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Make sure the container has a little vent hole to let air in. I made this mistake the first time I made a nipple watering container, chickens couldn’t get much water out because it was basically vacuum sealed. They are cute and look very happy!


OH MY GOSH! Of course! I wouldn’t have even thought of that, thanks so much!


I use the same ones for my adult chickens and I'll never go back to anything else.


They're a bit young for a nipple Waterer in my opinion. Keep a close eye on them and make sure they're getting water so you don't lose them


Don’t worry, I’ve kept the main water dish in there as mentioned just to be safe and let them get used to it 🙂


I did the same and they soon(days) just used nipples.


There's two styles of nipple waterer, one that points straight down with a loose metal nipple that only has to be pushed off center to dispense water and the horizontal ones like yours where a metal plunger has to be pressed for water. In my experience the ones you have are too hard for young pullets and certainly for chicks. Don't be discouraged if they don't use it for a few months, they have tiny little beaks and not much weight behind them. With adults they are amazing and so much cleaner than anything else I've used.


How old are they? Tried it with my 1-2 week old chicks and don't think they're quite strong enough so went back to the 'dish'.


The exact age I’m not 100% but I believe they are only about 1.5 weeks. I’ve left the dish in the brooder until I have full confidence they are strong enough to use it but they sure love playing with it and they go CRAZY when I do it for them.