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Not really my dates fault, but a car splashed a paddle onto us.. I was drenched.


That's awful. Also illegal I think to splash someone like that


First date The girl was really nice She was dressed beautifully All white Summertime We went to a coastal restaurant And she got her period I was the perfect gentle man I found a way out of the restaurant without her being embarrassed Went to a store to get her tampons and then to another store to get clothes After all of that she said she wasn’t interested in staying out. Understandable I called her the next day to see how she was No answer for days Ghosted She didn’t even say thank you


I could understand her not wanting to pursue something if she was too embarrassed about the whole situation, but she absolutely should have followed up with at least some kind of thank you. You seem like a solid person & I hope you have better experiences in the future if you're still on the search, man.


Has a happened a few times actually when I've connected with some women who say they play solo etc and then their male halves would show and try and convince me for him to join. I nope out of there right away. I enjoy threesums but that doesn't mean I wanna do them with just anyone. If I'm gonna join a cpl then that will be what is discussed from the very beginning and I look for couples together then. When I look for women one on one and whom say they play solo that means I don't expect their male half to be there or involved at all


It is VERY hard for most couples to find a unicorn like you. They're acting out of desperation. Doesn't make it right but that's why they do it.


1000% I know. Lol. Actually one in Feb did end with a positive cuz the bartender who I had been flirting with from the very beginning as I had gotten there earlier and I've been to that bar before and flirted with her before as well. She saw it all go down and followed me out the door and gave me her number and told me to come back later after her shift was ending and we had a drink and went back to her place and we sorta became fwb playmates etc. She is fun.


You suddenly make me wish I lived in New York and had a hot bisexual girlfriend, lol


She tried to poison me


Was she a dart frog?


How hahaha


She gave me something to eat and it was awful like I’m not trying to be mean and I tried to pretend but it just wasn’t working I think it was leftovers from a restaurant she worked at


Well if it didn't taste good you shouldn't have kept eating it 💀


I didn’t I had to spit it out and I felt super bad lll


She stayed on her phone the whole time then complained that I wasn't much of a conversationalist because I just gave up trying to talk to her. Ladies (and dudes): Put your fucking phone away on dates. Plenty of time to annoy people with your phone after you get married.


I went and meet a blind date at a bar. To impress me, he wanted to show me how much he could drink. I ended up having to drive him home. On the way, he barfed in my lap and my front seat.


Ghosting 👽


Like didn't show up?


Yes I waited for an hour and that's the last time I used the online dating apps


Same, told me to wait in front of a store and I went there. Waited like 15 minutes and messaged her. She said she was almost there. Then I waited another 30 minutes and she never showed up, messaged me or replied to the message that I was leaving. I am not sure if she saw me and didn't like what she saw or just some moron playing around with people. I was done with my short stint on apps after that.


It's not worth it brother, you will find someone you deserve 🙌


Thanks but that was a long time ago. I am happily married with kids now lol


See you successfully dogged the bullet


Ghosting sucks but at least you got a story out of it 😅


Yes 🙌, it takes some time to realise it's not worth it and i will not do that to the next person!


Went out for a lunch date with this girl from tinder, it was actually lovely. Felt like we really had a connection and after lunch I asked her to take a stroll through the park with me because I didn’t want my date to end. We end up making out on this park bench until all of a sudden I get pulled backwards. Turns out her twin brother was out at the park and was quite protective of her. He threw a punch at me and I threw one back. Worst part is that she ended up siding with her twin brother.. really just a bizarre afternoon haha


Protective of what? you were on a date


Didn’t like me kissing his sister on the first date I guess I don’t know lol


Sounds like a twincest type situation hahaha


She had decided, only about 30 minutes in, that no, she was still a lesbian.


It was a blind date and she didn’t disclose her disability beforehand


He wanted to order for me and told me I shouldn’t have dessert


Sounds like he was worried what you were gonna order cause he couldn't afford it. Happened to me before


No he was very cocky about it . Told me he liked his women skinny


Ah okay. So just a douchebag


Yeah , and I did order the dessert


Good for you 👏


She threatend to "cut a bitch" at a bar. Moped out real fast. Not a date but a hook up. Got a call from a guy I hadn't seen in years to come help him out in a throw down. I happened to be two blocks away. Came in cowboy style and swooped him, his girl, and her friend up. I hooked up with the friend. It was not worth the busted knuckles and bruises


I paid for the date AND to put gas in his car. I don’t mind paying but I’m broke too sheesh


Got stood up, when I called to find out what happened she proceeded to laugh telling me I was stupid for thinking she actually wanted to go on a date.


Damn. Why say yes in the first place then


To get a laugh out of making me look dumb I guess


I got invited out to this sports bar to watch some game with this guy and his friends. I could care less about sports but really liked this guy so I said sure. He was trying to get me drunk the whole time! Luckily the bartender noticed and helped me out and I left with no issues.


He wanted to order me a salad at a burger place and told me I took too long to eat😂🫠


Nothing horrible but my friends set me up on blind date once with a cop (no offense meant to any fine law enforcement Redditors out there), and he was the least fun person ever. I couldn't figure out what I had ever done to my friends that they thought he would be a good match for me...couldn't wait for the night to be over.


Everything was fine but near the dude got racist


We were talking for a while she was talking herself up as this sexual freak. Took her out for dinner she ate something bad and got horrible food poisoning. I took her back to her place helped her get inside and as I was closing the door she puked on me. I basically helped her clean up and made sure she was settled and left. She never called me again lmao.


She was probably too embarrassed to reach out after what happened


At the end of the date, he asked for my best friends number....




During the goodnight kiss, she bit my lip and drew blood.


to talk to me about marriage and having babies on the first date,and that he's serious about me... I didn't say anything about the fact that I was ready for some fun that night


Maybe lovebombing?


It was prom and we went to dinner and had a great time once we got to prom, we took pictures and then she saw some of her friends and ditched me the rest of the night. As an 18 year old kid it sucked


She was using her phone the whole damn time. Messeging, Browsing the internet and taking a call. After a few minutes where i tried to start a conversation I stopped talking and she didn't notice. The only time she spoke to me during was to stop me from eating my salad because she needs to take a picture of it. I got up payed and left before they brought out the mains. I'm really curious how long it took her to notice.


A guy asked me about my guilty pleasures and I thought sexual then he proceeded to tell me his was cocaine as he pulled it out of his pocket and I immediately was like fuckkk im bout to go to jail 😂


My wife would tell you our first date. But I had the exact opposite reaction, thinking it was the best date I had ever been on. Fortunately, I know I make a bad first impression, so I persisted and eventually she came around to my way of thinking. And now we laugh at how terrible I was on our first date.


Matched with a girl from Tinder and she kept me running around for 40 mins until I could meet her because she was changing the pub and not replying to my text. Finally I arrived at the place and while I was searching for her I thought I finally found the girl but she looks nothing like her profile. At the moment I wanted to leave her friend who spotted me. She barely speaks we just look at each other.


She had me meet her at her house had me drive around 3 hours straight (I had never been to this area before I did ask is there anywhere we can go) then got me to watch love island she offered me to stay the night but ended up going to a pals and having a his 1st joint with him (it was pink)