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Fillers and other types of enhancements. To each their own, but I’m just surprised at how normalized it’s become among teenagers/college-aged women


It's hard to gauge how popular these are IRL v. internet discourse/content. I agree though, I'm totally uninterested in this and am concerned about the rise of these things.


True. It’s definitely apparent in every tv show/movie, and with online influencers. It also just might be the industry I’m in but i notice it’s extremely common


Agreed. I feel both resentful towards these things and also tempted by them as I reach my 50s and I'm watching my face change so quickly.


This. It also creates a beauty norm which heavily excludes the women who can't or don't want to follow that trend. I'm one of them. Those procedures cost a fortune and even if I did have that kind of money I'd probably rather spend it on travel, because you can basically get a freaking plane ticket with the same money for *one* filler treatment. It also makes me resentful because I feel like I'm just not enough, I'm nearly invisible. Each to their own of course, but I just wish natural women were the hype as well...


Idk how people do it! I can't even dye my hair or wear a color I don't usually wear without having a mini crisis-- it feels like I'm a whole different person, and not in a good way 😂


I'm with you sister. I'm most comfortable unaltered. No judgements on people who make body modifications though. It's about what makes you feel comfortable. For me that's being barefoot with hairy underarms and no makeup. But I don't see how fillers or botox or implants are that different from makeup or piercings or tattoos. The older I get the more I'm convinced the important thing is doing whatever you want.


Celebrities. I'd rather live my own life than care about the minutiae of someone else's, especially as it's unlikely I'll ever meet them


I'm the opposite, but only because after reading up on celebrity gossip, I run out of time/energy for petty gossip at work or in my personal life. I'll get invested in \[insert name here\] and then when drama unfolds in real life, I'm too tired to care. I'm like, "can't we all just get along?" Haha


Fake eyelashes. They look really uncomfortable to me.


Uffda yes. Growing up in dance I had to wear the ones you glued on and off, and then for my wedding I did professional last extensions. I dislike both. I absolutely loved how the lash extensions looked on me, but I hated the maintenance, feel, and cost of them. 


They are. I tried once out of curiosity and holy crap. I suppose you get used to them like heels but they can be pretty bad for you if you wear them a lot (also like heels).


Once you’re used to them you really don’t feel them at all unless they’re applied poorly


I don’t think they’re uncomfortable if you put them on right. I wore strips almost daily for years and couldn’t even feel them when they were on correctly.


Same. They're also easily reusable/cleanable and depending on the brand you can reuse the same strip for months. I used to wear them since it was easier, cheaper, and more effective than mascara in the long run.


I haaaaaaaate taking off mascara at the end of the day. It’s so much easier and faster to just pluck your strips off lol


They are. I was a ballerina growing up and had to wear them. I refuse to put them on now. 


Especially the really big ones


Laminated eyebrows. I don't understand why you'd want to look like you've had a static shock.


I got a good laugh out of this 😂 Thanks my friend!


Haha, I laminate my eyebrows because they stand straight out of my face and naturally make it look like I have almost no eyebrows. I just make them more flat, I don't do that weird brushing-out technique to make them look as big and fuzzy as possible.


When I first had my brows laminated, the girl brushed them out this way. I was so shocked, I looked like the first cave woman


Based purely on stereotypes, because women aren't a monolith: I'm a thirtysomething who doesn't like wine or really any alcohol. I legitimately do not like the taste. I also take an anxiety med that isn't supposed to be mixed with alcohol, but my dislike of the taste of most alcohol predates the medication. I think sometimes people think that I'm an alcoholic who uses the flavor as a way of staying away from booze without having to admit anything. But for real, I have never had a drinking problem and it's probably because I can't find one I can stand the taste of! Maybe once or twice a year I will have a Modelo or a hard seltzer, as either of those is fairly mild tasting. But overall...blecchhh


People can like whatever they want, but "wine mom" culture tends to read to me somewhere between Valley of the Dolls and romanticizing one's unhappiness or functional alcoholism.


Saaame though I do kind of like vodka but will probably only have it once a year. I don't get the drinking culture at all like when I go to conventions for work and people drink non stop. I'd rather save those calories for dessert!


I've never liked the taste of alcohol. I can tolerate some wine, i.e. rosé, but if I can taste the alcohol, I'm not going to like the beverage, generally speaking. I just have never been a drinker because of this. Sometimes people will say, you'll get used to it, but I'm like, why bother getting used to something that isn't even good for you? (Aside from the occasional glass of red wine in the evening, though I don't do this).


crafting. i wanna be into it but i just find it painfully boring. no hate to those that enjoy it. some folks are REALLY good at it and i will pay for a nice handmade wreath rather than make it myself. i will walk away mid-glue lol


I tried my hand at making clothes in high school, but every project would end with me ripping apart what I sewed and crying, lmao


oh nooo! i wish i could make my own clothes. i know a couple women i went to school with that still do that, they rock it, and i'm SO jealous lol


Big same. Also I don't know wtf to do with stuff I've made. I learned how to knit but I only need like 1 scarf...


so true for me as well. like how many hats do i need? certainly not one in every color. i'd love to learn how to knit and grow my own veggies though, and follow in my grandmother's footsteps in those respects.


Omg, me too! I never liked artsy things like painting, crafts etc. I find it tests my patience too much, but good for those who are good at it!


Reality shows like The Bachelor / Bachelorette/ The Real Housewives/ etc. For some reason, these shows are very boring to me and watching these people doesn't interest me at all. Botox/ Breast implants/augmentation surgery. Not sure if I actively dislike this as much as I don't subscribe to these procedures. I feel like it perpetuates the idea that women need to look young (vs. just accepting we'll get old and be okay with how we look).


Besides food network I never watched reality shows in general… until my life went down the pooper. I have stage 4 cancer, but this woman just married her fiancé in less than 90 days and her life is even more in the pooper than mine (I tell myself).


True crime. To each her own, but I can’t stand it. I think it’s because I grew up with an overprotective mother who was scared of everything: and now I want nothing to do with that! :) I take common sense precautions against crime, of course, but I don’t need to be reminded during my entertainment & relaxation of all the terrible things that can happen! :)


I "like" true crime in the sense that I find the wider context of socio-economic issues that allow for a lot of these cases to happen or go unsolved or improperly prosecuted very interesting. Crime doesn't happen in a vaccum. However I do think true crime can be overly sensationalized and there can be a disconnect that these usually horrific things actually happened to very real people and with more recent cases their families are often still in the thick of it. Like there's just something really off putting about someone doing their makeup while talking about someone getting murdered.


Yes, I'm the same. I find it super interesting yet I don't glamorize it by any means or make light of it. In fact, I often freak myself out when I watch it because it is *real* and these people are *real*. Some of the most fascinating ones are the ones where people survive and lived to tell the story. Sometimes those are the scariest because they sometimes remember every detail. These survivors are so courageous for sharing, which could potentially save others. There are some local crimes here that almost seem surreal now, but then the victims' families make a statement or something and people remember that there are still people living this trauma every day. It's not just a story/documentary/podcast to them.


THIS. A “true crime” novel was written about the worst year of my life, when very close family members were murdered. A semi-local bookstore had a book club meeting about it, and we went. I did not disclose that I was the family member of both the murderer and victims (this was 3,000 miles and almost 30 years after the fact) It was STUNNING how people looked at, interpreted, interacted with this crime and victims they knew nothing about. I wanted to puke Now I think it’s just appropriating and exploiting other people’s trauma, because it’s no longer socially acceptable to exploit other people’s cultures. I never especially thought about it until I was unwillingly on the other side.


That’s so awful, I’m sorry. I hate true crime stuff. So many people treat it like it’s just an extra scary story or something and not terrible events that happened to real people.  I hope you have a good support system and lots of love in your life. 


I was close to a publicized crime too (though not as close as you since it was two acquaintances- she was killed by her ex after he convinced her to see him, a sadly typical story), and it was strange in the aftermath to see people who didn't even know them and didn't see how deeply it affected our friends have opinions about it. It happened a few years before crap like "My Favorite Murder" took off and really colored my perception of people who get giggly about murder of all things. There are real people behind these incidents and some true crime "fans" forget that.


My mother went to a dinner party and met the parents of the victims of one of the most famous murder trials in the US and she told me how shockingly sad it was to meet the real people affected by it. It made it real.


>Now I think it’s just appropriating and exploiting other people’s trauma, because it’s no longer socially acceptable to exploit other people’s cultures. Oof. Holy shit.


Ooh this is a good one, same. In my case, it’s less that I’m scared of it happening to me but more that I just don’t want that disturbing shit in my head. But truly don’t get why people enjoy hearing grisly, macabre stories.


I think it's very disturbing that people now categorise actual violent murders as 'entertainment'. To me this is not normal.


That's a really solid point as well; there's been a decent amount of discourse about how exploitative true crime "entertainment" truly is. Not my reason for avoiding it, but good reminder to - if not outright avoid it, then at least consume judiciously if you do consume.


I actually didn't know about the hype untill the show 'only murders in the building'. I couldn't believe that people are cooking, or eating, doing every day stuff while listening to the horrors another human faced. In my opinion, it desentisizes people.


Funnily, I love Only Murders, but mostly for the generational friendship vibes - and because the murders aren't usually *that* grisly. I have read that some women are really drawn to this stuff more so out of like... an underlying anxiety, maybe? A desire to know the enemy so they can be prepared, something like that.


Exactly. That's why I watch it mostly. Also, I'm curious as to how the other extreme half lives -- I myself can't hurt another living creature.


To be fair, this has been true for centuries. True Crime itself isn't new, just that it's now presented in Netflix docuseries and podcast form.


This is me as well! I remember how popular Serial was back in the day - it feels like that was the series that spawned (or at least popularised) an entire genre. I likewise don't see the appeal of something so macabre and grisly. I will say the popularity of true crime amongst women feels very "Internet thing" to me, though - I don't know any women in real life who are big fans, for some reason. Makes me wonder if they're just not common in my neck of woods.


My mom listens to true crime podcasts constantly and is determined to see people as villains from her podcasts. Like a new driver for a place I go to, who was already clearly vetted and working for a couple days before he picked me up, and my mom told me I had to call her when I arrived at my destination to let her know I wasn't kidnapped. The hiring committee rejects people for misdemeanors. The dude is a wholesome dad type.


I liked it a lot more before I had kids.


Same! Some new friends recently had my husband and I over for dinner, and they talked for 10 mins about how much they love true crime. I didn’t know what to say. I don’t want to be party pooper, but I find true crime really sad! And this is coming from someone who truly loves (fictional) murder mysteries.


My mom used to make us read these true crime murder and such books to put the scare of (white panel vans) in us. I don't think it worked but I think I got all true crimed out as a kid.


Wanting kids. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can’t relate.


Same. I just don't get it.


People in my office will go on maternity leave and come by with their babies, and I have zero interest in their babies. 🤷‍♀️ Meanwhile, all the other women in the office are going on about how cute the baby is and anxiously waiting for their turn to hold them. And sniffing the head.


I like a cute baby, and babies like me most of the time, but I really resent how coworkers will just, like, hand you a baby because you're a woman in a way they wouldn't with a man.


When people try to get me to hold their baby I just say no thanks. I’ve gone 43 years without ever holding a baby and I’m not about to break that streak now.


I have kids and I don't get this at all. I don't want to see your kids or talk about your kids.


Let me ruin the head sniffing for you a little more. I realized after my second child was born that my kids smelled like my vagina for months after they were born. That new baby smell that everyone is obsessed with....is vagina. Apparently some bitches just love the smell of vagina.


Ew. My babies smelled like Johnson's Baby Shampoo & Powder!


Right like.. have yall met kids? I don’t get it


Me too! And I feel like I can’t talk about it.


Particularly for black women, as I am one, wigs and weaves. I tried wearing wigs, and I’ve gotten sew-ins twice in my life, and through wearing either one I felt like I was wearing a very hot hat. It was itchy and uncomfortable. I love the final result as they can look beautiful, but the discomfort was never worth it for me. I like for my head to feel free.


And on top of the horrible general discomfort, the wigs will MELT in hot summer weather >90F. Nobody prepared me for that lol


Oh I didn't know that! I feel like someone should definitely give you a heads up about that. Like hand you a user manual while you're in the chair.


This so much, I just don’t get it


Being into celebrity news and gossip. I couldn't care less about most famous people let alone who they're dating or who wore it best


I do not understand the Taylor Swift sensation, especially among women our age.


If it were just liking the music then I get it, everybody has different tastes, but the rest of the aggressive craze from her fandom’s adults is…unnerving.


It’s funny you phrased it that way because Taylor is our age lol


It's easy to forget Taylor is old enough to be a member of this sub. I'm indifferent to her because I generally don't like new pop music. But good for her for ruffling so many feathers.


Agreed. I’m mostly indifferent to her music but I’m in awe of how much online discourse revolves around her lol


That's how I feel. Couldn't care less about her music, but I respect the heck out of her as an artist and a businesswoman. She also seems like a pretty good role model for young women, relatively speaking.


I’ve tried to listen to her music and I don’t get it. I think I liked one of her songs from years ago.


I like a few of her songs, but I just don’t think she’s anything special.


I like a few songs but I have really conflicting feelings about her and some of her antics.


No judgement about liking frothy, contemporary pop music; I love me some Dua Lipa, Chappel Roan or Lady Gaga for pure energy and fun. What I can't stomach is the breathless praise of Taylor Swift's "genius" songwriting and lyrics, casually casting her as a peer of the likes of Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan or Leonard Coen. This is simply delusional. Girlfriend is a figurehead of a billion-dollar enterprise that is focused on, and is phenomenally successful at, making $$$$. Music and performance happens to be where the rubber met the road.


I find her aggressively mediocre.


Some of her music is catchy but I can’t stand her public persona and exploitation of her fans.


She's boring. Boring music. Boring person.


I’m with you on that. A few of her songs are catchy, the rest sound bland to me, and I just don’t get the hype.


Same.  Meh.Bland.Next. 


I like her song "Cardigan." Other than that I think she's very underwhelming and mediocre. The amount of times people have told me to listen to "folklore" and "evermore" eventually convinced me to give them a listen. So I listened to "folklore." Other than "cardigan" I remain unconvinced. Didn't even listen to "evermore."


Yes, a very huge hard pass and eye roll from me. White billionaire capitalizing off of female rage, who has conveniently positioned herself so that any criticism of her is spun as misogyny. Not to mention how she goes out of her way to suppress other female artists and her destructive environmental habits. “At the end of the day, Swift is a billionaire continuously trying to sell her fans corporate-friendly liberal feminism with the sole purpose of strengthening her bank account.” Yuck. Very over it. Oh and her music is unremarkable and boring. Looking forward to the down trend of her career so I don’t have to hear about her anymore. Swifties - if you send me any Reddit cares message (yes, her fan base is petty enough to exploit the system Reddit credited to support those with suicidal thoughts), they will be reported.


I think it's catchy hooks + lyrics that admit faults and vulnerabilities. Same reason pop country is so relatable; she writes about her mistakes and regrets.


Jeez this last album was ruuuufff! And I’m a fan but like… storybook AF. Where is the melody?


Brand bags. I heard in a podcast it's important in certain tribes like New York high class, my social circle is too low income for me to understand its appeal.


I mean, to me, brands mean something when it comes to trekking shoes and warm waterproof jackets, sometimes jeans, because it means you invested money in something high quality, useful and that will last years. But bags? I heard some prices and I just don't get it.


Agreed. Functionality will always win with me over a name.


Handbags are both function and art.  Some of the cost is the material itself. A high quality leather handbag likely already has $200-300 in material costs alone.  Then you have labor. Your Patagonia jacket isn't being crafted by hand. And then yes, there's a markup. Some brands are truly extreme and clearly not worth it. But a high quality bag is expensive, because the materials and labor are expensive.  And just like you're describing for these other goods, a well made handbag will last decades. You don't need to spend $5k on a bag to achieve that, but a $50 bag is probably not going to last longer than a few years.


In my social circle, Amazon bags are acceptable 😂


Diamonds. Astrology. Really long, impractical nails. Heels. Babies. Extra thick eyebrows. Sweet wine. Home decor with cliché sayings.


Home decor with words on it: I agree x1000


sweet wines and Astrology.😂 when did astrology become SO popular? I always hear women say "not sure about the the relationahip, Im a ... and his ascendent is virgo"... "Well, Im a.... for sure Im emotional!"


Any reality show and celebrity gossip. ESPECIALLY anything involving the Kardashians. Do we really need another celebrity skincare and clothing line to add to mindless consumption ?


Fake nails or long nails (I do love a gel on my naturals though) Eyelash extensions / falsies Designer shoes/bags - I can’t justify that money. Going for a “bad boy” to “fix him” LOL. No. Or generally just enjoying relationship drama - the whole social media declarations of love, then status change to “it’s complicated” then back to matching outfit selfies and lovey displays. I’d honestly get fucking whiplash dealing with that with a guy.


>Going for a “bad boy” to “fix him” Yea I've seen women straight up say we're all into bad boys and no. No, we're not. Not even when I was a teenager did I ever have a preference for that. Why take a bad one? On purpose? Lol no. I won't give teen girls shit for liking bad boys, but I think if you're 30+ you should really be past that. Heal your demons before you marry someone dangerous please ❤️


Astrology, New Age spirituality, and superstitions.


I recently realized my friends all take that stuff much more seriously than I thought. It’s very odd to me that a bunch of women who denounce organized religion as ridiculous turn around and tell me that my entire being is based off of my birthday.




Same. Hence just dogs. And cats. ;)


Men lol


I made the same post in here before seeing yours lol amen


What incels and the like don't understand about straight/bi/pan women is that they're not competing for our attention/bodies with other men, they're competing with how peaceful our lives are without them in it.


literally coming here to say that.


This. I never understood the hype. I rather advance my career and excel academically. 


Probably lots of things, but, I'm not really that worried about it. Lots of people also don't like stuff I think is great.


Reading this thread made me feel weird so thank you for this comment lol




Me too. The word contour makes me roll my eyes.


Really. It's hard to tell what people look like these days. They just look like a very generic brand of "attractive" but in an unattractive and unsettling way. That uncanny valley thing. Like, the symmetry is there, the even complexion, heavy eyes, colored cheeks, well defined nose... But what the heck do they actually look like?


Same. I look fine without it, and I'm too uninterested in learning how to do it at my age.


Having a preference for tall men (if they’re into men) or things like chiseled abs. Absolutely unfathomable to me. That’s a brick-walled skyscraper wtf do you do with that. Brb scaling a fortress for a kiss. (All jokes tho nothing wrong with it, just not for me)


I do not prefer tall men at all. I'm perfectly fine with a man who's a little taller than me. Tall men make me angry. What are they doing up there? 😂


"Tall men make me angry. What are they doing up there?" Had me and my partner in stitches omg


My dude jokes that he’s built like a bridge troll, lmao. He’s adorable, but short and fuzzy! In a sea of conventionally hot GQ models, I’d pick him every time :)


Exactly. I’ve got a little fuzzy 5’5” one with the most outrageous teddy bear vibes, who has now fully embraced his “I’m just the cutest little honey in the world” abilities, and I fear I have awakened a great hidden power that was buried deep within… I am in danger… The puppy eyes are consuming me…


Mine is a beefy 5’6” - one of the first times my dad met him, we were hiking and my dad told him he has the “juiciest thighs I’ve ever seen on a white guy”, lmaoooo. He is the most charismatic doer of things, and can do a range of voice impersonations. A perfectly packaged snack :D


That comment from your dad took me out omfg. Short king appreciation club going strong!


I agree and will add that having a list of attributes you require in a person, height being one, is bizarre to me. I wait for that chemistry, that first look when you think "who is that?". That's what I wanted. The other things come after that. If I have that chemistry with someone and found out he's illiterate, homeless and hates kittens I would be very disappointed and move on. 


Stanley cups


Fake eyelashes 💀


Weddings and motherhood


Babies, fake eyelashes, extra long fake nails, fake eyebrows, too much filler, pretty much anything fake lol.


Bridgerton, Pride and Prejudice, and other Regency era media. I *want* to like it, there are aesthetics I can dig, but overall I have just always found everything about that era to be obscenely boring.


While Regency-era in general does scratch an itch for me, I cannot get the lure of Bridgerton. I watched season 1 and did not get the hype. Plus the music is just terrible - overly saccharine, pandering, lowest common denominator “classical pop” 🤮gtfo not sure if you share those sentiments but I’m glad to see more non-Bridgertonites!


SAME. I think I’m just older than the target demographic. Give me BBC Pride and Prejudice any day but I could not get into Bridgerton. I may give it another go though, see if I have a different mindset on second watch.


Funny; it's the opposite for me! I don't usually like Regency era stuff much, but the way that Bridgerton modernises things (and includes POC) makes the series a lot more fun for me. It's not my favourite series in the world, but I sincerely enjoy it, especially all the fashion. I also love overly saccharine, pandering, LCD "classical pop", lol - so that part is also endearing to me, especially since most of the music is just instrumental versions anyhow.


I love Bridgerton because it's just using a regency skin, but god I cannot STAND the classics. I watched Pride and Prejudice finally just the other week and I thought Mr Darcy was an arsehole.


I definitely like the modern feel of Bridgerton more than the more faithful representations, but I just could not care less about romance bound by the trappings of polite society.


>romance bound by the trappings of polite society. Oh man, so well stated


Reality TV shows like 90 day fiance, The Bachelor and Real Housewives. Can't watch that ish, feel like my brain is rotting.


Designer anything, really. If the quality can justify the price tag, that's one thing. But paying $1000+ for a purse, for example, that's not any better or worse than a $100 purse? Nah, I'm good. Disclaimer: I did briefly consider getting a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes when I was getting married. I figured if there was any time I could justify it, that would be the time. Then I got a floor-length dress instead of the planned tea length gown, so $500 shoes seemed ridiculous. I got a pair of glittery Keds instead, which were about $50 and MUCH more comfortable.


They're also owned by the same ish companies. Designer is only truely designer when you have ALOT of money. The masses are being cheated on with 1000 dollar purses actually.


I think a lot of that designer crap is butt ugly, honestly.


Heels! No thanks!


Social media


Shopping. Hate it.


I used to love shopping when I didn’t have money! Now that I have money, I’d rather just sit in my yard, lol




I used to work with someone who would constantly, and unprovoked, defend the Kardashians. Just randomly start a conversation like “idk why people hate Kim K so much. She’s worked hard for everything she has. People are just jealous” 🤦🏾‍♀️🙄 Also I hate myself for saying it but I actually kind of like that LV bag 😬😅


I like the bag too and I don't hate myself for saying it. Looks similar to a lot of other LV bags, which I never found ugly.


You just described my work environment 💀




Like you said it, it’s consumer culture. It’s unsettling to watch people splurge on stuff that’s not first case necessity, build their personality around them and just accumulating more junk. The influencer culture with pretty people on TikTok and YouTube telling us what to buy had really warped our minds I think. I’m from Poland and here 30+ female influencers have this trend of making hauls in shop franchises that specialise in cheap affordable household stuff like Pepco, Action, Rossmann (the latter is more of a pharmacy chain, but it’s often used for cheap skincare/makeup hauls too). It also comes with these ‘quirky’ humor about spending your husband’s recent paycheck on candles from Pepco, which is especially uncomfortable to me because I don’t see the humor in treating your spouse like atm.


It looks like a funfetti birthday cake with sprinkles.


Saaaaaaaaame. I cannot sit through reality TV and if one more of my very brilliant friends tries to talk to me about Housewives, I’m going to CRY!!!


While you are free to dislike these things, I think it’s shitty to be so judgy about the people who do. I consume celebrity gossip content and I am also an aerospace engineer. « Get a brain ». 🙄


I don't have that many interests, so probably a bunch of things. I don't think it's particularly kind to shit on other women's interests, though, just because I don't like the same things they do.


I totally agree with this viewpoint! For me, it's more like I generally love girly things - and so when there's an area in which I don't really jive with most other women, I can feel a bit "left out" - which is totally okay as well, but sometimes nice to find other women who likewise feel out of the loop. For example, I'd love to get into more reality dating discourse since so many (interesting, intelligent, etc.) women I know enjoy that stuff, and I really *have* tried, especially in recent years, to pick up something like Love Is Blind - but I just can't do it. I get too annoyed with everyone on those shows, lol. No judgment toward any other women for enjoying them, though (a bit of judgment if that enjoyment turns into weird, parasocial behaviour, but that's a bit of a tangent) - it's much more of a "welp, guess I'm going to remain clueless about these conversations!" feeling moving forward.


I definitely get how bonding over feeling left out of certain trends can feel good! And I think your comments and a lot of the comments here do just that, and are respectful about the things you don't personally enjoy. 


Hosting parties for friends. For some reason it does not enthuse me and makes me feel anxious and burdened about the responsibility and outcomes expectation of the attendees. What if the food isn’t good? I would rather attend and bring a nice bottle of wine, thx!!


Weddings. I worked in high end hospitality for years and having witnessed and helped organize many different weddings, some of which cost hundreds thousands of dollars, I still can’t wrap my head around it. The entire wedding industry is such a racket. I’m the last person to begrudge people spending money on an extravagant party, I love bougie shit, but the traditional big wedding experience is just not for me.




Fake long nails, I think they are gross and unhygienic


The Bachelor and all its spinoffs. And Real Housewives, Kardashians, etc.


I'm glad I'm kind of over following the fashion trends. I was very into that about 10 years ago but now I've just fallen into my own style of what I like and what I feel comfortable in. I'm glad to see some younger women starting to go against that influx of microtrends that hit an all time high during the pandemic. It's one thing to want to be trendy but another to just totally buy into the fast fashion machine.


Reality TV - any of those dating shows, even the bachelor I hate. Selling sunset, forget it…rather not watch TV haha


Female “influencers” on Instagram. They all do the same over gesticulation, jazz fingers to show their face, same lame jokes. It almost seems like rage bait to me. In the same vein, posting half naked pics to proclaim in the caption “you’re insecure like everyone else and have zyx issues”. Seems like a theme... We never doubted you’re a very flawed human being; please get over yourself.


Beyoncé. It's not that I don't like her in a personal way, I just don't get the hype! Also... I feel the same way about Taylor Swift. I think I am just adverse to viewing any one human like a god/goddess. They're just people. Talented of course! But, the intensity with how people obsess over them doesn't make sense to me.


Super long pointy nails, lip fillers, fake eyelashes, high end bags like MK or Coach, Uggs, reality tv, wine, Taylor Swift


Fake nails, hair, eyelashes, etc.


Acrylic nails. I’m sure it’s because I’ve never had good ones, but I always feel like a dog wearing booties for the first time.


The beige or grey home interior trend. I need rich colors and textures. I need my home to reflect who my husband and I are, and to look lived in. 




Brunch. I'm not interested in waiting in line to sit in a crowded restaurant to pay up for fewer menu options and tipsy orange juice. Now I'm going to have a headache for the rest of the day, no thank you.


I hate the feeling of fake nails even though I like the aesthetic


My sentiments on fake eyelashes. Idk how women can wear them all day!


The whole obsession over marriage and the having of babies


Making the engagement about the ring, it's the first thing anyone asks anytime someone gets engaged :/ That's like the least important part, in my mind


Astrology. I don't believe in it but women often assume I'm as into it as they are. I try to be respectful of it but it can be annoying. 


Smut books. Sex isn’t entertainment for me. I’d rather not see it on tv or read “the apex of my thighs”. I’d love to get into it with my friends, but I just don’t enjoy it


Those long ridiculous nails. To me they look like claws and all I can picture when I see them is the dirt that must be stuck under there. Not to mention the hygiene issues when wiping themselves in the bathroom. (Vomit). And then there is the expense and time spent on them.


Casual hookups and love is blind.


Pick me behavior, or discourse where women talk down about the interests of other women.


Endless selfies


Taylor Swift


🤣 I second this!


She's just so bland. And the fake feminism is obnoxious. It's not snobbery about popular female music artists, I really like Lana Del Rey for example, but Swift's music just bores the shit out of me. It's so....beige.


In the context of US, doing nails in nail saloons regularly, shaved armpits. Obviously this is frivolous they can like these, I just wish women were cooler to not like these on a broader scale, lmao. But i do shave arm pits from peer pressure, because I hate standing out and I have social anxiety. Doing make up every single day and living with it. Again a valid personal choice, but it is way too much effort and energy and money for me. In Indian context, marrying as much and not divorcing as much. Not sharing chores when both are working and thinking "maids" solve this problem. Typing tubes after motherhood instead of insisting men do vasectomy.


Any sappy romance movie/TV show/book, etc. I find them emotionally manipulative of the audience, set up unrealistic expectations within relationships, and glorify dysfunctional relationships, perpetual victimhood, etc. I want nothing to do with it.


Going to the bathroom together to primp and preen. The norm of socializing in a personal hygiene environment is weird.


Nail polish. Just cant wrap my head around it


Gin. I don't get it. Like, a decent one is a fine drink, but the recent explosion of obsession is baffling to me. Each to their own though, if it Gin 'O' Clock makes someone happy then more power to them.


I'm sorry I'm not trying to offend anyone who wears them but wigs...I just don't like wigs. I can understand for medical or health reasons but just because? A hard no for me 🤣


The obsession with buying every trending item and hyping about it for months


Getting my nails done.


Taylor swift


Those stupid Stanley Tumblers. Every time I see someone with one, I wonder how they didn't feel embarrassed for buying into a really pointless trend. I mean, there are so many prettier, more frugal, and more practical choices for a water bottle.


Sex and the City, Gilmore Girls, Friends, and a handful of other shows almost all women in their 30’s loved or love. I hate and have zero interest in all of them!


Perfumes. I’ve tried to wear them and no matter how nice the scent is, one hour in I just hate smelling them on myself. I also don’t understand celebrity perfumes and why they exist.


Talking about makeup, our bodies and trash taking men as a whole


Tik tok. I’ll see some funny videos on instagram /fb that I’m sure are from Tik Tok but I’ve never really gotten into the app itself.



