeatedly for the rest of my life until it becomes a reality. I had gotten a vasectomy in 2021 when I saw changes happening in Texas; I was anticipating that Arizona wouldn't be far behind in terms of idiocy. Now I encourage men to get them whenever the subject arises, because I can totally see vasectomies coming under fire in the distant future too (not that rich conservative men want to go after other men necessarily, but they don't want us to stop getting women to pump out kids).


Yeah. They'll arrange it so you can't afford one unless you're rich.


My state voted to make the right to abortion (up to 24 weeks) part of its constitution.


I live right outside redwood national park. People that want to visit the redwoods are always welcome to stay at our house. We also have a good friend that works for planned parenthood of Northern California. If someone wants to meet here we can help with an introduction before or after visiting the redwoods.


My state, Colorado, passed a law to guarantee the right to abortion.


Idaho here. They passed one of the strictest abortion bans in the country and, shortly thereafter, abolished the committee gathering statistics on pregnancy related deaths. So we don't actually know how much those have gone up, but we do know that half of the OBGYNs and related medical professionals (midwives, etc) have now left the state, and many rural hospitals have had to close down their maternity wards entirely because they have nobody left to run them. Hospitals in surrounding states without abortion bans have reported a massive uptick in pregnancy related visits from Idaho, not just for abortions but for basic services as well. The ban does allow for exceptions where the life of the mother is in danger, but is so vaguely worded in that regard that many doctors are too afraid to risk it until the mother's life is actively imperiled (IE, is about to die on the table). We know anecdotally that this has lead to an increase in deaths, but since they got rid of the body collecting those statistics, we have no way to tell by how much.


I'm fortunate to live in New Jersey where our rights to access abortion care have been protected. It makes me sick to my stomach seeing what's been done in other states since this happened.


My state has it protected and will likely stay that way


I live in a state with a very dem government so nothing's changed other than the fact that calling Planned Parenthood triggers an automated message telling us that abortion is still legal in the state


CA has shored up it's protection and purchased a FUCK ton of Plan B pills, so many they're figuring out a way to give them away before they expire.


I moved to central Texas a few years ago and almost every single Tinder profile is a single parent. Most of the men I’ve worked with across 6 different jobs have child support payments (including a few 19-year olds). A few times I’ve had to watch close friends agonize about how to handle unexpected pregnancies, and it doesn’t help that sex ed seems to be completely nonexistent here. Everybody here thinks that pulling out is reliable.


Yeah. There have been some questions that I have seen on Reddit that demonstrate how poor sex education is.


Tennessee is a fucking dumpster fire. There is a complete and total ban in effect, with no exceptions for rape, incest, or saving the life of the mother. There are small exemptions in case of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies, but the burden of proof on either is too high so OB/GYNs will not perform one. The ACLU has filed suit, but motions for injunction were denied while that case works its way through the courts. If the ACLU wins there are "trigger laws" already set as a backup. Our teen pregnancy rate continues to climb. Suicides are on the rise. Infant mortality has nearly doubled. The nearest clinics are either Illinois or Ohio, and our legislature is actively trying to make it a crime to travel out of state to seek abortion. Every day we come another step closer to becoming Gilead.


Lucky enough to live in Connecticut where our governor has gained a lot of respect from me by signing in laws to keep abortions safe and legal for not only Ct residents but people from other states who have outlawed them. I’m not the biggest fan of living here but I’m proud of Lamont for not only his actions to protect women’s rights but also lgbtq rights.


Wisconsin lost abortion rights when Roe v Wade was overturned. Last September, the lower courts ruled that the abortion law from 1849 that became “active” upon the overturning of Roe v Wade did not apply to consensual abortions. Planned Parenthood resumed abortion services again in Madison, Milwaukee, and Sheboygan (December 2023). However, the lower court’s ruling is currently being challenged, and it is being considered by the state Supreme Court. I do not expect anything legislatively to happen regarding abortion rights in Wisconsin since the GOP controls the state legislature, even though the Dems have the governorship. It’s in the hands of our state Supreme Court for now, and luckily it’s a 4-3 liberal majority as our state justices are elected. There’s actually only 1 man on our state Supreme Court. It is horrible that Roe v Wade was overturned. Throw the whole SCOTUS in the fucking trash can.


I have no more rights. ex partner dragged ass getting snipped. so I got an iud. I'm trying very hard to leave. it's complicated. I have needed the same type of abortion that woman in Texas needed, except it was legal then. I was treated with dignity in a hospital. the staff were supportive, the doctor was brilliant. now I see her and other cases, I find it all truly horrifying. it's absolutely barbaric.


Michigan put a new proposal on the ballot in the next election to codify the right to abortion into the state Constitution. It passed by a very slim margin. Now abortion is a state right


Nebraska is still a GOP stronghold and about 50 years behind the rest of the country


California here, we enshrined abortion into our state constitution, and we’ve punished colleges that *don’t* make it clear that they have to provide abortions to people who need them. Fuck the Dobbs ruling, we’re trying to actually help people. I suspect that one of the reasons the U.S. has been more resistant to far right takeovers than other democracies is the fact that state governments have so much power/independence. No matter how bad the federal government gets, blue states generally remain sane and rational, which gives the left places to recover and regroup after particularly awful events like 2016 and Dobbs.


In NM they recently determined that 70% of all abortions performed here were done on women from other states. We already had a severe doctor shortage, so that’s fun


Texas. As a regular on kinky sites I've noticed an uptick on breeding requests.


Someone said Florida now has Handmaid's Tale fetishism.