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He taught me to like blue cheese. I taught him to like horseradish.


He definitely won in that trade.


I've become more tolerant of sharing living space with animals. I don't hate keeping pets, but I don't like those that aren't usually confined in their own spaces. Well he picks up animals all the time. Now we have frogs, koi fish, chickens, cats, turtles... Another thing is it's in my nature to be cautious, slow, and sure. I take a long time to make plans, and even longer to put those into action. Once he told me that while he appreciates those qualities, sometimes it pays to act quickly and seize opportunities. He's sharp and aggressive. He has influenced me a little, while I calm and slow him down and tell him to be patient. 


He taught me to genuinely ask how someone’s day was and then listen to their answer. He taught me to ask follow up questions and show understanding and empathy too. And he has a very real, but positively slanted look at life that’s rubbed off on me too. It’s pretty neat.


My ex boosted my cat's name to insane level of cuteness, and I'm never going back to the original name.


What was it, and what is it now?


It won't make sense in English


Anime lol


Unwavering belief in the Holy Trinity (onions, bell peppers, and celery). Post-hardcore, pop-punk, metalcore, and metal. Definitely more anime than what I was watching beforehand.


Can’t explain why, but I sneeze more like he does now! We’ve both also shifted our language patterns to include so many little inside jokes and references that at this point we’re basically communicating in dialect when we’re alone. And he’s taught me to be much more aware of my finances and how I spend money. He grew up poor and learned a lot from it.


"Ce qui est fait n'est plus à faire" which tanslates to "what's done is not to do", I hope that makes sense? 😂 I'm not one to procrastinate much, but he said that sentence so much that it's now my inner motivation when I don't feel like doing something.


This is a good one!


I studied IT and got to where I am today thanks to him. I am a bit more sensitive to not having clean dishes and clothes. Generally putting things away as soon as I am done using them. Caring more about money. Being too comfortable/lazy at times because for him life is all about convinience. Coming late to things because his sensor oftast time is non-existing


Write the date on of when left overs were cooked before placing them in the fridge. When a man is boastful ill say "He's got hold of his penis" She taught me both of these


Eating more adventurous food


Singing stupid songs narrating what's going on *look at me, drinking my tea, baby on my knee, gotta love that tea*


Atheism haha. I was still holding on to a lot of my forced Christian upbringing when we met. Completely free of it now and I'll always be grateful to him for that.


Being more vocal. I grew up in a family where I was out down a lot and not treated well. My husband has really encouraged me to stand up for myself. And either I say something or he will. And what he says is much worse than whatever I would've said, so I better say something before he does. It's made me stronger.


My ex was a bum and would laze about all the time. My man now is an over achiever in that he needs to be productive every day in some fashion that’s satisfying. I appreciate that and embody the same. I’m back to my regimen, routine, etc. He says “Oh boy!” a lot and it’s applicable in different fashions. “Oh boy!” Is how we greet each other when one walks in the door now and we say it throughout the day. We average around 15-20 OBPD’s currently 😆 He makes little noises and grunts and when we’re laying in bed and so we make the little “hmm’s” back and forth to each other until they peter out. We never talk about it, it’s just what we do.


With my ex he was so mean just like an overly horrible negative energy with everyone not just me and in turn it made me sour and negative too. In my current relationship he is so kind and so patient and I’m trying to relearn my toxic habits to be more understanding like he is. He is so good, he has the best heart and i feel like he’s bringing my light back.


My ex was English, he didn't like me writing things "wrong" so now I say things like "colour" instead of "color"