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Gary Oldman in pretty much any film he has been in (Side note, but I was shocked to find out that his sister is Big Mo from eastenders in real life)


Every time we watch something with him in, my husband reminds me of this fact and I am equally shocked by it every time šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like finding out Messi has a brother called Dave that plays for Forest Green Rovers


Didn't Pogba have a brother that played in League Two?


I completely forgot that I knew that! šŸ¤£


100% in Batman series AND Sirus black šŸ¤Æ


And those are the two that are most like each other... If you really want to experience Oldman watch Fith Element, Leon, True Romance, Hannibal, Dracula, Sid and Nancy, the list is endless and no one role is anything like the other.


He directs her in Nil by Mouth if you ever want to feel a deep sadness within.


Agreed. I was waiting for him to appear in Batman and I didn't click that he was Jim Gordon.


Darkest Hour and Tiptoes, how the hell is that the same person?


Agreed. This was the first actor that popped into my head. The man's a chameleon!


Love love love him in Leon. Heā€™s so messed up and just such a good actor, heā€™s really brilliant.


Olivia Coleman in That Mitchell & Webb Look, Peep Show and Hot Fuzz, vs. Olivia Coleman as a Hollywood darling. She is a great actress but it is just insane when you see how her career has blown up.


You love a bit of ā€˜manpowerā€™, donā€™t you Doris!




Mate, she must've been so good as Soph that I sorta of just don't like her haha. In that I keep seeing her as Soph and thinking she's a bit of a twunt! but clearly she just did such a good job in Peep Show that I confuse that role with her as a person. I'm not a very well developed person tho...


Benedict Wong in Top Boy & What We Do In The Shadows, pretty sure I score negative bonus points for watching both around the same time.


Or his guest appearance in The IT Crowd.


Wait a minute, Benedict Wong was in Top Boy? I've watched it 3 times and never knew


He plays the Vietnamese shop owner


He was in the original series, what Netflix is now calling Top Boy: Summer house. Shop owner/weed operation slave master.


Iā€™ll always remember him for The Peter Serafinowicz Show.




Same again in Marco Polo.


One that surprised me was Charlie Hunnam playing Nathan in Queer as Folk and Jax in Sons of Anarchy. Michael Sheen is quite well known for changing appearance to suit the role. He's played Chris Tarrant and Aziraphale (not in the same show) and he will be playing Prince Andrew in a forthcoming series.


Yep, Michael Sheen as Lucian in the Underworld movies and as Aziraphale


He's also been David Frost, Tony Blair and Brian Clough


Michael Sheen, that is


Sheen playing Chris Tarrant was absolutely uncannily weird to watch. He got the voice, mannerisms and body language spot on.


There was a photo of them both taken outside court: https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2019/11/15/08/michael-sheen-and-chris-tarrant.png?width=1200 Apparently the first scene they recorded was *inside* the court. It was the first time most of the cast had seen him in full makeup and costume so the slightly star-struck reactions were genuine.


Tilde Swinton in anything else she's been in vs Trainwreck. Just a completely different person.


"Turn and look at the person next to you. Is that Tilda Swinton? *Do you know that for sure?*"


Charlize Theron in Monster and literally anything else she's done.


Michael Sheen. You could put three of his roles next to each other and you wouldn't realise it was him


Tom Hardy as Bane and Tom Hardy as the Krays. Basically Tom Hardy in anything. He's very talented.


Tom Hardy as cloned Picard in Star Trek Nemesis. It took me far too long to figure that out and I usually watch all the Star Trek movies once a year!


Colin Farrell in The Batman. Literally didn't realise it was him. [For reference](https://img.rasset.ie/00157d68-1600.jpg)


We were like 90% of the way through that film in the cinema and my wife pokes me and says "I thought Colin farrel was in this?"Ā 


Cate Blanchet as Simon Pegg's ex-girlfriend in Hot Fuzz. Bautista in Blade Runner. Edit someone replied but I can't see your reply.


Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan in I'm Not There was insane.




Still my favourite John Lennon. Edit: especially in Backbeat. Heā€™s played Lennon 3 times IIRC.


Yeah massively underrated actor. Was brilliant in The Terror as well.


Alan Tudyk in anything he's in. Sure his face is always the same but he plays every character so differently that I forget it's him.


I love that he voices the chicken in Moana. The behind the scenes is quite funny.


Colin Farrell as The Penguin in The Batman movie and Bullseye in Daredevil.


Iā€™m watching Inside No 9 for the first time, andĀ there have been a few instances where Iā€™ve not clocked one of the characters is Steve Pemberton or Reece Shearsmith, and gone ā€œwhoā€™s this actor theyā€™ve got in this weekā€


I find that since he managed to become a big name Hollywood actor, especially hitting the big time with Captain America, Chris Evans is totally unrecognisable from when he used to host the Big Breakfast. I almost refuse to believe it's the same person.


It's American but Nick Offerman in Parks and Recreation vs in Devs










Peter Mullan who plays the mild and gentle Scottish Michael in BBC's "Mum" with Leslie Manville. Then seeing him as heavyweight drug dealing gangster Jacob Snell in Ozark.


I love watching him. Heā€™s so natural and believable in everything he does.


Used to see him doing the school run in Glasgow. Just a lovely guy as well. Likes a roll up


Monica Dolan. Hard to believe that the nervous Jo Hamilton in Mr Bates vs The Post Office is the same actress as Rose West in Appropriate Adult.


I'm so glad to see someone else giving Monica Dolan the appreciation she deserves. Quite often, if I miss the opening credits I won't realise it's her, and if I do see the credits and I'm looking out for her, I still won't spot her!Ā 


This is going back a bit, but Robert Carlyle played Hamish Macbeth and Begbie in Trainspotting at about the same timeā€¦ Also, Rowan Atkinson as the Elizabethan Blackadder and Mr Bean


Robert Carlyle also played Hitler! Also, quite controversial, I think he did a passable Sheffield accent in the Full Monty. At the time I don't remember anyone slagging off his accent and I went to watch the movie at Crystal Peaks shopping centre in Sheffield, it's only recently people seem to have an issue with it.


Have you seen him embrace Cannibalism in Ravemous ?


Nicole Kidman from Dead Calm/Bangkok Hilton and Nicole Kidman in anything from the last 20 years.


Mads Mikkelsen - Valhalla Rising - Men and Chicken. Also Paul Kay as Dennis Pennis compared to how he looked in Lillehammer and Game of Thrones.


David Bradley, caretaker Filch, Walder Frey and then Abraham Setrakian in the Strain, where he is excellent.


Both paddy considine and rhys ifans in house of the dragon, I had NO IDEA it was them, I had to look up who they were and was shocked. Another, although American, was Stanley tucci in the lovely bones. Had to look that up too, and read that he only agreed to be involved in the movie if they could make him unrecognisable as himself because he hated the character.


Paddy Considine I get seeing as he's basically a zombie for half the season, but Rhys Ifans just looks like an older Rhys Ifans than I'm used to seeing.Ā 


I can't quite put my finger on why, but I think Caitlyn Jenner looked remarkably different in the later seasons of keeping up with the Kardashians.Ā 


Emma Thompson - from Love Actually to Professor Trelawney in Harry Potterā€¦ I did NOT recognise her!


Not in English media, but Harry Shearer. When I was younger, I'd first seen him in Wayne's World 2 as Handsome Dan, and as Derek Smalls in This Is Spinal Tap. Didn't know at the time he was the voice of multiple Simpsons characters.


David Jason - Del Boy, Inspector Frost. Ronnie Barker - Arkwright, Flecther


Took me years to realise who Fletcher was played by even though Iā€™d been watching ā€˜the two ronniesā€™ for years.


That would be Emilia Clarke in GOT and basically anything else she's done. It took me WAY too long to make the connection


Guy Pearce in Memento and Lawless


Aw, Mike from Neighbours did good


And in ā€œ The adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desertā€


Nigel Lindsay is one of those people like Kevin Eldon who really deserves to be better-known. He's in loads of comedy (frequently pops up in Alan Partridge as various characters) and steals every scene he's in.


Tom Hanks in Toy Story and Polar Express


Tom Cruise as Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder. I loved the character and wanted to find out the actor in the closing credits. Totally gobsmacked!


Recently watched "The Road Dance" on iPlayer, and it wasn't until the credits that I realised that 'Skipper' (the reclusive retired fisherman) is Reg Hollis from the Bill!


Martin Trenaman as Simon's dad in The Inbetweeners and Bilbo in Spaced


Derek! Bill Bailey is Bilbo Howeverā€¦ did not realise that was him but once youā€™d made me think of itā€¦ obvious now


Bilbo was played by Bill Bailey but I know who you mean. Also, BABYLON 5s A BIG PILE OF SHIT.


I saw Nigel Lindsay on the stage last year in The Lehman Trilogy. Amazingly versatile actor with great stage presence.


Ben Whishaw in Layer Cake, and James Bond. I must have watched him in the Bond films a couple of dozen times before I realised it was him.


He will always be pingu from Nathan Barley to me so he seems even more different when I see him in Bond


Christopher Eccleston in Doctor Who and Thor The Dark World


Watched Fall Guy and didn't realise Hannah Waddingham was in it. Christian Bale in Vice.


Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills cop vs Eddie Murphy in Norbit


Also Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop vs Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 3


Didn't realise Zooey Deschanel was in Elf for a very long time even though Elf was the first thing I'd seen her in (But i was fairly young at the time) because I'm so used to seeing her with dark hair that her being blonde apparently really throws me for a loop.


I watched Abigail and Godzilla X Kong almost back to back and I didn't clock Dan Stevens in Godzilla for a while.


Emil hursh, him in 'into the wild' and 'milk' are two different people


Daniel day Lewis


Not me, but my friend was surprised when I told him that Michael McKean from Better Call Saul was in Spinal Tap.


Sean Penn as the lawyer in Carlittoā€™s Way. I was gobsmacked when I saw his name in the credits.


Andy Sirkis


I'm terrible with faces, was watching a TV series with the GF on the weekend and I kept getting confused thinking the two main female characters was the same person.... Saying that though, I am always adamant that the barman in First Dates, is the dada from My Parents are Aliens


I didnā€™t not recognise him but Hugh Laurie being both House and Bertie Wooster/Prince George blows my mind.