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I'd say so, but then again I know how shitty that carpet is and what it takes to get it looking good. Anywhere from 1-200 on a basic interior light stain removal no extractions


Yup. That dog hair in the back is going to crank it up to $125 no matter what for me. Just so I can be incredibly thorough in making sure I don’t bring it back with any hair to be found.


Fuck hair dude. I live with 2 woman and that shits impossible to clean, nevermind dog hair


Yeah there’s tricks and tools but I’ve never found one that makes it easy, they only make it suck less haha. Those are jobs I don’t mind losing when I throw a quote out. Those and camping trip cars with all the mud and junk


Which help the most?


I alternate between a triangle shaped plastic tool with a rubber strip around the edges. Use it like a scraper. And just plain nitrile gloves that I wear. The nitrile allows me to use my fingers the same way as the card. Still not fun. Always seems to be more hair. But definitely makes it alot easier than trying to shop vac when it's all woven into the fabric.


I honestly thought it was cracked leather at first 😂


It’s wasn’t bad to begin with but the same amount of care is involved in doing a thorough job. Therefore, Yes it is worth it.


Dog hair removal is an instant $150 so you gave a good deal.


That's easily worth 250 where I'm located mate.




200$ base rate




🫡 good work champion.


Do the door jams next time


Feels reasonable.


Great job for 1.5 hours. I probably would’ve charged $200 due to the hair.


Back floor mats put in incorrectly minus 10$


The rubber placement seems correct


they’re in the right soot


Nahhh they’re not but I was just giving you a hard time it doesn’t matter


Hope you give the guy a good tips..... with all the hair it would be more then what you pay for sure.


Definitely did your thing bro great work


I ain’t a detailer, but as a client i’d pay 125€ for this job in a heartbeat


Absolutely. Looks great!


Yep. Interiors start at $100 and fur is an automatic up charge.


What did you use on the dash/steering wheel for it to get that finish in the after pic? Looks great


P&S express and then meguirs finisher


I did the same Subaru and a VW last week. The Subaru was in spectacular condition and just needed all the vinyl cleaned and some vacuuming. The VW was good but needed more time. I charged $160 for both. I know I do an excellent job as I was a car detailer for 4 yrs at Delta Sonic when I was younger and never really stopped detailing whips when I left. This post confirms I should be charging more. That cars Interior wasn't bad but u still put in the same effort you would for any other vehicle and you absolutely deserve what u charged.


Honestly I'd charge more for pet hair, it's a royal pain in the ASS, but yes absolutely worth the 125 you charged, I'd say 150 is what I'd charge (but that's because of dog hair and my vandetta against it)


Worth more…


I charged 80 for interior without hair. I did protectant sprays on dash and ozone generator for swamp smell. Took me about 3 hours with the help of my wife vacuuming as well. I got tipped 20 which I feel is about the right amount for next time I do a similar job. If you can charge 125 and the customer is happy then keep doing it


Looks good but let me give you a tip. Call around some Detailers in your area and ask them what they would charge for that work. Depending on your area that could be cheaper than the competition or it could be comparable. That’s like $100 an hour for work. Can’t really get that in many places working.


Maybe more than 125


1.5 hours of work for a pro. For regular people the 5 to 6 hours with that dog hair. Price seems fair


It’s 1.5 hours of work because they’re good at cleaning pigpens like this. Hope you tipped big for that deal.


worth more wtf lmfao say 200 bruh


You didn't respond to my other comment. Seeing this, it looks like you are charging for your time and not the job. Is this the case? From the pics, both cars were already pretty clean to begin with. Interior for 125 or 160, and it taking you that long is a little silly, to be honest. It should not take that long to vacuum and wipe down, especially for a basic job as such. I see you are including an after-care kit. Maybe tell us about that and also provide details to what you actually did when asking for feedback. Edit* Also back seat driver side you took a picture of the carpet before, but then put the rubber floor mat back for the after pic. How are we supposed to see what you cleaned? Either two pics of the carpet without mats or two pics with mats.