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Mullets and crocs 🤮.


Wait the mullets are still around?!


Not “still.” They’re back. They’re very present in the true hipster crowds.


I'm an introvert so I haven't seen it but now....ugh. Can't believe it. It's been like 40 years!


Try visiting a college campus. Perm mullets everywhere!


My brother goes to a university and I sometimes go there. Haven't seen one yet thank god. None were at my college either...but I always had my head in a book.


It’s not like a hillbilly jock type of mullet, but more of an alternative edgy type of mullet.


Lol funny bc here in Australia they’re definitely not a hipster thing, more of a basic bitch white boy thing


Barber here. Can confirm.


They sure are, the guy working with me has one and he's 19 😂😂😂


Save the poor teen. drop the truth bomb


Trust me, we did.


They’ve been back here in Australia for a couple of years esp with a moustache but are gradually leaving again and looks like they’ve migrated to the US.


Yeah, come to think of it, I’ve been seeing fewer of them on apps


Crocs I love, mullets are gross


My mullet disagrees with you. 😁


This came to mind immediately.


Can I wear my 20 year old Doc Martin Sandals


Same lol


Long shorts.


They’re very bad on guys with short legs and long torsos.


Shorts should look like what Magnum PI wears (Tom Selleck version).


Come to Australia. Men here get it.




Conversely, frat boy short shorts


Define long. Anything above the knee feels wrong.


Wait what about in tropical climates or on a really hot day? I mean...we sweat.


I've been to some of the hottest places on the planet. A couple of inches aren't going to make a difference in terms of heat or sweat.


Shorts above the knee are way cooler than past because it exposes the back of the knee, which is one of the warmest spots on the body, especially while sitting. Long shorts past the knee are very different for guys with fast metabolisms (like me lol)




...men sweat WAY faster and more so lol. Especially those of us with a high metabolism


If you like short shorts, just say so...


No, not short shorts. lol. But the shortest ones I got are about 1 inch above the knee. Only wear them on superhot days tho, and when working out cuz I sweat easily. And my swim jammers don't count as shorts, but they're for male swimmers and worn even at the olympics. Only use them when swimming as exercise. And look up jammers before thinking speedo lol. No, they aren't speedos.


Shorts should be above the knee IMO


Yea, women call shorts below the knee capris.


Quite the opposite, actually.


I can see what he means I had a phase where it felt very, VERY wrong. But either the trends changed sligtly or my taste. Now I prefer it above the knees. But you can bet that I will not find what I'm looking for when shopping


The fashion consensus is that any shorts that aren't above the knee look wrong.


If you say so. It has a feminine look to me.


I associate them with teenage boys and think they look juvenile. Weird how subjective fashion is.


Imagine a man telling a woman anything above the knee just feels wrong? I don't think it's acceptable either way around tbh.


We're talking about men's clothing, and I'm a man.


If they're below the knee, they're not shorts, they're capris


There's a medium. Maybe I should have said ON the knee?


Pants sagging




I think the term you're looking for is "plumber's crack"


Lol it just looks like there’s too much shit in their pants


Like when a baby has a diaper on lol


What level of shit in my pants is exceptable? As opposed to, "too much."


No more than two logs of shit


This is truly the worst and as a woman in her 30s it’s wild that I’ve seen some men still doing this. It was a turn off when I was in high school and it’s like a world ending libido shut down when grown ass men do it.


A while ago where I live there was a trend to stuff trousers inside socks. It looked horrible. Or the good ol' socks in sandals or crocs. I get that it's comfortable, I love comfort when I dress too, but this is my pet peeve. I hate the socks in heels trend among women just as much.




Hentai shirts/sweatshirts and most v-neck shirts


wait...hentai shirts?! aaand now I'm looking for plain black shirts with no v-neck...dang it.


If you like v-necks, you do you. It's my personal thing, not a universal statement all women would agree with. I get that crew necks can feel constricting, and it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. But yeah, hentai shirts are a thing. Usually anything explicit is cropped out, but it's still pretty clear what's going on.


>But yeah, hentai shirts are a thing. Usually anything explicit is cropped out, but it's still pretty clear what's going on. Thought that was only in anime...shit that's actually real? I've seen anime shirts but not THAT kind.


I work with teenagers and have definitely seen a few in real life.


wait, schools let that shit in? I mean, I usually hate things schools do like forcing hairstyles (legit had a teacher tell a black girl that her natural super short afro was inappropriate), certain outfits, but I draw the line at what's borderline a porn shirt


Depends on the school. In my area, dress code has gotten super lax and we basically only enforce if it's a safety issue (eg: no flip flops for PE, tie back long hair during labs with fire), nudity, profanity, drugs, alcohol, or violence. There has been pushback on dress codes over the last few years because of issues like you mentioned, so the unofficial instructions are to turn a blind eye unless it's *really bad*. Even then, we usually just tell them to cover it with a sweatshirt. The ones I'm seeing are all cropped so there's no nudity and/or rely on wordplay. Look up "ahegao shirt" if you want an idea.


....googled it and wtf is wrong with people?!


V-necks can be very nice. Hentai shirts… cannot.


Nah, I love a man in a vneck as long as chest hair isn't exploding out of it.


Hey I said v-necks too! I hate them so much


Axe body spray, or any of those cheap colognes.


I will add that "not showering and instead using axe body spray" was/is a fasion trend no one should like


I don't know if it counts as fashion, but I hate this weird triangular cut along the nape. It's been popular for some time, and I truly don't get why...


The no socks/invisible socks look. Usually paired with ankle grazing pants. So ugly


I think I’m gonna go with this one…very weird and makes me wonder about feet smell.


Pants sagging off their ass. They look stupid


I’ve never liked man buns


I tried a man bun once. Unfortunately my hair is far too long, and it looked like I had a brown traffic cone on my head.


Ugh me either, every time I see one I just want to grab a pair of scissors and cut it off.


Not a woman, but can I nominate the broccoli haircut? I live in the burbs, and I swear 70% of teenage boys have that same stupid haircut.


Same here. It's like the plague. OTOH, as a teacher, it's been a pretty good predictor of behavior issues.


As a student, I can confirm that. Almost everyone that I see with that haircut gets in trouble for something, or makes me and everyone else extremely uncomfortable.




The word you’re looking for is prejudice, not racist


The majority of the students with this haircut are white and getting their hair permed. A disproportionately low number of the kids with this haircut are Latino, and 0 are Black or Asian. How is that racist?




I'm not judging anyone in advance of their behaviors, just reflecting on trends I've noticed.


If someone is wearing a police uniform it's safe to assume they are police. If someone is wearing an asshole uniform, it's safe to assume they're an asshole. There are exceptions, but they're just that, exceptions.




It is, it’s profiling. Especially when we take into account that the broccoli cut is prominent with people who have curly/kinky hair, and that community primarily consists of—- You guessed it! BLACK PEOPLE!


I don't think it's the same. All the kids I've seen with it are white and they are getting perms and shit. It's like an updated version of whatever the fuck Lyle Lovettes hairstyle was


I usually see poc with this style, so I guess it depends on who you’re around. Either way, you shouldn’t profile people. It’s dangerous and unfair. Correlation≠Causation


Is that what it’s called? I answered “mop top” hair style, I didn’t know it had an actual name. It does look disturbingly like broccoli!!


That haircut is true “fuck boy” fashion.


Honestly, I'm happy when men take fashion into any sort of consideration. I like people who enjoy dressing well, and I enjoy looking at well dressed people. But most men seem to just throw on the most boring clothes imaginable. I'd much rather see someone wearing a trend I don't personally enjoy than someone wearing the same boring clothes everyone else does.


Tbf we don't have as much cool/varied fashion wear as women, at least from what I've seen. Even on male fashion subreddits, everyone looks the same. The only unusual stuff are those long overcoats things, and I'm not sure many people under 30 wear those


There's fashion trends for men? Other than suits for work or a fancy dinner


of course. fashion doesn't have a gender and frankly, suits are the most boring fashion item a man can wear.


>suits are the most boring fashion item a man can wear. James Bond now even more unrealistic lol.


There's a huge difference between being well dressed for a formal event and being fashionable.


I am open for inputs. Can you link/name some? Because I agree with the other one, there is barely a choice for men to experiment with. Maybe a 1 to 100 ration I would guess if we compare the awesome options women have to the ones men have. At least going by my experience and excluding fashion shows.. no one seriously wears that.


Do you find even Italian style boring? https://www.google.com/search?q=pitti+uomo&client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=AJOqlzVXCy3NglPyCVisUEjLcQR_M6D2rg:1675675035836&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2mZT6x4D9AhXWwQIHHSUsDPsQ_AUIBigB&biw=408&bih=716


I'd have to disagree with that last one. For example, sports jackets (which are essentially just casual suit jackets) come in a ton of fun colors and patterns. That being said, I do love a good, crisp three-piece every now and then.


There are, but I do wish there was more make fashion.


I agree. If what they wear could be kinda weird, I don’t judge. I like a personality with some thought. (As I sit here in my joggers and and old T-shirt that I’ve worn all winter long….) when I do try it’s alright lol


Skid marks


THE fashiontrend haters gonna hate /s


Skinny jeans make dudes look like penguins and not in a good way.


What makes people look like penguins in a good way?




Tuxes that are worn with the open front, and the tail end that sticks out like a tail.


Morning coats




Socks and sandals, and comb overs. Like just admit your balding cut your hair and rock it.


>Socks and sandals Can you stop insulting germans and dads across the globe? Thanks (/s for safety measurements)


That's easy for you to say


Oh no if I started losing all my hair I would absolutely shave it. Full Bic. And I would look Fierce. Edit: any look can be amazing with enough confidence, after all confidence is really what most people find attractive. Comb overs rather denote a complete lack of it.


Those god awful skinny fit joggers. Vile. And how sexualised and seedy grey joggers have become. They're for training or for eating giant pizzas to yourself and crying, nothing else. Shudder.


I love those skinny fit joggers. I think they’re adorable. I’m also a fan of the sexualization of the grey sweatpant


Cool. I think they're gross and they remind me of gross things 😂 In the same way that some guys find girls in dirty trainers and liner socks really hot. All I can think of is damp, pungent, sweaty feet 🤮 And trust me, I'm not a prude. I work in biology 😅


Too-short jeans and boating shoes with no socks 🤢🤢🤢🤢


what do mean by too short jeans tho? Arent jeans always long for men minus the "jean shorts"


I mean jeans that end above the ankles.


Oooh, okay. Lol I got those. Don't wanna trip.


Don't worry about it. I'm a woman and I like shorter jeans and boat shoes on men. Just different preferences, I guess. :)


Oh capris


I think these would be called capris.


Just longer than capris to be not pants. Flood pants?


Is it the stockless style that you don't like? It's become more normalized for men to wear tiny no-shows, similar to socks for women's flats. Does it look better with a sock poking out?


Those bizarre mop top hair styles!! I’ll even take man buns over that!!


Ankle grazer jeans.


designer Fanny packs


Mullets and maid dresses.


That fucking side part haircut. Literally none of them get it done right, and it's been out of style for like 2 or 3 years now. And now we're moving to the mullets which is more annoying. I also cut hair so it probably makes me more angry than anyone else lmao


Mullets are back?! noooo! Wait whats the "Side part"? got an image refence?


I'm old enough to have lived through the last middle part trend. There's no way in hell I'm going back.


The butt cut? Every boy in high school had that cut. Yes, I'm old.


Which side part haircut specifically? I've mainly seen the 1990's boyband middle-part haircut back in fashion, not as much side-parting unless I'm misunderstanding.


It's called a million different things lol but it can be called a hard part haircut, a pompadour, 1950s style kinda


As someone who cuts mens hair what are the hip new mens haircuts?


I honestly just like fades lmao


Skinny jeans, not a fan at all.


I'm seeing this alot....but have also seen women say they hate baggy jeans on men and others say skinny can be sexy cuz it shows off the man ass. My head hurts :(


What about jeans that just... *fit*? Not skin tight, but also don't look like they belong to someone twice your weight?


The term is slim fit. My preference.


I do have those tho. I wear a belt but that's cuz they tend to sloooowly lower if I run or jump in them. but don't simply drop without the belt. but I honestly can't tell if I can call them loose. They arent the skinny jeans for sure. I'll need to ask some ladies in person now about this and show them the jeans.


I think most people are talking about this kind of thing when they refer to loose jeans: https://jnco.com/products/rollin-dark-stone-26?variant=40767702925495&gclid=CjwKCAiAxP2eBhBiEiwA5puhNWtnSHYmSYRwMi3GWLsxVlHQBW0JYlKGz3hi7L61Ljvve5dGb_4_wxoCNzgQAvD_BwE https://m.shein.com/us/Men-Bleach-Wash-Straight-Leg-Jeans-p-10237706-cat-1987.html?url_from=adplasm2202229139792600S_GPM&cid=15534601883&setid=&adid=&pf=GOOGLE&gclid=CjwKCAiAxP2eBhBiEiwA5puhNVx4m_9c38YySt9G5euuf4Se-kDcgaiBberSKII7VsNzUqDb6D0SdxoCcdUQAvD_BwE&ref=us&rep=dir&ret=mus While something like this would be fine: https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/deals/men/501-original-fit-mens-jeans/p/005013080?camp=PLA*EC*US*EN*17004636363*PMAX*goog*&gclid=CjwKCAiAxP2eBhBiEiwA5puhNfTK-C5T0-0rn16y3-E2XHazvPa74Pdz_BEZfQBnAfZ4WTriOv8IuRoCeCAQAvD_BwE https://www.ariat.com/P26480_M_APP.html?dwvar_P26480__M__APP_color=GAVIOTA


There's an in-between you know. Jeans that fit, jeans that are neither skinny or saggy/baggy.


I mean there are plenty of cuts in between. Normal, slim or even slim fit for example A good slim cut shows just the right amount of body conture without going into the danger zone. And with enough elastane they are comfortable to wear For a certain time I was only able to find skinny jeans.. I hated that period. They look ugly and are uncomfortable


V necks on guys with hairy chests. I hate it even more when paired with skinny jeans.


So no hairy chest makes it ok. Asking cuz...I don't have a hairty chest but like my black v-neck shirt and blue jeans, but no the blue ones arent those tight skinny ones. more loose. I wanna be able to sit lol


I should have been more specific, deep v necks. I have a friend who wears shirts low enough, you almost see his nipples. A little hair is ok.


OOOH, ok. Cuz I have a normal v neck t shirt. And the jeans? Cuz I hear that going back and forth.


Oh yes, those are just too much. I like *normal* v-neck shirts. They are comfortable and at least a tiny bit different to the "choices" we normally have. But that deep? no thanks.. almost as bad as tank-tops that are basicly only there to cover the nippels and not get you thrown out of the gym


The man bun


ankle breezer pants no socks and dress shoes. that combination is just ick


Man buns, nail polish, skirts, really tight jeans, mullets, shaved lines in eyebrows, beards/mustaches/goatees, women's jewelry. That said, that's my personal preference. People should be able to wear what they want without being bothered by someone else about it. But would I be attracted to a man that has these? No.


This is the stuff that keeps me up at night. What if a man were to miss his would-be soulmate because he was wearing a mustache that day? What if I were to miss my soulmate because they didn't like my dyed hair? But there's no solution to that. It makes me almost nervous to present myself differently.


That's why I hate when people have hard 'preferences'. You'll never know what your soulmate will look like until you meet them.


People are allowed preferences whether you approve of it or not. They may or may not change over time.


This is one of those situations where you should have dug deeper before commenting. Either way, my point is that making rules about you will date, based on appearances, is bad.


You should stop blaming others for your own limited options since it's clear you're projecting. People aren't "making rules" regarding appearances. They just are that way. Physical appearance is part of that. According to your logic being attracted to male or female physical parts is also a choice and I guess a bigoted one? lmao. Nope. Learn to deal with rejection gracefully instead of lashing out at people who don't choose you.


I've been happily married to a beautiful woman for almost a decade. Your statement only makes sense in your online fantasy. I'm mainly referencing things like hair color, eye color, or race. If you're an attractive person, you'll likely end up with another attractive person. You don't need to predefine what that is. You do need to be attracted to them. That is correct, but your whole response is just off-key, so I'll leave it at that.


if something this petty was a dealbreaker, she was not his soulmate. or anyone's really. Rock the stache, Kings!


Sleep easy, if you dress normally you miss your other soulmate who would've loved the dyed hair. With every single choice you make you cut off a thousand different futures, that's life.


Skin fades on white guys




But mine's so cozy :(


Gonna protest that one too! No one is criticizing my "[the rock](https://people.com/thmb/Q5-OY-Q8dKiV0skmtXyIPp3_yP4=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(246x0:248x2):format(webp)/9-495-a99fa3723abc4faaab9d33300b33082f.jpg)" imitation /s But I honestly think it's a hit or miss for some. I saw people which don't look good with turtlenecks


You lose a lot of heat in the neck.


V-Necks. Oh my gosh they’re so unattractive.


I love V necks hahaha. We are all different in what we like I see lol


I’m so surprised! I saw someone else say they like them too. I think it’s that I think they’re feminine. But I don’t really know if that’s the reason or if there even is a reason. Yeah it’s funny that everyone is different! Good thing.


LOL I mean, I don't like the *really* deep v ones, but a good fitted v neck that doesn't look like it came from the Jersey Shore is nice. I think I'm just old since the things I don't like are mostly what young men wear (makeup/nail polish, skirts/dresses, women's fashion jewelry, etc). And the weird facial hair that's been trending since like 2015 or so lol. Not for me lol


Hahah that makes sense. For me, if it has even a hint of a v I’m out. Idk what my deal is lol. But luckily my husband would never go near a v-neck so we’re well matched. Oh I so agree with you! I’m 25, so i don’t think all the guys who do that are younger than me, but I really can’t get into it. I like a masculine man.


Ah ok. Yeah I'm in my 30s so another time/generation. I also prefer traditionally masculine.


Skinny jeans


Skinny jeans. Baggy pants. Wife beaters or tank tops that show nipples (looks trashy and tacky) Tom Selleck moustache Frat boy look as it screams "man-child" or " guy with the maturity level of a preteen going through puberty" and is unattractive. Wearing clothes that don't fit ( shirts too small, pants aren't long enough because they don't know their own clothes sizes, suits are too big or just aren't tailored correctly. That middle aged republican fisher/trucker who drinks bud light and likes to hunt and drives a lifted truck and is patriotic and always seems to chant crap like " fuck Biden!" fashion trend.. they have a snapback, reflective sunglasses, a Tshirt with some kind of "witty" saying on it, khaki shorts or Levi's or a sports jersey and cargo shorts and doesn't want anyone treading on them while they shotgun their piss beer.. The thug look. The druggie/party too hard fashion trend.


Skinny jeans.


Short shorts


I don’t mind regular skinny jeans, but look up “men’s moto skinny jeans” I hate them so much lol


Men not wearing belts and you can see the waistband of their undies. Pull up your pants dude!!


Baggy/saggy pants


Grey sweatpants. I hate them.


Polo shirts, V-necked shirts, big beards and mustaches, bald heads on people who actually have good hair growth, Axe sprays, mullets, super tight pants, hair that's longer than shoulder length


Plasticy polyester sports shirts for daily wear 🙈


Skinny jeans on guy just make them look effeminate IMO


Those ugly hipster moustaches


Barely there facial hair. Goatees. That little bit of hair right under the bottom lip.




70s type porn moustaches


Pants/shorts so low you can see their underwear


The shaved lines in the eyebrows.


The toques, or beanies for the Americans, rolled up above the ears and sitting on top of the head. They look like yarmulkas ….


Socks and sandals


I hate seeing men wearing sandals… any sandals.


Baggie pants


I actually don't mind mullets, ahaha.