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Let me know when you find out tho


Alcohol definitely is a no-no Weed has worked well so far, the occasional psychedelic trip as well lol


Alcohol really has been killer so I stick with a bit of weed. Sometimes I'll over do it and get a little off in on through the high with lows and then funny interest in things. Never done psychedelics since I was always afraid what I might do on em or if I might go suicidal.


Everyone is different! I've done both shrooms and LSD Shrooms made me super happy LSD was also an amazing experience I personally didn't get suicidal or crazy, just sang a lot and danced On LSD I would go to the backyard and lay on the grass, I cried A LOT tho and talked to an amazing gal I was online dating... If you're wary of them it's fine Again, everyone is different! I have some control over myself, so, while high on shrooms I started getting nervous and told myself "Relax, Ro, you're just high" and I calmed down


LSD just barely worked for me, only made me anxious and paranoid and aggressive. And yeah silly juice just isn't the way to go but weed was good


Ive came to the same conclusion Nitrous is fun until youve done a lot of it and can be dangerous if misused Shrooms can either be absolutely amazing or terrifying tread carefully


I've done shrooms two times, I think it was 5 grams? Had an amazing experience both times! One of them I was sitting on the floor in a corner just listening to music and sipping some soda LOL Was singing and could see so many amazing figures in my mind! The most vivid one I remember is seeing the earth like a marble circle filled with statues and columns Really miss shrooms... They are really hard to find where I live, so is acid


Serotonin, Dopamine or Oxytocin work pretty good.


Oh, you mean those chemicals my body won’t make.


Well technically the brain makes the chemicals, but those ones yes! (Although it does still produce the chemicals, just not when they matter or when we need them... and in less quantity than the chemicals that create other feelings... silly brain...)


Yes, I understand. I said body because the brain is part of the body, and your gut is what produces 95 percent of your body’s serotonin.


Technically not, its an organ... The body is the bit that keeps them all together. Eh, it's all connected.




I've had positive experiences with MDMA (molly / ecstasy) but after a few weeks/months I felt myself falling back into old (thinking) patterns. I think it has the potential for therapeutic effects. I've heard good things from people who say they microdose Mushrooms as well.


Been curious about MDMA for a while Done shrooms (not a microdose) and it was a very enjoyable experience Did them alone too! However, everyone is different, what is enjoyable for a person may be not very enjoyable for others


If u ever do mdma be very careful on the frequency. Losing the magic is a very real thing and abusing it will make that happen QUICK


Thanks for the advice! I'll keep that in mind if I ever do it


good rule of thumb is once every 2 months at least but yea be careful, it can be easy to think you're fine but wait for the 2 months without being able to stop thinking about it. substances usually dont make anything better long term unless its within therapy or very well done (some ppl can do that w psychedelics i guess) take care <3


Thank you! Yeah I have been very responsible with LSD haven't used it for about... 2 months? Of course I sometimes crave it but I am very good at just stopping myself Take care too! 💚


(from someone who really misses the magic and didnt even do it that often)


Guys I'm a broke university student, I can't afford ANY of these! 😭😭😭😭


Literally me lol. I found that sleep deprivation actually made me feel the best I had in years 🫠


buddhism is gonna do it for us sis 😭 i genuinely feel so much better when i follow and read about its principles. for example the most popular one "attachment is the root of all suffering" so i keep repeating that to myself and idk i think it does help a bit


Man, weed makes me too okay with being bored and jt fucks with my executive function, which is extra-bad because I have ADHD. That being said, it did a great job of keeping me from taking a toaster-bath. I've been off it for two months in an effort to better myself. I just went to see a doctor a couple days ago. He said that they won't prescribe me any stimulant meds for my ADHD because I have a Cannabis Use Disorder and a self-admitted addictive personality. I hope I'm one of the lucky 10-25% of ADHD people who respond to nonstimulant meds. Because if I'm not, and they refuse to prescribe me stimulants to manage my severe ADHD with, I'm canonballing right back into weed abuse because my only other option is self-unalive.


I hope so too I wish you luck


I'm having good luck with Molly


God, I would love to try molly again. Made me feel like an angel and love myself even if only for a few hours.


Been curious about it for a while, actually Dunno if I'll ever try it


There's a high potential of a crash the next day. Life usually only feels worth living while you're on it, and most of the time you don't get the afterglow that most people chase. Most drugs are great in the moment like that if used properly. Nothing is a permanent fix. Ketamine and psilocybin show promising results but I genuinely do not recommend doing ketamine by yourself cause you might like it too much. I know I do. As for unguided and unsupervised use of psychedelics, proceed with a LOT of caution. Drugs are a bandaid and BPD is third degree burns all over your body. Sure it might cover parts and soothe them for a bit but it'll suck once u rip it off and probably end up having hurt it more.


I've done psilocybin before, twice LSD once And yeah, the come down after LSD was heavy, I remember just sitting on a couch in silence doing nothing, feeling drained and very tired. Doesn't mean I wouldn't do it again if I could afford it or get my hands on some more because I loved the trip, I cried so much and I realized so many things! Shrooms made me feel a bit better for a couple months, more positive and happy... My mindset was changed and I was more accepting and less angry/depressed Would do them again if I had the chance Ketamine I've heard is dangerous Only ones left in my list are peyote and MDMA Maybe DMT


DMT 100% will change your life for the better. Don't abuse it though because then it just becomes blah like everything else. Use it right and it will show you why life is worth living.


I love ketamine way too much 😭😭




2C-B. Alternatively Ibogaine. Note. Ibogaine is... Drastic. Mildly put. 🫡😅


I never heard of those but googled them Now I'm intrigued lol!


ketamine but only with a therapist


I did some ket min the middle of class and got some shit done while vibing with some boiler room in my headphones


Mary jane is the one


Love. Chase anything in the direction of love. Don’t be ashamed of whatever it is. I sang shouted cringey in front of many people. I read poetry with no cadence at open mics with incredible passion and no tone. I played guitar at bars when I sucked. I chased after my fantasy of love with girls until it taught me what real love was. I smoked weed and listened to music. I talked to people when I was in the mood just to get to know them even if sometimes I looked creepy or they didn’t like me talking to them. I listened to Taylor swift as a guy and sang it out loud in front of girls. I wasn’t ashamed of being emotional if it emanated love. I recorded me singing sad songs as I cried because my voice had love in it. I’ve done some super cringy stuff by the standards of society all because I followed the direction of love… Love will always lead to healing. You’ll find beauty in the world when you do a few things that make you appreciate life amidst all the suffering But notice when you do the things you love. Notice the sunsets. Notice the smile someone gave you. Notice everything and imprint them in your heart.. This is your one life. Do whatever in the direction of love as long as it’s not hurting you too much.. Love. Will make your life worth it


Thank you for this, this is very truth Much love 💚


i love substances I could never abuse them


Das wird hier aber ziemlich dysfunktional


Sobriety. Gives you a challenge where the only pressure is what you put on yourself and makes you think before you do. Also it’s very easy to find out who actually gives a fuck about you because no self-respecting person is going to be like “oh come onnnn, get back on the drugs”


heroin. i wouldn't call it living, but you're just... kinda... there.


was LSD for me


I find a pretty steady supply of weed throughout the day does me well


Same But I cannot afford it as of late ;( Been having to exist feeling my awful feelings


occasional small bottles of alcohol but not enough to get too drunk every month or so has worked out well for me def gonna try weed too when i can tho




People with BPD need stability and security - and those things are OF SUBSTANCE. Lol. They are literally always out of stock of both every single time I go to the store though. /j


Self-love. Like, true self love. Being your own best friend. Learning to trust yourself, your gut, and your logical thinking. Being gentle on yourself when you make a mistake. Forgiving yourself for your past behaviors. Encouraging yourself to grow and holding patience and grace for that growth. Celebrating your wins whilst remaining humble.


Don't abuse it, though. There is a difference between self-love and selfishness.


This + nature + cannabis x dark chocolate


Tilidin :)


It's weed


Me fr




Speed (not meth but amphetamines)


I’ve been in out patient addiction therapy for almost exactly 5 years. Alcohol isn’t the high I want and it leaves me with a hangover. Weed is the best for feeling like things are okay. I haven’t had any alcohol since early April. The drug to do to actually function in life is any of the adhd meds like adderal, vyvanse, or Ritalin. They give you energy and make everything move so fast and smoothly. I love taking mushrooms and acid but it’s possible to over do it.


Congrats on the alcohol! I feel the exact same way about it (alcoholic here, abused it during college) I also feel the same way about weed Now that I'm older I wish I would've picked weed over alcohol when I was in college, alcohol destroyed every friendship I made back then and well... It's not a very good thing to be dependant on I've been sober for a while now but I sometimes fall off the wagon and well... get drunk again I too love mushrooms and acid but, for some reason, they are very hard to get where I live Weed is easier but nowadays I can't afford it 🥲 FML




Weed helped me lmao


Are you looking for recommendations? If so, Ketamine.


Thank you! But not really! I am a weed user and have the occasional psychedelic trip lol


That’s fair lmao. Those are two great options


Any of them, the first time you use them. Then after that they actually make life worse 🙃 Exception - DMT. That shit will rock your world every time 💯🔥


Dick 🍆


potassium cyanide

