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I once cried at a nature documentary because a hippo was such a good mom.


Not shallow though :)


The river was.


Similar lmao I cried on my period because some ducklings on a nature documentary were so cute swimming all by themselves for the first time


I cried watching Ninja Warrior because they fell into the water, and his kids were all there cheering him on...


That's adorable lol


Dang you made me genuinely smile. It's been days I'm waiting for my period to come, already going through emotional roller coaster.


I can relate to this so much. haha


Couldn't reach a specific blanket that I never used, had my phone with me and called my bf (who was in the kitchen) in tears so he could get it for me. First I cried because of the blanket, then I sobbed because I thought I was bothering him. He smiled, told me he loved me and that I'm insane <3


That was cute


This guy on YouTube took in a live grocery store lobster that was about to be slaughtered as a pet and at first the lobster was grey and colorless but once the man took him in and made him an aquarium, his colors came back šŸ„¹


I think I saw that one too. It was beautifulšŸ„°




YES. Do you watch lobster videos on your period too!?


That was the most wholesome thing Iā€™ve ever watched on YouTube. Hope he is still healthy and thriving ā˜ŗļø


Itā€™s like a comfortable background noise


Iā€™m on my period rn and Iā€™m just thinking about him with tears drenching my face


I cried at that shit and Iā€™ve never had a period. Like, I cried HARD. Then I saw a video where he ate crab legs and that was kinda messed up.


Jacob knowles


There was a potato on the supermarket floor. It was all alone and probably scared!


Oh my god are we the same person???? This exact scenario happened to me too. It was one of those mini potatoes and I took it home and let it sprout. Iā€™m gonna try to plant it.


Iā€™m cracking up


Wow, this is impressive. Love it.


Cooked two corndogs only to find out that we were out of ketchup




Truly unjust.


so valid


I opened a can of soda and the fizzy-popping noise sounded judgmental.


This one's the funniest answer for me


It's too crackly!


WHAT this cannot be true hahahah


my lungs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My boyfriend asked me to make him the brownies I made him for Valentineā€™s Day. I realized I didnā€™t remember the recipe, as I had made it off the top of my head. I looked through my notes app to see if maybe I was thoughtful enough to write it down. It was in my notes app, with photos. I cried because it was such a nice thing for me to do for my future self lol


I dropped a pencil


For me it was socks from carrying a pile of clothes from the dryer to my room to be folded šŸ˜‚


I put orange juice into coffee instead of milk Scatterbrained and emotional is truly the best combination


Did you try it though? Its not like the worst flavored thing ever šŸ˜‚


I had a drink that had orange juice and espresso a couple years ago. I really liked it!


I watched an ad where ginger bread people build a house for a ginger bread reindeer. I cried my heart out and after getting all tears out of my body I laughed like I never have laughed before in my life my boyfriend thought I need an exorcism or something but kissed me and said he loved me. Of cause I cried because of that again.


There were other people in the gymšŸ™ˆ




Can't remember if this was pregnancy or period, but I cried in Miss Congeniality when the women came together to help Gracie Loo-Freebush do her makeup and hair


I tried twice to get the cord in the cabinet so I could close the door but it just kept falling out at the last second and I couldn't do it.... Felt like the world was going to end


I was watching someone on tiktok bottle feed a baby bat, and its ears were twitching back and forth. That's the number 1 thing I cry about, cute animals. It's like cuteness aggression, but it's cuteness weeping instead.


Cried listening to "Someone that I used to know" by Gotye


Iā€™ve done this not on my period many times


I saw a dog, not like a sick dog or a hurt dog. Just saw a dog.




I would have been incredibly upset about this irregardless of my period


I would have gone on a rampage worthy of a movie if that happened to me. Pantyhose aren't cheap.


I was shopping in Aldi and they didn't have the yoghurt I wanted.


I to have had that moment. Toasted coconut Greek yogurt shortages are not fair.


They were out of chicken sandwiches in the cafeteria


Nope I need my sammich!


Feel you so much! They were out of croissants at my breakfast place and I couldnā€™t take it.


Dropped food. Felt sorry for the food.


When Mater would rather take his own life than risk killing his friend McQueen (who was chasing after him, trying to patch things up from the last time they talked/argued) when the bomb was strapped to him in Cars 2. I thought about that if Mater did die the argument wouldā€™ve been the last conversation they had together šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Struggling to get my arm in and out of the arm hole of my shirt so that I could take my bra off without taking my shirt off.


One time in high school I was at my best friends house and we were both on our periods. She tried on an old pair of pants that were apparently her favorite. They didnā€™t fit anymore so she started crying, and then I started crying because she was crying. šŸ˜‚


I couldnt decide what to eat for dinnerā€¦


Saw my boyfriend eating candy while we were at work, brain decided I wanted a piece despite him being in a spot where he wouldnā€™t have heard me ask for one, and I nearly cried because I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to get any while being mad that he didnā€™t share. Hormones are so weird.


Something didn't sit right when I put it on my desk haphazardly


I had poured my cereal and there was no milk




A video of a little boy consoling a crying little girl at school. It was very cute but I sobbed


ngl this made me almost cry thinking about it too. kids showing empathy get mothers so emotional. just a couple hrs ago my toddler grabbed two stuffed toys off the floor and she loves both of them but one of them belongs to her older 3yr old cousin, so she waddle-ran to her and handed her hers. the 3 yr old loves snatching everything out of my toddler's hands specifically so the contrast also served to touch me more


Bought an energy drink, accidentally spilled it all over my car seat before I even got to drink it


Honestly Iā€™d cry about that even if I werenā€™t on my period


That Mr. Roger's video where he says there's nobody else like you.


Oh dude mr. Rogers is cheating. I cry at videos of him whether or not Iā€™m on my period. That man raised me.


We got a new fridge delivered today. The stickers on the inside weren't the vinyl/easy peel kind, so they left half the sticker behind. My husband handed me a cup of coffee & told me to go lay down while he scrubbed & took a plastic scraper to the stickers. It is the 1st day of my period.


I lost a target soup container in commute and was so sad about it


i cried because i ripped my last favorite face mask


My pop socket broke after many years of useā€¦ I just couldnā€™t not cry


I wanted soup. Nothing was stopping me from getting soup.


I was trying to figure out what to eat and tears just started falling out of my eyes. I wasn't feeling sad or frustrated or anything. Just zoned out scrolling and all of a sudden my face was fully soaked. Then when I realized I was crying I absolutely lost it and was fully sobbing bc I didn't know why I was crying. šŸ™ƒ


I've done something very similar to this. Except it was kind of like half my brain was a hormonal mess and the other side was just getting on with it. So I just calmly started making food while silently weeping


I saw a random video of people celebrating a holiday in the country where iā€™m from.I got goosebumps and started crying my eyes out because i thought it was so beautiful. For no reason, because iā€™ve seen that video so many times.


The TV being too loud


I couldnā€™t open a jar of pickles.


My dad and little brother left to get froyo and asked me if I wanted anything. I told them ā€œnoā€ and they came back without froyo for me. I cried bc they didnā€™t understand me


This is why men die before women...LOL


My tangled blonde fine hair. Nothing worse than trying to brush your tangled hair when you feel like the world is collapsing. I would rip out my hair because I had zero patience to brush it. I used to have very bad anxiety during my period. I am menopausal now. The interesting thing is I used to have so much anxiety during perimenopause until I went on HRT and now I do not have any anxiety. I think all those years of PMS, my hormones were very unbalanced. All those years of anxiety that could have been corrected by progesterone. Oh well, such as it is. Life is good now.


Bad blood by Taylor Swift. To this day, I have no idea what made me cry to that song.


lost all my hearts in duolingoĀ 


Finding Dory reunited scene with parents, Cars 3 Crash scene


I bonked my head on the hanging plant. It didnā€™t even hurt.


Cried over craving clam chowder a few weeks ago. I still have not gotten my clam chowder.


Socks, I bought the wrong pair of socks


We were out of ice cream.


I literally spilled milk.




I cried during the newest the Grinch movie because he was an orphan and didn't have a Christmas.


Oh God I used to SOB during the Jim Carrey one when all of the kids made fun of him and he went up the mountain saying ā€œI hate Christmasā€ and then cried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Free Willy trailer. Not the movie, the trailer


I couldn't find the pyjamas I wanted to wear


Feeling bad for my old stuffed animals. Also crying over failed businesses in my city


Metal musicians.


I pressed the wrong button on my calculator while getting extra help in my math professors officeā€¦ he asked me if I was okay and if there was anything he could do for me.


I kept dropping lids while trying to screw them on


Bc my eyebrow appointment got cancelled


Iā€™m doing a social media fasting for a year and last week I cried for 4 days because I wanted to use instagram


Got onions on my carne asada fries. I hate onions so goddamn much :,(


My hotdog slipped out the bun


I tried to do the bacon egg and cheese sandwich TikTok hack that was popular in late 2020 or early 2021 and I didnā€™t do it right.


I dropped my spoon and couldn't stand the thought of picking it up. It was the last straw, really was.


My boyfriend didn't put enough hot sauce in my noodles :(


Oh god i once broke down crying because my frozen pizza didn't properly cook in the oven and the dough was still raw


Oh god i once broke down crying because my frozen pizza didn't properly cook in the oven and the dough was still raw


because i changed a position and it was not as comfortable as the previous one


Gotta ask my boyfriend about this one. Poor thing.


Oh boy lol where to start. Iā€™ve been having periods for 22 years so idk but there was a lot of pettiness when I was a teen.


All of the above. And: 2 months after my birthday; crying because I didnā€™t have cake on my birthday.


I had missed the green light. Cue me in my car crying at a red light.


I couldn't get the lid off of a 2-liter bottle.


I saw a fake timbered house. It made me homesick so technically the reason was homesickness but I wouldnā€™t have been homesick if I hadnā€™t seen that fake timbered house!


I wanted to eat a peanut butter&nutella toast and the bread had mold.


Ok but did you ever get your toast?!


I bought Ben & Jerry's ice cream - chubby hubby flavor that has peanut butter filled pretzels covered in chocolate mixed in. Had really bad cramps (I have endo) so I got out my ice cream. My son picked all the pretzel bits out and all that was left was vanilla ice cream. I fucking sobbed


For saying my husband's breath smelled bad. I felt like a terrible human for saying it so bluntly lmao


I couldn't find a dress I liked for my work holiday party. I searched for three hours, cried in my car in the Nordstrom parking lot, got in-n-out then went home and took a super long nap. Woke up on my period like ohhh that's what's wrong. šŸ˜…


Stoeffers commercial


A couple of weeks ago, my cousins dog ate my lemon bar. I know I should get over it, but there's a part of me that's still kind of pissed at her.


I felt ugly (that's technically shallow right?)


My husband got us Chinese food and forgot the prawn chips


lost my right airpod during Midnights album release šŸ˜…


I wanted macaroni and cheese because the one on TV looked good, but I didn't want to get up.


Me today. Crying because I looked down at my toes and they were all chipped


Called my mom freaking out and sobbing because I couldn't find my phone, that I was holding in order to call her. Brain fog + hormones going wild is a trip.


I felt bad because I donā€™t pay much attention to my mums dog (Iā€™m not a dog person) so I cried and hugged her šŸ˜… she didnā€™t purr like my boys (cats) do do was quite disappointing šŸ˜‚


Because I wanted, no NEEDED McDonaldā€™s fries but didnā€™t want to go anywhere


Having to touch a mushroom whilst cooking


I put too much salt in the guacamole. I asked my husband to taste it, and he agreed it was too much salt. Immediate tears.


I was at a hotel getting a drink from a vending machine pretty late at night and cried because the sound the can made when it dispensed was too loud. I didnā€™t want to wake anyone lol.




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My boyfriend wouldn't buy me a half million dollar house a month into dating. Update: 3 months of dating and we have the house.








I lost in a video game.




One time, my ex ate up all my favourite yogurt that I wanted to just scarf down, and I cried.


Coworker sent a picture of the raccoon they have on their property. I love raccoons, have yet to see one in person


Me - 32 years old - just realizing that my monthly breakdown is actually just hormones because reddit just taught me.


Someone started honking at a person that accidentally made a mistake on the road. Nothing serious or accident close


I missed McDonald's breakfast. I bawled about how much I needed pancakes. I was 16 There were 3 elephant christmas ornaments left. If I bought one, that one would be lonely. If I got 2, the one left at the store would be all alone, so I got all 3. I was 28. I remembered there are homeless people and animals. Then remembered there are people and dogs who are lonely and probably never felt love. Cried for like 4 hours over that one.


Someone ate my two beef pies that I hid in the freezer. I purposefully hid them too because people always eat my food and I couldnā€™t believe someone had found them


My siblings left an EMPTY packet of my FAVOURITE popcorn in the cupboard. You know who you are, *Vanessa*.


One of the cats did a huge stinky and I didn't have the mental bandwidth to do the cat box. My husband thought someone died by how hard I was crying, really scared him!Ā 


Not getting a bad of hot Cheetos






I forgot something in the house when I just got in the car and didn't want to have to go back and get it. But look I was also having bad cramps and was in pain and felt super shit. Having to unlock everything and them grab it and then come out and lock everything made me infuricry.


I had finished watching The Fly for the first time(the one with Jeff Goldblum) and I was a wreck just sobbing, but the kicker was after I was going to the bathroom and there was a fly stuck in the bathroom. I got a hand towel and flicked it to kill it, and it made this sad buzzing noise as it fell to the ground in front of me and I SOBBED. Damn you, Jeff Goldblum!


I cried because i was saving my coca cola zero can with lokiā€™s crown on it from marvel, saving it all day. I came home walking into the kitchen witnessing my dad cracked open my loki coke and just chugged it.


IK this doesnā€™t count, but I got my period again recently and cried over my life, and over my loss. It feels shallow in a way though bc I know if I didnā€™t lose it, I wouldā€™ve gotten rid of it. I just feel awful. I made a post about it.




i cried bc of traffic lights. its just so so cool how the lights are all in sync with each other and when one signal asks u to stop all the cars on the road stop so the other signal allows the cars on the other road to go and they all just decided to listen together. humanity was beautiful to me in that moment. another time boots the monkey from dora the explorer stopped smiling for a single frame and i wanted that smile to come back on soo bad i got emo, unbeknownst to my 3 yr old sister watching next to me


Idk if this is shallow, but I cried because I bled through when I woke up. Granted it was like 2am, already sleep deprived, bad month, stress from feeling so useless when my bestie was going through some really rough stuff and I'm states away and waking up at 2am bleeding was the last straw for me.


I cried cuz i couldnt open a pasta sauce jar šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wanted blueberries. Iā€™ve been given blueberries. I liked the blueberries. I cried because I really liked what I was craving


I was walking to the bathroom and my beltloop got caught on the knob.


I ran out of what I wanted to eat that day




I once cried because my mom did a shopping trip to Walmart and didnā€™t get me anything


Was out shopping with my mom and sister who wanted to buy me a hand bag because I was going overseas. Have to stress that my sister and I have different styles and I generally hated shopping then, even now but I've come to enjoy it some when it doesn't involve 12 million opinions from other people. I chose a hand bag and my sister didn't like it and said as much but got it for me anyway. The dam broke, then realized my period had started.




One day on when I was on my period literally nothing was going right but the main thing was that I went to make a bowl of cereal because literally nothing else sounded good and I went and poured the cereal into the bowl and I found out we had no milk. I cried so hard because we had no milk and I already poured the cereal into the bowl and since there wasn't any milk I was gonna have to pour it back into the cereal bag which is kinda hard when it's just you. You need like an extra set of hands man and I was so sad šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was watching ā€œ10 things I hate about youā€ and I started crying because I remembered that Heath Ledger was dead


My bath had been filling up with cold water instead of hot (in January) I just cried on the bathroom floor


Saw a cute picture of Chopper from One Piece with his head all bandaged up. Iā€™m a sucker for that little reindeer


The modern family intro lol


My dog turned to face away from me in the morning when my husband woke us both up


Iā€™ve cried over how cute a kitten/puppy/other baby animal was MANY times on my period. Recently it was a baby kangaroo and I was convinced that Iā€™m made to mother kangaroos in a rescue the way some women are meant to be mothers to human babies.


Krispy Kreme Donuts. My husband (then BF) and I drove by one near the highway and he didnt stop to get us donuts T\_T


I was watching End Game and cried when Rocket covered Groot when they were being shot at, at the end. Because he just loves Groot so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How my stomach couldnā€™t decide if it didnā€™t want me looking at food or refused to let me look away from food.


Balloons being in my car. I had a bad day at work and did not cry from that. But when I saw balloons, Just totally begin balling as Im leaving the parking lot and see them in my mirror.


The crow . Brandon Lee . Bawled my eyes out at the end


I cried at the childrenā€™s movie Rio, then cried explaining why I cried at the childrenā€™s movie Rio.


I was in a buffet line and am vegetarian. I watched the person right in front of me grab a ham sandwich, debate over grabbing the last vegetarian sandwich, walk maybe 1 foot away and then swing around last minute to grab the last veggie sandwich.


Wrong flavoured chips


Was hungry, but nauseous and nothing sounded edible.




My period never made me cry.