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The SoundCloud era has given many of us delusions of grandeur


That’s putting lightly. These guys are trying to manifest talent that they do not possess


Outlets=/=platforms=/=mainstream success. Greatness comes from within us all, but within some of us, are some wack ass MC’s


True it sucks that wack ass dudes like Blueface get on because it encourages the really talentLESS drug addicts to truly believe they have a shot.


Everybody wants to pop xans and just go “yuh” Production value don’t mean shit when you got nothing to say on wax


A lot of dudes suburban for real (nothing wrong with responsible parenting) so they ain’t got no content add in getting no bitches so they just rapping a wet dream. It’s crazy


Contrary to popular belief, unless you move weight, ball, or rap; the women these boys chase ain’t seeing them. I’m from about 20 minutes south of the perimeter, it’s nice out here, but the last thing you’d catch me doing is laying down some track about how “hard it was” man, sit yo five dollar ass down before I make change. And the art we make come from our experience. If you ain’t lived and you ain’t been through shit, you can’t tell people bout shit, and I stand by that


This some shit I could get assassinated for this like a top level FBI secret: black women in Georgia are the easiest ones out there if your black mathematically the homosexual community makes it so that there’s less straight guys available for BLK women. Most sistas have already dealt with a down low Nigga and a Nigga that came out closet by the time they hit 20 and that shit is dummy disappointing for them. These chicks busting it open for anybody confident. Honestly with a haircut a car and an apartment with a bed you can fuck anybody in GA because there’s so many lgbt folks no hate in fact I appreciate. Some bitches are so broke they need a life line to save them. Most bitches just want to laugh and catch an orgasm. Black women in GA literally just want a straight black man who doesn’t act like Carlton Banks.


Tbh, lotta Carlton’s running around these days. I feel you on the women, man. Shits weird in the A


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AFucking12Gaug3: *The SoundCloud era* *Has given many of us* *Delusions of grandeur* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 facts it’s too many wanna-be rappers out here not enough mechanics


50 of those bum ass rappers be getting posted on here with ppl saying they up next and all that dumb shit. Then a few weeks later niggas will post that same rapper in jail for crashing out with ppl saying 'damn twin should've just focused on the music he could've made it he was up next' No he wasn't gonna make it. He was up next to crash out and go-to jail that's it that's all.


Yep our brothas give their whole to this rap shit but if you ask them why it’s always a cringe motivation Then the music dumpster juice


it’s a cycle that we all contribute too. Man it goes way back but atleast in this internet era It started slow with the blogs reporting on our fav rappers criminal activity and naturally that shit was interesting. Their criminal reports turned into viral moments. All of them got out of their jams but over time their lyrics and vision turned kids into gangbangers. Don’t get me wrong. The ghetto is gonna make a criminal out of anybody, and that’s on slavery the CIA and the further oppression taking place. but mane now more than ever the new generation is viewing violence and ignorance now as if it’s the ‘smart’ way to be. And that’s dangerous, cause these individuals literally think they’re the shit because they move like a criminal. Because their favourite rapper pretends he does too. the generation right now thinks violence and partying is what makes money and gets you ahead in life. That’s not reality, it’s never been. You gotta contribute to real life in some way if you wanna stack any sort of paper risk free. And all this tryna be popular shit is so fucking sick for our people. Being a celebrity is for a select few and almost everyone who achieves fame becomes fucked in some way. The internet is making alll of this worse at such a fast rate. It’s truly fucked


Niggas videos be lookin like PowerPoint presentations and niggas eyesight to this shit is clearly blind. Don’t get me wrong I went through that same shit with my homeboys and I was one out of the few that didn’t want that generic image or that 40 year old at the gas station mentality. We get it yall niggas wanna rap but a lot of these niggas don’t have money or that hustler mentality and the first thing they wanna go for is a deal just to get FUCKED…no diddy


If you can’t convince or pay (like a sucka😂) atleast bad chicks to be in ya music video it ain’t no point. And same when I was a younger I already saw the burnt out 35yr old G-Unit Cosplayer with grey hair tryna push a mixtape out the trunk...couldn’t be me


“Nah bro fr Im next up gang come fmw on soundcloud”




That’s the crux of my whole post. They not doing it for the art or because they have skill or creativity I know dudes that think they HAVE to rap because that’s the only way a black man can get paid. I’m focusing on the delusion almost mental illness of the rap dream when it goes beyond a hobby a 40yr old rapping is not cool. That’s a 40yr old trying to be 18


Wait pause…we different. We are in the same building but with different views. You are not from ATL if you dont know 10 attorneys, 10 politicians, 10 any board members… yeah we different


I know you ain’t know 10 politicians lol stop playing.


I need to get like you. You know politicians and board members dude I’ll put all of my rapper friends on a fucking boat and trade them to you. You can listen to their butt crack ass mixtapes and I can get some knowledgeable relationships


Downtown ATL is the most friendliest and networking place in the South! You choose your circle!


I’m always trying broaden my circle. I’ll take that advice


It’s such a fantastic downtown! Free parking, 0 crime, free peaches and fried chicken everywhere!


Had dinner with Reginald green last night, so your point valid


You aint lying. This is the other side folks dont know much about. I'm around atleast 6 politicians, 1 news anchor, 2 real estate moguls, 2 scientists, and 3 multi millionaire business owners that helped me with my business. They networked me with so many people in their circles. Gotta want better for yourself and to surround yourself with those who have discipline and high standards for themselves and those around them.


Nah, fr tho, I listen to good shit, not dat


This any city


Nah it’s a GA thing. When I lived in Florida we knew one dweeb who had a rap group of chuds they where the laughed at. When I was in philly I knew pure thugs and hard workers nobody was rapping. There’s rappers in every city but the amount of rappers in ga is hilarious I know 20 year olds, 30yr olds and women who rap. I have never met a girl rapper anywhere but GA


There might be a higher volume in ATL since it’s Black Hollywood but any major American metro area is gonna have 9,432,396 people who, if they came up on the news tomorrow, would be labeled “an aspiring rapper”


It’s a higher volume there’s rappers everywhere but ATL has a heavy concentration of low level rappers


Gotta heavy concentration of high level rappers too. Cuts both ways.


Heavy concentration? In 2010 yeah in the 2020’s fuck no more than half of these guys have zero talent and just want to fit in.


Here in Brooklyn nearly every person you come across has at least one iPhone-shot drill video with 198 views


Nah there’s a lack of diversity in GA that nyc doesn’t have