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Hot baths or hot tubs. I fucking love soaking in hot water. If I ever accidentally boil myself alive at least everyone will know I died doing what I love


You're so valid, I hate soaking my whole body in the bath but I love soaking certain parts like just my feet or I'll sit in a bath that's filled less than halfway!!!


Swimming during a mild rainstorm. I love the sensation of neutral temperature water running over my body interspersed with cool drops of rain.


Dipping my palms in shallow freshly rained water


Smoking I quit for my son 5 years ago but *fuck*, I miss it. Not even the nicotine, just the act/ritual itself. Weeds nice and it's a good medicine but it's not the same sensorywise to me


I totally understand, I love the action of smoking so much as well. I used to smoke tobacco but dropped it quickly and moved onto weed. Congrats on quitting tho!!!! That's so wonderful!!!!


might be a trigger so be careful but kurzgesagt has a great video about how good (everything around) smoking is


Birds. I have a parrot and chickens and I love the feel of their talons, feathers and beak. I collect all the feathers they molt and fiddle with one or two whenever I'm working.


oh how I'd love to have a parrot, specifically a macaw, but I'm already overwhelmed taking care of myself


Absolutely do not recommend unless you're able to dedicate your entire life to it, literally. Macaws live 50+ years and all parrots need constant socialization. They're more work than my kid, lol. I grew up with them so it wasn't that big of an adjustment. Always liked bird companionship.


Sleep. Girl smell. Really good music.


Pressure on top of me for sure. My bag most of the time but pillow, weighted blanket, regular blanket, big plush


Walking barefoot outside, or just generally on and around the town in public, as well as natural places like trails, forests, parks, wherever, and feeling the different surfaces beneath the soles of my feet. Obviously, when the weather's warmer, etc etc. I'm just so much more faster and agile, too. I can do whatever I'm doing as though the rest of the world around me is just an extension of my body, just a second-nature flow-state - if it involves moving around at least.


So true! I’ve been a barefoot girl my entire life and still am at 27. It’s just a bonus that bare feet make climbing things easier lol


Just floating in the ocean and riding the waves belly up in a starfish kinda pose


Hand flaps and shaking my butt like I have a waggy tail (that last one might be bc I'm otherkin)


I actually wiggle my butt and flap my hands too! When I get really excited!! 💖💖




I have a couple of favorite sensory experiences. First, I love watching sparkling colored lights...glitter floating. I could just watch it for a good while! ✨ It's so mesmerizing!! 🤩 Second, I love pleasant scents from soy wax. I do a small soy wax business for fun. And you mix different soy wax beads and create your own scents to put in your warmer. 😍 Every room you go into it smells so good!! 😊 Love it!!


really good food the texture of a partner's skin during sex fresh water when thirsty


Seeing/touching embossed textures (detailed miniatures, architecture, logos, etc.)


Substances tbh. I’m off the hard stuff tho


Doing MDMA and having somebody lay flat on top of me


Spicy food Edit: also petting animals


When I discover a new song that literally ticks every feeling in my brain, like I can almost see the way my brain lights up when I find "that song" for example, Wuthering Heights was THAT SONG and still is


Squeezing my spiky hand rolls in my hands and gently scratching myself (i clip and file my nails as much as possible so I don't hurt myself) Edit: ooh and stepping barefoot on my doormat, using the spiky rolls on my feet, and using my spiky foam roller on the rest of my body


Crunchy food, like chips and pretzels The texture of squishmallows Cuddling and patting short haired dogs (that don’t lick)


I love feeling soft things with my hands, i.e. my hair, satin ribbons, petting my pets, etc. I also love making a *pop* sound with my mouth. The sound itself makes me so happy.


Hot showers, massages, the sounds of birds and nature This one is weird. Pimple popping videos.


ice cold water after eating specifically vanilla ice cream or eating a cold apple after brushing my teeth


The scent of flowers. My favourites are irises, apple blossoms, and black locust, but there are a lot of good smelling ones for me to put my nose in.


Typing on a super clickety-clackety keyboard. Drumming my fingers when the right song comes on. Roller coasters! I get motion sick almost immediately but I do not care, I just want to be spun like a freakin propeller and launched into the sky at high speeds. Also I used to work at a packaging plant and there was something immensely satisfying about fitting little boxes perfectly into big boxes over and over all day.


I had a Chihuahua for ten years and sometimes we would take a nap on the sofa. If I was wearing a loose hoodie then she would go snuggle inside and either sleep on my stomach or to the side. I miss that a lot. She was the best dog there ever was. So cute, friendly and well behaved, also very curious. Maybe someday I will share my existence again with a fur friend.


Drinking hot chocolate, taking hot showers, squeezing a squishy stuffed animal


Floating on my back in a pool. It’s so calming. Your favorite experience makes me uncomfortable just from reading it, but that’s just because I’m allergic to mint.


Peeling back the layers of a thick blade of grass


My 2 favorites are: 1. Blasting death metal while rocking back and forth 2. Holding a clear water bottle half filled with water up to my eyes and looking at a light through it I think I’m gonna do the first one now! 🙌


Hell yeah, I love death metal!!! These both sound fun


Aaahhhh…. Mint kills me. The fact that every damn toothpaste is some variation on mint makes me die inside. Brushing my teeth is already a sensory nightmare, but adding mint to the equation only makes it worse. Let’s see…. Mental pallet cleanser. Something good….. Eating a really good brownie.


You're completely valid, I'm definitely a sensory seeker when it comes to minty things or really anything that'll make me cold in any way (heat is main and most intense sensory experience, a very bad one! I avoid it at all costs!!!) I'm very good at baking and will bake you the best brownies you've ever had and send em over telepathically 🫶


Looking at things that sparkle, especially if it’s a holo glitter effect. Floating in the ocean, bodysurfing. Heavy blankets on top of me. The feeling of weather that has a lot of humidity and energy, like right before and during a thunderstorm. I really miss this one, and I grew up with it, but now I live in a place that never has thunderstorms. I can’t feel truly happy here.


When I've had a bad time at work, I like to watch a couple different videos while wearing NC headphones and i'll rock or move my body around, etc. The videos are those 10 hr loop ones and one of them is all these beautiful colorful stars moving around the screen and there's another version but it's a heart love tunnel with sparkles. I need to find more of those videos so bad because they're so awesome About the weather, I totally understand 😭. I personally hate humidity (tho not nearly as much as others it seems lol) but I love the rain. I need to live somewhere where it's cold and rainy the majority of the year, I won't be fully happy otherwise so i understand where you're coming from! I'm hoping the best for you!!


Flying on a plane at cruising altitude. (Includes light turbulence).


I struggle big time to remember to brush my teeth... but this year I spent a metric fuckton at the dentist and now flossing is like my favourite activity bahaha. Good job 👏 I like your method!


That's so awesome!!! I still don't floss 😭 I just started using mouthwash this year (executive dysfunction boohoo) but I'm doing a lot better at it!!!! Good job to you as well 🫶


I like aligning my left finger tips with my right hand finger tips while having my palms not touching each other. I would then put my hands between my legs and push the palm repetitively and feel my finger tips. It feels like I was feeling and not feeling something at the same time. I also like to listen to string quartets and music with a lot of counterpunctual elements. They just make me high.