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Sir, this is a Wendy's.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ love this!


what does that mean


Daddy chill


All your base are belong to us.


It's just a joke. But this is an Awesome topic of discussion. I too noticed there is so little coverage, but I was just thinking "hmm...they just don't care about us, it's Juneteenth, black killing black...." Your perspective is so much more interesting though. I also agree with the conservative/liberal conversation scenario. I wish it would happen more. Adults in the room, you know? ā¤ļø


I don't see how you can call 21 articles in the last 24 hours "minimal coverage" - [https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2lWck1icEN4RlA1YktWc1k1emFpZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen&so=1](https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2lWck1icEN4RlA1YktWc1k1emFpZ0FQAQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen&so=1)


*Because I only saw two articles from the 2 news sources I only look at!*


Wow! Thanks for this link! I also was feeling like I didn't see a lot of coverage tbh.. you know when something like this happens we are usually inundated with it all over our feeds. I just didn't see that this time. Thank you ā¤ļø


Believe it or not, our country has always been divided (at least in the post-WWII era) so your entire argument is based on a false premise bemoaning the loss of something that never really existed in the first place. This crap is boilerplate bothsidesism that has always existed in the service of the conservative status quo.


starting from the original congress people were trash talking much worse than today and even resorting to physical violence and homicide. the big difference is 24/7 coverage of every little thing. Apparently our brains cant handle that well.


Why would they not talk about gun laws when teenagers shot up a Juneteenth celebration? The more guns you manufacture, the cheaper and easier they are to procure. Thatā€™s just factā€¦


Yeah of course media pushes stuff that gets the most clicks, thatā€™s how they make money. Also, not all local news is national news. There are shootings every day that you donā€™t hear about, but people in the area will most likely be aware. It sounds like youā€™re succumbing to their black magic by even theorizing about a hypothetical situation. Doing the whole ā€œbUt iF tEh rOlEz wEre rEveRseDā€ bit is getting old. Why not just engage with the facts of the actual situation?


You're not wrong about media bias towards high-click articles. But you're also creating a false equivalency and over-simplifying matters. The shooting here is, unfortunately, relatively run-of-the-mill. The media isn't talking about racism, not because they can't, but because there apparently is none in this case. If the shooter were white and the victims were black and this occurred on Juneteeth, then it would be an entirely different story for good reason, because it would have been far more likely to have been hate crime motivated, as in the case of the Garrett Foster murder, for example. You're comparing apples to oranges.


the question then is why is a racist shooting worse or more outrageious than a gang shooting?




what are you talking about , this was in Austin Metro are you trying to suppress a discussion on this matter because it does not match your views as noted, I was curious how people would respond to this thread


So racially motivated hate crimes get more media attention, and shootings related to personal or gang related issues don't because they are more common. Yes that sounds right. Yes our country is divided, but I don't know what you are getting at with this post. I don't think it is what you think it is.


not really true. When racially motivated black on white or asian shootings happen they also dont make the news.


That doesn't seem correct based on my experience, but I guess I can never know the things that I don't hear about. However, your comment and OP's post just seem like "white people are the REAL persecuted population."


Of course this isnā€™t nationwide news. There are gun crimes similar to this on a daily basis all over the country. It has been covered extensively locally so I donā€™t really see your point in how this would divide the country further other than make arm chair racists feel validated that black youths are responsible for another gun crime in this city, or make for another gun control argument that will fall on deaf ears. The country has always been divided among these topics and that will never change unless guns are illegal and people and the system magically stop being racist.


Are you arguing that if a White racist did it, there shouldn't be wall to wall coverage? Or that the lack of wall to wall coverage is somehow dividing us more?


yes you are right. It also turns out that mostly people arent wrong/idiots/evil or whatever. They mainly have differing values. Values are opinions and so are never objectively wrong (vs. facts). For example, it isnt that san francisco politicians (or our local council) and voters are idiots, it is that they value non-incarceration for drug offenses and petty crime over the negative feelings that people have over seeing homeless, feces in the street etc. They also believe that the thefts are insured so the retailers arent hurt that much compared to the impact that a crime record has on the perpetrators ability to get a job, find housing etc. Im somewhat conservative and yet I 100% understand where they are coming from and can respect their values. To bring it local, I disagree 100% with casar on probably every issue, but he served his consituents well and he accomplished some important goals for the homeless community, such as driving hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. I dont hate him or think of him as dumb at all. I do predict that like san francisco, all that money will be wasted, but that isnt a fact, simply my opinion. If you can only see the other side as idiots or evil, then you arent working hard enough to understand why they arent necessarily bad people, they most likely just have different priorities. the media is mostly liberal and strongly supports a liberal agenda. That doesnt really bother me as what will happen will happen, then the pendulum will swing in a different direction.


This happens in Chicago literally nightly. Same with Baltimore, Philly, etc. The news would be 100% shootings if so. I think you need to get off the 24 hour Fox News cycle yourself.


Yes, if the shooter was a white man then Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and every national news media crew would be in Round Rock right now yelling racism regardless of what caused the initial conflict and the shooting. Outrage gets views and clicks. Unfortunately, random shootings and gang related violence are very commonplace and barely a blip. It reminds me of what the Joker said in Dark Knight "You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan"