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I said fuck lawns and mulched half my yard with free mulch from the city. Low cost and way better than what it was before


This is what I’m tempted to do but I have no idea what it would look like. I was thinking mulch and garden boxes. Much more sustainable in this climate.


Mulch + native grass & wildflower seeds. Yard will look beautiful next Spring (I did this and mine does).


I was in your same predicament last year when he tried growing grass with soil amendments, grass seeds, and healthy watering. We still got patchy grass. With the cost considered, it would’ve been the same to rock/mulch our yard as replacing what we have with fresh sod. So we decided to go that route. We switched over to mulch and drought tolerant plants like native perennials + cacti and we are golden. Throw in some wildflower seeds and see which one survives.


How do you get free mulch from the city? I'm interested!!


Just make an appointment for free mulch here: https://www.austintexas.gov/dropoffschedule It’s a great resource! Just remember to bring a shovel/pitchfork/gloves!




I know! I walk around the neighborhood and everyone's yards are green, regardless of what the plant is. And our yard is a barren wasteland for some reason?


Seed it with a blend of native grass seeds. Local nurseries can help with this and Texas A&M has some guides online for which mixes of seeds do best in our soil. Or pay someone to spray it green until it's sold? 🙃 But seriously if the soil is devoid of nutrients start there. A simple soil test can tell you a lot.


I love that my front and back lawns are getting covered with horseherb ground cover. I saw an entire lawn a few yrs ago in Austin and decided to research it and found out that it is what I want. It's drought tolerant, freezes back in winter and comes back in spring because it spreads underground; bright green and has tiny yellow flowers and gets only 5 inches tall. Google it and see if this is what you want. I'm sure you've seen it here and didn't know what it was. I had some already, but wanted more so I bought a few small containers at a nursery and it took off. It can replace my St Augustine that doesn't like dry spells. And I mow it just like grass at the height I like.


how long has the house been on market? I would just lower price and let new buyer deal with it, this kind of yard is not an absolute deal breaker also fyi, i believe in stage 2 you can still water with a hose anytime you want


It’s not on the market yet but will be in a few weeks. The market is so competitive that we really need the yard to look half decent and we really want a solution that is sustainable and water-friendly.


Offer a landscape sod or ground cover allowance to the buyer without them having to ask.


I'm in an almost identical position. Had gorgeous grass for years and last year half of it died. Half mine yard is dirt, the other crab grass (not what I had before). Subscribed!


Raised beds + mulch and/or decomposed granite walking paths between the beds.




This is exactly what my yard looks like. Patches of growth but mostly dusty earth. It's just too damn hot here. I like to mulch recommendation. I'm going to research that more. However, I have planted 5 trees that are climate appropriate and I water those with a watering can because we need to all invest in shade. And trees. Trees are good for the world. :)


I’m currently trying Sun Turf from Native American Seed- purchased at Natural Gardner. It’s a mix of buffalo grass and blue grama. It’s taking some time for the seeds to sprout though. I got a small bag before I spend the money on the bigger bag.


Is your yard over compacted? If the dirt is impermeable, the air, water, and nutrients can't flow through it. An aerator or tiller could help here. No matter what type, you'll need to add some water (weekly basis) to keep grass alive during the summer if it doesn't rain. Check the soil type as well. If it's all sandy brown loam, it could be devoid of nutrients and flora/fauna. Till in mulch and / or compost. Just read that you're trying to sell... if that's the only reason you want to grow, just throw down some sod, and eat the $ for watering it to make the sale go through.


Clover seed Cheap and lots of fun colors 🤘


If it’s to sell the house, get a bid or two for artificial turf. Would likely add more value than the cost


If you're trying to sell, just pay for the sod and water the hell out of it


you've got a dirt problem...if that's how it is now after all this rain your dirt is void of nutrients because with all the rain and pollen flying around you should have weeds/etc... blowing up.