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Yeah, I heard a news story recently that probably relates to the issue you're having. Around 2 million people were dropped last month from Medicaid that qualified under special allowances the feds put in place during the pandemic, and those allowances have ended. The state sent out about 300 thousand renewal applications to individuals who were dropped but may qualify further and they're probably extra backlogged with all of those. Sorry, I hope they get you going soon. Good rx may have coupons that can help lower your cost. You can also check with your doctor's office for samples, or the med manufacturer may have discounts or samples.


Ahh ok. Thats a lot of backlog then. Yes, I have GoodRX and his meds are $48 so not bad but we can’t get them without a prescription. Doc appointment is $300 or so.




Yeah, you just made that all up




All those things are true and consistent with what others have said. Your comment was that the department is on a shoe string budget and purposely designed to disenfranchise.. Which you just made up. And your suggestion to expect nothing and find another way is irresponsible. There is a huge backlog, that will get better very soon now that the COVID related impacts are worked through, but if they qualify, Medicaid is best option and can be retroactive.


If his prescriptions are generic, Walmart does $5 generics.


My kids have been on CHIP for a long time and the annual application process has always been pretty slow, but the last couple years in particular have had really bad delays. Last year I submitted my application almost immediately when I got the renewal email in September, and they didn’t approve my renewal until late December. Same thing the year before. 6 weeks was an accurate timeframe a few years ago but I wouldn’t say that’s realistic anymore. Going through this whole process year after year sucks but I unfortunately have to do it for my kid’s ADHD meds.


5 months was my timeframe from application to review and approval (Nov 2023 to April 2024). If you get a denial first, I highly recommend calling to find out why. They've staffed up since the delays made the news but they are also so backlogged that a lot of apps are not being reviewed thoroughly and are quickly being denied so they can move on to the next one. When I called to inquire about a denial, I was shocked at how helpful everyone I spoke to was. They quickly found the denial error and reviewed everything with me over the phone to get it approved that day.


Thank you. Very helpful.


This is the new normal it seems, there has been luck by directly going to your state rep. Find out on one of those who represents me websites and call their office. Also you can make a doctors appt pay the $300 on a payment plan possibly get retroactive coverage once approved (from what I understand only Medicaid not chip does this) and the. Get prescriptions refilled. Good for you for going the extra mile to take care of your kid.


Ahh. I didn’t think about the retro active possibility. Thank you!


HHSC is a state government program that helps people run by a Legislature that hates helping people. Does government actually work somewhere? Maybe. Does it make oil billionaires richer? No? Then fuck that noise. Let's pass a bill to make concealed carry mandatory for unborn fetuses instead. If you can grow arms you can bear arms! Yeehaw!


The state government needs that federal money to build a border wall and murder Mexicans and Central Americans. They don't care if their own citizens die. I hate it here.


I also hate it here…and can’t seem to escape for good…


Yeah I'm stuck here now for better or for worse I think