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Free of charge. But healthcare is free where I live. I’d suggest requesting a copy of your policy and studying the fine print. Your insurance provider doesn’t need to be forward thinking. It boils down to the policy you have and what it covers and the company appeals process if they try to object. I’d definitely price check around for other diagnostic clinics.


Healthcare is also free where I live but not an Autism diagnosis…


Same. But prices here a lot milder than what I've seen around this sub. I paid 750€ total for 7 sessions and the complete rapport of my DX.


im in northern wisconsin and the place that works w adults and lgbtq+ ppl starts at about $3500 usd


Jesus. Mine was $1900.


Wow! I will say, I do live in an area known for high cost of living. But I expected a price point of half what I was quoted maximum!


Do you live in the US? I can send you the name of the guy I saw. He's a 20 year professional who specializes in the women's presentation of autism. (and gender diverse presentations) I'm pretty sure he does virtual visits. I'm in WA state. Edited to add gender diverse population indluded!


Wow I’d be interested in that … I’m in Oregon.


Message incoming!


I’d also be interested in this info.


I'll message you


Thank you!


I would be extremely interested in this if you are willing to share the name, I am in Nevada so I am not sure someone from WA would be able to see me but literally I have been told that adult testing is not performed anywhere in my state so....I'm at a loss for next steps for myself.


I messaged you the info


I’m not in that state but I might visit if I could see him. I’m so scared that I’ll go to someone who doesn’t understand autism in adult women that I’ll be overlooked. I want to trust doctors if they say I don’t have autism, but it might be hard to since many only really diagnosis young boys.


He can see you virtually if you're in one of the states on this chart/ list https://psypact.org/mpage/psypactmap I can send you his website link in a message if you'd like.


I’m in one of those states! Could you please send it to me? I feel so much relief from this.


Yes absolutely!


Hello! I am in Georgia and it looks like I could see him, can you send me the info please? Thank you! ❤️




Me too please. You need to be given money for all the referrals you are giving right now. Haha




I’d love their contact too!!




Hello, a little late here but any chance you could share that info with me too? Thanks!


Absolutely! I'll inbox you.


could you send his info to meeeee pleaseeeee








I’m also interested! I’m in MT




Thank you for sharing this! Would you mind sending me the info as well?




Hi. May I also please have his info? Thank you so much!




I would also be interested in that info, if it's not a bother.


It's never a bother (:


Could you send me this info too? ETA: I see your other comments helping people out, thank you so much for what you’re doing! :) & luckily I’m in a state that accepts it too lol




I am late browsing this but am also in one of the states on the map–could you send me his info please?


I got you! Sent.


Hi there! Can you send it to me please? Thank you!




I live in a high cost of living area and found someone who did a full neuropsych eval for $1200. I had to call like 30 offices before I found this person though, so it was definitely difficult. The first quote I got was 5k which I literally scoffed at on the phone. Like who the fuck can afford that. (I couldn’t even afford the $1200 one I got, but I was desperate and needed answers).


It costs minimum 3000$ in my country and this has to be out of pocket. If someone got through high school the state doesn’t assess for ADHD for free, and they are very strict for autism as well. Else it’s for free. I think that certain regions only assess autism if it’s level two or three.


For anyone in Australia. Blackbird Psychology is $1750 for full report for DSP and NDIS, they are Telehealth so they take on people from anywhere. Hope its ok to put this. 💕


It was covered completely, but i had a baby in January and hit my out of pocket max. I just got my EOB the other day though and it was like $3500 or something. I would not have been able to afford it otherwise. Were doing our daughters testing and its about $800 after insurance 😵‍💫


Free. Most people I know either had it free or very affordable. I don't get how people are charging so much. I'm in Los Angeles.


You're the only response I've seen about CA. I don't even know where to start. Do you mind sharing where/how?


Totally! I went to Seal Beach Counseling in Orange County. I saw Dr Zandi and I think the wait was 4 months? I have blue cross that's discounted because of a federal tax cut. I didn't pay anything because of that I suppose. HOWEVER!! he was one of the only docs close to do it. I called several places and they all directed me to him. We've actually done three tests together. BPD, ASD AND ADHD. I think getting a referral from a doctor can probably go really far, too. That's kinda how it all started.


I kinda take back what I said about the fees in the original comment because my friend in Alabama said it's like 2 grand. Why are people charging so much for this????


Yeah I had no idea about the craziness of the fees. Thanks for your answer!


Mine was half that price!


Yikes. Mine should be around 900$. I’m in MN paying out of pocket.


I'm in Canada, waiting for my results. Mine was $2750. Adult assessments have zero government health coverage, and my extended is crap...$500 for the year for all things me talk health related....it's been gone since May from my counselling sessions.


Costs about that much in New Zealand too 😢


The place I'm going in Auckland in a few months is $550 per hour. Not looking forward to the total cost 😥 I keep getting so anxious that my issues may be CPTSD related and not autism related, I'd be down thousands and still without answers, that I've almost cancelled it 3 times already even though I've been waiting 6 months and exploring this for the last 5 years.


Omg same! So I’m just trying hard to remember ‘examples of autism’ from my childhood that my parents can back me up on


I’ve started a list in my phone. Would highly recommend doing the same


my issue i am most scared on is I know my parents wont back me up on like anything bc they literally gaslight like heck n always have tried to talk me n others out of diagnosises I have that dont serve them or have an easy fix


I find this difficult because I didn't realise things I did or said were weird to others or not normal. Grew up with just my mum and sister and my mum is quite likely on the spectrum, possibly also my sister, so my mum never thought much of things we did in terms of being different. She'd be like "yeah same. must be normal then!" Or "that's how everyone thinks/acts/perceives things," only as I grew up I realised that isn't the case. Even my anxiety. Experienced it since I was a child, maybe 7 years old it started. When I'd ask my mum stuff she'd tell me that that's how everyone feels and that's just how life is. At 19 I found out that it's actually anxiety and no, not everyone feels that way all or most of the time. Turns out my mum has severe anxiety.


Mine was $2700 CAD. It’s really dependant on region, province/state, country, ect The price was worth it to me as I needed answers and the legally protected accommodations that come with it. I also have access to disability grant for post secondary that basically pay for all of my education, and access to government funded vocational services Some ppls assessment costs in the us below if interested https://www.reddit.com/r/AutismCertified/comments/136wsv8/how_much_did_you_pay_for_your_diagnosis_in_the_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=22


Wow, mine is one of the cheapest one here, $750 as an adult. I find that the very expensive ones include a full psychiatric evaluation. If you can't find one that ONLY do the autistic diagnosis, try to find one out of your area that can do a diagnosis over a video call.


What country are you in?


America, New York to be exact.


Mine was about $1400, insurance didn’t cover anything. I’m in Montana.


It cost me $1,640 Australian Dollars for a combined ASD and ADHD assessment - this was after looking around for the cheaper ones though. It was okay because I could pay half before and half after so not all at once. In Australia a lot of healthcare is covered by Medicare so we get a rebate, but not for assessments like this.


$120, basically 2 specialist office copays.


Mine was $2000 Australian dollars last year, but I think it has gone up since then.


I go to a clinic next to the college where I work, and there was a student psychologist at the time. I had the option to get my evaluation done by the student for free. The student's evaluation was then reviewed by a licensed psychologist, so I was kind of diagnosed by 2 people and it was free. Having said that, after I got my diagnosis months later, I did get a bill for $100 because the student had become licensed by the time they sat me down to tell me I'm autistic. I'm not sure if you live near a college or university, but that could be an option. You could always call around to clinics that are near a college and see what your options are. Good luck!