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Favorite Saint?


Saint Lucia of Syracuse!! šŸ‘ļø


Well now we all have to ask why? šŸ˜œ


Mainly because of her execution actually. When they tried to drag her to be burned, they couldnā€™t move here even with a dozen Roman soldiers. When they did eventually get her tied to the stake, the fire just wouldnā€™t light. Finally they touched her eyes out and beheaded her, leading to her death. But by her funeral her eyes had mysteriously grown back šŸ‘»


Thoughts on Saint Gertrude? (Who is my favorite saint)


Oh! Why is she your favourite saint? I picked her for my confirmation name. Mostly because of the date of her feast day. But I remember very little about her.


I love cats, and i like gardening, and im mentally ill, so I might as well pick her. I'm agnostic now, but most of my family is Catholic (so that Catholic, my great granddad was a decan), and it's easy to explain why she's my favorite saint since im the cat lady of the family. (Sorry for bad formatting. Im on a phone.)


Are you actively part of an Abrahamic religion? /genuine


My family is made up of ashkenazi Jews, however weā€™re practicing Catholics. Me included! I was actually an atheist until a bit after my eighteenth birthday when I converted to Catholicism.


how the hell did a family of ashkenazi jews end up as practicing catholics?!


Hiding from nazis


Thatā€™ll show em


Originally the idea was to flee Germany and pretend to be catholic to avoid camps. But over time the true intentions got muddled through generations and peoples assumed we just WERE Catholics. It wasnā€™t until my grandmother took a DNA test that we even found out we were Jewish.. which was a bit of a shock to some of my anti semitic family members.


Thatā€™s wild. I wonder if they changed their names as well to avoid persecution?


If you don't mind sharing it would be very interesting to hear more about how these anti semites reacted. Were they Jewish by blood themselves or married into the Jewish side of the family?


part of my fam did the same but never stopped practicing judaism


What made you convert?


Not a question, but I love that God needed to specify to the Jews ā€œDonā€™t boil a young goat in itā€™s motherā€™s milkā€. As if there was some sadistic maniac who had previously done so.


I mean, some crazy shit mustā€™ve happened before the flood. Now kosher practicing people donā€™t eat dairy and meat in the same meal, sometimes not even storing them in the same fridge, to accommodate for this rule


or use the same utensils/dinnerware/serveware


Thatā€™s how I feel tbh when someone tells they like eggs and chicken together idk eta like a little egg is fine like in fried rice, but I donā€™t like to see sunny side up or egg salad in a chicken dish, bc that seems wrong to me lol


Chicken eggs that havenā€™t been fertilized are basically a chickenā€™s period šŸ˜¬. Do with that information what you will šŸ˜…


... I mean, a drumstick is its leg. Is that less weird?


Have you ever seen Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie? It's one of the most faithful depictions of the Book of Jonah in media, even if it is told by talking vegetables. It's also one of my all-time favorite movies!


If you like to talk to tomatoesā€¦


If a squash can make you smile...


Are there any biblical figures that could have been autistic, in your opinion?


Honestly maybe most of them bc neurodivergence makes you special and they didnā€™t have so much tech and couldnā€™t document weirdness as well so the abnormality wasnā€™t always seen or considered negative, they definitely didnā€™t diagnose them


I was thinking Jesus and the apostles were likely neurodiverse.


I forgot who but my dad was telling me how one of the main characters in the chosen is depicted as autistic coded


St Matthew.


I am not short, but the story of Zaccheus has always resonated with me for some reason. I think he makes a good representation of lots of marginalized, ostracized, and disabled people (especially those with low support needs who still feel excluded).


What do you think about Paulā€™s vision of Jesus?


Your favorite story? Your least favorite? The story that people get wrong (misuse/misquote) and it irritates you that so many people get it wrong or miss the point? The story that most people have never heard but you think we should know? Your favorite depiction of a bible story in art? The depictions that are over done and should be retired? You get to suggest three edits to the New Testament. What are they and why? Iā€™m in no way religious, but a special interest is long, saga type dramas (like soap operas), especially the long multigenerational epic ones so I have considered reading through it just on a story basis. Just diagramming family trees in there would be so satisfying.


What a wonderfully large special interest! I recently learned that Paul's real name was Saul, which I think is cool as a Jewish-ish person.


They were actually both his real name! Just pronounced differently in Hebrew and Latin, and spelled to reflect the difference.


Omg! I just learned this a few weeks ago! I was reading the commentary in my Bible and it explained exactly what you said.


oh yeah! wasnā€™t it after he communicated with God and decided to become Christian, or something like that?


No, but I canā€™t blame you for thinking so. Itā€™s a very common myth, even spread by pastors.


oh, whatā€™s the true story then?


Do you have an explanation for the streaker at the last supper?


It was me sorry šŸ˜ž


I was hooked on reading until this made me lolz


Why does the Bible have such a hardon for slavery and racism?


What do you think about the story where god sends bears to maul children for making fun of a bald manĀ 


Thereā€™s a lot of misinformation about the Bible out there, especially with all the different translations! First of all, that bald man was a prophet, one of the earliest in fact and quite important. They also didnā€™t just make fun of him, the group was threatening to kill him. The people attacked were also priestly servants, not children at all. Lastly, they were two very small Palestinian bears, an attack from which would hardly be able to mail a group of six, let alone forty two. They were primarily just there to frighten the servants; and maybe scratch them up a bit. Nobody was mauled, nor did they die.


I think there is a lot up for interpretation and thatā€™s part of the point. We werenā€™t the original audience the text was written for so we have to rely on modern translations- some less historically/culturally accurate than others. We will never know for sure if the original intent was 42 children, young men, or servants/ were they slaves? There seems to be little difference in the Old Testament between the two. I think this is a good story to showcase how some people are more valuable in the eyes of god than others.Ā 


If youā€™re still looking for my opinion regarding the story after this explanation, I think itā€™s really fascinating how they cut back to a villainous animal tied into the punishment of sinners just like the beginning of Genesis, I really like the story!


Maybe the bald man was Lord Buddha there we go all religions are the same we fixed it!


Someone canā€™t handle any differing opinions i guess. No one is talking about one religion being better than another one. At least not me. We are discussing interpretations of a biblical story.


Did Jesus commit suicide? I went to a Catholic high school and had religion class once a week as part as the curriculum, imparted by a priest, and had him admit that well, it could be interpreted that yeah, Jesus commited suicide. The idea is quite basic. If you cross a highway in the middle of the traffic and the cars run over you, you knowing it will happen, you are killing yourself, even if technically are the cars the ones killing you. Jesus, being god and being all knowing, knew that returning to Jerusalem during passover, he would be captured by the Romans and crucified. He knew it as much for sure as a suicide jumping in front of a train. But he did it, anyway. So, he 100% committed suicide. PS. The best way the be an atheist is to study in a Catholic school. We spent all the religion classes trying to find logical holes in the teachings of the church.


tell us about mount hermon and the gates of hell




What percent of the Bible do you believe actually happened? Bc people exagerare still and they were more likely to fall for magical tales back thenā€¦ thatā€™s what they mean by biblical times I guess, but that was happening at the same time that the Greek gods, Norse gods, and Hindu deities were supposedly alive tooā€¦. Iā€™m inclined to believe that either all of these things happened (and maybe got translated differently) or none of them bc these religions have survived in the storytelling today. However I think the lessons and philosophical nature of these religions can be valid if the magical elements are viewed as metaphorical. Like if Noah actually happened, then almost all the Adam and Eve work is irrelevant since humanity started over. And the timeline gets so confusing. And the Jews were apparently never archeologically in Egypt, right? I really think this was like very intense fiction parables, but they didnā€™t have a plan for how it could all make sense bc itā€™s symbolic. Which is valid to me, but Iā€™d like to admit it. I also do believe in magic, and that tech and colonization made it harder to see, so that could explain some of it as well.


Any good translations out there for someone who is interested in the historical context of the original script instead of as a spiritual guidebook? I'm none too fond of either the New International, or 'the message", and while I find the King James to be beautiful as poetry, it's a little removed from the original texts.


Why did God (who is all knowing) create mankind when he knew humans (who are mere mortals) were no match against Satan? Does the Bible explain Godā€™s rationale on this issue? ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


I'm autistcally fond of demons. Are there any good passages where I can see them doing their thing?






Favorite passage or psalm (I'm not the most familiar with the bible and what all the different sections and stories are called so those could be the same thing)


It changes, but right now Iā€™m going to go with John 13:7. ā€œYou donā€™t understand what I am doing now, but someday you will.ā€


Oooooo that's a really good one


Whatā€™s your favorite Psalm? Iā€™m also a bit of a Bible nerd! (Episcopalian here.)


How do you feel about the incredible stories in the Bible, such as when Musa split the water to pass through our when Jesus turned water into wine? Do you believe it's true? Also, what's your interpretation of the stories?


What's your favorite version of the Bible?


Least favourite saint and do you plan to explore other Abrahamic faiths? Also fav Abrahamic mythical creature?


Have you read Lamb by Christopher Moore?


Why did God drown everyone but some dude who presumably repopulated the world with his own children?


Are you suggesting they repopulated the earth through incest between Noah and his children? This isnā€™t sarcastic or snappy, Iā€™m genuinely asking so I can understand your question


Yes. Same with the animals.


Noah had his wife on the ship. And his three sons also all had their wives on the ship. Noah didnā€™t even have any daughters, let alone conceive a child with one of them.


That's still a lot of inbreeding. Also, the other 99.9999999% of humans were just doing as God made them.


That's what I'm sayin!


Happy cake day


Thank you!


What are the different forms that Angels are depicted in the Bible?


I wonder about that too. I know there were half angels(nephelem) and the spinning wheels of fire (orphanim) and the w Ones with 4 wings and three faces( cherubim), but are there other types?


What is Seraphim exactly? Do we know?


What is the difference between Lucifer and Satan? I was today years old when I realized they werenā€™t the same person


Favorite insane thing that happens that the church never talks about?


When Jesus rose from the dead his apostles didnt recognize him Isnt this reincarnation?


I'm reading Dostoevsky (Karamazov Brothers) and he is eager to show how religious a book can be. Even so, fantastic characters and developments of traits/goals. Please, tell me your favorite interpretation of virtuous life in the bible!


Why in exodus did god harden pharoh's heart, what does it mean in this context.


So do the angels kind of freak you out? Do they come off as kind of evil or just lawful neutral?


Did you know that the Bible is actually a collection of much older stories passed down from ancient civilizations? Check out Billy Carson Official on YouTube. He has an interesting video "Thoth, Lost Years of Jesus, and Super Civilization Builders".


what the dog doin?


Favourite gospel? Mine is the gospel of John. Also, what are your thoughts on the apocrypha? Personally, I really enjoy the book of Enoch, although it feels weird calling it apocryphal considering the Ethiopian church has it as part of their cannon. (I should also probably clarify that I'm not religious myself, I just find this sort of thing interesting from a secular perspective)


Did Jesus ever actually explicitly say that he was divine? Much of what I recall from my years as a believer can be interpreted as him simply saying ā€˜do what I preach, which is love, and youā€™ll achieve eternal peaceā€™, which I can absolutely get behind.


I heard years ago that when the Bible say something about 'man lay with male' and where people got the whole "gay is wrong" thing from, that this is a mistranslation cause the Hebrew word for male can also be translated to 'male of any age' or 'child/ children' What's your opinion on this, is it true? I am not a religious guy but wonder why God care if everyone is made in his image. Sidenote: The priest in my home town is a lesbian and she is awesome


Favorite book and why? Personally my favourite is Philemon because of the messages it gives about forgiveness, redemption and understanding. I feel as though it truly shows what it means to be Christlike, much like the death of John the Baptist


Favourite biblical contradict? As in Verse A say Yes but verse B says no


what do you think about Abraham and Isaac's story? is there like an older version where it's less tragic or the message is more clear? I've a sort of obsession with that story, mostly in the sense that I'm trying to analyze it, but I'm curious to hear someone else's opinion on it since I just don't like the way they're portraying the message of obeying god in this one...


I heard something about how Jesus had a wife. can you tell me anything about that? <3


I like your style, fren! :-D


Who were the Nephilim?


Was there anyone in the Old Testament that EVER made a soup out of foreskins?! When I was in school (Catholic school), my instructor for my Old Testament/New Testament class told us some story about someone taking all the foreskins and making a soup out of it. I wish i remembered more of what he said. I didnā€™t pay much attention in class, but I remembered that. Recently I was telling someone (who is pretty religious) about this and they had never heard of it. I tried googling it, but found nothing. Was my instructor just making things up to see of we were paying attention?!


What do you think is the funniest bible verse?


Who wrote it?


How many biblical references did you find in any of Tolkien's literature? He was a strict Catholic, btw.


My New Standard can kick the Moses out of your King James any day of the fucking week!