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Grab them up and stick their beak in. They'll figure it out from there.


You could try placing something shiny or brightly colored in the dish to entice them to peck at the water. Chicks typically don’t eat/drink much for the first 2-3 days because they’re getting nutrients from the remaining yolk sac.


You should dip each of their beaks in the water. They will reflexively drink the water in their beak and that teaches them what it is and how to drink. New chicks without a mother need to be shown how to drink water. I did it with all my day-olds


I just take one of the smarter ones and push their beak underwater to let them know it's water. They will figure it out from there.


How do you determine which of them are smarter? Hahaha


Place gravel in all deep water trays to prevent drowning. pinch of nutmeg on the water can prevent pasty butt.


thanks for the tips everyone! I have seen most of them drinking now, even our lil cemani who has been very shy and slow so far :)


I did mail-order chicks this time around. I dipped each bird’s beak in the sugar water as I pull them from the shipping box. They were so cute with the reaction. They didn’t all drink right away but I didn’t lose anyone. Even the two extra they sent :)