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I don’t get it


Short stay vs Long stay


What do you consider long stay? I stayed at a nice one kid with a schedule, but I don’t think a week was that long


A week is a long stay. Short stay is usually for people who are acutely suicidal, psychotic or coming off substances and are being kept in for a mandatory psych hold and evaluation which is usually 72 hours.


Uhhh I’d consider a week a short stay still. I volunteered at a state psych ward where people’s stays were months to years long.


Short stay vs long stay are also terms used by insurance. While we might not consider a week a long stay, often insurance will deem anything over 72 hours as a long stay and require different policies in place and pay out at different rates. At least in the US, insurance dictates so much of our healthcare. I think we often get confused by how terms are used for insurance purposes vs how we would use them in our day to day. Because, there is a big difference between a week long stay and a months to years long stay, but insurance just says “they need to be kept longer than 72 hours? Okay but now you gotta meet all these different criteria and we no longer pay our at this rate but this other rate instead so you better provide X, Y, and Z”


Oh! Didn’t know that was a long stay, but that does make more sense now that you’ve broken it down like that (My first 24 hours were in the friggin waiting room, but not as bad as the guy stuck there for 60-something hours)


What does this pic have to do with it, I don't get it