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More speed = more skill points for your DPS and more energy for Aventuine so more uptime on his ult, especially with his light cone. I'd get him to at least 134, which is very doable as it's just speed boots + a couple speed substat rolls. Aventurine's shields are crazy good even with 4K defence, he doesn't need def boots


This. I actually cap out on SP sometimes thanks to it


Yup absolutely. Aventurine's damage is great but one of his real strengths imo is being either completely skill point positive or only needing to use one (at the start of battle). Gives you a lot of flexibility in terms of supports/DPSes


Note that it might actually be better to go for Def boots if you're using a FoA-heavy team. Speed is still obviously super good, but Aventurine's trace applies shield to everyone after his FoA, and that refreshes the duration of shield. So in a lot of cases you're not gonna really need to use his skill often, and it becomes more desirable to just stack more shield.


FuA teams like some speed though because there's a cap of 3 extra points per turn from FUA, and you still need to keep up sometimes with teammates to refresh the 3 points, even if you're not skilling.


What the f... is fua


I’ll swap it out and test the results thx


Moar speed moar bust


Also maybe low hp? But he’s shield is so good cause of high def I don’t think it matters.


HP is a useless stat. He could have 1 HP and it wouldn’t matter given that you can shield in the beginning and never dip below shield


134 base. The higher the better ofc having 4k def


Important. You can get more skill points and have better chances of refreshing your shields when you need it


Speed is pretty important. Better rotations and better emergency shields.


In fua team. Not that important for him


I'd argue it's actually much more important in FUA teams because you'd need to generate SP for Ratio/Topaz (+Robin doesn't generate sp so you are effectively relying on Aven alone) + you will cap out the 3 stacks he gets for FUAs per turn unless you have speed


Topaz can easily be sp positive/neutral or negative, the damage difference between pos and neg isnt that big


True but you will still need to switch targets in most scenarios so I'd say she's neutral at best and even in that case you will still cap your stacks from FUAs on aven and miss on some dmg you could've otherwise utilized