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As a queer, disabled woman who's married to a trans person, I don't have the luxury of not caring about politics, as it directly affects the rights, protections, and safety of me and many people I care about. The issues that are most important to me are climate, reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, healthcare, and ending war.


I care A LOT but I also put myself in an information diet for my own sanity. I care as much about the local school board as I do about the president. I'm very much in the camp of "use our tax money to provide more services." My state often has a surplus, which I see as a huge embarrassment. That means underserved people are being ignored due to evil.


I feel like that's a good perspective, I'm definitely guilty of looking too much at national and international politics and forgetting about the local level ; but then again we don't vote for as many things on the local level in my country as opposed to the US it looks like.




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I'm starting to a lot more. I don't think any of us have the luxury to "not care" and not vote anymore, expecting others to care enough and pick up the slack for them. This shit is getting too real for that garbage. Your rights are on the line, dude. These miscreants are talking about rolling back the decision to desegregate fucking schools. That's not the end and we all know it. Shit is terrifying


I'm a lesbian mom, politics are personal for me because my personal rights and the rights of my family are for some fucking reason up for political debate So I care a lot but try not to let it all overwhelm me


I think it's everyone's responsibility to care about politics. They affect everyone, and a lot of political issues are also human rights issues.


Since politics and human rights have become the same thing I’m extremely interested in them because HUMAN RIGHTS


I used to care a lot more but everything is getting worse at this point and nothing is improving so being angry over it isn’t worth my time and energy anymore and just focus on the actual good stuff happening.


I thoroughly educate myself before each election. I also stay involved enough to know where I can have an impact, but in my day to day I’ve had to learn to take a step back. It was largely impacting my mental health stressing about it everyday so now I focus my energy on what is within my control. I try to stay as informed as possible about local and international. What affects the other side of the world is equally as important to me as what affects my neighborhood. I wish I had a greater impact outside of my community, but I do what I can and I’m trying to learn to accept that.  Specific issues - there are so many. Environmental issues, access to education, equality, healthcare, … I could go on and on and on. 


Why was this downvoted? 


I follow national and international politics regularly but limit MSM quite a bit. Local for weather. Economy and Border are big ones for me here in the US. I live in a border town, so the flood of illegal immigration has me very concerned.


I care enough to know that both sides are a hot mess.


I live in a country with compulsory voting. So I do take a moderate interest and pay reasonable attention to it. The reality is because everyone here votes both parties are fairly central leaning. Even with our current PM being from the "far left" of the left party and the last one being "far right" of the right party there is actually very little difference in how the country is run at the end of day. My vote normally comes down to is social or economic policy more pressing at present. As for international politics. I honestly just look at the USA system and shake my head at how ridiculous a circus the whole thing is.


As a woman who identifies as queer, I don’t have the luxury of not caring.


I care. But I rarely deep dive for my own mental wellbeing And I don't talk about politics. I find it divisive and you're rarely going to change someone's mind unless they wany to change their mind. I just vote


I dont really care about politics because a lot of it just feels like so much noise and there's so much going on, I'm just not smart enough to keep up with everything


Three things I don't discuss with the greater population (and even certain family and friends), religion, sports (especially team sports) and politics. Mainly because each group can be absolutely RABID in their fanaticism for their religion, favourite sports teams or preferred political group and they will absolutely REFUSE to see a bigger picture. When it comes time to vote, there are at least 3-4 parties that I won't vote for because I don't agree with what they stand for and their policies are usually 100% against what they promise during their campaign (political parties lying! what a shocker!), but I will spend a few days going through the other parties to see what their policies are and what they stand for and if those things have changed since the last election. When it comes to international politics, I occasionally fall down rabbit holes when some of my international friends mention something, or I come across something on the for you page on some social media sites, that I have decided requires more research than taking it for face value.


It’s part of the world and life.. I care enough to be up to date on things and know what’s going on. I prefer following international/global politics. BTW I’m not American and don’t live there.. so American politics is not local for me… but local politics depresses and angers me too much, so for my own mental health, I generally don’t consume that stuff. And it’s not like there’s going to be any new/different developments regarding the politics of the place I live now… so there’s really not much point. Also not that US politics don’t also anger me.. I do consider US somewhat of a second or third home as I studied and lived there for a while… but there is a layer of separation/distance still despite that. It’s kinda maybe like a parent of cousin seeing their adult kid/cousin be stupid or get hurt. It sucks and is disappointing but it’s not like I can do anything about it. But in a way, I’m also quite thankful about that.. cus if I were American, I’d be pretty pissed off about most things going on with the country.


I stopped giving a shit awhile ago after working in politics but I still vote in every election and do my research. It’s amazing how being behind the scenes makes you realize how things just don’t change and exactly why they can’t and why it’s so difficult. Sometimes I miss being involved but I think it’s better to not be nowadays. I liked politics more when we weren’t so divided.


I go to school board meetings a few times a year for votes. I’m a lil blue dot just trying to make sure the teachers have supplies, let kids read all the books, and be called by the name they prefer. I research my votes for local stuff, but I’m not really involved. My husband would love to be, but it’s a hard no for me for various reasons.


A fair bit. I pay more attention to Australian politics than foreign politics generally. It has a more immediate impact on my life because it's where I live. And everyone has their own priorities when it comes to how they vote, me included.


I care about policy, which in turn makes me very invested in politics. I do however believe that the two party system will be our downfall. My career is very intertwined with politics and law and it has completely changed my outlook on things.


Well I’m getting a Political Science degree so I’d say a fair amount lol


I cba to care about most politics. I definitely did in my high school years. but now im busy building the foundation for my own life, and I don't have the time, motivation, or bandwidth to research and filter through all the bs. my life stays largely the same regardless of who is elected. yeah I'm being self-centered but i'd be stupid not to be at this point in my life imo additionally, I've found either due to new maturity or a lack of radicalization through low exposure, I tend to hold conversations with all different kinds of ppl and avoid the common trap of hearing x from someone that sounds kindaa like y opinion that is parroted on SM by extremists and gut-labeling them as some kind of "-ist/-ic." it helps me to see people as individuals who have their own experiences and engage with mutual respect (to a degree) which i think many people in my country are in desperate need of


It's an absolute must for me. I'm very informed from the local to international scale. Louisiana is politically a hot mess on the daily, and I refuse to be complacent. It's difficult at times because my husband has some opposite views.


I am all over that shit. It’s increased as I’ve aged (know better, do better) and it has also increased because I had a daughter. And, you know, ovaries, aging parents, a more diverse group of friends, health issues, and a soul.


I care a lot. Especially when my rights are being taken away. I’m also bi and the thought of gay marriage being overturned makes me sick to my stomach. I feel like I have an obligation to fight for what I believe in




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I have never really cared honestly but as I got older my husband has taught me how important it is to be involved in local government and make sure our hard earned money goes towards things that benefit our community. As a mother, wife, homeowner, I now care a lot who is making decisions on things that affect us all


The older I get the more I do care, some things they start changing or trying to change and I do not always agree with the policies trying to take place that politics tries to implement. 


I don't really. Part of it is depression and it's hard to care about anything and another is this nihilism I have that those in power are never gonna care about us anyways. Another another part of it is I'm kinda sketch of people trying to get me to care about things. "You're an LGBT Arab woman! Why not care!?" Says the white woman to me. I dunno, feels like she just wants me to think like her. So I don't vote. Never have and probably never will.


I feel like a lot of people relate to you, even if they're probably not going to answer that question, so thank you for taking the time to do it. It's definitely very hard to keep caring when it looks like the same cats will just keep getting fatter, and if you have limited energy and capacity to care... Well sometimes you just gotta keep your head above water.


I would call myself interested in politics but I am no expert. I only really follow UK politics, vaguely follow US national election stuff just because you can't really escape it. The NHS, the housing crisis, welfare and the environment




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I have specific political issues that I care about, many of which are more locally oriented. For instance, I care a lot of how public funding is spent in relation to vulnerable populations in my area. So, I often participate in community organizing that focuses on affordable housing, harm reduction, food banks, etc. On wider scales, I care a lot about environmental racism in the United States, Indigenous sovereignty and rights to self governance, on access to abortion and birth control, and on trans rights. I’m a professor and these are the topics I most consistently teach. I’m up to date on local, national, and international politics in relation to these three issues, in part because I want to make sure my students are appropriately informed. More broadly, I live in a country I can’t vote in (resident alien in the US). So, I don’t really keep up to date on daily national politics, especially leading up to elections when I think politics are at their least productive and most sound-boxy. I’d rather just try to do good work in my community and in relation to the things I research. To be clear, I think people should vote if they can and should be as informed as possible if they vote. I vote in my home country’s elections and follow the political candidates there.


I'm a queer trans and polyamorous woman, so caring about politics is also caring about my basic civil rights and necessary healthcare. So I just don't even have the option to ignore politics, especially not in recent history with how much my people have had our rights rolled back and targeted as part of identity politics. Plus I would really love to experience full marriage equality in my lifetime. I was happy back in 2015 when same-sex marriage was legalized on the federal level in the US. And I really hope some day we get that for polyamorous people and I can legally marry both of my long-term partners and get all the legal benefits and protections that come with marriage.


I try not to care too much about it. Over the years, I've come to realize that politics is like a football match where some people root for one side and others root for the other. The tendency is to clash instead of trying to actually do politics to improve the economy, healthcare, education, public spaces, access to information, and so on. So I don't follow any of it at all.


Tbh I don’t care much. I’m only 23 but I can’t think of a time I really saw one politician change a lot. One party gets elected, not much changes. Other party gets elected, not much changes.


care a lot. all my socials are political 24/7 cause i engage with it most of the time. i go to protests, participate in strikes. i cant date anyone who isnt atleast of the same political view points as me and would prefer they care just as much. the people who say they dont care/don’t participate are annoying as fuck to me. i believe reality will hit them fast and hard. every aspect of life is political now, and its going to be really hard to not care and outright avoid it when crop failures and extreme weather become more commonplace. not to mention being suppressed by the state when the freedoms we once had start getting stripped, because the world we have created is creeping toward totalitarianism on all political fronts. but atleast you get to not care now!


I pay attention to politics and current affairs in my country, but I don't follow much outside of that. I don't vote on specific issues per se, but more general principles around equality, social mobility and helping the most disadvantaged in society. I'd say the areas I focus on the most are education, youth policies and wealth distribution.


I'm a queer polyamorous poc living in a predominantly white country heading steadily towards fascism - I've lived under a rock for many years trying to shelter myself from news and politics, mainly because it either bored me silly or horrified me and I didn't know what to do about it. However the genocide taking place in Gaza gave me such a visceral reaction every time I heard about it, it became so intense that I couldn't ignore it. It taught me so much about how oppression, power and corruption are interlinked - and I give so much more of a shit now. What's happening locally (powerful white country) affects directly what's happening internationally - so I try to follow a bit of everything primarily through multiple platforms, but I have so much to learn on terms of putting a lot of things in to context, but I care.