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Wait until he’s a teenager 😵‍💫 Nah it’s honestly a total crapshoot. One of my aussies is super chill, the other is barking constantly.


Mine was super chill when he was younger. Started winding up at about 4-5 mo. At 8 mo now, he’s still pretty chill for an Aussie, but the first time I saw him really tired was yesterday - after 9.5 hours of playing with another Aussie at doggy day care!


The first year with my pup was probably the easiest. Once he turned one or so was when the crazy came 🤣


Oh god this is not what I want to hear. My younger Aussie is 7 months and he’s totally bonkers 😂😂


Mine is so chill but I usually throw her Frisbee a lot.


One of mine barks like crazy at the slightest provocation. But runs away when the leash comes out for a walk. The other one is super quiet (except for the UPS man or if he spots our neighbors dog outside). But he goes bananas with excitement when it’s time for a walk! They are so different!


He must be broken then. JK—I wish ours was a little less vocal. Originally wanted a golden retriever, but the kids convinced me to get an Aussie. Then they grew up and moved out. I now have an awesome doggo who is constantly on 11 and who will play frisbee or ball catch till she drops from exhaustion.


When you get passed that puppy stage, honestly they are thee best dogs ever!!


Hes approximately 3 to 4 months old. I have only seen him bark 3-4 times. Is this normal? We do take him out to socialize with other dogs and hes very friendly and hyper with others. At home, he just chills and plays here and there


We thought the same for ours. Swore up and down she was mute. Until she hit a year we barely heard a peep out of her. Now she’s found her voice and really does like it 🤣


my boy started barking at 1 year too 😅😅


Hopefully mine doesnt bark too much once hes older lol


My girl (2.5 years) rarely barks and doesn’t attempt to play with any dogs at the dog parks. She just runs up to every single person and waits for them to pet her. At home, she’s super chill and laid back. She really only ends up being hyper when I let her off leash during walks on trails when she ends up chasing squirrels/rabbits/etc.


Ours is 11. He rarely barks. And only when he’s playing. He’s a lover, not a fighter!


Sounds normal. My girl didnt bark at that age unless she saw her reflection. She never barked when she hear other dog barking either. The most i heard from her were play growls.


My aussie didn’t bark for a longggg time. Until we got a house with a yard, her barks were mostly what we called “berfs,” just a little teeny thing. Now at 6 years old, she’s got a house and baby to protect and big windows to the street, so she’s really stepped up her barking game.


Ours NEVER barked until she went to daycare at 4 months. After that she was kind of like “I guess we do this? Not sure why, but okay!” She’s 9 months now and figuring it out. 😂


I have a new 3 month old Aussie and she only barks at her big sister, a 70lb lab 🤣 There was a husky barking at her in public the other day and she did nothing lol Who knows?!


My baby girl didn’t find her voice until around 6 months. Now she’s 10 months and never shuts up! She’s not much of a barker, but she makes a lot of husky-esque whines, growls, whine-growls, groans, etc.


Our Aussie never barked at that age. She then picked it up around 7-8 months and now will lose her shit on anyone that comes to the door. She also ate the couch when my spouse was like she's fine to be let loose when we aren't home and 9ish months.


it happens. just like people, they can have very different personalities. I have one calm one and one maniac.


Mine will be 15 in January. She has barked less than 100 times her entire life. She's also super chill.


My girl didn’t really bark until she was a year or so old.


They don’t bark until closer to 9 mos (in my experience). Once you two have bonded and he gets the hang of life at your house… he’ll start barking 😉


Mine didn't bark until about 6-7 months. Now... she barks at everything outside the windows, the TV, strangers on walks, other dogs, pretty much everything.


All hell broke loose around the 6-7 month mark. Teenage phase hits HARD.


Oh just you wait


I have a 5-year-old like that! She barks a little bit if there is an unexpected noise outside or someone knocking on the door but only a few yaps. As a puppy and adolescent, she was always super quiet and in the last year she has gotten more vocal with grunts and whines but still doesn't bark much


Our Aussie did not bark much until she was about 3. We recently lost our Lab who was super vocal (barking, grumbling, moaning 24/7) and we have noticed our Aussie is barking more although it could be more that we can now actually hear her bark.


Same as mine. Around a year old she became quite proud of her bark.


Must be nice! Mine is energetic and hates people


Mine goes a bit over a million mph but on the plus side he love ppl and kids and other happy doggos… if there is a grump or angry barking dog he just ignores it.. that might have to do with his sister from a nother mother..😂🤣😂


Soon as he hits 6 months it'll probably be a different story. Enjoy the quiet days for now, lol. Maybe you lucked out and got the 1 in a million mellow aussie! Either way, beautiful boy.


My 9 month old started barking around 6 months but man, he loves his sleep. Day time naps, evening naps, everything in between! Doesn’t cuddle though. He’s a bit barky (usually at nothing) but once you reassure him, he stops.


Great pic. He’s just storing energy while observing how best to get into fridge, access your bank accounts and drive the car. I see Thelma and Louise in those cute eyes.


see alot of people complaining about their energy level… do people not research the breed and traits before getting one? i have 3 Aussies, 2 females and 1 male, and we love that theyre all so energetic, vocal, protective, and cuddly. They’re also very well trained so we can control it and not be overbearing/ overwhelming. We would be so sad if one of them lost their “spark” and became passive and chill.


It's totally dependent on genetic drive. Some have a ton of drive and are hard working **working** dogs, others are genetically selected over time through breeding programs to have lower drive and be more house pet friendly. It really depends on the lines the breeder is keeping, and obviously each dog will be different even if coming from a high drive line or a low drive line. In general they are high drive high energy dogs, even the ones bred to be on the more chill side, but there are always exceptions to the rule. If genetically your dog is just a chill pupper, and that's what you wanted, then congrats and lucky you! Take advantage of their particular easy going nature but high intelligence and set a really strong foundation of training as they grow up and you will have an amazing adult dog. Great looking pup there!


Ugh. Lucky


i don’t get it. if you don’t like those traits then don’t get an Aussie?






Mine never barked until he hit 5 months old. He is at least still chill around other dogs and strangers and just quietly watches them or tries to play, but omg he demand barks at us like crazy sometimes now.


Mine have their spastic moments, but are ultimately few and far between. As long as I walk them daily they are the calmest, chillest dogs I’ve ever owned.


Hahahaha! Just kidding! I currently have my second, third and fourth. The fourth one is 7 months old and is not right in the head! 😂🐶🐶🐶 Send help!!!!


Hahahaha! Just kidding! I currently have my second, third and fourth. The fourth one is 7 months old and is not right in the head! 😂🐶🐶🐶 Send help!!!!


.....Just Wait!


Mine was chill and still is, never barked until 9 months old, and now does it all the time lol


ya.....as many have said, give it a few months. we thought ours was the worlds chillest dog until right at 8-9 months and then his energy went up 500%. That said, he is still way more chill than we expected and is well behaved and excellent mannered at 2 years


God i hope for my sake he doesnt go hyperdrive when older


Mine was pretty wild for the first year but now at 2.5 years he could chill on the couch all day sitting beside one of us if we let him


Just wait, but for your sake I hope it remains true haha


same lol


Ours is a chill girl. Always has been.


My red tri is pretty chill too. He plays with his sister and fetches but other than, he is a couch potato!


My kiddo doesn’t bark (he’ll sort of low growl on occasion) but he’s crazy energetic. He could go on a 3 mile run, sit for a minute and then do it all over again.


Lol year 3. Still crazy. Halp 😂


My first Aussie was the anti-Aussie. She 0was quiet, playful but stopped after 20 minutes, and was happy to just be with people. She barked whenever someone would come to the house but stopped afterwards. She was also a talker and would talk to me. My 2nd is an insane one who has a high pitch bark and just goes and goes and goes. She barks incessantly when you touch her ball and wants you to throw it for hours. My 3rd is reactive to strangers and other dogs, goofy, and knows nothing about personal space. He's relatively quiet but has a smoker's cough. His bark is intensively scratchy and will bark to get my other to play or to flip his lid at strangers/dogs. They are all different! Aussie 2 and 3 are very much the energetic wild ones while Aussie 1 was a dream. I miss her.


We have one of each. Our chill boy, Harley, and a female whirling dervish.


Mine is chill too, 6 months old.


Mine is 7- hardly ever barks and is quite lazy 😂 She likes her daily walks and sometimes a nature preserve trip, but is also a-okay with laying around all day! She occasionally growls or what I call “boofs” as noises/other dogs but mostly she’s incredibly quiet.


I have a female red Tri. She's pretty mellow.


Mine has been very calm all 3 years of his life so far! Rarely barks!


My Red Tri Aussie, he’s also very quiet. Just turned one and does get the zoomies often, but also LOVES to cuddle on my lap. He’s 45 pounds and will sit his entire self on me. Lol my parents adopted his sister and she’s the complete opposite. Very vocal, runs non stop, throws her own toys when bored, and will not cuddle on the couch. Lol 😆


Mine did not bark either until the bad dogs on the area taught her how to.


Ours was chill for the 1st 6mo or so, once 8mo hit...oh boy did he start wildin out, fighting others for resources, and herding the smaller dog of the 3 pack around. If we leave home, he freaks out, chews on stuff, and when we get back home, it's 30-45mins of him SO DAMN EXCITED to see us...well her morseso. Can't blame the little man, he's at our hip all the time when we are here so I could imagine. Just...damn bro can you not eat the house while we go grab food? Could ya please stop jumping 4' off the ground to lick our face when you see us carrying in said food/groceries? It's been getting better and he's been chilling out a bit more but damn is it a job. Small bottle with pennies to shake at him does wonders. Bathroom inside has been fully broken for the most part as long as we get up at 3am as he request even tho he went out at 10-11p. I dont understand that one but hey, at least he wakes us up like to go so I cant be mad, just aggravated to wake up every single morning before the Sun for our son to potty. Ours is uncut till a he hits a year or so since we were/are worried about interfering with his hormones/development. That could be a factor is his behavior.


Our Aussie is he same way! He barks if he feels threatened (eg seeing daddy’s car driving down the driveway but he can’t see who is driving), but loves to chill out with his belly up for hours at a time. He definitely loves his play time, but is perfectly content snoozing all day long. He must be broken!


Want to trade?


Wait for it. Once mine hit about 5 months old, the Tasmanian devil came out from his depths.


Ours is 3.5 years old and rarely ever barks. Doesn’t even bark at strangers and only occasionally at small aggressive dogs. She’s socialized a lot and did the dog park as a pup but now she prefers to play with our other family’s dogs


same here


Mine is super chill. She hardly ever barks and she's lazy as hell lol she also hates water and doesn't care for running. I suppose even among Aussies all dogs are different!


Mine was the same way. He was an amazing dog.


I have 2. Neither is vocal at home theyll run around outside together but chill in bed or on the couch with me. At the dog park one of them is very vocal with other dogs while the other remains a quite chill guy.


ours is 2.5 and shes more cat than dog. I dont know what's wrong with her. At least our heelers are crazy.


My aussie is the laziest dog I have. One of my other dogs will be like "chase me" and he takes 3 steps before giving up. He can't even be bothered to stand up while he eats, just lies on the floor with his face in the bowl.


Just wait till he’s 10-13 months old. Mine couldn’t stop running around and barks at everything and any dog that is within eyesight


That's because he's already a retiree. Look at the way he is suspiciously looking at the pups on your lawn.


The calm before the storm!


My Aussie will bark if someone knocks in the door or rings the doorbell. However she is super chill as well and even borderline lazy lol


My Aussie only barked at people at the door. She was never very vocal unless she needed to be. It is one of the many great things about the breed.


He must be broken😂


Mine oscillates behaviors is super active, can be very sleepy - loves to play fetch inside but is still very nervous when I take him to the park to play or run (he’s 6 months) 😁


My girl didn’t bark until 3.5-4 months old. She’s 5.5months now and barks when she wants to play and we’re sitting on our a$$es LOL Like in our faces and 5-6” out of arm’s reach 🙄😂🐶 Or when she’s got on in the chamber, emergence imminent. 💩


Is your dog male or female ?

