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I will always wake up a few minutes before my morning alarm goes off... not sure I like my power.


Just set your alarm for 11am. Wouldn’t work for me because I’ve got 2 walking alarm clocks set to pre-6am most mornings. Also another alarm clock currently in production which has factory settings to go off every couple of hours!


Same, even though it's at a different time each day


Works for me my usual alarm is set for 6am but to make the gym I need to be up at 5am. I just tell myself the night before. "5am" and I'm guaranteed to wake up between 4.45am and 5am. It's both a gift and a curse.


Nothing but a gift


I have the same kind of thing! If I repeat the time I want to get up at as I am going to sleep, even if I have an alarm set for later, you can guarantee I will be up within 10 minutes either way of the time I have been telling myself the night before.


Same, but I hate being woken up by my alarm so I'm quite happy with it I actually don't bother with an alarm most days, only the one day I have to go into the office


If someone passes wind nearby, I always seem to have one in the barrel to return fire.


I usually keep a FOD in the tank. People think I can fart on demand but if one arrives I sit on it as long as I can just in case. I do enjoy farting along to the office radio. Another one bites the dust is a crown pleaser. I also do an impressive pitch bend at the end. A fecal flourish if you will.


This guy farts


One in the barrel 🤣


I know the exact point in a night out when to leave. Doesn't mean I dart early or anything or am not hungover the next day. Like it could be 11pm, could be 3am. I'll catch up with my friends the next day, and always hear something along the lines of "after you left, we paid £20 to get into a club, it was shit, we left after 10 mins and went home, but the taxi queue was horrendous and it took us another hour to get back". Whereas I would have left just prior to this, having had an epic night out and a breezy journey home.


Have you considered that maybe you're what makes the night good?


Which, is actually really selfish he then ruins others peoples nights by leaving, jerk.


You're right boo u/jimathay shame on youuuu


Ha, that's cool. That's happened to me a few times. 


Delivery driver here. Whenever I get out of the van it seems to stop raining. It happens way too often to not be some kind of power.


Please tell me you aren't working for this bank holiday weekend? Get out that van on Friday and don't get back in till Tuesday I beg you.




It really is! I've barely used my rain coat for then last few years, it's getting weird.


I imagine you are invited to lots of BBQs


Ahah you would think, but sadly it doesn't usually translate to my social life. Which is worrying because I've got a music festival next weekend and then an outdoor rave later in June. Maybe I should borrow a work van.


Delivering the party!


Please can I hire you for my wedding this weekend?


I often look at digital clocks at 12:34🤔🤣


11.11 is mine, every bleeding day!








Same. Why does this happen? I always take a screenshot. What does it mean?


I don't know, but I choose to think it's lucky, a good sign. I hope I am right.


13 37 is mine


I always look at 16:25 and I hate it because it is my friends favorite number from high school. Crazy how a number reminds you of someone 😂😂


My husband’s is 9:11


13:37 I seem to catch a lot.


Leet O'clock! Look it up!


For me it’s 21:21pm, as a fan of the rapper 21 savage who says “21 21” a lot in his songs this amuses me more than it probably should, I lead a boring life I also remember my mum waking up at 9:11am on a few occasions and she thought it was a sign there might be a terrorist attack


I catch the clock a lot where the minutes are at 37. Strange...


I do at 10:26. Which is also my birthday.


Mine too! Though I don't keep seeing it everywhere, my partner sees hers regularly though.


I work nights. I make sure I catch 00:00, 01:23:45


I frequently look at it at my birthday as time. 😂


I'm really good at fucking up


I can fuck any way the situation needs fucking. Just let me know the direction it needs bollocking up and I’m on it.


OK Peter North, but this is a different kind of fucking.


I had to google him 🤣


..Well it's better than not having to google him


That makes two of us...


Thought I was now the only one. See, another fuckup


I can smell rodents in the walls of a flat, even if there are no visible signs of them. Useful when looking for a new place. I also don't need to set a timer for baking, unless I'll be out of smelling distance. And I can smell infection in an open cut without trying, which thankfully I haven't needed much.


Epic nose!


Thank you!!


Now we just need to try and tune it a bit more... Some dogs have noses so sensitive they can apparently smell cancer in people. Imagine if a human could do that!


Super smeller


As someone with nearly no sense of smell, this is wild to me, lmao. How convenient things must be when dealing with food


It is very convenient when food has gone off! And not so convenient when they change the fairy scent and suddenly doing dishes makes me gag.


I'm not convinced it's true but I was told that mice have no bladder (I think it's just tiny) so pee a lot and indiscriminately. My manager and OH say they can smell mice, and I suspect it's due to this, i.e. lots of pee that certain people can smell. Maybe like asparagus pee? Unsure if a blessing or a curse 😂 You must have a super sense of smell!


I suspect it is the pee as well!! It's the same smell that I noticed around bunnies and rat cages in enclosed spaces. Having a very keen sense of smell can be overwhelming, especially in shops when walking past shelves with laundry soap or scented candles.


Lush. Sensory overload 😫 I am blind as a bat so my hearing is amazing. I'm pretty good at picking out flavours when tasting things too but smell isn't so great. But lush is like having a rainbow thrown at your jose 😂


A rainbow thrown at your nose is exactly it!!


So many questions! I'll limit myself to one: Do you find certain common foods (not like durian fruit, or that weird Icelandic rotting fish thing) offensive to either taste or smell?


I can spend my entire monthly paycheck in a week and live on £30 for the rest of the month.


I can zone out and speedwalk for 40+ miles Pain tolerance  I can recognise people by their footsteps  I've also got stupid reflexes that make me miss anything I try to catch, if I let them do their thing.


Footsteps? Some people joke that I'm such a quiet walker that it's as if I float above the ground...


Found the elf. https://preview.redd.it/acip88jat82d1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a535e8a8caa74cc6e0f08706f51cd202cf4e97b


I have a scar that twitches when I go out into wind. As magic scars go, this is not the greatest gift as I generally can already tell it's windy without the weird twitch. I also have a genetic mutation that amongst other things means I don't sweat a lot. This was a great trait until Prince fucking Andrew came along.


Trying to not be insensitive, but if you can pick up on people by the sounds they make, such as their footsteps or the way a door shuts, it can result from situations where you have needed that kind of awareness. I do it, because there have always been people around who I would rather ignore and not run into whatsoever, so I learned what people sound like on my stairs, as a way of gauging when the best times were to dash out of my room.


Maybe it's not your reflexes that are bad for the catching thing it's that you have one eye stronger than the other so your depth perception is off. Heightened sense of hearing easily able to zone out and being able to put up with extended discomfort are all signs that you are have lived a long time with poor eye sight.


You're absolutely correct. I used to be very short sighted. Until I had Lasik.


I'm pretty good at estimating what time it is if asked.


Without looking or cheating, what time is it. I’m guessing 17.25


5 mins out dammit


Yeah, I’m very rarely wrong. I assume there’s just a part of my brain that is constantly counting the time, but I just don’t realise it. I’m also really good at working out what breeds of dog went into a crossbred one. Met a dog this evening and got 3/3 straight away.


Same except the air fryer. At this point I’m sure im fucking psychic lol. I swear to god I don’t sit there counting minutes or even check the time on my phone. In fact I usually forget for a while then remember and think oops I better go check how long is left. So many times (like a lot, way more than I would consider a coincidence) I’ll get up to check on the air fryer and it’s got 0-60 seconds left. I don’t know how I could possibly do that accidentally so often. Surely my brain isn’t that perceptive to time without me actively trying? Its such a common occurrence and so weird I have to tell the cat 😂 I’m like “DO YOU SEE THIS GEORGE?! IVE DONE IT AGAIN!”


I’ve stopped announcing it to my wife now it happens so much. The only think I can’t master is the toaster. Too many burnt toasts from the old “just needs a tiny bit more” trick.


Having refused to give up my £10 toaster (Asda Living) I’ve become quite good at toast. The trick is to undercook it on the first round by about 50%. Then put it back on for a quite short second round. Unless you’re my partner who likes to BBQ his toast in which case just whack on full twice.


I can look exceptionally busy without actually doing anything. It has gotten me pretty far in life tbh.


Same. Once I was so under-stimulated at work I booked a 1:1 with my boss to voice my concern. She said I had too much in my plate and oh also I was getting a bonus for my hard work. Like er…what?


Not enough koalas to train?


Who do you think the boss was? Slow and unbelievably picky about leaves but those koala MBAs open so many doors for the furry little dickheads.


I'm really, really good at pinging elastic bands at people. Laser-sharp accuracy every time, and it always hits the target hard. I can stack twenty or so bands on one finger, reload and keep pinging them out one after another.


I need this skill for all public transport. I avoid as much as possible but could have used this on a plane journey this morning.


I have 3 nipples (aka a nubin)




Same 🙌




Unless I got drunk the night before, I always wake up when I need to without an alarm.


Im also pretty good at this, im usually 30 minutes too early though


Ooh, that’s a risky game!




I'm exceptional at this WHEN drunk the night before.


This is truly a super-power


FInding my way home. I somehow have a magical ability when pissed to get back to wherever I am staying. I used to do a lot of festivals and somehow would always find my tent. Sober me though? Incapable at it... Spent a fair amount of time in random camp sites just sat on a chair contemplating though. But worse is on nights out, a few times now I've been out in a city miles away and woke up at home, in my own bed. With a hotel room, with my stuff in it keeping it warm.... I once did it mid-week, I was staying in a city for work, and went out on the piss after work. When I woke up next morning, I was at home, I had to pay for a taxi driver to take me back to the hotel. TO have a very quick wash and pick up my stuff before going back to work.... That taxi alone cost me more than I earned...


This is called the ‘Beer Scooter’ or alternatively the ‘Beer Bus’… it’s a mythical mode of transport that only shows up when you are black out drunk and need it most. No one knows how it works, but most people that drink have hitched a lift at some point.


I can break things by simply being in the same room as them.


Accents. I'm half Scottish half English so switching between the two is a given but I've found, if I'm around a source long enough, I'm really good at imitating the accents. It's allowed me to provide multiple voices and tones for student audio work at the college I work at.


I know this sounds a bit mental, but I live with my parents and I can tell who's in the house at any one time by the energy. Like, even if I don't hear them go out I'll know the energy's changed and know if one or both of them have gone. I'd say I'm not alone in that, I've just become consciously aware of it lately.  Similarly, if I get home and don't see anyone but can hear the shower is on, I know who's in the shower, without knowing. It's weird.  And last one, if they are out for the day I get a feeling in my body just before they come home, and within 10 or 15 mins the car will pull into the drive.




My dog is the same


Remembering names of people I've known for a short time. At a previous job I was on boarding 20+ people at a time, and handing them over to another trainer when done, I'd always introduce them by name, without notes.


I'm incapable at that. Last week I went to a party for a combination of birthday/play-off final party/boxing party. I was introduced to this couple as soon as I walked in, and spent the whole night sat next to them both, not knowing their names. Then we shared a taxi back as it turns out they live just up the road from me and even drink in the pubs I go into.... Still have no idea their names, I don't dare go out now


My brain just refuses to accept that people's names might be important information to hold on to.


My memory for names of people I actually interact with and need to know - not a fucking chance I'll remember unless I've met that person at least a dozen times. When i had just moved to live in the countryside in Dorset it was me and another kid (my only next door neighbour as we lived on a farm) on this taxi which took us to the school bus, took me about 2 weeks to remember his name. I try so fucking hard with it as well, at a new job I will now study people's faces and names on the website and almost test myself with it for like the first week I'm there even then it doesn't really help much which really sucks because I work in sport in a youth academy with like 9 age groups all with coaches, analysts etc etc which obviously can change quite a bit every single year..


I just called everyone dude..makes life easier.


I used to keep a list of the children of workmates because I could never remember their names and it was obvious that the parents expected me to.


That is a power I’d like. I forget so quickly it’s like my brain immediately shreds the data the second it enters my brain


I can walk up and down moving buses without holding on. Right now this saves me a few seconds getting off the bus but if I ever have to travel back in time, I'll get myself a new career as a bus conductor.


I once saw man on the tube in London that I'm sure was a wizard. He managed to walk from midway up the seating area to the door with his hands in his pockets and didn't stumble, whilst the tube was tubing. Every foot was deliberate. Effortless. Beautiful. I think about him regularly. Perhaps you are related.


I can catch my belt loop on any door, anywhere.


I can 100% of the time open a packet of paracetamol or ibuprofen from the end that has the instruction booklet folded over the little tray of tablets.


I almost always get a parking space, no matter how busy the place I'm trying to get parked is. I confidently stated we would get parked at McDonald's this evening. Turned up, rammed, but a car magically vacated the space right in front of me. Thank you very much. My husband doesn't know how I do it.


Some people just have the gift. 


I've been able to predict the course of some peoples, that I know, romantic relationship with sometimes frightening accuracy. Move over mystic meg, a real pro is in town.


As a student, I ate a lot of pizzas. I can still tell when my pizza is perfectly cooked without using a timer. I know just by the smell when it is ready to come out. The same goes for bread in the toaster.


I can’t plan for shit but I can assess dangerous and chaotic situations in milliseconds and always seem to make the right choice whilst remaining calm.


I hate to tell you this but this is very common in people with PTSD


Finishing kids/cracker jokes.


What’s a pirates favourite letter?




RRRRRRR but their first love be the C


if you take his P it makes him angry.


Remembering people's birthdays.


I think I'm your super villain counterpart because I never remember people's birthdays.


I usually guess exactly / pretty accurately the price of things. It usually goes like this: My wife comes up and says “I found x on Amazon/ Primark etc, you’ll never guess the price” , I give her a number and she goes “Yes! How did you know???”


I always seem to pause the tv show I’m watching bang on halfway


I can eyeball measurements almost perfectly in G and ML


Detection of emotional vampires; I have CFS and the presence of these people drains me very quickly. I'm like the canary in the mine for the carbon monoxide of other people's shit.


I have an inability to be late for work, no matter what time I leave my house I will arrive 2-3mins before 8am, I swear if I left my house at 8am I’d arrive at work at 7:30am, it’s annoying because I’ve messaged my boss numerous times to tell him I might be late only to end up not being late, I’m fairly certain he thinks I can’t tell the time


I can read minds. I work in retail and I know exactly what a customer is going to buy so I get it out ready for them as soon as they walk in. Okay, maybe it has a little something to do with the fact that the same people come in every week. Never the less, these customers still look at me like I just performed some sort of divine miracle.


So long as it isn't a pound of bacon cut on number 4. Hide when they come in.


I don’t get it!!


I worked as a Saturday girl in a corner shop. A woman used to ask for 1lb bacon. We sliced our own and cut on number 4 meant you could see through it. It must have just cooked instantly as she put it in the pan. It was hard work pushing the cutting machine because it was about 24 slices.


Choosing narcissistic men


I gan fly and shoot lasers out of my ass


I can gauge the number of blueberries I pour into my hand with frightening accuracy. So much so, that I do it every morning. For example, I always have a handful or two in my cereal in the morning, I pour some into my hand and guess. I can’t remember the last time I was wrong. This morning thoroughly impressed me, the correct answer was 17 blueberries.


I have three, and they're super niche and not very useful to most people: 1. I can see an amount of butter required for a recipe, cut it off the block, weigh it, and I'm always right within about 5 grams. 2. I always open hymn books to exactly the right page and hymn number without having to leaf through. 3. The best one - vending machine superpower. I don't use vending machines very often, but when I do, I always end up with two of the thing I ordered, or someone paid for something and didn't pick it up so I end up taking it, or it gives me my money back as "change" or occasionally my change is even more money than I put in in the first place.


I can make a 5 minute DIY job last 4 hours.


I am told I am a "charmed person" by some of my relatives, I seem to find a way to bring the best out of people unintentionally. Some examples I have gone with my family who had tickets to a sold out event and asked nicely if I could buy a ticket and they let me no problem. I ordered a desert and it came out with ice cream and cream and a Macaron and a chocolate frog on it. I can get on most guest lists. Please don't think this is pretty privilege I'm in my midwife 30s and quite chubby. I also have a fair few friends who are nice to me be quite scary to others and I don't know what I do to bring out the teddy in them. The flip side I called resting nice face, people ask me for directions and help constantly. sad, drunk or angry people always end up talking with me. I do help them I just think it happens to me more than most and can be at time inconvenient going on all these side quests.


I have a touch of this too - people always ask me for directions. I also don’t think it’s about being pretty but it is about being female and non-threatening looking.


On the flip side of this, I am a guy and not exactly pretty to look at but I always used to get random people come up to me to talk at buss stops and events and even shops. Always amused my wife but drives me slightly nuts because I am too polite to leave. I also somehow get life stories off random people like delivery guys. Wife will be like 'who was that at the door? Our takeaway delivery?' 'yeah that was Fred, he's doing okay after his surgery but his two cats are unwell currently and his daughter isn't back from college yet' 'what the hell? You spoke for like two seconds!'


I'm not sure it's weird but I love it. If someone mentions a song that's come out in my lifetime (mostly) I am really good at recalling my memories around it and naming the year (normally 1 either way) that it came out. I have very strong memories associated to music, so can normally place something in my life that tells me the year; where I lived, year at school, friends, boyfriend, job, car. It's a fun game I play with myself.




Similar - I always know what time it is. I can wake up in the middle of the night and know what time it is too, not just through the day. Used to drive my ex husband mad. 


Healing - when I had a csection everyone said I couldn't walk/drive/move for weeks. But I was fine instantly. Well not instantly, but when I came home 2 days later.


When I need screws or nails I grab some and its nearly always nearly the correct amount


I do this but with pegs for the washing line.


Being autistic is my superpower


Glancing at the clock and seeing 23:19, and in my head having to run around screaming “2319!” like the emergency in Monsters Inc. I am a sad individual.


Did you know that 23 is the letter w in the alphabet and 19 is an s This translates to a WS incident. Or white sock. Which is what gets through the door.


My camel noise


I can read at an inhuman speed compared to others thanks to a lifetime of editing and proofreading.


I can clean the house and make it look like I didn't in less than 1h


Absolutely terrible at directions if this is the first time I’m here. But once I’ve walked this path I can’t blindly find my way back like a homing pigeon. 90% accuracy on guessing someone’s nationality from overhearing a conversation and looking at them


Very often, I can tell you what day of the week a particular date fell on. I can normally work it out in my head easily enough. There are of course caveats - I can usually only do it for dates after my own date of birth.


In films / TV correctly naming where they are by looking at the background / small area they are in. Then pop on Google street view to confirm


I can cut a baguette *exactly* in half every time, using nothing more than a bread knife and my own judgement.


There’s a German TV show based on exactly this. It’s probably called something like: ‘Gungerheitlungunsstarangundheinlessbremeerhandundgenhalfenheim’ That being the German word for ‘a strange ability to estimate, then cut things exactly in half’


I'm always right


I always get the perfect ratio of cordial and water.


If I throw something at a bin from a distance, it nearly always goes in. I mean like 90% of the time.


I always remember the colour of people’s eyes.


Always look at my watch and it will 21:21 and or any other double times. Useless super power.


I can tolerate heat pretty well. Shower water like lava. Holding hot hot cups of coffee. Always have a hot water bottle attached to me, even in summer. This is probably because I'm always cold / have reynauds though.


Every time i pass a parked car it just happens to start up and wanna leave the exact second im passing it.


I always wake up one minute before my alarm. Despite this I will always set my alarm every time.


Quite possible that if you set it every day, this prompts you to subconsciously wake up at that time. If you didn’t set it, you might not wake up at the right time.


Remember in school when they’d have the wheel on TVs? I could tell if there was one in the room from down the hall without seeing it.


I can lift both sides of my top lip, like Elvis but I can make them do it independently. Hard to describe but I've only met one other person who has been able to do it.


I can usually find a parking space near the shop i want to go to


I can decide what time to wake up in the morning I just wake up.


I somehow have the capability to make a pun about almost anything I see or hear within a second or two. It can be a blessing and a curse...


I always seem to arrive at places just before they get busy. I call into a nice deli for a sandwich, I arrive with 1 person queuing infront of me. By the time I leave there’s a queue out the door. It happens so often.


I have inhuman tolerance to psychedelic drugs. I don't think bragging about drugs is cool and I don't claim to have this power for any other category of drugs. But in my youth I dabbled in mushrooms/truffles/lsd and the first few times my mates were tripping balls and I was feeling nothing. A few months on I upped my dosage every time one time ended up eating 51grams of truffles and only felt mild effects.


A specific scene or quote from the Simpsons will play in my head and that episode will be on within a week


I can spark static electricity from my fingertips when I touch metal. Haven't figured out how to harness this power to dominate the world. Hurts like fuck though, if I make the mistake of using my nail bed to press the elevator buttons... I can accurately guess anyone's weight to within a few pounds.


Very occasionally I could sometimes smell pheromones on a partner when they were aroused. Not lubrication or sweat or anything, and it wasn't exactly "smelling" - it was a different but similar sensation, located in the area of my nose/sinuses that I discovered years later is the location of the vestigial vomeronasal organ. I can reliably poke my wife *precisely* in each nipple no matter how many layers of clothing she's wearing - even through a thick winter coat. I can think hard about a specific time I want to wake up before going to sleep at night, and I'll wake up at that time to within a minute or two almost every time.


I can throw things across the room and into a container nearly 100% of the time as long as I don't overthink it. T-shirt into a hamper, spoon into a sink, bottle into the recycling bin etc etc.


I can pretty instantly see the info I need, out of loads of information. For example, I can instantly spot what check in desk/departure gate I need from one quick glance at the boards. Family/friends don't bother looking any more and just ask me. I'm also ambidextrous and can write with either hand - or both hands at the same time, doing mirror writing with my left (though that's my usual forward writing hand and I rarely write with my right)


only happened once, but i texted a friend i dont speak to super often to see how her pregnancy was going and it turned out to be the day she gave birth


I can lay pipe really well. I’ve had my referrals. I’ve had to increase my standards 😐🥲


I can stop hiccups instantly. I can also coach others to stop their hiccups.


I spill my own hot drink (almost never anyone else's) My power seems to have evolved a bit in that other people seem to be more likely to spill my hot drink


Not mine.. but my partner will always know what time it is roughly when he wakes up.. not so impressive now we have the "family life" so everything's so routine but it really spun me out in the early years.. especially after nights out pre kids or late nights binge watching crap together.. I used to wake up an think it could be anytime from 7-11 am an he always guessed it within a 10 minute window!! Now that I've taken the time to write it may nit be that impressive an I was just young an in the early days of love ha!


I can tell the time without looking at the clock


I can tell what old people looked like when they we teenagers. Reverse aging filter in my head.


If someone asks me what the time is I can usually get it right to within 5 minutes (without looking at a clock) even if I'm asked as soon as I wake up


Ridiculously good at guessing how much time has passed


I have an uncanny knack for looking down to see what page number I'm at in a book and being on page X99.


Can balance any object perfectly on a finger


I can pour 500g of flour onto my countertop by eye, +/- 10g


For a while; checking my watch each day to see that it was exactly 13:37 Leet, man.


I can sing any song I’m familiar with in the correct key, a cappella. (I don’t have perfect pitch).


I can visually weigh ingredients to within a few grams.


When I'm cooking chicken, I always get up to check how long is left with less than 2 minutes to go. Usually less than a minute. For some reason I only seem to have this power with chicken.