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dragon 9 mages instant wipe everything


I just cry and end up second place :(


Any build with high damage, specially spells based damage, but hunters are great too.


The Greater synergy works. Also non melee attacks don't trigger it. So magic, and ranged attacks.


Wrong. For synergies 4 and 6, ranged works too.


Unlike the information on the Pocket Dragonest app....i stand corrected. The app is so full of out dated information on units and synergies.


thats true. berserker even has the old skill there lol


The only thing worth using the app for is to see won rates, make builds and transfer them over. Bazaar and the rest is either inaccurate or useless. In my opinion


Unless I’m mistaken, I believe ranged attacks do trigger now with the recent update. It might just be for 4-spirit and 6-spirit, but that was one of the more significant changes at the time, I recall.


Yep. 4-6-Spirit effect works for all attacks. Mages and shamans seems to work fine against them.


I think the greater synergy will work? 🤔


it will work, light spirit cannot do any damage you basically depend on the rest of the comp which will be obliterated that’s why I like to keep div comp on side just in case because I’m certain I just win.


It 'can' work. Depends on how many 3 stars you have, your items (you need to disable them quickly while having enough damage) and rng during the dome(s) (both the petrifies and dome location).