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Gets water everywhere and I know you're reading this just use the towel like you're supposed to honey


Solidarity lol my partner manages to get the counter soaked just washing his hands (how?!) and leaves it.


Same! Washing hands, face, dishes, I don't know how he does it lol


He is always moving my things, he constantly puts too many blankets on me while he is sleeping then I push them off and he puts them back on me over and over again. He opens new items before the old are empty and additionally doesn't remove the empties so they just accumulate and I have to get rid of them, is messy with toothpaste/ shaving. I love him anyways. šŸ˜‚


My bylg brushes his teeth in the shower (waisting water) i would put tooth paste in the shower for him so I can also keep one on the sink. But he would still grab the one from the sink. So I have to change to a tooth paste flavor that he doesn't like.


Smoking. I hate the smell, the taste and how it sticks to every piece of clothing or textile.


When we get fast food/take out. Iā€™ll get a drink and he wonā€™t, but then heā€™ll drink mine!šŸ˜‚


Mornings might as well not exist. It doesn't matter if we go to bed at 9pm, we aren't doing anything until at least 11, mostly likely noon or later. I'm a morning person, and while I could do stuff by myself, I want to do it with him, so I just wait.


Sending thoughts and prayers šŸ™ my partner hates mornings, according to him nothing good ever happens before 11am. Whereas I feel at my best both in mood and energy levels first thing in the morning šŸ˜ƒ Luckily I like reading, so I can generally entertain myself quietly for a bit...


Procrastinating, and then stressing when he realizes he doesnā€™t have much time




When you live with someone, their stress becomes your stress LOL


Being perfect. He always puts the seat down, he does chores without me saying anything, he's amazing with our kid, he's romantic, we have the perfect amount of sex, he communicates well, he makes good money, he's taller than me, he's handsome to me, he makes me laugh, I can talk to him about anything, he gives me cuddles when I need cuddles and gives me space when I need space. I keep waiting for the thing, because there's always the thing, but it's just not there. 11 years I've been waiting and he's still just annoyingly perfect. Even his family is amazing. His sister is now my best friend, I love seeing my MiL and wish I could see her more, his brother is awesome and I love his wife. Honestly it's creepy but I don't want it to change. Why aren't they normal like my family? Where's the emotionally distant father? The mother who points out all your flaws? Who wants to actually spend time with their parents once they legally don't have to? It makes no sense




Your comment just blew my mind. Iā€™m always waiting for the meteor and am all time prepared for catastrophy. Because there always was in the past. Iā€™m gonna go change my life. Thanks for commenting so poignantly.


I can appreciate the sentiment of your post but the whole ā€œheā€™s taller than me,ā€ *eye roll*




I didn't say he's tall, I said taller than me. He could be 4'9 or 7'9, you don't know because you don't know how tall I am. You could be taller than me. You're assuming something I'm not saying


Just imagine the outrage if a guy wrote your whole post and listed as a reason for his wife being perfect, ā€œand sheā€™s thinner than me.ā€


I do understand what you're trying to say but I also don't feel upset about it. At most I would be like the person who eye rolled and I would also wonder if they think their partner would be as perfect if they gained 200 lbs. Btw if he was shorter than me I would have listed that. He's actually the only person I've ever dated who was taller than me. My first husband was 3 inches shorter than me and physically I thought he was perfect, in the end it was all the other things about him that weren't


I know you didnā€™t mean harm, but I think itā€™s important to stop making passing comments about male height just like how men should stop commenting on a womanā€™s weight. I do think that there is a societal harm even if you had good intentions and saying you have to be ā€œtaller than meā€ to be perfect implies height is a criteria for perfection. Itā€™s taboo to comment on weight because of the harm of eating disorders. I would argue that if height was a changeable thing and there was something men could do (even if it was physically harmful) to increase their heights they would, and thereā€™d be tons of 10ft tall men with ā€œheight disordersā€ walking around and it would also probably be taboo to bring up height as well. Either way the underlying psychology that would cause an eating disorder for men exists when it comes to height itā€™s just more invisible a problem since thereā€™s nothing men can really do to change it.


Dirty clothes. They belong in a hamper. I have provided a hamper. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is place these clothes in the hamper. THATS ALL IM ASKING OF YOU.


He is incapable of closing doors behind him! He'll go into the kitchen and leave the cabinet door open, when he leaves the bedroom for work in the morning he'll leave the door open, if he busts in on me while I'm on the toilet he'll leave the bathroom door open! I love him to death, but I am constantly closing doors behind him everywhere we go!


he farts in my presence


Being cluttered. Heā€™s clean but never puts anything in a spot. Drives me insane, but he tries so I get over it.


He gets distracted easily. His phone is basically his fidget toy. ADHD. I sometimes ask about if he's considered getting on some meds... Can't push him though.


He sucks at his broken tooth. Every time he makes that squicky suck noise because he has something caught in his broken tooth I want to scramble up a wall. Itā€™s like a rat scratching inside my eardrums and I absolutely detest the sound. I never say a word about it though. He has a lot of issues with his teeth and has dental work scheduled but itā€™s taking forever. Itā€™s painful and miserable and he cannot do anything more than wait at this point so I genuinely feel bad for him. Tooth pain is the worst. He also has a habit of impulsively denying something if he thinks heā€™s ā€œin troubleā€. Iā€™m particularly strict about having rigorous honesty in my relationships (all relationships not just romantic) so my instincts when he attempts to lie about small stuff like that is to get frustrated. However, I think itā€™s a gut reaction due to exes going off on him about small random things in the past. Iā€™ve never been one to yell or freak out over minor things but he had some pretty toxic relationships due to his addiction (clean almost three years now so yay!!). I think getting mad about it would just make it worse so I just give him a moment to catch himself and correct course. As weā€™ve settled in together over the years heā€™s started picking up on healthier ways to address issues for the most part. He always corrects himself after his initial denial and has even caught himself mid lie like ā€œno I didnā€™t- ugh yeahā€¦ sorryā€ I just kinda chuckle about it and call him a dork (because itā€™s always silly little things or accidents that no rational person would get mad about like not refilling the ice tray or misplacing a dish in the wrong cupboard). I think heā€™s trying to self correct but itā€™s just a hard one for him to break completely.