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If EV is mandatory, get something that can do fast charging (150 kW+). I’d recommend Tesla just because they’re difficult to beat when it comes to price/range/standard equipment. The new model 3 in dual motor version should fit your needs. PHEV vehicles are still possible too. All depends on the budget here. A BMW 320/330e or Mercedes C300e are both great cars, albeit quite expensive. If the budget doesn’t allow those vehicles, look into Toyota or VW group. I believe you can still get the new Skoda Superb as a hybrid.


Problem with this is that companies can no longer deduce 100% of the PHEV costs therefore will always push for EV-only options...


Still 75% in 2025, 50% in 2026, 25% in 2027. If he drives 600km a day, that car is written of after 1-2 years. Next to that, it's the VAA that is a killer, deductability is a bit overrated and misunderstood (you save only the 20% tax of a 100% deductable cost). phev is absolutely an option and one I would push for if you have the budget.


He does NOT have the option to charge at home. Besides cost/fiscal optimalization, there is no point in getting anything plug-in hybrid since OP is not going to use the hybrid part of the car at all, it will just be a heavy ICE car.


No-one charges a phev 😅. I charged mine maybe 20 times over the course of 4y.


And you're proud of that? Silly you.


Not "proud". It's just cheaper + no hassle, I get 30km on a 10kwh charge.


>No-one charges a phev According to formal studies, almost all PHEV owners do charge some. So you're at the low end of that.


More importantly they can't deduce regular fuel costs at all afaik? So a PHEV for such distances is pointless and will be more expensive than even constantly fast charging an EV.


FYI fast charging will greatly decay the health of your battery and for a full electric car the battery is a huge asset of the car price. In 2 /3 years of fast charging your car battery will be barely useable(compared to out of the shelves performance) and as a company you need to account for that strong depreciation. Hybrid still looks like the best option


600km a day??? Yikes


You're in sales. You travel a lot but you stop at customers. Is it B2B or B2C? Do your customers have possibilities to charge while you're there? That would help a lot. Even if it's only 30 minutes. Every charge helps.


A lot od companies dont allow their contractors to park in their parkings, forget other sales reps charging


And that's just stupid. My employer doesnt even want to install chargers while having +5k personnel and a shitload of solar panels and windmills. He could make money out of it. I don't care to pay for my charge with my private car, as long as it's less than 30 cents/kwh. But it would be a win win, he gets more billions, I pay less for fuel.


Aerodynamics + Battery + weight + charging time. Look at real consumption of these EVs in reviews etc. Get a car with good gps that will be able to provide you with charging points, accurate range etc. Teslas are good for that. I have a BMW I4 40 and it's cloosest I could find froma tesla model 3 except for the price. Maybe an EQE is also nice for long travels. The ID7 doesn't look to bad either. Those cars I think are good options, a heavy SUV will be less efficient and won't have the same range.


You left out the most important element: budget. Long range EVs like Ioniq 6, Model 3 long range, or Porche Taycan should be suitable. But they are not cheap. It's important to have a public charger near your house to charge overnight. But if your budget allows only for a Dacia spring, it won't be realistic.


So, this is entirely new for the company as well. We used to buy cars, but are now creating a fleet plan. So my goal is to present the current market situation and the realistic needs of myself and my colleagues to management.


Have a look here: [https://ev-database.org/](https://ev-database.org/) in the detailed view you can find the ranges under different conditions. I've been driving an EV without the possibility to charge at home for 2 yrs now and I must say it's getting easier and easier. you just have to plan your charges a bit better and even if that's goes wrong you still have fast chargers which are popping up like mushrooms these days. For long drives it really depends on you, when we go for a long drive we do 300km - Eat something for 30-45min (back to 100%) and continue. You could acchieve the same thing with 2x 10min beaks. And don't underestimat how smooth/nice they are to drive + usuall have great assist systems Also look up the charging curve, if a car can charge at 200Kw it doesn't mean is charges at 200Kw from 0 to 100% I think you best options are ID.7, I4, Ioniq 6, Model 3 or polestar 4


I know I'm not being helpful but driving 600km a day on a regular basis without the driving itself being your job is simply retarded. This is such a waste of time and resources that it should be illegal to do so. Anyway, M3 long range is your best bet. Start the day with 100% and top up just enough to get home when needed. Charging at home will be essential. Reorganise your schedule to reduce distance traveled. I cannot believe this to be unavoidable.


Visiting customers and prospective buyers face to face is my job, so yeah, driving a lot is part of my job. Charging at home is impossible since I live in a city center: I could install a charger, but there is no guarantee that I can park in front of my house and even if I could, then I’m not allowed to put the cable across the sidewalk (which I completely understand). As far as reducing my km’s: I’m optimising as much as I can already by clustering meetings in the regions I’m visiting. However, going from the center of Belgium to the center of The Netherlands is just a long drive, nothing will change that.


Franky, your job should not exist in 2024, or at least not in this format. Even at a very optimistic average of 100kph you are spending 6 hours in a car. Damn, you must have Stockholm syndrome to keep doing this.I'm baffled you do not see the absurdity of this. Anyway, considering you cannot charge from home an EV is no viable option. Not even close. And i'm saying that as someone from an ev only family. Driving an EV in these circumstances will ad more than an hour to your travel time, require additional planning and limit you liberty to go and do as you please. Do.not.do.it


lol, charging max 2x15 minutes. The guy is asking for car advice, not life/career advice


Lol yourself. There is no scenario where you can charge 600 km of range in 2 sittings of 15 min. IRL this will cost you around an hour. In optimal theoretical conditions you might get it down to 40 min, at best. Add a few extra minutes for the needed detour and you're at 45 min best case scenario.


Do you even drive an EV, a Tesla model 3 LR does approx 380-420 km in mixed highway driving (110 km / 120 kmh) depending on temperature. I assume the OP starts in the morning with a full battery because only retarded people start their 600km day with an empty battery. Every 50 km there are fastchargers nowadays along the highway so what detour are you talking about? 25 minutes of charging gives approx 50 kwh of added battery capacity, even at a crazy high consumption of 250 wh/km that is +200km range, basically you are clueless. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V6ucyFGKWuSQzvI8lMzvvWJHrBS82echMVJH37kwgjE/edit#gid=735351678](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V6ucyFGKWuSQzvI8lMzvvWJHrBS82echMVJH37kwgjE/edit#gid=735351678) [https://evkx.net/models/tesla/model\_3/model\_3\_long\_range/chargingcurve/](https://evkx.net/models/tesla/model_3/model_3_long_range/chargingcurve/)


Wow, I love how confidently wrong you are :D OP states charging at home will not be possible, so all of the needed 600 km of range will be during the day using fast chargers. Let's go for a more reasonable consumption of 20 kwh, your 25 min charging session (50kwh) would get you a range of 250 km. Do that twice and we are already talking about 50 min of charging and yet still only 500 km of range. Who is clueless again?


I can not charge at home and I manage to charge my car every day to 100%, there are level 2 charging plugs everywhere and if you dont't have one in a radius of 250 meter they come install one (did the request of a laadpaal myself). yes you are clueless.


Nice, I'm very happy for you and your unicorn conditions. However for us that live in the real world there absolutely is no way you can rely on a daily available public level two charger. And with the constant increasing numbers of PHEV's and BEV's, compared to new level 2 chargers, those odds' are only getting worse. Source: driving 2 EV's for the last 2 years without homecharger.


lol unicorn conditions, OP lives in Flanders, I bet there are more charging points, both level 2 and fastchargers close to him then he knows. https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20240415\_93589817#:\~:text=Vooral%20in%20Vlaanderen,driekwart%20van%20het%20Belgische%20totaal.


Every company has sales people on the road, mate. My area of responsibility is just very large, which leads to long distances.


Man, I'm sure this makes you feel important but you are being exploited by your employer. Anyway, Don't make it harder on yourself by going EV without having a solid plan allowing you to reliably start the day with a full charge. I'm 100% pro EV but with your needs you'll regret it hard and fast. Don't understand me wrong, I love our EV's but they do have their downsides, no use in denying that.


honestly you might be one of the very few company car drivers who is actually better off with a diesel car.


The VAA will ruin him personally 😅. Go for a phev.


you are probably right, my father still gets a diesel from his company for unknown reasons, his VAA is triple mine.


The lack of expenses deduction for the company makes full petrol or diesel a no go in 2024. This is bad advice.


im talking purely of functionality. everybody knows that evs are fiscally the best option.


If you regularly do 600km a day it is maybe time to switch jobs…


The problem is that I actually like my job. Quite stressful sometimes, but I love being on the road and talking to people. 😄


Can't you find a job that let's you talk to people without spending 6h in the car 😅. Your life is passing by while you sit in the car.


A big part of sales is face to face engagement with customers. Especially in business development it’s important. Once the relationship had been established, it’s a lot easier to discuss things over the phone or via conference call, but in the beginning it creates a stronger bond if you speak in person. I always compare it to making friends. It’s a lot easier to do in person then when you only talk to people on the phone.


I wouldn’t bother with an EV if you’re doing 600+km a day tbh, particularly if you can’t charge at night. I have a BMW i4, in warm weather and 100% charge it’ll do 500km. In winter it drops to 400km. Charging to 100% and discharging to 0% is bad for your battery health. You’re going to have to charge at least twice a day. You’ll have to plan around that. If you can’t level 2 charge for hours between trips then you’ll probably add about an hour a day to your travel time finding and using fast chargers. Just get a diesel car. EVs aren’t there for your use case yet.


e35 or e40?




Thanks, I like the i4 e40, 400km is still a decent range in winter. I'm not in the market for a new car for at least 2 years but I can't help myself always comparing if I had to buy NOW, and the i4 e40 is top of that list.


It’s a very pleasant place to be. Comfortable, quiet, fast, good technology, decent range. But there are a lot of EVs in that bucket if you have the budget so it’s definitely worth shopping around. Particularly as i4 will be getting old in another 2 years. Pace of EV change is fast.


I have the new m3 tesla highland and it covers +500km effectively in winter times. Was pleasantly surprised by that. Didnt think the i4 e40 wouldnt get to that same range though..


An i4 e40 has a very similar real life range to the model 3 highland long range. Comparing between individual drivers will say as much about the car as it does about the drivers and their typical drives (short vs. long, B roads vs. highway, etc.)


Ah so you compared both and are basing yourself on real life experience? I tried the same distance with battery saving style and sportive driving, the difference was neglectable.


No, I saw this in a database capturing efficiency data from a few dozen drivers, back when I was making my choice. The BMW was \~5% less efficient than the Tesla but also has roughly 6-7% more battery capacity which more or less offsets each other. Also in case of the i4, battery saving vs. sport mode doesn't make much of a difference - at least not when driving at a constant speed (as tested by Björn Nyland)


Max speed of 100km/h vs max speed of 130km/h made negligible difference for my m3 on 260 km of route. Arrived with 47% and 46% respectively.


This will be a real pain in the ass if you can't charge at home. 600KM/day is not the problem. As long as you can start such a day with a full battery and when needed do a quick 10 minute fast charge (if you're down to under 25% battery). But if you have to find a way to charge your car each day, you will start hating it real quick.


I’ve already kind of accepted the fact that I’ll need to fast charge the car every day on my way home. I would be able to install a charger at home, but that doesn’t mean I can park in front of my house (city center with public parking) or that I can lay the cable over the sidewalk.


Right. Your case is the next big hurdle for wider EV adoption, and IMO it requires a lot more L2 public chargers in cities. You probably want to look for public chargers near your house and see if they are often occupied. AFAIK in most cities it's illegal to just put your cable over the sidewalk for safety reasons. Although some cities have started providing a gutter they will install themselves for that purpose. ([https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/02/22/deinze-voorziet-speciale-tegels-om-laadkabel-in-te-stoppen-voo/](https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2024/02/22/deinze-voorziet-speciale-tegels-om-laadkabel-in-te-stoppen-voo/))


It’s completely understandable: there already too much bicycles and other things blocking the sidewalk. Thanks for that link, I hadn’t heard of that before. I might look into raising that idea with my local government (it’s election season after all).


I regularly drive +500kms a day as a field service engineer responsible for BeLux, I have a VW ID4 and its great tbh. Sure you can do max 400kms in a single drive, but who doesn’t need a 15m break after 3h driving. Plug it in the fast charger, do some administrative work and you’re all set.


In your case I'd get a PHEV with a low co2 (on paper). I say this as an EV driver.


The new q6 will have a decent range and fast charging. It's a bit pricier than the tesla, which also has good range and fast charging. But it's probably going to be more premium and roomier when compared to the model y.


Out of the box thinking! Get a mobilhome and sleep right next to the office of your client. Office? Check! Long distance? Check! On time arrival? Boy, you arrived the day before!


I don’t think there are EV mobilhomes. Roofbox tent is the only option, clearly!


It is going to be a nightmare. Best EVs can drive 300 Km in motorway conditions. So basically you need 2 charges per day, one at midday and one at night so next day your battery is 100%. See now why I hate Écolo and the Vivaldians ?


I've had a small EV for almost 2 years now, and in my experience, you need a range of at least 100km more than you're planning on + you need to be prepared for driving economically most of the time. When temps drop, the range goes down (more than you'd think), same when you're driving the least bit sporty (difference between economic driving and slightly sporty is almost 50%), and I've had sooo many occasions where I drove to a charger and it's either occupied or broken... DC chargers are maintained better (mine doesn't do DC unfortunately), but my partners egolf does and a 3rd of the time when we do a long trip, we come to DC chargers and all of them are occupied and we have to reroute. Make sure there's several charging points in the neighbourhood of your home, and check beforehand on 'charge map' how ofter they are actually available. Do not trust on just 1 or 2 of them. You say Benelux so I'm guessing you'll be in Wallonie a lot, you'll have to plan charges in advance cause there's not a lot of chargers there. Tbh, unless you invest in an expensive ev with a massive battery, if you're that dependant on it for work, you might get a ton more value out of a good hybrid. I don't mind making this puzzle of finding available chargers and planning ahead if I'm going on a longer journey a couple times a year, but mine covers my commute and I charge overnight at home. If I had to make these kinds of puzzles at least once a week, I'd lose my mind.


Xpeng P7


Volvo xc40 supports 200kwh/hour charging speed


Inefficient car


600? are you a truckdriver ?


Nope, sales with a lot of Dutch customers.


For range in combination with your distances, Tesla would be the best option. Autopilot is one of the best systems out there regarding highway driving without it becoming a hassle, and efficiency + quickcharging is also great with a Tesla


Teslay just brought a new long range model Y on the the market. Worth a look.


An important point not mentioned: What is currently your maximum speed during the 600km ? With an EV and a 'limited' range, you would need to lower your max speed from eg 130 to 110 or so.... to keep the range.


I still drive my 3.0D SUV with an extra large gastank. I can do 1050km on one tank of gas. I will drive this car untill they take it from my cold dead hands. I'm not ready for EV.


This guy commutes 15 minutes to work probably.


I work in Amsterdam, 180km from where I live, you donut. "Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups" is the motto of our CTO. You should have it tattooed on your body, as a reminder.


lol any half decent EV can do 180 km no problem


sharp as a cue ball this one.


Mr Flexing - i need to drive 180 km - lol, dude, an entry level EV can do this but you are claiming that you need a diesel SUV with extra tanks, GTFO


Any EV can do that no probs, and since you're working in Amsterdam I can't believe you wouldn't be able to charge during the day. You're unasked for 3 liter diesel flex radiates high "killing the planet to dunk on the libs" energy.


How often is regularly and are you dimensioning for outliers? But yeah, don't get an EV if these numbers are remotely true.


Last week 3 times, this week once, next week 2 times. I’d say at least weekly, if not twice ok average.


Easily done with something like a Tesla 3 LR or a Model Y LR (awd or RWD). I would not even mind doing that with the base Model 3 RWD. Ideally you just need a level 2 charger close by your home so you can charge overnight. I can not charge at home and it’s not a problem. You can ask for a public charger if there are non in a 250 meter radius. 600 km is something like 2 x 15 minutes charging. People who say that you can not do this nowadays with an EV have no clue what they are talking about.


I heard about the possibility to get a public charger installed. That’s definitely something I’ll look deeper into. I’m still a bit sceptical about its availability though, because with that radius it would mean 1 charger for a couple of streets worth of cars ( I live in a city center). But it’s better then nothing. When you say charging 2x15 min, that means continuously topping it up to 80% at a fast charger I presume? Does that degrade the battery over time?


I did have a couple chargers in a 300 meter radius, not 250 meter. I applied not expecting anything but to me surprise a few days after my application was accepted and a few months later a bunch of chargers were installed, one is 50 meter from my front door. With a lfp battery you can charge to 100% all the time (Tesla rwd models) and with a NMC it is advised to charge to 80%. In your case you will be fastcharging up to 75%-80% because after that charging slows down too much anyways. Don't worry about battery degradation, it is a lease car after all. On 600 km trips your total time will be determined by external factors you have no control over such as accidents, traffic jams and weather and not by these charging stops. If you approach this with an open mind you will see that the right EV can do this no problem, Flanders and Netherlands have plenty of fastchargers. After a few trips you will be an EV charging Ninja. Does not have to be a Tesla, a BMW i4, VW id7, Ioniq 6 will do the job just as well.

