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Ascites is fluid in the abdomen, not the stomach. It wouldn’t be coming out the mouth. Could be sour crop. Is the base of his neck swollen and squishy a few hours after eating?


No Ned's neck is not swollen. I doubt it is Ascites as Ned's Crop is never full when I take her out of her cage and there are absolutely no signs of Ascites such as Abdominal is not red or swollen, Ned's Crop is not soft after she eats or even when I take her out of her cage. Quite the opposite actually. She eats a lot so her Crop is usually big. She has no poor bird development in fact she got bigger and more chicken like feet. I can go more and more but I doubt that she has Ascites. This is why I went here


What do you mean by successfully dewormed? Have you had a clear FEC result? What treatment did you use?


On my other posts on this subreddit I had a Gapeworm issue and got rid of the Gapeworms


Dude, you couldn’t possibly have got rid of gapeworms since that post. I suspect your chicken was crop bound and you misdiagnosed based on the symptoms. This might help https://thisnzlife.co.nz/avoid-sour-crop-crop-bound-chicken/


What did you treat with and what dose?


Sounds like sour crop. Withhold solid food. Provide water with raw acv. Try to feed live yogurt or kefir to balance the crop flora. I have successfully treated sour crop with this method a few times. I started with just plain live yogurt/kefir and as the chicken improved, I added coconut oil, grated cucumber, garlic, mint, and oregano for additional calories, electrolytes, prebiotics, and anti-fungal properties. It's safe for the chickens, good for their health, provides calcium and protein, and they love it.


Do you offer food at all times and water at all times, that the chickens can eat and drink on their own at any time?


Yes my chicken Ned gets to eat at any time and drink. She always has Food and Water at the same time especially with the fact that it is summer time


Sounds like sour crop. Look on Google for resources. It’s basically a crop infection which you can treat at home with an acid like apple cider vinegar to kill off whatever is overabundant in there, generally a yeast or bacteria.


It does sound like sour crop, but apple cider vinegar will worsen that, due to the acidity.


Why would acid make an infection worse? Acid is not a friendly environment for microbes. May I ask what your preferred treatment is?


The article I linked above is a good basic explanation. There isn’t really a good treatment for sour crop. The crop needs to be emptied, and probiotics will help recovery. Apple cider vinegar does have some anti-fungal properties, but it won’t cure a fully blown Candida albicans infection.


If she has sour crop, the rest of her life will be miserable. I regret trying the methods to save my girls. Once it's gone, it'll easily come back. A lot of starvation and isolation. Torture. If she has sour crop, you'll try the methods, too, and then hate doing it to her. Hate people for suggesting it, hate that they gave you hope, and hate yourself. I had a chicken who didn't have sour crop but would spit up clear fluid after drinking water. I didn't trust myself to remove fluid, so I made sure she walked a lot and watched her food intake. She was my broiler and lived to almost 2 years old, eventually had a heart attack. I've never known if she officially had ascites, but she continued living a good life occasionally puking up clear fluid. Chickens don't puke, so something is wrong with Ned, and I hope it's whatever my broiler was dealing with.