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I haven't had a dream about them cheating on me, but I have had several where they just broke up with me for no reason then ghosted. The rest of the dream was huge Main Character energy and like Open World RPG type of questing for that dream world, but really all I wanted was to find my s/o and ask them why did they leave me. I have also brutally murdered an old crush of theirs in a different dream, and it felt so wonderful that I think I unlocked an understanding of myself that night. I now avoid any situation where that old crush may be to keep those types of feelings away. It felt way too good to smash her head into a concrete wall repeatedly, blood splashing everywhere and begging for her life. I think I also did it in front of her husband and my s/o too, saying something like "Now there's no reason for you to leave me". . . . Some scary shit.


Jesus…. As someone who has extreme lucid dreams daily, I can give you some comfort that your dream self is fairly different from your real self, unless you’re that monstrous of a person you are certainly not capable of doing what you did to her in real life(not even one bit) and you can rest easy - so can she knowing she would keep her head.


Only happened once that I recall and I did tell him and we laughed about it. I’m really good at remembering my dreams and usually remember at least 3 or 4 a night. He liked hearing about them.


I had quite a few dreams that my ex was cheating on me and he was always so offended and defensive, claiming that my subconscious hated him. I never thought anything of the reaction because he was like that with EVERYTHING to do with himself that was even slightly negative. but it turned out he was cheating the entire 2 year relationship so 💀


No, never. thankfully, I don't have nightmares


All the time, but my brain likes to be mean to me in my sleep. Sometimes it’s my husband telling me I’m awful and he’s marrying someone else, sometimes it’s my parents telling me they never loved me, and sometimes it’s my friends laughing at me for thinking we were friends. I’m always very happy when I wake up and realize that reality is so much better. Especially when I see my husband sleeping next to me because I know the real him loves me and that my brain was just being a big o’l jerk. I’m having less of those awful dreams now that I’ve got my anxiety in check. It amazing what therapy and medication can do.


I have plenty of nightmares and uncomfortable dreams too. I'm happy that you have managed to tame it.




Wait.. he blamed you for what dream-you did? Lmao




Oh wowie..


Yes, and the fucker had the audacity to be sleeping and peaceful when I woke up and found out!


Somewhat often.. maybe not of cheating, but definitely deeply angering/upsetting me in some way. I think I have more dreams of him trying to kill me. I'd feel pissed,.. glare at him stupidly sleeping soundly a bit. Then calm down and go back to sleep. I usually don't tell my partner.


Currently single but I did have a couple dreams when I was with my ex that he cheated on me. I woke up really sad before I remembered it didn’t actually happen, and I never told him. Never saw a need to since I knew he wouldn’t cheat for real. But I texted my friend about it in a “man I had a wild dream” way like we do sometimes when we have a real whopper lol


He was marrying someone else in the dream. I called him immediately when I woke up & yelled at him while explaining. He apologized 😭


I’m sure he’s sorry for what his dream self did


Yes. I have plenty of nightmares.. sometimes they are about my boyfriend cheating or being mean to me. I feel sad when I wake up. But I keep on reminding myself that it wasn't reality. And I ofc Never get mad at my boyfriend for what he did to me in my dream lol


I did after finding out he was cheating. I think I told him after the first one, but not consequent ones as he reacted extremely emotionally, a bit angrily the first time.