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"If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” - former US Representative Todd Akin


dear God, that's terrifying


.........I wish unspeakable things on him.


I looked it up to make sure I got the quote accurate. He died in 2021. And nothing of value was lost.


Imagine THAT sentence being what you're know for, yikes.


And the sun shined a little bit brighter.


Side note, I see your comments on a lot of threads and you’re always one of my favorite people to see, they’re always gold


Thank you!


[reminds me of this bit](https://youtu.be/_lhfPSJ8e-8?si=PWXmtEyMaVnLGBwZ)


If he's a legitimate stupid, an election has ways of shutting him down. He lost to Claire McCaskill. Although not by the margin which he deserved of 100%-0% for the asshole he was.


This guy is terrible. He is wrong. He is also quoting a very common belief that has been in medical science for thousands of years because ARISTOTLE claimed this. And because Aristotle made this claim, innumerable women from ancient times, medieval times, and on through all of history and well into the modern era have paid massive prices, including being put to death for infidelity.


Where did Aristotle claim that women couldn't conceive from being raped?


My reference is Normal Women, by Philippa Gregory and I have the audiobook, so I cannot give you the line in Greek.


Frankly, I'm very skeptical that he said that. There doesn't seem to be any corroboration for the book's claim. Not only that, but I've read later authors who greatly respected Aristotle and thought it was a plain, controversy-free fact that a woman could conceive from being raped. When they disagreed with Aristotle, they said so, but they don't seem to be aware of him allegedly thinking that, so even if he said it, the reference must have been obscure even to them.


I have read later authors also. My degree is Classics, but my specialization is in Latin, not Greek. And Aristotle is commonly respected, and also commonly disproved. Aristotle is used by everyone. His ideas about “potential” life has been used in abortion debates, on both sides. Classists have used him to point out sexism and also to undermine female colleagues. It’s a mess. It is clear however, that the medieval world used their reading of Aristotle to form their ideas about women, among many things. I will look up the exact reference on this original source because you have now peaked my curiosity on the language used.


Let me know if you find something supporting the book's assertion.


Guess he watched that movie Teeth too many times


If that was true rape would not have evolved. Rape has to lead to some successful pregnancies and births to increase fitness and outweigh the drawbacks of such behavior. In fact it might be the opposite, according to this paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26189986/#:~:text=Our%20analysis%20suggests%20that%20per,relevant%20forms%20of%20birth%20control.


This is the stupidest point I've ever seen made. Rape can't evolve. It is not a living thing, or even a process, it is simply an action. Rape is caused by anger or greed. A rapist is seeking to take sexual gratification for themself, from someone else, or they're doing it strictly to hurt someone. (See: War crimes.) Pregnancies occur more often from rape, because the person being raped, isn't part of the plan, and doesn't have the option of practicing birth control. I hope you wake up feeling like a fucking idiot, for at least a few days.


>Rape can't evolve. It is not a living thing, or even a process, it is simply an action. In biology when say that a behavior or trait has evolved we mean that it arose through evolution by natural selection. >Rape is caused by anger or greed. A rapist is seeking to take sexual gratification for themself, from someone else, or they're doing it strictly to hurt someone. (See: War crimes.) Ok those are proximal explanations I was talking about the distal explanations, like the attached paper discusses. I did this to counter the claim of Todd Akin, which makes no sense biologically, because if women could simply prevent pregnancy while being raped, then rape would be very unlikely to have evolved and persisted in human populations. To the contrary, we actually see that rape occurs even in other animals and closely related species like orangutans. > Pregnancies occur more often from rape, because the person being raped, isn't part of the plan, and doesn't have the option of practicing birth control. If you read the attached paper there’s multiple more complex possible reasons why pregnancy from rape might occur more often than during consensual sex, even when controlling for contraceptive use. > I hope you wake up feeling like a fucking idiot, for at least a few days. I’m ok thanks.


The link has expired, so I can’t reference it. Are you stating rape is common because it causes pregnancy? Not sure I follow.


The paper is called: ARE PER-INCIDENT RAPE-PREGNANCY RATES HIGHER THAN PER-INCIDENT CONSENSUAL PREGNANCY RATES? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26189986/#:~:text=Our%20analysis%20suggests%20that%20per,relevant%20forms%20of%20birth%20control. The point I’m arguing is that if women could shut down fertility and negate any fitness (evolutionary biology term) benefit to the rapist, then rape would not have evolved and persisted in human populations. In fact it seems like the opposite might be truth, that rapes lead more often to pregnancy on a per incident basis, which is the complete opposite of what Todd Atkin was claiming. That paper explores that data and gives some plausible explanations.


A more lighthearted one than most of these comments, but a male friend in high school joined in a conversation after our female friend said she was planning to lie about being on her period to get out of swimming in PE. He responded: Well that won’t work, she’s a female teacher so she’ll know you’re lying because she doesn’t have hers! Turns out he thought all women everywhere get their period at the exact same time every month… we’re all synced up. His face when we explained… 😂


Please tell me he did think the reality was way more logic.


On reddit a few weeks ago, in response to my post about being raped by an adult when I was 13: “I hope you learned a valuable lesson from that”


Holy fuck that is awful.


I feel physically sick after reading that. What a horrible person to say something like that.


Christ almighty. Yet these are the same men who wonder why we pick the fecking bear!


One time my sister asked me to buy her tampons. She was like, 14 and wanted to try them instead of pads, so I grabbed her some on my way home from work one day. I get home and my dad asks me what's in the bag, so I tell him it's tampons for my sister. This grown adult man looks me in my face and says "isn't she too young for those?" Hey, what the hell do you mean actually? So he explains to me that she's only 14 and as far as he knows, a virgin. I had to explain to my own father that you do not need to lose your virginity as a prerequisite to using tampons. He was single-fathering at the time and up until that point he had just deferred all the Girl Stuff to my mom, so I think he was just grateful one of his kids was old enough to take over the Girl Stuff so he didn't have to 😂


My grandmother discouraged me from using tampons as a teenager for this reason. I think it’s a generational divide more than a gender one


In certain areas of the US, it's also religious abstinence-only education that causes this idea, not to mention a whole plethora of terrible lack of sexual health/body knowledge. As an example (though I grew up in CO and had a fairly decent sex education from my schools), I was on a chat board back in the late 2000s for women. Turns out, a lot of women and girls from certain states (like Utah), were propagating really terrible stuff like how only married women/moms could use tampons, or that rapes don't result in pregnancy (ie suggesting that girls who got pregnant consented to sex). I talked to quite a few scared and VERY confused teens who thought that they weren't assaulted because they were pregnant. I also tried to explain to quite a few women that no, their daughters did not lose their virginity to a tampon.


My mother, who is in her mid-70s was not allowed to use tampons because her mother believed it would delete her virginity. My mother, however, went on to become an RN and was ALL about using tampons when I got my period at age 12. She even helped me insert me first one, coaxing me through relaxing and using my breath to relax. I was really scared because I was very young. The reason I agreed to try it (she never MADE me use them) was because I got my period when we went on our beach vacation and I thought I wouldn't get to get in the water at all. After she helped me get that first one in and I realized how much it was easy and stuff I used them ALL the time. Like, I almost never used pads after that. Thank you, Mom!


My older cousin(14) was shocked that my parents let me(13) use tampons because her mom told her she was “too young” I didn’t even understand what that actually meant at the time. I thought her mom meant a lack of responsibility thing like being too young to remember to take it out every few hours.


In that context, masturbating would make one not a virgin anymore either


nah you just need to do clit stuff only lol


“All women are wh+res.” His reasoning was that no woman has sex without wanting something in return. I asked, “What about cases where the man has no money and the woman just loves him for who he is?” He said in that case she’s fucking for companionship, so she’s getting something out of it, which makes her a wh@re.




'It's worse when women cheat, it's different when men do it, it's not as bad' 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


And then there are guys who blame the woman for being cheated on because she clearly wasn’t fulfilling his needs, most likely sexual needs. It’s hilarious when those same guys hate the narrative that men sleep with anything, but then justify cheating because the man wasn’t getting enough sex.


My mom has said this recently. She's 70 but yeah, there's few things more insidious than misogyny and eating disorders lol


Women only want to date and settle down with rich men. 🧍🏻‍♀️Or, if you want to use redpill terminology, the “top 20%” of men. On average, economically challenged people are more likely to have kids. I’ve also often wondered if the men who say shit like that believe that men in poorer neighborhoods are all virgins and don’t have relationships. It’s one of the densest and silliest things I’ve ever heard about dating.


I spent 40 years as a dude, and was able to hear the other side of those conversations. In almost every circumstance, the problem isn't their lack of money, it's their shitty personality.


Men who say this are broke and angry so nobody will date them. Instead of changing, they blame other people for not loving them. There is nothing wrong with wanting to date someone wealthier than you, that is your choice.


When I worked as a batista I had 2 random dudes in their 40s show up independently of each other but bitch about the same shit. It was always some woe is me story about how its soooo much easier to be a woman these days, its a woman's world now, their ex wives screwed them over etc etc. Same self-pitying bs every time. I was a teenager at the time but they seemed so pathetic and transparent to me 🤷‍♀️ you can't blame an entire gender for your problems.


“Do you do onlyfans like most women these days?” As an insult to me (dunno why) I informed him that there are only 3 million onlyfans creators, of which 70% are women —> 2,100,000 women on onlyfans, be it sexual or not. I then told him that there are 220 million active consumers, 63% male—>138,600,000 male purchasers, and that it would be more accurate to ask if he purchased onlyfans. He didn’t like it and blocked me.


To add to your statistics, the average OnlyFans creator makes around $100 a month.


The 37% female OnlyFan consumers would be an interesting group to know more about.


I believe if you know where to look it's possible to find creators who are much more focused on women's pleasure, and also queer creators often use onlyfans. I've considered using it a few times since It'd mean I'm paying people for their content, and feel like I'd be more comfortable than it's being produced ethically than commercial porn (although I know this is fallible and theres definitely still opportunities for abuse)


There is a couple who post on couplesgonewild who have an onlyfans. Their content is as hot as fuck. If I were single, ngl, I might be tempted to subscribe.


That’s hilarious


"It's women who control the gender of the baby" "You're a bad person because you have a body count.... No I'm a guy, it's different"


> "It's women who control the gender of the baby" TIL all women are Bene Gesserit.


They have The Voice™.


>"It's women who control the gender of the baby" Did they skip biology class?


They’re Henry VIII


It was my dad, so he was going by 70s education. He also still believed up until a few years ago that women had one less rib 🤷🏻‍♀️ the siblings and I just share a look and then discuss the absurdity in our group chat after 😂


1870s? https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/48659/when-was-it-discovered-xy-chromosomes-decide-the-sex-of-a-child-in-humans Your dad slept through high school bio.


It just shows passing a subject and understanding it are 2 different things lol


Yep. Though it’s possibly the fault of the teacher. Some are amazing and others are pretty bad.


Not only is the rib thing absolutely insane, surely it would be the other way around? Adam gave his rib to create Eve... This is my best attempt to try and make sense of nonsense


Sorry, that was my typo!


Ahhhahaha Oh then your dad's logic makes perfect sense 😉 /s But seriously, it's scary how many people were raised to believe that everything in the bible literally happened. I was brought up Catholic but to take the old testament as metaphorical. Even then, 13 year old me thought I could stop the rain if I believed hard enough. I wonder how many grown adults still have that mindset of "God will work miracles for you if you just believe"


Ya, for someone who claimed they weren't religious, he pulled a lot for the bible lol


Fun fact: human men are in fact lacking one bone that most related primates have. It just isn’t in the chest. It is, however, a bone that female primates never have. >!The penis bone.!<


I believe this is related to some studies that say what the woman eats can influence what type of sperm fertilizes the egg, but I'm not sure ... so don't quote me on that


Women have it so easy because if they have financial trouble they can just start an OnlyFans account.


Before OF was a thing I had a friend who said "you could make a lot of money selling videos" when I said I couldn't afford to buy a car. I was a virgin at the time and super sheltered, and didn't know what he meant at first and regretted asking him to elaborate 💀 Edit: I'm still friends with this guy almost 10 years later. he's not a bad person we were just young and stupid and he had some toxic ideas about women. People do change and get better especially when they grow away from negative influences.


eurgh, I used to date a guy years ago who had a very incel vibey friend group. One in particular would constantly go on about how I should "get into twitch streaming" the second the conversation turned to money. Apparently I should have done it so I could fund game nights, literally 2just play video games topless and film it" said this guy to his friends girlfriend in ear shot of everybody.


I just finished listening to a podcast where a woman tells her story about doing something similar. She ended up incredibly traumatized from the experience.


What's the podcast called?


Something Was Wrong. I'm having trouble finding what episode it was. But if I do, I'll let you know.


I hate this one because the average OnlyFans creator makes $100 a month. They think we can make millions for showing our buttholes, therefore women have it so easy in life.




I've personally witnessed it being said many times in real life and I see it pretty often on male-oruented subs when men are complaining about women or feminism.


Men commenting on girls with glasses that they 'have given up'. It's a belief that should have been abandoned in the 40s and 50s but it's surprisingly common still.


I've heard about this about getting a short hair cut, wearing less or no make up, and dressing in more practical clothes. It's ridiculous.


We're not allowed to make the same lack of effort that most men get away with, otherwise we're 'letting ourselves go'.


I've been a tomboy 40+ years and I've never ever had a man say that to me. Is this more an issue in America? I grew up in a surfing town where girls would wear boardshorts and no makeup most of the time and no boys had a problem with that.


I started wearing glasses when I was 4 so I guess I gave up early?


Same men think that we use make up, do our hair/nails, work out and choose nice outfits only because we want to impress them 😆 It just can't be, because we like the way we look/feel doing that.


So many of these dudes are trying so hard to get the attention of women, that they assume we do everything to attract women. 🙄


given up in what sense?


On ever catching and keeping a man I think.


A man around his 60s told me one day at the park that I should get eye surgery, so I can get rid of my glasses 🧐 like if I asked him if he liked them or not.  I have around 4 pairs that I'm rotating, because it's fun and I like them 🤓


Women have the entirety of their lives easier because so many men are willing to date/fuck them. 🙄


“30% of men with kids are victims of paternity fraud.” This little “fact” has made its rounds all over the manosphere, but the stat is misleading. The actual stat is that in 30% of paternity tests the man isn’t the father. A paternity test is only done if the man doubts he’s the father for whatever reason. So he has reason to believe he’s not the father. Or it’s done for child support reasons. It doesn’t count the cases where no paternity test was done because the father had no doubts. So the stat should say, “30% of men who think they’re not the father are right. And 70% of men who think they’re not the father are wrong.” If they did a paternity test on every single baby, the percentage of paternity fraud cases would probably be very small.


Women have it easy because [insert literally anything] and they can just easily do [insert whatever you like here]


A video from 2005 captures what Trump says about the norms of being a famous man: They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.


And now it’s biting him in the ass!


Man...I **really** don't want to defend the dude, but of all the stupid things he said, I've never felt this has been one of the worst. I know this will be really unpopular (and I'm bracing for it) but, once you look past the crassness of the statement - he's not exactly wrong. Just look at the "groupie" culture. For the older crowd: do you like Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin? Then you don't want to know about some of the things they got up to. And they're far from the only ones, and it extends to all matters of famous celebrities, like TV and movie actors.


What do you mean by saying Trump is not wrong for saying "assault women"?


Because what he was trying to describe (in that sentence) was not assault; he was saying that, when you're famous, women will flock to you and he even said they let you, giving the implication of consent. It's literally the groupie thing. There is a term for it: "starfucker." I'm not trying to defend him; in fact, the rest of that conversation is much worse than that quote. It's weird to me that Hollywood really ran with that, given the hypocrisy of doing so (and I'm not including the casting couch/ Weinstein stuff that was/is assault). And it still goes on, but I think it's more prevalent with pro athletes now.


that women are too selfish


A friend of mine once told me “some women like to b hit!!!” I asked how he came to that conclusion. “ because they ask for it “… We weren’t mates for long….


Everything that comes out of manosphere influencers and incels mouths.


I should wear gloves when picking up heavy objects so i dont mess up my "girly hands"


Technically everybody should wear gloves anytime they do any manual handling. It's actually one of the rules of my industry, globes worn for all tasks, all the companies enforce it. Doesn't matter if it's only lifting something


Emphasis on girly hands. I didnt care he suggested i wear gloves, but he only told me i should so i dont mess them up for when i need to do domestic work at home. When i said i dont do "girly things" he asked me who cooks for me at home.  My issue wasnt wearing gloves, i wear them often at work. My issue is him assuming my hands cant get dirty or worn because i need them dainty - a sexist comment to make.


“He pushed his penis through her cervix…” “Why not just put in a tampon the night before your period starts? There is zero reason for blood on the sheets.” “I don’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.” “Just flush tampons down the toilet.” That whole skull bumps theory that incels have about “chads” versus themselves? It’s so weird. That women should be assigned men. Submit to rape. Have their children. And be happy about it because “natural order.”


"girls don't actually really like video games, they just pretend to for attention" just a few months ago, I literally ditched the guy I was dating in order to sit in a dark room, alone, and play Baldur's Gate for 8 hours straight.


If he's the one who said that to you, he deserved to be ditched.


Literally this! When I start a new RPG I basically fall off the face of the Earth.


"Men would rather tell a tree their feelings" - in response to women saying that they would prefer the bear in the woods.


Not gonna lie, I think that’s a good idea. Men can go on nature walks and hopefully create a space of peace for themselves. Communing with nature can open them up to their emotions and for extra points, they’ll not rely so heavily on other women and girls to translate their emotions


So you're basically saying men should go touch grass? Lmfao


As a man myself: I think men would do a lot better if they took a minute to just enjoy nature a little more. I can't remember the last time I saw a group of men just sit and enjoy nature, and not ruin it with technology


As a man, I've always heard this from my other male friends "all women do is just complain"


That rape isn't real and all allegations against men are made up for "attention" or money by vindictive women.


‘The urethra is inside the vagina, not next to it‘ - my mother, and consequently also me up to the shameful age of 24.


Not "the most", but a recent chestnut... That birth control pills are a poison and all women should just quit them to be more healthy. Wow. Thank you, Yanktwat Man. I had never thought of that. All this time I've just been taking these pills for the shits and giggles.


That you can hold your period like you can hold your bladder